Big Hit Girls : Johwa : Main Rapper, Vocalist

Oh Miwa
for big hit girls
username. smile_for_roo
nickname. rye
activity rate. 8

name. oh miwa
baby oh / Namjoon / He sees her as a "literal baby" since she's so young, and she hates it because hey, she's older now too... even if she hasn't grown since they've met.
micha / family / it's her korean name, but she prefers "miwa". it's really only ever used when she's in trouble with either of her brothers or her father.

birthdate. 03.01.1996 + 19
birthplace. shibuya, toyko prefecture, japan
hometown. tonyeong, south gyeongsang, south korea
ethnicity. japanese-korean
Bloodtype. A -
japanese / Fluent, first language
korean / semi-fluent, second language
SCHOOLING. Tongyeong hyanggyo (2012)
Transferred to Seoul arts high school in spring 2013 and continues schooling there.
fashion style
face claim. jang haebyeol (gallery)
backup faceclaim. kang hyeyeon (gallery)

Height. 152 CM
Weight. 45 kg

appearance. Miwa is just a tiny, dolly like looking girl, fitting in with middle school students rather than someone who's in high school. her one outstanding feature is her "bunny smile" -- her front teeth are slightly larger than the rest of her teeth, making it a very cute smile. 
fashion sense. miwa has two modes: lolita and actually fitting her position in the group. from her beginnings as a lolita model in her younger teens, she still retaints some fondness towards the style, with pretty skirts and long sleeved blouses, stockings and the works. when she became a trainee, she started dressing more the part, with lots of oversized plaid shirts, snapbacks, beanies, and converse. when someone mistakes her position, she tends to whine and say, "But I'm wearing /plaid/." ...even though that really has nothing to do with being a rapper.
life's story

key traits. { + charming, dedicated, articulate, creative. } { / intense, implusive. }  { - sassy, dependent, frivolous, emotional. }
"She can wrap anyone around her little finger with a smile."
Miwa is extremely charming and HER LOOKS MAKE ANYONE think she's the sweetest person on the face of this planet. She knows how to work a room and can make even a grumpy person smile. this makes it easy for her to make friends at first, since it's the first thing they see about her. Miwa is extremely dedicated to her work, her dream, and her team. she's always working hard and wanting to prove that despite her dolly looks, she deserves her spot and can do what she does well. miwa is also very intelligent, and knows her way around words. she'll talk you into a circle and has plenty of ways to get your tongue tied. Never get into an argument with her, simply put. Miwa also loves the arts -- especially fashion. miwa puts a lot of time into her appearance, and always comes up with cute and unique ways to put outfits and looks together and make them work well. She especially enjoys creating designs and developing new concepts for her and her group mates. She can be the bane of the coordi-unnies existences sometimes, with the ideas she rattles off to them. 

"Oh? what do you mean i can't have this?"
Miwa... likes to get what she wants. She's competitive, which makes her really intense during challenges and some games. ask namjoon, he'll give you full details on just how intense she can be. Let's just say that sports are never a good idea with her, she'll end up kicking your shins if you beat her. She can also be extremely implusive when given the chance. if she hears you want bubble tea, let's just ditch the manager and go to your favorite spot out by the mall. doesn't matter that it's close to midnight and we just finished a six hour long rehearsal. she means well with her implusivity, but she does cause the poor managers some gray hairs while doing so. 

"she doesn't take no for an answer."
look, as sweet and charming and princessy that miwa can be, she does have some spice to her. the main one being, well, sass. boy can she throw out some quick one liners and some smart comebacks. it's why she does what she does, she's able to think on her feet and think of a response and lyrics pretty quickly. however, she can make these sass remarks without thinking and can take it a bit too far. miwa has always been babied and taken care of, making her extremely dependent. she'll frequently forget to take her medication, check her blood sugar, or do basic human things if not reminded or babied. this being said, she didn't get her "sassy princess" vibe for nothing. being taken care of constantly can result to spoiling, and she was, and expects to still be, so she can be a bit frivolous and not understand when you tell her "no". as intelligent as she is, miwa is still very young and can be very emotional and not know how to deal with these emotions sometimes, making her very hard to deal with. 

as a baby welcomed into the new year of 1996 (which she's still pretty bitter about, i mean she was only four days off come on--) miwa was born into a, well, unhappy household. she was basically her parents last attempt to keep their marriage together. when miwa was six, they divorced and her father took custody of her and her two older brothers, relocating to another place in shibuya, tokyo where miwa lived in for most of her childhood. miwa doesn't have much memory of her mother, save for thoughtless birthday cards and obligatory letters on holidays that became sparser as she grew up, which made her resent her mother a little. 
at eight, his father met a woman by the name of mayamoto izami, and soon after began to date her. at first, miwa was extremely stressed and upset by this, after all, she had been the apple of her father and brother's eyes for so long, what would happen should another woman's presence intrude on the sceen? the way her father looked at izami, though, made miwa want nothing more than to see him smile like that more, and so she let this woman enter their lives with little fight (although she was very disgruntled at first). izami then became her step mother at age ten, and quickly became her favorite  person. izami happened to be a very big editor for lolita magazines and in the fashion industry, and made miwa her own little doll. the younger girl did not complain one bit about the spoiling that her new mother did, and got into modelling the style of lolita soon after that. 
at twelve, izami got a better job in her industry in tongyeong, south korea, where they moved to accomedate. the culture change and learning korean was difficult for her and her brothers, but since her father was korean, it made things a little easier. he hadn't spoken it in a while, but immersion helped him and his children thankfully. izami was also very helpful, making sure her children got enrolled in the best schools they could offer. miwa was known for being izami's personal little doll/assistant during photoshoots, so when she travelled to seoul for one, miwa was eager to tag along. the visit was long, and miwa was left on her own for the night, since she didn't want to go to the late night dinner with izami and her coworkers, so she decided to explore seoul nightlife. there, she ran into a boy by the name of namjoon, and after talking in line in a conveience store, she found herself at her first underground rap experience. she found the whole atmosphere and music intriguing and wanted more of that. so she talked to namjoon a little bit more and found out about big hit entertainment. she was extremely not prepared for the audition, but namjoon and her remained in contact, helping her practice and start developing her own rapping persona and skills over time, texts, and late night calls. at fourteen, the next time she was in seoul with her mother, she went in to audition, and that's where her trainee story begins. 

her family.
fashion, especially lolita styles.
clear weather.
rap/hip hop music.
horror films/murder mystery novels.

bad fashion/tacky concepts.
sour foods/candy.
not being taken seriously.
not wearing makeup.

concept/costume designing.
travelling.( her stepmother took her all around japan and korea, she loved it.)
reading. magazines, war and peace, language books, she has quite a collection.
collecting and cuddling moomin dolls. (if you've ever seen bom on roommates, she has a bunch of them on her bed. miwa has just as many, if not more.)

talking super fast in japanese when she's nervous and doesn't know what to do.
noncommitally saying "hm?" when uninterested, unimpressed, or not listening.
telling horror stories or reading excerpts from novels to scare others when she wants to be left alone.

she was diagonsed with type 1 diabetes at age seven. she visits the doctor regularly and has a steady dosage of apidra to ensure her health.
miwa still collects lolita fashion and has a bad habit of spending her allowance on really popular brands.
her family has one shiba inu named ami, and she wants one in the dorms named ichiro.
her favorite color is yellow/gold.
she knows all of rapmonster's parts, and frequently raps them to annoy him.specially when she knows them well enough to flip into japanese and back into korean without a hitch.

father / oh, kwangjo / 49 / teacher / optimistic, hard working, quiet, well meaning / 4 - he's very much miwa's favorite person. he went through so much, moving to a different country for the woman he loved only to be dumped after been given another child, and yet he still remained so warm and open to the world. miwa admires and loves him very much. he brags about his daughter being a trainee to his current students. 
stepmother / mayamoto, izami / 38 / editor / intelligent, dominant, motherly, charming / 5 - the only reason izami is higher than her father is because she spoils miwa. izami was the first mother like figure she had in her life, and she couldn't have asked for a better one. the woman has always encouraged miwa to follow her dreams, and retains close contant with her daughter through her training process.
older brother 1 / oh, makato / 22 / uni student / protective, caring, athletic, energetic. / 3 - makato is the oldest and therefore feels a lot of responsibility towards his younger siblings -- esepcially miwa. if anyone was to hurt his baby sister he'd come flying in and punch them in the face -- did he mention he was on a scholarship to his university for mixed martial arts? so yes. he'd actually punch you in the face.
older brother 2 / oh, mamoru / 20 / uni student / shy, caring, intelligent, insecure / 3 - mamoru is the sweetest big brother miwa could have ever asked for. he's very quiet, preferring to read and watch his little sister from afar, but you can bet if she needed his help he'll drop his textbooks and run to her. both of her brothers were her rocks growing up, they were the only ones who really understood what was going on, and didn't let her go through it alone. 
**miwa doesn't consider her birthmother, fujii ayane, to be apart of her family and she doesn't have much of a relationship with her anyways.**

Non-famous friends. 
ichigawa, yae / 21 / lolita model / bubbly, gullible, whimsical, witty / Friendship 4 - she was the first friend miwa made in the lolita world, and they've worked closely on several photoshoots. yae's a little upset about miwa leaving the lolita community to pursue being a korean idol, but does support her all the same. she always updates miwa on the drama, gossip, and news of the lolitas back in shibuya.
lee, soyi / 17 / seoul arts student / confident, mannered, generous, fair. / 3- miwa's first friend at her new school in seoul. soyi is a hopeful cube trainee, and is an excellent dancer. she has a strong sense of justice and doesn't like any discrimination happening on her watch -- it made miwa's life a little easier when she was transitioning.  

IDOL journey
stage name. johwa -- it means harmony in korean. namjoon picked it out for her.
stage persona. sassy princess
stage personality. "johwa" is extremely different than miwa, in her opinion. johwa is nothing but sass wrapped up in a package that looks like a disney princess. hitman thought it fit the group's original concept well, and pushed miwa to amplify her sass and wit when on stage. fans joke that johwa looks like jin, but has the personality of suga.
group position. main rapper, vocalist.
backup group position. lead dancer, rapper, vocalist, visual.

singing twin. amber of f(x). ( one , two )
dancing twin. amber of f(x). ( one , two )
rapping twin. kisum. ( one , two )

length of training so far. about five years.
trainee history. 
with namjoon pushing for her acceptance, miwa passed her audition for bighit. namjoon took her under his wing, helping train her in rapping and writing her own lyrics and creating her persona further. hitman did not make it easy for her training -- being a female rapper, and a good one at that, was difficult in the kpop industry, and she was at bighit, a company that mostly produced hiphop and rap tracks for their artists. while this was happening, namjoon was going through the process of preparing for debut -- which meant she was there as members were added, when members left, and was basically the rapper's rock as she was a constant in his life. the two went to underground rap concerts and battles whenever they had the chance, wanting to gain experience and get feedback on their works and skills. 
miwa, as a female trainee, did not find the other female trainees as nice as namjoon as she went along her training experience. she was constantly underminded in her abilities because of her looks and of who she was as a person. hitman and namjoon kept her going though, after the second year hitman realizing that miwa was in it to win it and finding respect for the young girl. 

pre-big hit girls activities. 
- modelled for elle girl korea, and earlier modelled for popteen and zipper magazines in japan.
sns accounts. 
twitter @johwa_bght03
8tracks @johwabght
rap monster's rapper friend joined big hit? / true/ when rap monster first debuted, e was still helping miwa out with her training, and did not deny when asked if he had a fellow rapper friend at big hit. big hit confirmed the rumor and that's how johwa got her first little bit of predebut attention.
big hit trainee was a lolita? / true / this got miwa's blood boiling, it did. basically netizens were blowing her off, saying she was only a pretty face and wouldn't possibly debut at bighit. it seems she works harder out of spite. yes, she was a lolita, and yes she can still rap. just watch and see.
big hit's johwa attacking seventeen's hoshi! / false / so she was able to come with namjoon to a stage, and ended up hearing that seventeen had a member named hoshi. being miwa, she immediately jumped to conclusions and starting to talk to the boy in rapid japanese, only to be upset when she found out it was just a stage name and had nothing to do with his heritage. she did scold him, but hardly ever touched him. he's just a scaredy cat.

famous friends. 
kim, namjoon / 22 / member of bts / LEADER, INTELLIGENT, AWKWARD / 5 - miwa will forever be grateful and give a lot of credit to bts' leader, because if she hadn't had run into him that night at the conveinence store, she would still be back in tongyeong. although, namjoon would admit that she was inspiring to him, too, giving him support when he was dealing with the rough time of preparing to debut as an idol. they leaned on each other a lot, and miwa trusts namjoon more than anyone else and would do just about anything for him. they share a lot of secrets and have serious talks late at night. namjoon admits that even if he's tired from a schedule, he'll make his way over to see miwa if he hasn't seen her in a while. both understand a deep part of each other and you don't find that often in friendships, so they hold each other very dear and near to their hearts.
kwon, soon young / 19 / member of seventeen / hardworking, outgoing, goofy / 4 - their relationship did not start off exceptionally well, seeing as it started with her scolding/yelling at him for something as silly as his stage name. afterwards, when she had finished her outburst and calmed down, he made the initative to talk to her, restarting their relationship. being as charming and nice as hoshi is, miwa came to like him and eventually started seeking him out, becoming a fan of his persay. hoshi also became a fan of hers, although he didn't believe that the tiny doll girl he had met was actually a rapper, when she hit the stage and started going hoshi couldn't help but be blown away with her talent and supported her as well. both care about each other and like to embarrass the other when they can on broadcast, such as using really gross/affectionate nicknames and bringing up super embarrassing stories.
lover's smile
love interest. lee jihoon
backup love interest. kim namjoon

personality. looks like a fairy boy, but boy does this boy have some fury in him. woozi is an extremely focused, hardworking member of his group, even producing their debut track and being the leader of the vocal unit despite his younger age. however, even though he's determined he's got a lot of self doubt and criticism, not always seeing how truly talented he is. he's also very careful to ensure his hard work doesn't go to waste, like i said the boy is focused, but that also means he's kind of awkward around people at first, since he'd rather be behind a mic or a sound board than directly in front of you. that being said, he doesn't have a clue about romance, not bothering himself with it in high school and now that he's an idol, he really doesn't see how he can fit that into his life. he's exceedingly loyal and does genuinely care about s/friends, even if sometimes he'd like to take his guitar and smash them over the head with it (i mean, that's happened before but hush, we don't talk about it). it's not that he's cold and unfeeling, it's just, he's very dedicated to his dream, and he knows what he wants, and he's very one track minded and awkward when forced to socialize. once you do get to know him, he can be very sweet and nice... as long as you don't mess with him or make fun of his height.

background. As all love stories begin, Woozi and Miwa met... when she was trying to make friends with their "Japanese" member, Hoshi. To say he was amused by the scene was an understatement, finding the small doll like girl's anger towards his group member hilarious, since Hoshi (who was 177 cm) was cowering and scared of a girl who barely reached his chest. S.Coups and himself did eventually step in after catching their breath from laughing, and introductions were tentatively made before Miwa was called over by the girl's leader for a schedule. Woozi didn't really think much of Miwa after that, but oh boy did Miwa think of Woozi, finding the small boy adorable and wondering who he was. She secretly looked up and became enraptured with the charms of Seventeen. 

relationship. hoshi and miwa became pretty good friends after that, and so whenever the big hit girls did something, hoshi wanted everyone to want his "japanese sister" and her group. it was sort of inevitable that woozi became intrgiued by who miwa was. one an episode of weekly idol that hoshi made most of seventeen watch that big hit girls were on, it was revealed of miwa's origins of being a lolita rapper. "how can you be so dolly but be a rapper? it doesn't make any sense!" the mcs teased, but it seemed that miwa was not amused. she proved that she deserved that title, performing cheetah's "my number" and shocking everyone. she ended by saying, "i've worked hard to get here. i know i've still got a lot to learn, but i've earned my place and will continue to prove people that despite my looks." after that, woozi kept a close eye on miwa and her group, finding he and the lolita rapper had a lot more in common than one would think.

How did the ball FINALLY get rolling on this relationship? Well, thank Hoshi because he and Miwa had become good friends despite the fuss that occurred over their first meeting. Hoshi actually invited Miwa to come and take part in Seventeen's comeback MV in the second half of 2015, and she had accepted despite her busy schedule. "I'll always make time for my fake Japanese brother!" She had teased when she arrived. She had to interact with all of the Seventeen members, and Woozi was uncharacteristically nervous when it came to interacting with Miwa. But she simply smiled and told him to just try and pretend she was one of the members crossdressing, Jeonghan would make a pretty girl right? Which loosened him up with a laugh. After that, they were able to get some conversation going, and when Vernon made a comment about how Woozi finally found a girl that was shorter than him, both of them teamed up on the younger, scolding him and telling him to respect his elders. This earned them the nickname of "Grandma & Grandpa" amongst the members, since they sounded so old fashioned. (It eventually became a teasing nickname for Woozi, saying that their relationship was going so slow that they'd be old people by the time he confessed to her.)
Woozi popped up a lot in Miwa's radio mentions after that, gaining some teasing from others asking if she was dating the Vocal unit leader. She laughed and insisted that she wasn't, but she would like to get closer to the boy and wishes he'd be less awkward. Woozi in return would reply during Seventeen's appearances when asked about it, saying that Miwa should initate conversation first if she was so eager to get to know him better. "Can't you be more chivalrious than that, Woozi?" She had asked, surprising the unit by calling the radio station. Immediately Woozi was embarrassed, apologizing while she laughed over the phone. She promised she'd talk to him more after they were both on break from promotions, asking the radio host to keep an eye on him and Hoshi for her. He was very confused about how his heart sort of jumped when he realized that she had to have planned that just for him, but shook it off.
Miwa certainly kept good on her promise for hanging out, the day after Seventeen's goodbye stage she had called Hoshi, demanding to be let in so she could wake everyone up. After the initial grumpy wake up call that ensued (she had no idea that Dino had such a foul mouth after being woken up, after all he was so young--) she claimed to be kidnapping Woozi for the day and off they went, with the boy in question only half aware of what was happening. Eventually, after wandering around the outdoor shops, he asked if there was a plan to this day, and she blushed.
"Uh, no... I just wanted to hang out with you.." She shyly admitted, and Woozi just about exploded in embarrassment yet again. They ended up getting ice cream and spicy black noodles before going to a karaoke room (inviting their groups, of course, it'd be strange with just two, after all) and ended up squished side by side as a majority of their groups joined them in the confined space, singing and yelling the lyrics to their favorite songs. Woozi wasn't completely dismissing the sudden elevated heart rate, the sudden awareness that came with being so close to Miwa. He didn't know what this feeling was and he was scared to find out more about it. After that, the groups sort of all exchanged phone numbers and Miwa would bother Woozi on a regular basis, and he'd reply rather dryly, however his face never failed to feel just a tad bit warmer when he heard her personalized ding of "Ak-kin-da!" which he'll never admit he assigned to her.

the romance was slow and unsure, to be honest. woozi had since accepted his feelings for the small female rapper, but miwa, being the way she is, was still blissfully unaware of her feelings. she'd initate skinship with him, now that she was more comfortable, and woozi couldn't stop the lump in his throat everytime she did that unaware of his feelings. it was when he finally couldn't take it anymore that he called her out on it. she was leaning into him, her face and mouth awful close to his neck, and if he didn't do something soon he felt like he would snap.
"can you get off of me?" he suddenly blurted, shrugging her off and putting space inbetween them. miwa frowned, looking over at him.
"what's wrong?" she asked, catchign on to his on edge tone. woozi shook his head.
"nothing, i just don't want you leaning into me right now."
miwa furrowed her brow. "no, seriously, what is your problem?" when woozi didn't answer, she asked again. he didn't look at her, ignoring her, and she raised her voice to ask again, her tone high and clearly irritated as well.
"my problem is you don't know anything and you're driving me insane, okay?!" he snapped, causing miwa to jump at the unexpected burst of anger.
"you know what, never mind. forget it, bye miwa." he had said after a moment of silence, leaving her alone and storming away, needing time to think and cool down. she didn't deserve it, not by a landslide, but he just... couldn't just sit there and pretend she didn't have any effect on him anymore. 

"why is he mad at me?" she asked her members, sinking down into the couch, still upset and... a little hurt that woozi would react like that. the girls sighed. 
"how would you feel if woozi was always hugging onto you, giving you affection but never giving you any affirmation if he liked you or not?" one piped up, tilting her head. miwa pursed her lips.
"it'd be fine." she said, in a tone that said it probably wouldn't be fine. a knowing look was passed around the room.
"you sure? you don't sound fine--"
"i said it'd be fine!!" miwa snapped at her group mate, causing her to jump and draw her hand back. finally, the leader sighed.
"then why does it sound like neither of you would or do like it? think about it, miwa." 
"i just..." miwa stumbled for words, "he's dumb, he's being very dumb. he's a dumb cute boy with pretty hair and i hate that he's mad at me because i like it when he smiles at me and and-- i don't know, my chest hurts a lot when i see him and i get really happy when i think about him. what's wrong with me?" she whined.
"you, my friend, are in the process of falling for that dumb cute boy."
miwa's heart clenched. "no!! that's so scary -- what if it hurts even more??"
the leader gave her a hug. "hey, it is scary, and it might... but if you don't want to do anything about it, or if you decide to do something, no matter what, you've at least got us, you know?" 
After that, it took about a week for Woozi to call her back up and apologize. It was a long, agonizing week for both of them, so when the boy finally apologized, it was a welcoming relief for all sides. Nothing seriously developed at this point, but the recognition of feelings were definitely realized.
As for confessions? Well, both are just really giddy around each other, too shy to initate skinship anymore but are always close together when they can be. Woozi may or may not have written a song to express his feelings, and asked Miwa to write rap lyrics to it, and while they're working on it, both big hit and Pledis got word of it (thanks to nosy and yet still wonderful group members working together on this ship) and have expressed interest in actually making it a promotion song, with an MV and everything. The two have promised their prospective groups that if it happens to take the music charts at #1, they'll confess to each other.
little notes
suggestions. i'm weak af for bangtan and these boys... also big hit really does need a new girl group TT^TT. i really like this idea, and i hope you like miwa/johwa... let me know if there's anything i need to fix (:
scene requests. woozi/johwa cuteness. ((i'm really weak for that mv of kisum and jooyoung, it fits their relationship perfectly i cry ;; )
johwa with namjoon and making really weird freestyle raps and suga just being like "please... stop... why are you like this..."
honestly, anything, like if you pick johwa i'll just be estatic that you actually wrote her ;u;
password. hopeful debut - he's just so tall!!!
application layout coded by cerulean themes


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