「♡」Yang, Haewon — is the miss right



searching for the miss right


BIRTHNAME : Yang, Haewon 

」 Faith — She did a year abroad in London, and she was given an English name. She's fond of it and uses it to introduce herself. 

」"BB" (Boho Bambi)  — Faith tends to have "doe eyes", which means she has big eyes that round out when surprised or when she's hyper-focused. The Boho is just a statement on her fashion, and her friends in London just shortened it to BB.

」Real '95 Liner  — She was born so late in the year that she likes to say that she was actually born in the year of '95. It's a title that's stuck since she debuted. 

DATE OF BIRTH : December 29th, 1994 (20)
BIRTHPLACE : Tonyeong, South Gyeongsang, South Korea

」 Korean — Native Language, but has a strong Gyeongsang dialect. She's a little hard to understand, but she's working on her Seoul dialect and tries to go slowly when talking. 

」British English  — Conversational, she's able to speak it fairly well, and with the accent, but while in London she learned a lot of slang and slurs her words together, so if she were to talk to someone who spoke English they'd probably get each other confused.


」 Fresh faced and a country girl through and through, Faith is pretty much the poster child for the girl-next-door type. She's the girl that at first glance, you expect to be quiet and demure, and she is... But you should never judge a book by its cover.


let's start with small steps  

FACE CLAIM : Juniel ( 1 + 2 ) (I couldn't find a lot of galleries, but Juniel is so pretty ;; )
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 169cm and 46kg


」 Faith is always dressed in two ways: cutesy tomboy or bohemian sweater weather. The first is more the characters she portrays and her fashion sense before idol life. Rolled up button ups, cute printed shorts, sensible yet cute shoes, knee socks, the works. She still enjoys this style and doesn't mind wearing it out of the set. However, she really loves the soft, earth colors of the bohemian fashion, and when she moved out of the ocean weather Tongyeong and into Seoul, she found a lot more excuses to wear such styles of clothing. She's not too fond of tighter, form fitting clothes or revealing things. She likes covering up because... well, she's pretty much always cold now. A fad that fans have been noting in her recent fashion history is she's started wearing hats, one of her frequently worn ones being a black, floppy hat. She especially loves simple gold jewelry, always wearing a ring and bracelet combo and usually a long thin chain with some kind of pendant. She has her ears pierced thrice on her left, and twice on her right, because the third one on the right got infected and she just let it close up. For earrings, she sticks with mostly just studs, but occasionally she'll wear slightly more elegant, dangling earrings. All in all, Faith is very much a simplitisic boho farm girl... who just happened to live by the beach most of her life.


life's a game, time to enjoy  

PERSONALITY TRAITS :  ( + ) Amiable, Calm, Courteous, Intelligent, Gentle
( / ) Whimsical, Conservative, Quiet
( - ) Bland, Self-Critical, Passive, Ritualistic, Secretive

」 The Girl Everyone Wants : Faith's whole look is promoted as "the girl next door" and she lives up to it on screen. At first glance, she looks almost like a fairy, friendly and pretty but yet, approachable and all around pleasant. She just has a very nice aura, and with her calm, soothing voice, it sort of wraps up the package with a nice big bow. She's applauded for this seeing as most of her roles are more comic on screen. She hardly ever loses her cool, taking whatever's thrown at her with a smile and a cool that rivals even a master poker face, hardly ever being the cause of a NG on set. She's still polite and respectful to everyone she meets, no matter if they've been rude to her. She believes that elders are to be especially respected, and is always the one bowing a full 90 degrees when approached by a senior or by someone she doesn't know. Seeing her school scores and how she was able to study in London, it's no question that Faith is extremely intelligent and knows it. She's very studious and genuinely enjoys schooling, having had taken a break from acting to go abroad and learn without being followed by cameras. No matter if she's been followed or intruded upon, she's still polite and very, very gentle. She is mild in temperment, having a lot of patience and willingness to work or talk with someone, even if it is difficult, and is very kind to everyone.

The Girl Everyone Protects : While she is very intelligent and is actually quite observant, Faith tends to space out, thinking about a lot of other things and getting caught up in her own thoughts, ending up looking quite young and usually blinking widely and asking "Excuse me?" to ask what happened while she was lost. Some people think it's adorable and matches her look, but when someone is saying something really important to her, she sometimes tries to ready a reply and doesn't hear some of it, and that can really be hurtful to some. As a girl from the south and more country part of South Korea, Faith has a very conservative mindset. She respects others opinions, but she's got her own set of morals and ideals and she's going to stick with it, whether or not they may be right. She's willing to listen, but it'd be hard to change her mind abuot something she's believed in for so long. Faith doesn't like talking much, being more introverted and shy, so she tends to keep to herself, not speaking unless spoken to or directed to do so. It can be a good saying to live by, but sometimes she has so much to say but is told to stay quiet.

The Girl Everyone Questions : Since Faith is just so... quiet and relatively soft, she sort of fades into the background, going unnoticed. She gets ignored in group conversations a lot simply because she doesn't speak and everyone forgets she's there, since she's such a quiet presence. Faith always criticizes herself, telling herself that she needs to put herself out there more and let her voice be heard, but unfortunately she always shys away when the opportunity presents herself, which is why she's where she is today. As quiet as she is, it's no surprise that she's about as passive as she gets. No matter how mean or how much crap is thrown her way, she always just takes it, no complaints or no tears. She finds it easier just to be done as your told, after all, one day things will go your way, right? It's infuriating for some of her friends because she doesn't think she deserves more than what she's given, to which she will vehemently deny. She also hates breaking from routine. Once she settles into one, she doesn't like straying from it. Especially when it comes to new experiences. She likes what she does now, why does she need to try and find new things she likes? Faith also keeps most everything to herself. Dreams, Ambitions, her actual feelings and thoughts... She has so much to say but keeps it to herself, afraid of what others will think of her.

The Girl No One Knows : (Curious, Sensitive, Expressive, Passionate, Silly) Faith, on the inside, and how she was in London, was actually a lot more active and emotional and expressive. She's always asking questions, wanting to learn and know more than what she already does, even if they aren't really her business. She's very sensitive to other's feelings, and her feelings are easily hurt, making it hard for her to take a jab to anything about her physical appearance. She can actually use her body and do more than just politely smile, she can actually make funny faces and have actual emotions display on her face, if only she'd be given the chance. Faith is also super passionate, wanting to do nothing more than pursue the career of her dreams, and she's already ready and wants to go out and do it, but at the same time, she's scared of the chance of failure. When she talks about it though, she just lights up and it's hard to get her to stop talking, but she'll light up if you talk about your passion to. She loves the fire and love in someone's eyes when they talk about something they're truly in love with. Even though she's quiet, she can be silly and make funny faces and puns. Oh my goodness, she loves puns and word play and jokes of the like. It never fails to get a smile out of her.

The Girl In Love : When Faith likes someone, she tends to smile. A lot. She also tends to avoid physical contact, because when if there's a little skinship, her face turns a bright shade of red and she feels like she can't breathe. She tends to ramble and not make eye contact with them, and feeling jittery and can't stay still. Usually calm and proper Faith is completely gone and out the window when she starts becoming romantically interested in someone. It's quite adorable, actually, but she tends to just avoid the person to keep her composure. It'd make filming... interesting that's for sure.


」 If you call Faith by her birthname, Haewon, she won't respond. She hasn't been called by that name in forever and so being called that confuses her a little.
」 She knows how to play the guitar, and even composes and writes her own songs, but keeps it to herself, seeing as she's not an idol. 
」 Her favorite animal is a sheep. She wants to visit New Zealand one day and pet one.
」 While prefers cold weather to warm weather, even if she sometimes gets a cold from the chill. She just really loves her sweaters and snuggling up in blankets and hot tea or hot chocolate :>
」 She's very close to soloist Ailee and GOT7's JB because of their working together on Dream High 2. They're her best friends and you can see Faith with either Ailee or JB when they have down time.
」Faith collects earphones. Whether it be over the ear, ear buds, inner ear, wireless, any kind of them, she'll collect them in all sorts of colors and designs.
」She doesn't drink coffee, but she loves the smell of it, and frequently goes to cafes just to breathe in the smell and relax.
」She prefers to buy physical copies of albums and CDs. She likes the photobooks and enjoys having the CD in her possession.
」Her baby sister, Yang Yena, recently debuted in the girl group named APRIL.  She's very proud of her sister and supports her group to the fullest. She helped compose her debut song, Dream Candy.
」She has a really cute laugh, as seen here (Tiffany's giggle my goodness-- too cute >^<)


」 I had a first love... once. :  Faith did have a first love experience in London, with a boy by the name of Clarence James (fc: Niall Horan of 1D). They met through the music program she was in, and they hit it off right away. Oliver was nothing but sweet and loving throughout the entire relationship, respecting Faith's views and morals and never overstepping boundaries. He made all those stories of falling in love out of the country come true -- the late nights exploring the nightlife, the kisses under the lamp posts at night, the touring the sites together -- it was like a dream for her. But of course, even the sweetest of dreams had to come to an end. Both of them knew that a long distance relationship would never work between them and their ambitions for a dreams and life, so with heavy hearts they ended it at the airport, promising to remain friends. The last thing Clarence made her promise him before leaving is that she wouldn't give up on her own dream when she went back, and that's a promise she's determined not to break. 


light up as if you're going to disappear  

OCCUPATION : actress + rumored soloist (late 2015)
COMPANY : DSP Entertainment 
DEBUT DATE : 2011 as an actress,  October 2015 (?) as a soloist 



As Yang Haewon the Actress : Being a relatively small company, DSP put a lot of effort and time into the few idol groups they had, and were selective about the trainees they allowed into their company or who they allowed to debut. Haewon entered the company in 2007, when she was 14. While the audition was namely for idol trainees, the company saw that she had talents in acting and decided that, for now, to push her towards the drama route. So she followed orders and debuted as a DSP Ent. actress in 2011 with the drama Flower Boy Ramen Shop as Kang Dong-Joo. She received mixed criticism, getting compliments for her face and her funny quips throughout the series but also getting comments about ow she was still young for such a role, even though it wasn't a huge role. She then earned an audition for Dream High 2, which she earned the lead role as Shin Hye Sung, surprising netizens since the series was more music based. This led her to meet her best friends, JB and Ailee, and by working side by side and experiencing second hand idol life, she realized something. While she throughly enjoyed her acting career; she discovered that she also still throughly enjoyed music, something that brought her to the company in the first place, and that had recently brought her sister, Yena, to the company as well. So after filming of Dream High 2 had finished in March 2012, DSP Entertainment announced that the rising actress would be put on hiatus to focus on her studies. Netizens were shocked and a little outraged, after all, Haewon was on the brink of becoming a very well known actress at a very young age, so why should she suddenly go on hiatus at this point? DSP Entertainment and herself got a lot of backlash for making the decision, but her manager and new found friends in the industry encouraged her to follow her dreams and to come back ready to go.

As Faith, the actress and aspiring soloist : Haewon left for London to go to school, only to end up in the music program, buried deep in textbooks about composing and returning to her guitar and picking up piano along the way. This, of course, is where she met Clarence, her first love. Clarence adored music, and tutored Haewon (given the English name Faith at the time, which she stuck with) throughout her guitar lessons and singing lessons. Clarence never failed to praise her voice, encouraging her to sing more. When she explained that it was her company’s decision, not her own, he looked her dead in the eyes and said, “Then change their minds.” At the end of her studies in London, Clarence reminded her of that, making her promise she wouldn’t give up. “The world needs to hear your voice and words. Don’t let some company snuff you out because they only see value in your face. You’re so much more than that.” 
Faith returned to DSP, and immediately was put into filming Seonam Girls High School Investigators as a lead, Yoon Mi-Ah. While fans were glad that she had returned, many were still disgruntled at her sudden departure on her brink of stardom. DSP kept wanting to push her acting career, but Faith insisted that she wanted to try what she originally came there for, to sing and compose. Yena, her sister, and her girl group were about to debut, and Faith was much too old for their concept. But she was given the chance: If she could help compose a track good enough for APRIL’s debut, they’d get her started as a soloist. It was heavy stakes, long nights, and infuriating fights with the head composer and lyricist, but at the end of it came out "Dream Candy", a collaborative effort, and Faith’s own track. titled “Come On”, which would later be renamed as “Hurry Hurry” for APRIL’s debut mini album. DSP was made good on their word, but they needed more publicity in order to get Faith’s solo career jump started. So when the producer of “Miss Right and the Bulletproof Boy” approached them, asking if they had any interest in auditioning one of their girls, Faith was immediately pushed in. As teasers and episodes started being unveiled, DSP started dropping their own hints about a change in Faith’s career. Netizens are now speculating if London was just for studying and are anticipating an announcement of some sort about Faith coming into the music industry somehow.



」 'I' , a self composed mini album by FAITH, dropped in late 2015 (?)

  • I (Feat. Verbal Jint) *Title Track : This is Faith's baby. She loves this song and did 90% of the work, the other 10% was Verbal Jint being a blessing and featuring on her track.
  • Insane : Faith wanted to try a vareity of styles for this mini album, and she has to say that this one was the one that gave her the most trouble, but had one of the best results in the end. 
  • Fox : This was actually a collaboration with Ailee and Amber, who the former had woken up at three am one morning while she and Faith were stuck on the song, and Amber graciously helped them out. 
  • Double Jack (Feat. JB of GOT7) : Of course she was going to ask JB to duet with her. JB is definitely one of her closest friends, and he didn't hestiate to say yes to be apart of her solo album. He's very, very proud of her.
  • I (Instrumental) : She wants to hear covers! Also, she's just really proud of the back track on this so she put it in. 




」 Flower Boy Ramen Shop (played Kang Dong-Joo) (2011)
」 Dream High 2 (played Shin Hye Sung) (2012)
」Seonam Girls High School Investigators (played Yoon Mi-Ah) (2015)


DSP Entertainment to debut a new actress, Yang Haewon! (2011) : Her debut article, nothing big and didn't garner a lot of attention.
Rising Actress Yang Haewon to star in Dream High 2: Will she compare? (2012) : THIS got people talking, since really big idols were starring in it, and then there's her, simple little Faith.  She was very much compared to Suzy's acting in the original lead of the first season. She was recieved very well in this role.
Yang Haewon taking hiatus, DSP announces : Netizens are outraged. (2012) : After her sudden success, netizens expected her to be placed in more dramas or even a movie, not on hiatus. They were not too pleased, as netizens usually are.
Actress Yang Haewon returns as FAITH, DSP reveals, and is currently in filming for a new drama. (2014) : Netizens gave mixed reactions, while some were excited to see the actress return, others were still sore about her sudden leave and wanted to know what it was about. Neither Faith or DSP gave many details as to why she did leave.
DSP's FAITH's little sister revealed to be in new girl group APRIL! (2015) : Yena's official reveal teaser for APRIL! Faith was so proud of her baby sister, and is there for every performance, live show, or recording that she can be at.
Wonder who that British girl was in GOT7's "If You Do"? It's FAITH of DSP Entertainment! (2015) : Remember that little part with the British girl speaking in GOT7's new song? JB pulled a favor since they were already working in the studio together. Netizens were impressed by her overall change in her British English speaking, commending her voice work.
DSP Entertainment releases ambigious teaser with the letter I : Who could it be about? (2015) : DSP's first teaser about her, netizens debated over whether it was a KARA comeback or a soloist debut, and when DSP hinted more towards FAITH, it was greatly anticipated.
FAITH rumored to be cast in "Miss Right and the Bulletproof Boy" (2015) : When Faith was first interviewed to be apart of the cast, the internet got ahold of her being a potential. They had been doing that with a lot of different idols and celebrities for this show, though.


LOVE INTEREST : Jeon, Jungkook 


」 kim seokjin — The typical cute big brother and baby sister relationship. Faith usually uses aegyo on him to get him to cook her food, but ends up helping him cook. Jin enjoys Faith's calming presence, thinking she's a very nice girl and an all around good person. Faith respects Jin a lot and thinks he's very handsome, always complimenting him on his looks and his vocals. He tries to get her to sing Disney songs with him but she refuses, giggling and running away when he tries to force her. It's kinda like watching a family drama show, like the feel good ones that don't make you sad and cry into a whole box of tissues.

」 min yoongi — Yoongi, to be honest, was the one who first caught her eye. While most would think he's a grumpy grandpa, Faith tended to see that he was just quiet and extremely dedicated to his work. She appreciated it, and he was actually the first one she opened up to about composing and he offered to help her on developing some tracks. ( 'I' was a track he did indeed help on) They have a very good friendship, and even have each other's phone numbers. Faith admires him a lot, and Suga comends the younger for her hard work.

」 jung hoseok — Hoseok scared her. He has just so much energy and wants to do SO much, and Faith is just so smol and quiet that it was sort of like, culture shock almost. They can be paired together when the mission requires one to have a lot of energy, but as an introvert, Faith finds Hoseok's energy certainly admirable but extremely draining. Hoseok wants to be friends but completely understands that she needs her space. He's determined to at least be considered a friend by her by the end of this series, though.

」 kim namjoon — Namjoon didn't scare her, per say, but he was intimidating at first. So Faith stayed quiet until the PD urged the rapper to speak in English to her, jump starting the conversation. Namjoon found her accent intriguing and both found conversation in more intellectual topics. The PD has to remind these two to speak in Korean during recordings, because the two can talk in English for hours and Namjoon learns a lot from her and visa versa.

」 park jimin — She found Jimin adorable, and Jimin was the shyest thing when he first came around her. Since he didn't know about girls, he was kind of clueless and Faith encouraged him, saying that it was okay, trial and error was how we learned, and Jimin decided that Faith was his favorite noona. He likes cuddling up to her when one of the other members are mean to him, whining and asking her to help him. She indulges from time to time, given her passive nature, but she does find Jimin a comforting presence and will seek him out if she's feeling really overwhelmed by everything.

」 kim taehyung — Scare Factor #2. Taehyung, let's face it, has just as much energy as Hoseok, and can be just as loud and just as weird. This doesn't make Faith want to actually be around him that much. But she adores the way he's around children -- she often comments that he'll be a fantastic father in the future. He gets really pleased hearing praises out of Faith, and strives to get them. When he's more calm and controlled, Faith does enjoy him... in small doses. 

」 jeon jungkook — Aaah yes. The troublemaker. Faith found him, of course, attractive at their first meeting. He was young, but he fairly mature for his age, even if there were times that he acted more like a five year old. Faith... could deal with that. She saw that Jungkook was a hard worker and constantly complimented and encouraged him to continue pursuing his singing career. Jungkook likes skinship, but it had to take a while for Faith to actually be okay with it, but eventually you'll see Jungkook intertwine their hands and while Faith blushes and tries to avoid all eye contact, Jungkook just smiles brightly because he likes making her flustered. This gets easier as her feelings for him develop, and he finds himself falling for the shy noona, wanting nothing more than for her to break down those walls of hers and show everyone how great she can really be.


if we're together, it's like a harmony surrounds us  


」 Faith peeks over at her manager to see how she should word this question. "Ah, well..." She clears , "I've been gone for a while, and my company decided that I should show myself more on variety shows rather than just my acting. Does this make sense?" She smiles politely, glancing over for approval from her manager. "They'd like me to market myself a bit more, since I've got a lot planned, and I should leave it at that, it seems." She smiles again, pleased with her answer.


」 "I was actually with my sister when I found out," She admits, giggling a little. "She was very excited for me, Yena says she enjoys seeing me on shows, so she can show off to the rest of her members... She's so silly." She giggles again. "My personal reaction? I was honestly worried. I'm so quiet, how awkward will it be with someone else who is quiet, you know? I probably won't get much screen time." She shakes her head.


」 "Can I be honest? I honestly had no idea who BTS was before this." She admits bashfully, hiding her face in her hands when she hears the surprised shouts from some of the members of the crew. "I know, I know, but I was abroad when they debuted, so I'd like to think I had an excuse?" She tried to explain. "I went home and I did my research and thought, 'Oh? They're so tough! What is this?'" 


」 She sighs a bit at this question, more in how to answer it than upset that it was asked. "That is a good question. I was abroad when I dated, so no one saw me as a huge celebrity... But I do think that love is a basic part of being human, and it's only natural and human to crave to feel that emotion and then have it returned." 


」 "Hm...That's hard, considering I've only just returned to the country, I'm so behind on who's new and interesting these days." She sighs softly. "But personally, I don't have an ideal type. I find that love has the strangest way of finding you, and when you're in love... It changes everything." She giggles, fanning her face. "I'm blushing aren't I? For people that I'd admire, though... Hm, I guess JB, from GOT7. He'd make a good boyfriend." She hides her face in embarrassment, "Oh, please don't broadcast that! I don't need him teasing me!"


」 "I actually have something for this..." Faith admits, "I actually don't like men who have a lot of experience, or who know exactly what they want in a woman." The producer asks her why, and she responds, "Well, it's because..." She pauses, "Because I don't know what I want in a partner or a relationship, I suppose. Dating someone who already has it figured out... I'd feel like I'd be trying to fit a mold for them, and someone very dear once told me to not let that happen to me." She smiles fondly.


」 "Oh my." She giggles, covering . "I'm the avoidance type, honestly. He'd have to be really determined to chase after me or find a way to keep me there. I just get so shy... It gets hard to think and breathe properly around them, so I run so I can breathe." She reveals, sighing. "I'm just so awkward... I'm sorry you casted me, I hope I do well!" She bows to the crew and producer in apology, retaining a rather dark pink color in her cheeks.


」 pedestrian crossing
3」 museum
」 subway
1」 coffee shop
」 aquarium
」 arcade room
2」 library


smile_for_roo : rye 

LAST WORDS :  So like, I'm sitting here, with my face claim and name figured out, but nothing else. Literally no story, right? Not even like, what she is. And then... Taeyeon's "I" album was released. I don't know if you're a fan, but I like her a LOT, and when I saw it I was like "...yes. this is it." And therefore the entirety of this app is based upon the fashion and plotline and meaning of "I". Thank you, biased Taeyeon. Anyways, I'm actual Bangtan trash and can't control myself... Lol but I'm sure I'm not the only one. I really like this idea, it's super cute and fluffy ;u; I hope you like Faith, let me know if there's anything I need to fix~


」 Faith and Suga producing "I" becAUSE MY PRECIOUS BABY. ((i've grown attatched whoops)) ((maybe a reaction when her MV comes out but that's just extra af don't worry about that))
」 Jungkook initating skinship with Faith and watching her melt into a puddle because who doesn't want to see that.
」Faith maybe talking with one of the other girls (Kyungmi, perhaps?) and being adorable and friendships are made.
」Faith and her partner meeint JB and Ailee, cue the broship between BTS and GOT7 and Ailee and Faith watching the idiots like "....why"
」BTS meeting Yena!!! Faith being a good big sister!!! ((It's 4 am ok I'm so sorry for the emotional and crack suggestions of this app))

PASSWORD : Believe in me, I am Faith! (This just fits Faith's overall vibe? Also the lyrics describe her in love basically perfectly.)




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