Symphonic R♡mance ~ Wang Yueqin

Wang yueqin

smile_for_roo / rye / 8/9

character name

Wang Yueqin (王月琴)


- Meimei (妹妹) / Younger sister, Yuanjun calls her this.
-Wangfei (王妃) / Her surname means "King", it's a play on it since she's the only daughter of the family.
-Xiao Laohu (小老虎) / Born Year of the Tiger, her animal matches her personality.
- Tigger / Another play on her birth year, since Tigger is a playful tiger from Winnie the Pooh, her favorite childhood cartoon.
- Pinkie Pie / It's just a nickname for her hair, it was cute and it stuck.
Yue / This is the most used version of her name, it's used for simplicity's sake when people can't pronounce it correctly. 

birthdate & age

December 13th, 1998 / 17

birthplace & hometown

Changsha, Hunan Province, China




- Mandarin Chinese, fluent
- Korean, semi-fluent
- English, conversational

the outside.

face claim & backup

Fernanda Ly ( gallery ) // Jin Hai Lin ( gallery )


Yueqin has long pink (dyed) hair that compliments her pale skin tone, with single lidded brown eyes. Fairly average height, with a bit more of an apple hipped shape, but she carries it fairly well. Because her hair is already a "standout" feature, she does usually go for more subdued colors in her wardrobe, but sometimes when she feels like standing out even more she'll put on some bright colors, even other shades of pink to compliment her hair color. 

Fashionwise, she's not like super picky. She'll wear what she feels like, although she's more towards a bit more girlish look, she won't throw aside the good old jeans and sweatshirt combo when it's presented to her: she's more about being aware what the situation calls for. Some call her style "casual street style", since her go to outfit is a tank top/graphic top with a jacket of some sort (be it cardigan, leather jacket, or a sweater sort of layer) and whatever bottoms she sees fit, she has a great array of shorts, pants, leggings, and skirts to pick from depending of the whether or type of event she's attending.  Formal wise, she'll definitely wear the high heels and whatever dress that'll catch attention. 

the inside.


Yueqin, for the most part, is a lot of what you take her original appearance to be: different and captivating. She has this energy and look that just pulls you in and makes you want to talk to her, or at least know her name. She's not afraid to take chances, whether it be with her look or her life in general. She's got a lot of personality, and a lot of energy, and you can see it in the way she presents herself and how she talks to you. Growing up, she did a lot of the talking between she and her twin, and so she gained thr ability to be very articulate and know how to use words to the best of her ability. With this, she naturally excells in talking to others, befriending them, and generally being a very nice person to most people she meets, making her a very good classmate and person to be around. Even though she's very happy and doesn't look like it, she knows when to buckle down and be serious and works hard at what she loves and it definitely shows. 

With all the good that can be found in Yueqin's personality, she's got a few less than desirable traits that make her... hard to be around. For one, she's very independent and can easily get irritated when her brother follows her around. She realizes that he doesn't talk much, but she wishes he'd get his own friends and stop saying "their friends". Her humor is more sarcastic and dry than anything, and it bleeds into her way of speaking, making it difficult to know when she's actually being sincere. Just like her instrument, she's loud, she's boisterious, and can easily grab a lot of attention when there really shouldn't be. She's also very implusive, making rash decisions and not always thinking things through and that can get her in a lot of trouble sometimes. Yueqin has opinions, a lot of them, and some of them are directly because of how she was raised, and she's definitely not afraid of letting them be heard. She reacts to everything, sometimes... it's a little much, and leaves people wondering if she's really as old as she says she is. She's very easily irritated, especially when you ask her "don't you remember" to something, because ouch, that's a little personal. She'll lose her temper over tiny things, mostly that have to do with her memory and when she can't remember. It makes her rely on others, which is something she hates doing.


- Hair Dye / Gotta upkeep the 'do.
- Yoga / It's the first thing she does in the morning and right before she goes to bed to destress.
- Dancing / There's a small local dance studio by the apartment, she attends classes sometimes to revisit her favorite passtime.
- Moomin / There these cute little Finland toys and Yueqin loves them.
- Yinyue / Her one and only trumpet. She would be devastated if something were to happen to it.
-Classic Movies and Musicals / Every weekend without fail there is some type of movie playing either on her laptop or on their TV.


- Reptiles / Their eyes creep her out so NOPE.
- Chores / She's just... really lazy.
- Paranormal Activity / Don't mess with the dead, that's how horror movies start and she is not about that life.
- Being Teased/made fun of / She knows she's not the most serious musician here, but she loves what she's doing just as much as the next person here.
- Negative Energy or People / It really bugs her when people are negative all the time. Like, how are you always like that? Isn't it just exhausting?
- People who pick on her brother / He's quiet and maybe not the most social, but he's a sweetheart and no one should ever hurt him.


Modelled for her mother's fashion lines, still does sometimes.
She's only had ONE trumpet in her playing career, and that's Yinyue. She teasures it and takes VERY good care of it.
She's been dancing before she picked up the trumpet at 10. She's been dancing since she was 6, and has performed ballet, jazz, hiphop and gymnastics.
Her favorite color's been pink since she was four, and even now she says it won't change.
Her mother was actually the one that dyed her hair pink, not her -- it was for a photoshoot and it looked so good that they decided to upkeep it.
She's classified as having retrograde amnesia due to a traumatic experience, and does have routine doctor's visits.


the outside.


Born thirteen minuts after her brother on December 13th, Yueqin's family struggled in a cramped apartment at first. But she and her brother didn't care, their parents loved them and they loved music and that's all that mattered to them. Then, sudden success struck within a few years on the Wangs and they were able to live a more comfortable lifestyle. 

At age eight, Yuanjun started taking an interest in classical and romantic styled music, particularly taking a liking to the flute. While that was all well and good, Yueqin found the slow music quite boring and would rather spend her time dancing. SO she did... Until her father thought of something. He had ushered her over to the stereo, smiling wide and talking to her in a hushed excited whisper.
"I think I found a type of music you'll like."
"My dance music?" She had asked. He laughed and shook his head.
"No no, just listen."
And a few seconds later, jazz filled the room, the trumpet blaring and drums pounding. And Yueqin was hooked.
"That horn, that one Daddy! I want that one!" 
So on their 10th birthday, Yueqin received a shiny, beautiful brass trumpet and Yuanjun received a beautiful silver flute. Their father signed them up for lessons, even though Yuanjun was definitely more into it than she was, even looking to pursue a music career at a school in Korea. She was interested, sure, but it wasn't her main priority. 

At thirteen the accident happened. Yueqin doesn't even remember how it happened, only that she woke up in a hospital one day and was in a great amount of pain, and she didn't have a father anymore. It didn't take a genius to ask what happened, and the vague answer was a car accident. With that knowledge, Yueqin hadn't much to think on, and her physical and trauma therapy were the main focus on her recovery. She still couldn't recall a lot of things... excluding her trumpet playing. Those came back the minute she got it in her hands. So the doctors focused on using music as an antidepressant and trigger of sorts to ensure she got better. But even though her body healed, her mind was still foggy and her memory since then is a little off when it comes to assignments or speech in a different language. And she still felt like she didn't have all of the details on what happened. All she had left of her father was her trumpet, and since then she's taken immaculent care of it. Her mother has offered to buy her a new one, especially before she applied for the music program, but Yueqin refused. She wasn't about to let the last memory of her father be taken from her.

Yueqin pursed the music career not because it was her original desire. She felt that her father would've encouraged her to do so and her mother was very insistent on getting her to stay with her brother. 


▪  Wang Lijun | Mother | Their mother is young, hip and "with it" as she likes to say. She's a fairly famous fashion designer, which meant that wherever her kids wanted to go, she would make it happen. She works hard for her kids to be able to pursue and be whatever they want to be -- as long as their happy and find love like she did.
▪ Wang Yuanjun | Twin Brother | While Yueqin loves her brother dearly and is very aware of the reasons why is he the way he is, she just... wishes he could move on and open up more. She's tired, really, of having to constantly look after him and speak for him. She knows that these things take time, though, and the accident is still pretty sensitive to everyone, even though it's been four years.
▪  Wang Yaozu | Father (deceased) | Yueqin doesn't remember anything of the accident, except for what happened after, which meant that her father unfortunately had passed. It definitely hit her, especially when she couldn't even remember the last year she had with him... But she did remember when Yuanjun said he wanted to study music in Korea, and her father had really been happy... so when her mother encouraged her to look into it, she didn't disagree. She wanted to make her father happy, even though he wasn't here anymore.


▪  Ms. Lee | Guardian | Ms. Lee and her mom apparently go waaaay back -- she didn't even know how her mom managed to get a friend all the way in Korea -- but Ms. Lee is like a second mom to her. she's very caring and even makes Yuanjun comfortable, which is saying something. Ms. Lee frequently mentions how the two need to come over and meet her own family for dinner sometime, but her sons are always busy and she'd like the kids to all meet. She thinks that they'd all get along well.
▪ Huang Jia-Li | Best Friend | These girls together are a migrane. They are just SO loud. Jia-Li and Yueqin met in dance lessons, and even after Yueqin picked up trumpet and started to go to dance class less and less, Jia-Li is still happy that her best friend is pursuing what she wants to. Jia-Li says she's coming to visit when she gets the money for a plane ticket to Korea. Yuanjun silently prays that she doesn't.

the one and only.

Instrument Chosen


Back-up Instrument

French Horn

How did you start learning the instrument? Did anyone inspire/force you to start?

Oh! A long time *laughs* Let's see... I was about 10? My brother really loved classical music and picked up the flute... Soooo I wanted to take lessons too. *grins* He's a much more dedicated player than I am.

Do you like music or do you just see it as pressure? why? 

Well, both in a sense, I guess? I do really love music, but it does get hard and feel like a pressure... But isn't that life in general?

what is you favorite style of music? favorite musician/composer? favorite pieces?

Oh oh oh! *brightens up* Jazz! I absolutely LOVE it when I can play Jazz music, or even Swing music... But, classically wise, I'd have to say I'm partical to Baroque? And a lot of people would say that Louie Armstrong would be their favorite trumpet player, but honestly, Dizzy Gillespie and Maynard Ferguson are mine! Miles Davis is pretty good, too... Ah, sorry! I'm rambling... Honestly, Dizzy Gillespie is who my style imitates more -- which is, uhm, mostly improvisation *grins sheepishly* But Ferguson's Summertime is definitely a really nice and easy piece to listen to!

how long have you played the instrument? do how often do you practice?

I've played for... oh gosh, has it been seven years?! Wow, Yinyue, we've been together for a while huh? *delicately picks up her trumpet, smiling happily* I practice every day, after all, improvisation and skill don't just happen overnight!

are you apart of any high school clique? if so, please list them.

If anything, I'm in the middle of the Thespians and the Hipsters *laughs* I'm super into the Theater world, but with my mother, I'm fashion forward and tend to stand out like the Hipsters. Ah well, it lets me meet a lot more people, you know? *smiles brightly*

last messages.


I... really like this idea with musical instruments and wonderfulness. I love instruments, I can't play a thING but I attend all of my school's concerts and events because MUSIC. *ahem* Anyways, I hope you like, well, both Wang Yueqin and Yuanjun -- you can let us know if both or either one of us should change anything ^^

scene request

Dannie was freaking out, but it'd be really cool to see Yuanjun vs Kangji
It'd be even funnier if Yueqin was like "but Kangji is nice???" and just... poor Yuanjun lol
Yinque duets with either her brother or another applicant (duet pieces are so cute and fun ;u; )
I need someone to question Yinque's intelligence on Jazz and she just goes on this spiel about Dizzy Gillespie and it's adorable.
....Poor Yuanjun but Jia-Li actually being able to visit and the absolute havoc they wreck upon him and other people.


"They're not particular whether you're playing a flat 5th or a ruptured 129th as long as they can dance." ~ Dizzy Gillespie.



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