
Guys, do you have any ideas on ways for an introvert to live life normally? I mean, to be carefree like others? This is so hard, I could die. Anxious, nervous, scared and etc...Just to hear the phone ringing makes me trembled..not to mention that I have to organise my thought and sentences over and over again before I voice it out loud...boy, this is so hard for think that I work in a business related irony..


Guys, please..if you have any ideas, please let me know how to cure this disease...I beg..


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I think you will be fine as the time goes by, no worries you will find your confidence slowly nothing can beat experience. I used to hate speaking in front of people, i was anxious and made lot of mistakes. Well, now i'm a teacher, and i speak a lot xD
Just think as if you're more superior than people you are facing, try be more brave. I told myself of it everytime i face my students lol
That doesn't sound like introversion, that sounds like sociophobia. Introversion is not a disease, sociophobia is.
If possible, get professional help. An I know it sounds extremely contradictory when you can hardly answer the phone, but there is help to find and ways to get a normal social life. It takes effort though and it's going to be tough.
But don't think of it as introversion - that would make it "normal" to be filled with such intense anxiety and it's not.
Probably start talking with people you're comfortable with, like your family? I also get nervous with talking to other people, but when the other person starts the conversation, I feel more at ease. You don't have to be the one to start up the conversation, but if someone initiates it, it's nice to respond to them. Just a couple phrases at first, then you'd find yourself talking more. Not sure if it works for everyone, but that's what I do. ^^