Royales | Lotte | The Young


charlotte ryu

username — smile_for_roo

nickname — Rye

activity rate — 8


name — Charlotte Haebyul Ryu

nickname(s) — 
Haebyul / Parents, family, no one really?? / It's her Korean name, but she really prefers her English name so Haebyul is sort of an obscure name that she more than likely won't respond to.
Latte Girl / friends and aquaintences / She LOVES coffee and she's always up for a quick coffee run on breaks.
Sunshine / friends, especially Baekhyun / She has a very cute smile, and he likes to say that it "lights up everyone's day" when they see it.
Literal High School Crush / Jongdae / there's no doubt that Charlotte is beautiful, but she is rather young, so Jongdae uses this codeword to work a certain someone up over the age difference.

birthdate — Feburary 24th, 1997 + 18

birthplace — Atlanta, Georgia

hometown — Daegu, Yeongnam, South Korea

ethnicity — 1/2 Korean, 1/2 American.

language(S) — 
English - fluent, first language.
Korean - semi-fluent, distinct Daegu dialect.

a beautiful me.

face claim — Girl's Day Hyeri

gallery — Look here

backup face claim — After School's UEE

gallery — Look here


appearance — Charlotte is one of those girls that hasn't quite hit "second puberty" yet -- her face hasn't matured, to say. She still sports a youthful looking face, appearing more as a young high schooler than someone who just graduated the previous year. Her hair is long, brown, and curled most days, falling to about mid back. She has her mother's strong nose and has rounder eyes, as well as height, standing at almost 176 cm, that makes her stand out as half American. Overall, she is still praised for her pretty and youthful features and frame.

fashion style — Her fashion probably doesn't help her looks, Charlotte loves oversized sweaters and skirts and little boots as a normal day ensemble. She has many sweaters in many colors and patterns, all of them hanging off her small frame and making her appear more docile and child-like than is her actual age. Her skirts, shorts, and pants are all according to the weather, after all she doesn't want to be wearing short shorts and it be less than 50 degrees outside. 

i overflow with confidence.

traits — [ + Cheerful, Intelligent, Bubbly, Charming, Zany ] [ - Blunt, Volatile, Manipulative, Secretive, Naive ]

personality — 

 Charlotte is a baby ball of sunshine, genuinely loving life and who she is and what she's doing. She's always smiling and making jokes, and is known as the happy virus of the group. Ever cheerful and is the first person to go to if you ever need your frown turned upside down.She doesn't believe in being upset or angry about things that happen, life is so short and there's just so much to enjoy about it. She doesn't like seeing other people hurt or upset about something, she's been there and has had nothing before, so really, anything's possible if you believe in it. As young and innocent as she may be portrayed as, Charlotte has a fairly high IQ, averaging about 147, making her eligible for the Mensa exam. She's very proud of her intelligence, always reading and soaking up knowledge wherever she can. Always giggling and silly, Charlotte is bubbly like champange after opening it. She's overflowing with friendliness and is an easy person to approach. Charlotte also is very good at charming people, instantly getting on their good side and pretty much can stay there, even if she were to spit in their face, they'd coo over her because of that cute smile and her words. The proclaimed happy virus can be extremely weird, and she is no exception. She's not afraid to make a fool out of herself if it gets a laugh, and is willing to go the extra mile for fans and vareity shows, making her very popular in the best way amongst the netizens.

Oh, but Charlotte's not all a sweet shop and good times. As smart as she is, she tends to say what's on her mind, thinking that it's right and she shouldn't get in trouble for it, when if fact it can be kinda rude and blunt and could have been phrased better. At her age, it's easy to be influenced and have your emotions get the best of you, and it's definitely happened to Charlotte. She has a lot of emotions and feels a lot, so she doens't know what to do with them, and ends up projecting them semi-destrcutively on others. She didn't have anyone to teach her about controlling her emotions. Using others is not something new to Charlotte, either. She can be very manipulative, taking a situation or a person to her advantage and running with him. She doesn't think twice about it either. As much as she has other people coming to her for cheering up, she's the last person who will go to anyone when it comes to her being upset of having something to talk about. She keeps a lot of facts about her life to herself, not wanting the media or netizens prying eyes find out. Even though she thinks she's got most everything figured out, she really doesn't and is still naive. She has a lot of things left to learn, and can be easily taken advantage of at this stage of her life, and that scares her and makes her feel very insecure about herself.


background — Her parents were the typical love story: fast to fall in, rushing things, and not exactly realizing that sometimes things take time to develop. The small family moved back to her father's home, Seoul, when Charlotte was ten for her father's work. Unfortunately, her father's work (and a certain volputous secretary) became his focal point in life, hardly ever coming home and bringing more dischord to the home. So early on in her life, her parents divorced, her mother taking custody of her. As a single mother, she couldn't afford to move back to America, so they moved into an apartment complex in Jung-dong, Mapo-do, where she met her best friend: an older boy by the name of Byun Baekhyun. And so it continued, her mother raising her by herself and with the help of the Byun's. Baekhyun became a sort of baby sitter towards Charlotte, staying with her as they got older, and when he started preparing for an audition with SM, the younger girl couldn't bear the thought of being seperated from someone who partically raised her, so she went on to audition as well. At 14, when she first auditioned with Baekhyun, he was admitted while she was declined. He told her to keep working, and seeing Baekhyun succeed in EXO a year later got her inspired again. At 16, she had her second audition and was admitted into SM.

likes — 
- Oversized sweaters.
- Reading.
- Sweets.
- Pranks and small practical jokes.
- Stuffed Animals.
- R&B music.

dislikes — 
- Loud fighting.
- Not getting her way.
- Priviliged people.
- Spicy food.
- Oppressing Rules.

hobbies — 
- Practicing her math problems.
- Social Media. 
- Following Baekhyun around.

habits — 
- Twisting her hair around her finger when she knows she's in trouble.
- Rolling her eyes when she doesn't think something is funny.
- Puffing out her cheeks when she's thinking.

trivias — 
- Her favorite idol is Ailee because of the strong R&B style the singer has.
- She always says her ideal type is older than her, someone who can protect her and care for her. The fact that she doesn't elaborate on the age difference she prefers is usually overlooked, something she's grateful for.
- Her favorite animal are otters, and is compared to one because of her playful nature.
- She plans on taking the Mensa exam when Royales goes on a longer break, and can be seen with practice books and textbooks of the like in airports or behind the scenes.
- She really likes American pop music, having more of the genre on her iPod than Korean pop, despite living in Korea for more of her impressionable life.
- She will steal your socks and hats. Most of the time she takes them right off of your head. Save your socks, you can at least hide those from her. Good luck getting your hat back, though.
- She LOVES the photocards you get in albums, and ends up buying the physical copies of released albums instead of buying them digital.
- Constantly does aegyo for fans, since they love the innocent image she gives off. She finds it a little excessive, but does like the reactions she gets when she does it.

to my beloved family.

family — 

—  Ryu Allison| My Mom | Charlotte loves her mom, so so much. Her mother raised her single handedly, in a country that she didn't even really know the language in, and despite all odds did a fine job in her opinion. She couldn't have been happier that her mom supported her decision to go into the entertainment industry. She feels bad that she keeps secrets from her mom, but she just doesn't think her mother would understand or if she would condemn Charlotte for what's wrong with her.

—  Ryu Junghuk | "Daddy Dearest" | aka pretty much the source of her problems. Charlotte's dad is pretty much dead to her, and she'll never mention him on anything ever. Don't even ask her about it, you won't get anything from her. She wishes that she had some kind of closer with him, but of course that's asking for too much. Once they divorced, he went off the grid, never contacting them again. 

to my life support.

friends — 

—  Byun Baekhyun | Best Friend | Baekhyun knew Charlotee since she was a little girl, well, littler than she was now. Their relationship is, well, interesting. While Baekhyun and she are close like brother and sister, that doesn't stop her from flirting mand messing with him a little, and they haven't done anything terrible, but Baekhyun's let it go a little too far on some occasions. He's trying to keep her at a platonic, sibling distance from not only himself, but his group. He wants her to mature a bit before doing something she might regret later down in life.

— Li "Lynn" Huian | Favorite Coordi-Unnie | Lynn is also half American and a stylist at SM. To say that Charlotte idolizes Miss Lynn is actually correct. The older girl is always looking out for Charlotte, giving her a little comfort whenever she becomes homesick. Charlotte also keeps things from her as well, especially about love life, but asks questions about dating and love to the stylist. Lynn answers honestly, because she's just so young, of course she must be curious about what's to come later on, right...?

in my life, I'm a pro and you're an amateur.

stage name — Lotte

position — Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Maknae

persona — Little Firecracker

fanclub name — Sparks
Fanclub color— #ff6633 Clementine Orange

vocal twin — EXID's Hyerin
dancing twin — Bestie's Hyeyeon
rapping twin — MAMAMOO's Hwasa

trainee Year(S) — 2 years.
trainee life — When Lotte came in as THE friend to THE Byun Bakehyun (he didn't exactly hide the fact that they were friends, most definitely not) she had a lot of trainee friends and people flocking to her, wanting to become friends with her in hopes of becoming friends with him. It became apparent soon after that Lotte was not going to let that happen, and therefore she wasn't left with as many as she started. Because of her personality, she did have quite a few friends throughout her training days, and got along quite well with the teachers (especially some of the older men...) But overall she did slack off in her training, which got her a lot of scoldings. When a year in, they anounced that they were going to be putting together a new girl group, Lotte started working hard, and I mean hard. She wanted to debut, and she was going to debut. Simple as that. 
pre-debut experiences — None

whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not.

plotline — The Young

the issue — Dating Older People.

when did you first know about it — Lotte was in her second year of middle school, and he was a young professor for her math class. And of course, a lot of girls giggled over him, but they were also talking about other boys in their classes that were their age. Lotte, on the other hand, had her eyes set on this professor, and found the other boys that tried to talk to her immature and boring. So, against her better judgement, she pursued the professor. As it turns out he was also interested in her, and occasionally they'd met and pretend that this was fine, it was normal... But the professor wanted to keep his job, so before it got too serious, he broke it off. 
After that, she found herself hanging around college campuses, admiring the older men and occasionally getting a few dates and some action. It was dangerous, and many men could take advantage of her and seriously do some damage. 
She's dated/seen five men older than her, ranging from 10-15 years older.

The Professor / Kim Jihoon / (28) 13 years older 
   / The first of five. He was definitely attractive, and definitely someone that liked her back. He'd hold back though, saying, "If only you were older.." and that drove Lotte insane. They were dating, weren't they? So what if she was younger. He didn't have to point it out everytime they did something. He broke up with her after three months, when he just couldn't take it anymore, especially since he was putting his career on the line for "a girl". 

The Business Man / Lee Minchul / (30) 15 years older
     / She jumped right into this one. They met on public transportation, and he was less caring about the odd looks some passerbys were giving him and her. He'd always walk with her to her next bus stop, before hopping on his own and waving good bye. She actually hid her age from him, insisting that she was of age, and he fell for it, and they began to see each other. About five months into it, she broke up with him, finding someone... much mroe interesting to play with. She later found out he was married and cursed him greatly. She doesn't take lightly to cheating.

The Bad Boy / Kim Sungwoo / 25 (10 years older)
      / This one... really did a number on her. Sungwoo was a college student, but was covered in tattoos and wore leather and had a bad reputation. He was basically abusive, controlling Lotte's life, who she saw, what she did, how she did it, even what she wore. When she wanted to break up with him, he said if she said anything, she'd be the one in trouble, not him. "They'll send you to the asylum, baby. After all, what child goes up to a grown man and wants to be with them?" ....Yeah, he really messed her up. He finally broke her heart by saying he was bored and needed something new.

The Graduate Student / Bae Taekwon / 27 (12 years older)
      / Taekwon is literally a sweetheart and was what she needed after Sungwoo. He actually stumbled upon Lotte while she was moping about about it, and stopped to talk with her and ask what was wrong. This is the most innocent relationship she's been in, Taekwon did like her a lot, but also knew that she needed love and kindness, not another person pushing her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. She still keeps in contact with him, and he jokes that he'll be her biggest fan once she debuts, making sure to keep all the byuntaes away. 

The Big Brother / Byun Baekhyun / 23 (4 years older)
     / Ah yes. This happened while she was training. She initated it, and Baekhyun went along with it until coming to his senses. She's still so young, and had a lot happen to her, and she didn't need a relationship. This was the shortest of five, and Baekhyun still feels terrible about it. He wants to make sure no one else takes advantage or tries to use Lotte and that she's stable when she enteres her next relationship.


how do you feel about it — Honestly, Lotte thinks there's something seriously wrong with her. But she can't help it, it's like an addiction. It's a serious problem, though. Se could be taken advantage of or even end up dead. But the rush of getting caught and the aspect that she never had an older man in her life, really makes her feel better and is the source of her addiction. 

do you plan to tell anyone or the group — Jesus, no, she'd be sent to the crazy house. That's what Sungwoo told her, anyways... She doesn't want people to think she's disgusting or immoral because of her dating choices. But she also knows in order to get help, she needs to speak up about it. Baekhyun's the only one who has an idea of what's going on, and Taekwon too, but no one really knows about Taekwon so... not exactly helpful.

take my heart and please don't break it. love is made for me & you.

love interest — Kim Minseok

backup love interest — Byun Baekhyun or Bae Taekwon


personality — Minseok is the oldest in EXO, and that puts some pressure on him. A lot of the younger members look up to him, and even though he doesn't have everything figured out, he tries his best and hopes that he's not disappointing anyone. He's very shy and awkward when you first meet, because he honestly just doesn't know how to act. He didn't have many friends growing up, just his small group and that's who he stuck to, so he's not exactly good at meeting new people. He'll open up eventually, and after that, he's very sweet. He cares deeply about his friends and is willing to do a lot for them. He's also got a good sense of humor, finding a lot of things funny and liking to share jokes and puns with others. 

First Meeting — Byun Baekhyun was all but too eager to introduce his friend to his group -- and Minseok happened to catch Lotte's eye. He looks a lot younger than he is, so she thought he was only a couple years older than him. So she used slightly informal language, to Baekhyun's amusement, and after he explained that Minseok was the oldest, Lotte was only simply intrigued that his face didn't match his age. 

relationship — 
For the way you look at me / Baekhyun stressed that Lotte was indeed younger, but the way she acted didn't really make her seem TOO much younger, so Minseok found himself enjoying her company, she appreciated his jokes and they got along just fine, so the two ended up being rather close as friends. It wasn't until Minseok started really thinking that Lotte was just pretty -- and she was -- and started seeing her a little differently. And then she came and visited while wearing a school uniform. He wondered if this was for a promotional reasons, and he asked her what age she was. 

"Hm? Oh, I'm 18! I've got to attend school for a semester more, but then I'll graduate!" She had said, smiling brightly and Minseok's heart dropped to his stomach at that. Why was he so upset that she was just so much younger? It was like... He paused, thinking. Did he like Lotte?? The thought of liking someone so young sort of terrified him, especially since she was still in high school.

After that, Minseok took a lot of care to remind himself of the age difference between the two of them. Jongdae decided to help, in his own... unhelpful way. "Literal High School Crush comin' your way, dude." He'd whisper in the older's ear, causing Minseok to jump and punch Jongdae on the arm. 

"Shut up!" He insisted before Lotte came within earshot. Jongdae just shrugged, mouthing, "She's only 18!' before they both greeted Lotte, going about life in general.

The Only One I See / Like the other relationships she's been in, Lotte didn't care about age. But the thing was, is that she didn't purposely go looking for Minseok like she had with all the others. Minseok just happened to be in her life when she realized she liked him. She was surprising Baekhyun and the rest of EXO with food she had made -- she wanted to be a genuinely good friend to her big brother figure and his friends. They were at a themed photoshoot, based on professions. Minseok happened to be shooting when she came by, and he was a barista. And he looked good. She gulped, reminding herself that he was Baekhyun's friend, and that's a no no.

She continued on giving out the food, Baekhyun praising her for being such a good little sister. "I've raised you so well~" He cooed, ruffling her hair. She swatted at him, sticking her tongue out at him before laughing. Lotte couldn't help but be hyper aware of every movement Minseok made around her, when he leaned over towards her to get some food, when he smiled at him, every little action she registered from him. 

"You know, Lotte," Minseok spoke, gaining her attention immediately, "When you're older, you'll surely find yourself a good guy and make him very happy." When he said those words, it shocked her. Never, had any man she had ever encountered been upset about her age if she were interested in them. While Minseok didn't already know, the fact that he labelled her as "young" or as such when she's used to 1) getting her way with men and 2) not having to think twice about age, it definitely made her stop and think.

"He thinks I'm... too young?" 

Very Very... ExtraOrdinary - After that, both Minseok and Lotte struggled with their feelings for each other. Usually revolving around the question, does age really matter in a relationship? However, since they were both friends, they still hung out and talked, especially over coffee. Minseok is just very weak when it comes to people offering to buy him coffee, and since it's Lotte he hardly ever says no. ("Literal High School Crush" Jongdae's voice echoes in the distance.) 

Lotte decided, heck, if she liked Minseok, and she did, she better find out straight from him if he thought age mattered. It had been implied over time by many people, especially Baekhyun, and a few comments from him, but she wanted it straight from the source, no sugar. Just a simple, to the point answer.

"Do you think age matters in a relationship?" She asked as nonchanlantly as she could, concentrating on her cup to make it seem more casual. A violent coughing fit was her answer, and she immediately went to help the currently choking Minseok.

"A-are you okay??" She asked after it stopped, concerned. His eyes were still watery and his face slightly red, but he nodded, regaining a steady breathing pattern.

"Y-yeah. But, why did you ask?" He redirected the topic, not wanting her to know that the reason why he choked wasn't because the coffee was too hot, but because he simply wasn't prepared for her question. 

"I just..." Lotte pursed her lips, "I was talking to Lynn the other day and she said it depended, but I'm just curious. My parents were... a bit of an age difference (not a lie) and I just wanted to know." 

Minseok nodded, "Well... I guess... She is kind of right. While having a huge age difference is sort of... intimidating, I guess it depends."

"On what?" She pressed, eager to find out. Minseok thought for a moment, considering his words carefully. 

"I guess, at the end of the day, love isn't about age or a number. It's about a connection, a feeling that you can't get around anyone else in the entire world..." He trailed off, seeing Lotte looking at him strangely. He flushed. "T-that was cheesy, huh? Ah, well, you don't need to worry about that for a couple more years, though, right Lotte?" He covered for himself, missing the small frown that she had at his comment.

Well, she decided, if it isn't about age, then she's going to have to try harder to get him to notice that she's a woman too. 

Even more than Anyone that you adore / After that conversation, Lotte made a lot more of an effort to see Minseok and make an effort to be more "womanly". She had no idea what this was, but she was sure going to find out if it meant that Minseok would think of her as that feeling he couldn't get with anyone else in the world. So she asked Taekwon for advice.

"A-a woman??" Taekwon sputtered, almost choking on his coffee. "Why on earth do you suddenly want to be seen as a woman?"

Lotte flushed, her sight suddenly training into her latte art and avoiding eye contact with the older male. "I... I just... well...."

"It's a boy, isn't it? Alright, how old?" Taekwon sighed, preparing his poor weak heart for the number she'd give him. 

"2-25." She stuttered out, and Taekwon blinked. "E-eh? Only 25? You sure?"

She nodded a little, her face heating up. "Well..." Taekwon blinked again, surprised at the not-so-huge , "He's good, right?" Another furious nod from the girl. "And he's not like... him?" He gently prodded. He was protective of this girl after all, and he didn't want her to ever be hurt like she was with the man she was with before him. She nodded again, this time making eye contact, earnest to portray that he was.

"Lotte?" A voice perked their interest, and they turned to see none other than Minseok and Jongdae standing over by the counter, getting coffee on their day off. Minseok looked a little confused and wearily over at Taekwon, but the other just looked over and smiled, "These friends of yours?" He asked her.

"Yeah, this is Jongdae and uhm, Minseok... Guys, this is Taekwon, he's, uh..." She sputtered for a moment, looking to Taekwon for help. He smiled gently. "I'm her tutor. She wants to go to college and take the Mensa exam, but she hardly finds time for it so as friends I'm lending her a hand in studying. We're on a break right now."

Lotte smiled gratefully as Jongdae nodded, seeming to buy the lie while Minseok still looked... confused. Really confused.

"Well, Lotte, we should go get your stuff from my car, these guys will walk you back, I'm assuming? Seems like they'd be in your line of work." Taekwon joked, making Lotte smile and giggle a bit, following Taekwon to get her bookbag. (He wasn't completely lying when he said he was helping her study.) And brought her back, giving her a tight hug before heading back off to university. 

"Be safe going back!" Sha called after him, waving until he had turned the corner at the light before sitting back down with Minseok and Jongdae. Conversation continued as normal, with Minseok being a little slow on the uptake, but Lotte chalked it up to exhaustion. On their walk back to the dorms, she made sure to voice her concerns and insist they rest for the rest of their day off. It was rare that EXO got a full day off to themselves, and they shouldn't overwork themselves anymore than they already were.

Minseok sighed after seeing Lotte off to her dorm, before heading to their own. "Jongdae, I want to confess to her."

Jongdae looked over at him, "Are you crazy?? No way SM will let you go through with it, she's too young and still has that dating ban on her--"

"If I don't confess, I never will and I'll end up even more heartbroken if she doesn't know and starts dating someone else. She has the right to know..." Minseok trailed off, "And it'll get this off my chest." 

Jongdae shook his head, "Okay. But you know you won't be able to do anything, even if she does return your feelings, right?" 

"I'm willing to wait if she does... But I'll understand if she doesn't." Minseok nodded. It'd clear up unnecessary tension and clear up his head so he can but more of his focus into his actitivies as an idol instead over worrying about how Lotte would respond to a text or asking her to coffee later.

Love was made for me and you / The way Minseok confessed, though, was rather sudden and unplanned. It was just during a day that she was hanging out with EXO (at this point, netizens had grown tired of accusing her of dating EXO when time and time again she'd respond confidently that she saw Baekhyun as an older brother and now that she was able to spend time with him, she was going to. It wasn't going to change, so please stop the accusations that you have no evidence for.) on a movie day. Inbetween movies, Lotte got up and went to go get her ice cream that she had brought for herself, and Minseok wanted a soda from the fridge, so both ended up in the kitchen alone. 
Looking at her happiyl bouncing around the kitchen with a spoon and trying to pry her ice cream over mad ehis heart feel warm and he knew he'd hardly ever get a chance like this again. So he went for it.

"Hey Lotte..." He called, gaining the younger's attention, spoon in mouth and looking absolutely adorable in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead.

"You're... really special to me. I know you're very young... But please know that I care about you." He said softly against her forehead, before pulling make, pink cheeks and mumbling about how they should get back to the group before they all crammed themselves in the kitchen to see what was happening. 

Ever since then, Minseok has just been very fond and yet still older brother-ly, despite having confessed and Lotte is like ... but I kinda want to kiss you and he's like "nOPE TOO YOUNG" so like, they're still basically in that stage where they both want to be together but one, the company and fans, and two, the age difference still really freaks Minseok out, and Lotte still isn't emotionally ready for a relationship. She has admitted this to him, and he's responded that he's willing to wait if she'll have him. She's given a positive response to this, but communication it's terrible between these two like w ow.

i'll see you around.

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

scene requests — Lotte being a baby ball of sunshine and literally just being babied by everyone.
I would love to see a scene where Jongdae actually yells "Literal High School Crush coming in!" while Lotte is within earshot and just watching Minseok just die because he has terrible friends.
Minseok and Lotte having to confront and be VERBAL about their feelings bc they like to talk around it 
Royales bonding omg omg
A collaborative stage with another SM group? Like I just like seeing groups having fun together on stage ;u;

password — Ultimate Bias will forever be ... LuhAN *sobs* Ah well. 

turn in — back to the story


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