I Sense A BBC Is Afoot!


So remember how the other day I was complaining about my dad being a bigotted jerk?

Well, once again, I've been thrown for a loop. Albeit a good loop this time, but a loop nonetheless.

So I'm making Block B shirts for Lucy and Mickey for Christmas...yes, I'm aware it's late. If you saw my schedule, you'd know why it's taken me so long to get around to it XD I'm at the kitchen table painstakingly tracing the "BB." symbol that the guys always have on their shirts.

Enter Dad...45 year old bigot who's main interest at the moment is starting a pot of sauce for family dinner. The wild creature notices his offspring's work and comes to observe.

"What's the 'BB.' for?" he asks. My response is "It's a group's logo."

"What group?"

"It stands for Block B."

"Are they Korean?"

...Alright, let's pause for a second. If you all remember anything about my dad, he doesn't use "Korean". Or "Japanese" or "Chinese". It's always "Chink" or "Gook" or something derogatory that makes me sick just writing out. I feel like I'm gonna be sick from just writing those two horrible words. But carry on...


"Oh, okay. So what kind of music do they play? Rock?"

"Not really, Dad. More pop. But there are some Korean rock groups."

"Oh, cool. So do they sing in Korean or English?"

"A bit of both."

"Oh. So...do they do rap?"

...Pause! My dad doesn't really have a fondness for African Americans either. He doesn't tolerate rap at all. As you can tell, I'm giving him as minimal info as possible to try and alleviate the questions. Obviously not working.

"Yes, they rap."

"That's cool! The shirts are coming out good, too."


What the hell. I don't think you smoked pot this morning. You certainly didn't do anything with Mom. Why are you so damn wiling to let me listen to Korean rap all of a sudden?

And now that I mention it, this isn't the first time he's been so damn willing to let me relate myself with Block B. Take these instances:

~My first crossing with them was back in July. I decided to draw them all fanmail and write them a letter. I accidentally left them out for my dad to see. Not only was he willing to pay the postage for overseas shipping, he actually complimented all of my work.

~Then about a month later was a contest to win tickets to see Block B in the Philippines. I drew my entry and submitted it...really late. Although I didn't win, my dad was making arrangements to fly out to the Philippines in case I did win the tickets.

~Then a few months ago...sitting around the coffee table in the living room eating, he makes some comment that if I marry an Asian, my name will sound like a PokeMon. "Toni Yakamura" he called me. Mom started suggesting actual alternatives because she seems to realize that I'm attracted to Asians. "Her name could be Kim..." *Dad makes a face* "...Han..." *insert another face* "...Oh! ToniAnn Woo!" *eyebrow raises*. "Toni Woo doesn't sound too bad..." Dad admits. Mom continues to list other Asian names as I run from the room in embarrassment at being called "Mrs. Woo", however Dad seems to be stuck on how good ToniAnn Woo sounds.

~For Christmas my friend Jessii made me a little Zico charm necklace. Dad sees it and thinks that not only was her craftsmanship really good, the little charm is cute.

~Then two weeks ago...My Block B desk calendar comes in the mail. Dad gets the package first and goes "Tone, you have a package...from...Korea?" I spazz and tell him I ordered a calendar from one of my favorite groups. He takes a look at the contents quickly and comments how cool it is.

~And then this!!! Today!!


Usually my dad has some comment to make about how they all look feminine (he's also a homophobe ._.). Like I got "Hello, the Repackaged Album" for Christmas, and all my dad could do was roll his eyes and comment something derogatory. I started teaching myself how to play Haru Haru on piano a few months ago...when he found out it was by a Korean band, he had something rude to say.

But whenever it has to do with Block B, it just seems...I don't know. It's inadvertadly different from everything else. I don't think he realizes how I feel about a particular member of the group...But maybe...just MAYBE I'm starting to think that God does everything for a reason. Maybe something is meant to happen someday. Because it's only with this particular group that my dad seems so willing to let me love without question. Like I said...he as no idea that "Woo" is Zico's last name...Nor does he know Zico even exists. And I know for a fact that my mom doesn't say anything to him about my Zico obsession. She knows. Maybe...

I dunno. It just feels right. Things are adding up. So thanks to all who have faith in JiNi~ ;) ♥


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maybe your dad thinks that sometimes he should let up on it since he can tell you really like them. plus even he you didnt tell him maybe from how much of a dedicated fan you are he can tell how much you care. like dissing their music maybe he thinks you can handle like different generations difference of opinion but you know even if he never becomes a fan of kpop their something to admire in when one of your kids should partucular dedication to something and wow i sound like a granny. wow i sound like this when im 15 when im 60 i'll probably sound like im 200 XD
maybe even though you like alot of groupsto your dad you seem more serious about block b. toni ann woo sounds really good!
Haha probably because I prayed for you last night LOL kidding. But see, things are working out slowly :D
my parents can be mean about it sometimes, but they're never racist about it... but I do understand. Sometimes they're like "Oh that's cool!" And I'm always freakishlu surprised and then the next second they're like making fun of me and the music -_-
Your dad sounds nice (at times) though XD
Perhaps you can bond with him through Block B. Use these moments and make the best outta it okay? :)

My parents are indifferent about my BIGBANG obsession. My brother used to go "WTF?" but now he's like, "Oh kay_tea is fangirling about GD again..." XD
Things are falling into place! ^^
haha this sounds quite a bit like my dad ^^
lol but there are times when he likes certain songs. Not a particular group
....except for t-ara lol he like loves them. bo peep is his fav song ever lmao
and GD's cd...he taps his fingers to that album.
but he's the kind who believes anything he can't understand without having to think is an automatic headache. the type who believes marrying someone who's not white/mexican is "just wrong"...
When I got my infinite calendar/pack a few days ago as a late birthday present, he walked in yelling "who the hell is *insert korean name*?!?!" while waving the package around, it was like he was in a bigger rush to open it lol and when I opened it, all he had to say was good things!
actually...when I first started liking korean things my dad was a HUUUGGGEEEE jerk...but after about 4 or 5 years, he's finally calming down about it.
I'm glad your dad is at least excited about that ^^ its really great!!! lol it must feel nice.
and that woo bit was pretty freaking awesome! ITS FATE! lol
AbriMathos #7
Isn't your lil bro a BBC as well? lol You're about to make your whole family BBCs
AbriMathos #8
Oh ...this is DAEBAK XD Maybe your mom has something to do with it? *Scratch that I just read that your mom hasn't said anything XD

I wonder if parent's like Zico...? Haha! Go Toni, it's not your birthday but I bet feels like it~ It's in the stars, JiNi may be realer than we all know ♥♥♥♥ I support this coupling 1000% just as long as I'm invited to the wedding XD
O___O Wow your parent's are interesting,one minute your dad doesn't like the idea of you marrying or dating an Asian guy and the next he's all for you liking K-pop? Wow...That's a good thing right? =o
♥ awshiet. what's gonna happen tonight?