Do You Read Mangas? Check this out~

Annyeong! I'm back~ ahahhaha I just wanted to share something to you guys. I really read a lot, mangas, fanfiction, horror stories, , fluff, angst, almost every genre I tried reading it. And ho my gosh asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm I REALLY REALLY WANT YOU TO READ THIS MANGA, ONLY ONE, OH, IT'S MANHUA I MEAN. like IF YOU LIKE , CRACK, COMEDY. YOU'LL LOVE THIS!!! I SWEAR!!! IT MADE ME ROFL, RLAB, OTL, orz, just just, amazing and I want you to at least sneak a peek on this manga, well it's manhua, it's called 19 Days, it's about his and his best friend this is shounen ai, so not so but I tell you it's fine. it's worth it. oh let me show you something





Oh and if you want some recommendations on Animes, Mangas, Fanfictions, don't be afraid to ask me!


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baekhyuneexo #1
hi there! I read mangas too but not this kind of story.. i prefer girl with boy. Not girl with girl and boy with boy. Hahah. can you recommend another mangas story? Thankyou!