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Jung Eun-byul (은별)
Background information
Age 23
Birthdate October 4, 1992
Birthplace + Hometown Gwangju, Honam , South Korea
  • Korean
Language(s) Korean - Fluent
Japanese - Conversational ; studied abroad in Japan.
  • Beauty Queen - By fans and her members, because of her personal concept and her face.
    Alice - By fans and family, because of her constantly posing questions and being curious. 
    Angel - Family/Friends, a lot of people call her this because of her birthday, 1004, meaning angel in Korean.
    Kiyomi - Japanese name ; means pure beauty. 
  • O





beneath your beautiful.

  • FACECLAIM: kim taeyeon (snsd)
    link link link link link
  • BACKUP FACECLAIM: choi jinri (sulli) (f(x))
    link link link 
  • APPEARANCE: Usually tousled blonde hair (she prefers it blonde, but if she has to dye it due to the concept then she will), with fair skin and large, double lidded eyes. She 
    STYLE: Eun-byul has a very boho, vintage type of look to her. Knitted dresses, oversized sweaters, distressed shorts, brown ankle boots, long flowy skirts, floppy hats, that's a majority of her closet. A typical term used by most people is "boho chic". She enjoys the drastic difference that her group gives her, really showing that she's the face of the group and can fit a vareity of concepts.

    Style Examples : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

i've got a wild heart.

PERSONALITY:  Confident, Honest, Expressive, Strong-Willed, Friendly, Intutitive. - Curious, Competitive, Generous, Dramatic. - Aggressive, Self-Centered, Vain, Obsessive, Easily Distracted, Irresponsible.


THE POSITIVE: If there's one thing that Eun-byul doesn't lack, it's confidence. She knows she's talented, she's smart, and she's pretty - and it shows. She captures your attention wherever she goes because of this confidence, and it's an aura that just draws you in from the get-go. Eun-byul can not lie, even if she tried. She's very honest, and if you ever need the purest form of truth, she's the girl to go to. It's hard for her to hide her emotions as well, her face is really expressive and you can tell through body language her emotions and how she's feeling as well. Eun-byul never gives up. Ever, she's strong-willed and once she's set her mind to something, she's going to accomplish it. Because she has an aura that draws you in, she's usually quite friendly and quick to make friends, she's that person who seems to know everyone. She's also very intututive, picking up on things and changes in someone quicker than most. She'll never voice it in public, perferring to take you aside and ask you in private if everything's okay. The last thing she wants is someone ot feel like their privacy has been invaded and then revealed to the world.

THE INBETWEEN: While Eun-byul's got good intentions and likes learning, she sometimes takes it too far with her curiousity. Nicknamed "Alice" by her family because of this, she's every curious and always wanting to find out more -- even if you don't want her to. On variety shows and in games, it's better to have her on your team than not. Eun-byul's pretty competitive, and in the heat of the game she can be really funny when she's trying to win. She wants to do her best, and it shows. Most people think generousity is a great thing, and it is-- but Eun-byul would literally give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. She's done it before, and she's been taken advantage of because of this trait. She's also pretty dramatic, over exaggerating things for a laugh or a reaction. It can be funny, but sometimes the other members are just really embarrassed and want to pretend they don't know her.

THE NEGATIVE: Eun-byul, when provoked, can be very aggressive. She's pretty small but she can take you out if you give her a reason to... Sometimes if she's just angry, and you happen to be in her way, she ends up taking it out on you. She tries to make sure that it's an inanimate object that recieves the brunt of her attacks. Unlike most group members, who like to think of the group as a whole, she's very concerned with herself, how decisions will affect her, how the concept will effect her image -- will it benefit her in the long run? Along with that, she's also pretty vain -- she knows she's pretty and thinks she's the prettiest in the whole group. That doesn't mean she doesn't think the other members aren't pretty -- she just considers herself more attractive. When Eun-byul finds something she likes, she gets sort of obsessed with it. If it's a food or a drink, she'll only have that for an extended period of time. If it's a song, it's the only one she listens to for hours straight. This is how she learns the choreography for their songs and others. She tends to talk about them extensively, whenever she can... It gets really excessive and annoys a lot of people. She has a bad habit of getting distracted where it counts, like in an important conversation, or during rehearsal or a recording session -- over something unimportant or just her own thoughts. Eun-byul is trying to work on it, but since she's easily distracted... it's a long, slow process. Even though she's the oldest, she isn't seen as the most responsible one -- even the maknae can be more responsible than her. It bugs their manager and others to no end, and she needs to learn the concept of it soon.

i used to wanna be living like there's only me.

BACKGROUND: Eun-byul was the first child, born as an "Angel" on 10/04/92 to the Jung parents. They worked hard to ensure that their "princess" would indeed be treated as such. Two years down the road, her mother gave birth to another little one, this time named Hoseok. Since she had been an only child for a while, she wasn't exactly pleased to have another one she'd have to share the attention with... But then she realized that Hoseok was just a pudgy pudding child who liked to follow her around and she found it cute. Their childhood was mostly normal, even though their father did travel a lot for business, he still remained a constant in their lives. At age six, Eun-byul found that she really liked music, while her brother found he liked to dance to music. So after a while of having to be forced to sit down for concerts and performances every week, their parents enrolled them in vocal and piano classes (Eun-byul) and dance lessons (Hoseok).

Eun-byul was very popular at school, simply because puberty hit and it hit her really, really well. While she wasn't the best student, she did stay in and study in order to keep her parents happy. On the other hand, Hoseok did a lot of sneaking out for underground dance battles and practices, getting caught on several occasions by their father and getting yelled at. Hoseok, however, was determined with his dream of becoming an idol. Eun-byul had the same dream as well, but before she could bring it up with her parents, she got an opportunity to study abroad in Japan for a few years. Despite Hoseok's pleading for her to stay there and continue forward with their shared dream, in her last year of middle school, she packed up her bags and went for Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan for the next two and a half years. She kept in close contact with her brother, getting updates when he had gotten accepted as a trainee in JYP, and when he went over to BigHit. He swore up and down that when she returned she'd get a place as a fellow trainee, and when she returned in late 2011, she came to BigHit and recieved permission to audition for Bang-PD, on special request from on e of his top trainees. Unsurprisingly to Hoseok, she was accepted (though at first, she believed it was because of two reasons: 1) She was pretty, and 2) She was Hoseok's sister and Hoseok is exceedingly persistent.)

TRAINEE LIFE: As Hoseok's sister, and being there in 2012, right before BTS debuted, she was a rock for a lot of the boys and got to experience the process of pre-debut secondhand. It looked stressful, but Hoseok seemed so satisfied and ready to begin his career that it heavily inspired Eun-byul to continue pursuing her own dream. Bang-PD knew that she'd definitely be the face of the group, her visuals and ability to conform to whatever concept given to her training group very impressive. She wasn't a strong dancer like her brother, but she was a stronger vocalist, and so he toyed around with making her a main vocalist, but ultimately decided that lead vocal would be better, finding her filling in the spots that their main vocal couldn't being ultimately more pleasing to the ear. She really did have an advantage going in, seeing as Bang-PD didn't really know the names of the trainees in the running for BTS (aka V in his trainee days) but he knew who she was, all because of her brother. She gives him a lot of credit for her succesful debut, because she truly believes that without him she wouldn't have pursued this dream. 

Jung Eun-kyung / Mother / 49 / special needs teacher / Patient, Hardworking, Supportive / alive / Eun-kyung is always supportive of her children and loves that they're following their dream together under the same company. She constantly nags them to come home and visit, as most idol mothers do. Overall, Eun-kyung and Eun-byul are fairly close. 9:10
Jung Ho-seong / Father / 52 / businessman / Outgoing, Friendly, Intelligent / alive / Ho-seong travels for a career, and while he enjoys it, he did feel like he missed a lot of his kids life and ended up scolding them more than supporting them. He was able to recouncile with Eun-byul somewhat while she was abroad in Japan, having been on an extended trip in the same area, but still struggles to connect with Hoseok because of his schedules as an idol. 7:10
Jung Hoseok / Younger Brother / 21 / idol - BTS / Funny, Extroverted, Passionate / alive / Known as J-Hope of BTS to the world, Hoseok is the perfect brother in her opinion. He's always supportive and cheers really loudly for her all the time. She gives him all the love and attention she can, and really highly values him the most out of anyone in her family. 10:10


Nose Yori / Best Friend / 22 / University Student / Shy, Intelligent, Generous / alive / Yori is Eun-byul's best friend, and they met in Japan while attending the same university. Yori is extremely intelligent, making her a little awkward and hard to get along with, but Eun-byul thoroughly loves Yori and genuinely likes her as a person. 10:10
Kim Namjoon / I'm A Better Dancer than You (Good Friends) / 21 / idol - BTS / Intelligent, Awkward, Dedicated / alive / Namjoon and Eun-byul were destined to meet, after all, Hoseok was his future band mate and as a trainee and Hoseok's sister, there was no escaping the envitable meeting. They like each other well enough, and Hoseok constantly gives them grief about their dancing -- which leads to them arguing that they're the better dancer of the two. 8:10
Min Yoongi / If I make you food will you get up? (Close Friends)  / 22 / idol - BTS / Blunt, Confident, Lazy / alive / Yoongi uses Eun-byul's kindness to his advantage sometimes, wanting homecooked food and Eun-byul willing to make such a thing, so he'll promise he'll get up and be productive if she makes food in the dorms. He usually end sup gettin gup and keeping her company in the kitchen. They enjoy the other's company, and Yoongi usually asks her about how it was to grow up with Hoseok, and how her experience was in Japan. 9:10

Yagi Arisa / Aquantices / 19 / model / Friendly, Confident, Silly / alive / They met by chance, while Arisa was doing a photoshoot and Eun-byul was a volunteer at the same place. She ended up getting food for the model, when she heard that she hadn't eaten that day. After the shoot was finished, Arisa offered to buy her coffee as thanks and Eun-byul didn't want to turn the younger down. They exchanged contact information, and Eun-byul expresses interest in wanting to get to know her better. 6:10
An Areum / Group Mates / 23 / idol - NEMESIS / Responsible, Creative, Stubborn / alive / Areum and Eun-byul really want to get along, they really do -- but they heads more often than they'd like to admit, which of course they rarely do. Areum just wishes that Eun-byul, as the oldest member, would be more responsible, and Eun-byul wishes that Areum would relax a bit more. 6:10
Iron (Jung Hunchul) / Trained Together / 23 / idol- Solo Rapper / Confident, Hardworking, Stubborn / alive / Eun-byul met Iron at the tail end of his time at BigHit, before he signed on with Polaris Ent. She and he got along fairly well, and she's expressed interest in getting to know him better -- she does admire his rapping ability and is slightly disappointed that he was unable to debut with BTS. 4:10


forget about all the stupid little things.

- Coffee
- Plushies and Figurines
- Watching MVs, especially BTS ones.
- Sushi
- Posters, her dorm walls are covered with picturesque views of cities and landscapes, fashion clips, various groups, movie posters.
- Performing
- Chores (Cleaning, Laundry, etc. etc. It's the one responsible thing about her)

- People hating on her brother
- ist comments
- Spicy foods
- Feeling homesick or Japan-sick (she really loved Japan and her friends there, especially Yori)
- Losing... at anything, really. Or feeling like she's lost.
- Having her looks of all things insulted

- Pushing her hair back when she's concentrating on something/someone
- Widening her eyes and raising her eyebrows when she's unimpressed/annoyed/agitated
- Holding hands with whoever's nearest to her
- Tapping her jawline when she's bored/ not paying attention

- Photography
- Origami
- Cooking
- Practicing the piano

- Haemophobia - fear of blood
- claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces
- belonephobia - fear of needles
- katagatephobia - fear of ridicule
- iatrophobia - fear of doctors

- She wants to do a ballad comeback in the future, specifically one where she can play piano, whether it be a sub-unit, or a solo performance.
- She and Hoseok also want to do a duet stage at one point, just like when they were children. (they'd both sob uncontrollably tbh)
- Bang-PD picked her stage name to partner/mirror her brothers.
- Her iatrophobia has been medically diagonised -- that was a fun trip.
- Her ideal type is someone who appreciates her, is capable of being a husband, and good with children. 
- People have told her that her hair pushing habit is y -- but she doesn't think it is.
- She is an avid fan of Kisum, Michael Jackson, Nicki Minaj, APink and Girl's Day. Her favorite members are Hayoung and Sojin, respectively.
- Eun-byul likes to snap pictures of anything and everything -- nothing is sacred from her camera once it comes out.
- She finds it ironic that her weak point is dancing while her brother is vocal. They're opposites on the idol spectrum.
- Eun-byul frequently admits that she has dated while over in Japan, and she believes that idols have the right to date just as anyone else would normally. 
- She's one of the most active on social media, having an instagram (@ebfaith_bighit) , a personal twitter(@jebangel_921004), and she's also on the group twitter that BigHit uses for promotions. (@nemesis_twt)

if you like me, then say you like me.

LOVE INTEREST: Min Yoongi (Suga) (BTS)



Known as a grumpy grandpa, Min Yoongi, aka Suga of BTS is probably one of the most laidback, lazy people you'd ever meet at first glance. He's quiet and mostly keeps to himself, never one to say something for no reason. While he's laidback around people and enjoys being with his friends, he's still pretty awkward and doesn't know how to talk to girls specifically. He likes hearing other people talk or just listening, he learns a lot more by doing that than talking in a conversation. Yoongi is also, in his own way, very sweet. He genuinely cares about his friends and his fans. He likes taking care of people, especially people younger than him, even if it's by a month or so. He's also very hardworking, believe it or not. He's done so much for his dream, never giving up, and he's willing to do a lot more to prove that he deserves this spot. He sometimes overworks himself, so set on proving himself that he ends up sacrficing a lot of basic needs for his music and career.

 RELATIONSHIP: Gdi Just Ask Her Out Already You're Min Yoongi.


First Meeting - Hoseok, of course, introduced them. It was her first day back, a week or so when she had her audition for BigHit, so yes, she was jetlagged and whining to her brother about how much she wanted to sleep. She doesn't remember him, and he sort of glossed over her because of her loud whining. He didn't want to deal with that, he had a song to write and a deadline that was very much inspiring (aka he just needed material to work with so he wasn't totally murdered by Bang PD) but he did glance and mumble out greetings, jsut as she did before going back to nagging. 

Oh No She's Hot - It took about a month after that for them to officially meet. Now completely refreshed and with the rumors amongst boy trainees about how pretty she was, Eun-byul was sort of the talk of BigHit when she first arrived, especially being the sister of a confirmed member of the company's boy group. Hoseok, once agan, wanted her to come in and practice for them, and all Yoongi can really remember thinking when he saw her practically strut (let's be real, as vain as Eun-byul is, she probably did) into the room, is "Oh no, she's hot !!! Must avoid." and immediately put in his headphones, pretending to be busy with learning his lyrics. Hoseok of course didn't want to bother him, but he remembers staring at her. A lot. Pretty shamelessly, actually. 
Eun-byul really just knew him as "Suga-hyung who's a grump but still pretty nice, once he gets those headphones out of his ears..." and immersed herself with meeting the rest of the boys that would probably become Hoseok's second family due to the life of an idol. She did find him interesting, however, and did glance every so often over to him, only to find that he was blanantly staring at her too. She was a little proud of that, she won't lie.

OH NO She's Hot AND Nice - The next time they saw each other was when Hoseok was sick a bit after debut, and of course big sister Eun-byul rushed to take care of him. She was making soup and it smelled really good -- like, really REALLY good, and Yoongi made a half hearted complaint that he was hungry too, not just sick Hoseok who probably couldn't even keep it down. It seemed like Eun-byul ignored him, after after a few minutes he went to the studio to work on some music. It wasn't until a half hour later that he heard a knock on the door. He stumbled over to answer it, all the while making some curses about how everyone should know not to interrupt him while he's working -- 
"I... Didn't know? You were the one that said you were hungry, right?" It was Eun-byul, with the soup and some bread and a soda for him. Yoongi was a deep red, taking the food and mumbling an apology and trying to explain himself to her, all the while Eun-byul just smiled at him.
"It's really okay, I get it. Tell me if you like it, okay? I gotta go make sure Hoseok's okay." She waved, leaving him standing with the studio door open, tray in one hand, still red, and thinking, "Oh no, she's hot and nice!!!"
Eun0byul admired his dedication to his work, even if she was a little annoyed by his first comment. But Namjoon and the others had warned her that he was like that, he just didn't know how to act around girls. So she decided to be nice and ensure that he didn't completely ignore girls after that. She ended up thinking a lot more than that -- cursing suited his style and while he wasn't exactly her type... He was pretty cute. But that definitely was not her priority, Hoseok was. Maybe another day, she had thought walking away from him that day.

OH NO I think I like her - At this point, it was normal for when Eun-byul came around, Yoongi would just blush really brightly and avoid her. Which gave the rest of them the tip that he probably liked her. And then Hoseok dragged them to her photoshoot -- they had like an hour inbetween schedules where they could eat together and Hoseok was like "it's close to where we're filming anyways, so come on, I want to see my sister." and seeing Eun-byul dressed up really did a number on him. He was seriously just in awe, like, she was just really, really attractive and he didn't understand why she had to be that way??? But this wasn't a pivotal moment, but it definitely got his head reeling.
It also became normal for Eun-byul to come over, no makeup, in her cozy cute style, and make dinner for the boys. And Yoongi noticed that she'd stay in there a while making said meal, and the other boys would loiter around, not paying her much mind (Hoseok was usually showering during this time, therefore irrelevant to this time) and so Yoongi, in a burst of sheer confidence and utter adrenaline, went into the kitchen to talk to her. 
"Oh? Yoongi? What're you doing in here?" She had asked, blinking over at him as she noticed him settling himself on the table, watching her. Yoongi was silent, gathering the courage to speak to her. 
"I... just wanted to talk to you." He sputtered out, before wanting to smack his head through the wall. What an absolutely idiotic thing to--
"Oh! Awesome! I was honestly starting to think you didn't like me!" She perked up, smiling at him. His heart leapt up to his throat, and he swallowed to be able to speak again. After that, it was just a game of questions, going back and forth and getting to know each other... Conversation actually came a little bit easier with her, and he found himself liking her... alot.
Oh no, as he would say.

OH NO ((Min Yoongi stop this madness)) - So, it's come to the conclusion that he likes her. Her feelings towards him are tilting towards romantic, she would say if you asked. However, even if Yoongi is confident he is a COWARD and can not, will not ask this girl out. And it's driving everyone nuts. But Eun-byul is pretty oblivious about it, being busy with her debut period. But Yoongi. YOONGI. Like, even Hoseok is like "seriously I give you my blessing please just ask her out and stop our suffering." Because he talks about her a lot and is like "Hey! She would like this, I think--" and ramble about her. Everyone likes her and all but not as much as Min freakin' Yoongi. 


- As a joke, Eun-byul sings "Sugar" by Maroon 5 to him and aLL THE BLOOD RUSHES TO HIS FACE.
- Suga likes to add little tidbits in his songs about her, like those cute things and no one knows except him and when she listens and says she likes it he gets really proud of himself.
- Hoseok, whenever Suga is getting really excessive, threatens to tell Eun-byul everything and it's super effective.
- Eun-byul likes to hold hands, and so Suga is subjected to this often by planning of both NEMESIS and BTS. 
- Bang PD has mentioned wanting to push Eun-byul towards acting or a solo career, to which Suga immedaitely says "no" because he doesn't want to see her with anyone else.
- Eun-byul gets really annoyed at the girl trainees when they fawn over Suga -- she's slightly possessive (aka doesn't threaten them in real life, but tries to intimidate through actions to scare them off.)
- Eun-byul gets teased by her friends because Yoongi "isn't the standard ideal" and she responds with "Well, he's my ideal so shut up !!" and then gets like really embarrassed.
- Eun-byul and Suga would be that really adorable couple that would have like, subtle matching sweaters and wear them when they miss each other.

and all these little things.

STAGE NAME: Faith (Who's your Faith and Hope, J-Hope cries in the distance because he's embarrassing)

POSITION: Lead Vocalist, Face of the Group
POSITION: Main Vocalist, Dancer

DANCING TWIN: Cao Lu of Fiestar



COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS: I am always up for BigHit/Bangtan stories *A* ;;; So I finished this for you and I hope you like Eun-byul/Faith... I tried to pick really popular visuals that people really like and talk about often ((I do really like Taeyeon but I know she's not everyone's cup of tea, but I just thought she'd fit really well as a faceclaim ;;; ))

SCENE REQUESTS: - All of the embarrassing of Yoongi around Eun-byul
- Eun-byul and Hoseok being adorable dorky siblings
- NEMESIS and Bangtan collab stage like VIXX and Girl's Day with Trouble Maker??
- Variety shows and they have to dance to earn food and Eun-byul is just... not a dancer and shames not only her group but Hoseok.

PASSWORD: AGENTS + #003366  and f(x)'s 4 Walls, Red Velvet's Dumb Dumb, Girl's Day Ring My Bell... I could give you lots of suggestions lol ;;


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