What is wrong with people?

c'mon first of all, when you visit graphic shops, 
the first thing you'd look for; are the rules and guidelines, RIGHT??

what if it wasn't a graphic shop?
what if you request straight from a designer not by a shop?
did you easily think that the rules did not apply??


What I find EXTREMELY frustrating, is that when someone contacted me through PM,
asking me to design their posters..
I dont mind designing! I love doing it!
but, not when they just come and disrespect my working ethics!
I thought I was being clear enough to let them fill in a form,
so that I can view their requests easier. so that my work would be easier.

but what??

they couldn't fill in a simple SIMPLE damn form!
they kept telling me "this is the story description", then "don't forget to add this!"
"please do my posters" "do you make backgrounds as well?" 
now, I had to BEG to them for information about the poster!
weren't they the one who came to me asking for help??

anyways I was patient enough, to ask them 3 times to fill in the form

so we got to the process where I took my spare time to design their posters
where I kind of stayed up late to do some finishing touches to the posters


well, in the end, all those frustrations WERE NOT WORTH IT

I did the posters and gave the link to my requesters.
but they didn't even bother to credit me on their foreword


I didn't even charge them KPs!
I did it just because I like designing and I want to help people :D
but then?

not a single sentence on their foreword
to credit my work,
the time I took and spent to do their request,
the energy and thoughts I put into it.


now,, I think i just had enough..
maybe to whoever reading this, just know that people have their own lifes,
and if you ask them for help, they will try their very best to help you
as a token of appreciation in this social community, please just give simple appreciation
and a reliable one as well, not just some "this is great!" and then claiming that the poster is their own.

so to anyone who is looking for designers to do their poster, 
you are free to request from anyone and from anywhere, 
even though, if you go to the designers themselves, they don't have a "requesting rules"
displayed on their profile, but please be logical and sensible to them
sensible enough to appreciate what they did for you :)

well that was a long rant..
im not trying to make fun of people or what not
its that this is a problem everywhere,
even in the graphic shops I work at, there are always some poeple not following the rules...
so to get this straight, that we designers, spend time and energy to please requesters,
we just hope your appreciation and respect towards us and our work :)



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_forgetmenot_ #1
pats your head. there there child. feeds you potatoes
tae1810 #2
hello chingu, did you change your username?
for this blog I think you should just let them. some people are like that..
That's sad that when you are being genuinely nice and not even charging people for posters they don't even repay you with giving you credit.
I have question, I've been wanting to try making my own posters for my stories, but i don't know what program to use. Can you recommend one for me?
Edit: it's not "almost like," it is stealing your work and plagiarism
Not crediting is almost like plagiarizing your work and i can not stand people like that. Ugh.
It shocks me to my core sometimes that there are people on this site who claim to be writers but don't seem to have the corresponding skill of reading comprehension. You deserve credit and appreciation and just plain respect, and I hope some of those selfish people see this and repent. More power to you!
It happens to my staff too. At least twice a week, they forget to credit, pick up or even ask how to req when everything is written in the front layout.
I had to check my own story to see if I had thanked the person who created my cover image and I hadn't. I had thanked the people who reviewed my story, but not the person who designed a cover that I absolutely love. It was a while ago that I requested it, so I don't know if I just plain forgot or I hadn't realised credit was required (it says in the image that it is someone else's art, so I wouldn't claim it as my own if someone asked anyway). I have since rectified that, and I feel bad for not crediting them earlier because I think it's a beautiful image and they do need crediting for the artwork, but I do completely agree with you, especially on the form thing. If you have a simple request, such as "please fill in this form", you would expect for it to be complied with. And I say this as a designer myself. They are simple requests, and all you ask is for people to do what you have asked. It isn't hard, and making a good cover is much more than putting a few pictures together and making it look pretty. It's a real craft! So many people look at the Mona Lisa and say how talented Da Vinci was to paint it, but so few say that about artists and designers and authors these days. I've heard "You can do it in five minutes, you're good at computers" so often at work, that I just end up ignoring it. I think we've been around design so much that we don't really value it, and we tend not to unless we understand just how much work we put into it.
human . . . sometimes can be hard to deal with . stay strong !