I just cant get over how proud I am.

I already told yall what my best guy friend did for me at the club on Friday night, but incase you didn't hear about it through my drunk blog posting lol..

My best guy friend who I have always considered a brother to me, he would always say how he had my back and he would make sure nothing would ever happen to me. You know, a lot of friends say that but when it comes down to the actual time, they dip.

A fight had almost broke out during out last club we were at and my friend had pushed me against the wall and then stood in front of me so I wouldn't get hurt. 

I felt so proud and thankful that he actually stuck by with what he said. I had so much respect for him after that night.


I text him the following day after the club when I woke up:

Me: You really touched me last night when you protected me from the fight.

Him: What? did you think I was joking when I said youre my bff, like a sister to me? You think Im gonna let anything happen to you?

Me: I know, but normally people say that but never mean it. It was nice to see someone actually show through actions.

Him: I will always have your back.


Boys and girls can be friends without there being something going on between them. I hope everyone strives to have such a great friend like him. 


Also, just a drinking tip:

Eat bread for you eat and take some asprin and water. When you drink and need some food afterwards, DO NOT EAT SPICY FOOD.

I definitely didn't know any better and a spicy chorizo omlette at 3:30am with alcohol in my system ED ME UP in the morning. 



P.S: I don't know why I said I was gonna go off hiatus, I cant stay away LOLOL



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lol yup off hiatus not working aff addicting. And it's awesome to have friends like that. I have two who there for me no matter what. And can talk to them about anything.
That's so sweet of your friend to do and say :3
But you're right, I've been good friends with a few guys for a long time now and nothing has happened between us other than a normal friendship.
Respecting that friend if yours and You bc ppl don't always stay the same for long. I wanna have a guy friend that just wants to be friend and nithing more. Its rare to find guys like him. Ur friendship is awesome
Aww, man, I forgot to comment about that, but yep, RESPECT for him.

And yep, to people who says boys and girls can't be friends, they don't know what they're talking about.