Blog Posts.

So a blog post. Huh. Um. Well its kind of embarrassing but I have to confess something.

I'm inlove with someone that's an author in aff. At fist, I though it was a simple admiration for a co-writer. But then her stories made me feel something else. Its like she's referring to real life stories. 

Then I talked to her. Not daily. Since I'm too busy with studies, I can only have the chance yo talk to her once and ask her about herself. On that simple day, I discovered that we're attending the dame school. Nanjing University of Arts.

So I asked her what year she's in and to my surprise, we're on the same year but different courses. Of course she doesn't know that. I met her actually. In real life. But she doesn't know that I'm him.

Actually. I feel bad. If you read my recent blog posts then you might have read about me being aual. Well, I have a boyfriend. We're in a gay relationship. But Chinese people don't really support LGBT. 

And to think that I'm in a relationship and in love with a different person other than my partner is making me confused. Yes, I am aual but love is love. 

I wanna scream at myself for actually doing this. Do you yhink I need to break up with Yu Feng or Do I give up my one sided crush for WeiJin




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I don't think that you should break up with your boyfriend if you were thinking that. I think you should talk about it with him even if you might be nervous. I have been in your place and I know it's not easy. I don't know you but take some time by yourself. Sometimes it's a small crush and it my go away. Just take some time :D talk about it and five it more time.
Auality has nothing to do with love. There's a difference between ual and romantic attraction, so maybe you're biromantic aual? (I'm also aual)
And i think you should think things through more. Take more time and see what exactly your feelings are
flyingsweets #3
Maybe you can talk about it with your boyfriend?
I'm guessing he knows your an auel and how confused you'd be with this kind of thing :)