No hugs?!?!?!

Hello, friends, both old and new!
It's been a while since my last blog, where I talked about the delay of the sequel to my first fic, The Wallflower. Sadly, I still haven't found the time to write it yet, but don't worry, I ALWAYS keep my promises!
To the people who are still reading this, thank you. I hope you don't mind, but I need to talk about some personal matters.
I transferred to a new school recently, and although I've already spent a school year in it, I'm still not too familiar with rules and regulations (I can barely even say the school prayers after all this time). But in my school, I've always known that they were stricter than most, with teachers guarding your actions with hawk-like eyes in every possible corner. But today, I found out that they're just overdoing it. I have a guy friend (who, despite what you may or may not think, I genuinely do not see romantically). The entire school knows that we have a sort of mother-son relationship, even though he is a year or two older. I was gone from school for a few weeks because of course, my wanderlust got the better of me and I was out traveling with my family. My school bans doing schoolwork while you're away, so not to my surprise, when I got back, I had a - pardon my French - load of work to do. I caught up to most of it, but today, I was feeling very discouraged with my Math workload, and he decided to hug me to comfort me. Can you guess what happened next? A teacher saw us and scolded us, telling us that hugs could get our parents called over to school. I genuinely think that calling our parents over for an action of comfort is overdoing it. I researched about it when I got home, and found out that the no-hugging rule has become a huge thing in the past five years. What is wrong with the world? Can we not show each other acts of friendship anymore? I understand the whole "avoiding unwanted touches" thing, but can't we choose the people we hug? I mean, this is the 21st century, and girls know how to defend themselves already. The school sees us females as delicate beings, about to be eaten by hungry lions, so they assign sports for us (separate from the boys because it might be "distracting" even though we're FULLY covered) while the boys are given the freedom to choose what they want to do. It's kind of disappointing; they don't see girls as people who have their own defense systems, and they see boys as predators who will salivate at the sight of female flesh. I'm genuinely just tired of having to deal with both double standards and misconceptions all the time.
Anyway, thank you for letting me rant. I hope to be able to write soon, but I still haven't found a replacement for my laptop that crashed a few months back. I'll get back to my favorite subbies when I find one.



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