[ moon sungmin ]
Name: Moon Sungmin
Other names: 
⁍ Minnie ⁍ His roommate, Seul ⁍ Seul calls him this because she thinks it's cute and ironic [because of how intimidating he looks] to call Sungmin "Minnie." If anyone but Seul calls him "Minnie" he will not hesitate to inflict pain, unless it's a girl, then it's just a flick on the forehead. 
Birthday + Age : 10/31/1992 + 23
Nationality: Korean
Birthplace : Daegu, South Korea
Hometown : 
⁍ Daegu, South Korea ⁍ Birth - 19 years old
⁍ Seoul, South Korea ⁍ 19 years old - Present
⁍ Korean ⁍ Fluent ⁍ It's his mother tounge, he's spoken it his whole life.
Visual : 
EXO's Park Chanyeol
Backup Visual : INFINITE's Kim Myungsoo

Appearance : 
Sungmin stands at 180 cm and weighs 70 kg. He's pretty tall and anyone can see that. He has short, messy hair that's subtly red, but that's only because he's too lazy to get it re-done. He's got a nice, sharp face and big brown eyes, but some might say his ears are a bit big. Sungmin also has a killer smile, even if a lot of people don't see it. At first glance, he may seem just tall and lanky, but once he flexes, most people can't look away from his muscles.
Though what catches people's eyes is usually his large amount of tattoos and piercings. Currently, tattoo wise, Sungmin has two birds located on his collarbone, these tattoos on the inside of his elbows, a power button on the back of his neck, a half-sleeve on his upper left arm, and this on his calves. When it comes to piercings, he only has three. Sungmin has his ears, lip, and septum pierced, though he doesn't wear them all the time.  
Extras :
When he walks, Sungmin tends to stuff his hands in his pocket and have a scowl on his face, making him look unapprocable and intimidating. Standing, he crosses his arms across his chest, which makes his muscles pop when he wears a short-sleeved shirt.

Style : 
Black. That's the best way to describe the way Sungmin dresses because 80% of his closet is black. He usually opts for wearing darker colors. During autumn and winter, his favorite thing to wear is leather jackets, peacoats, and furry hats. During the spring and summer, he'll wear flannels, wife beaters, snapbacks, and sunglasses. 

Quote: "Three steps to the left, I need my personal space."  As he points to the left and has a raised eyebrow.
Personality traits : 
{ + } Introverted, playful, protective, sweet
{ - } coarse, stubborn, sarcastic, awkward 
Personality : 
Sungmin isn't the type of person to have many friends, just a few close ones. He tends to keep to himself and would much rather prefer making music in his room than going out and clubbing. He feels that he's much too awkward for that kind of stuff. He's never been a talker to strangers and it takes a while before he gets comfortable with a person. Most people see him as this big, tough guy. Sungmin might seem a bit rude and harsh, but that's because he doesn't really know how to talk to people. 
When one does get to know him though, they learn that, yes, he is a crude, rude person, but they also see the other sides of him. Sungmin can be stubborn to the bone, someone who likes to get their way no matter what. He's also very sarcastic. Sometimes they can't tell if he's serious or just being sarcastic, like when he tells Seul that the very bright red dress she's wearing in nice. 
But the layer of him that only the closest people see of him is his sweet side. It takes a lot to make Sungmin smile, so when he does, it's like they've won the lottery because he has an amazing smile. To his family and best friends, he's extremely protective of them and would do anything to keep them out of harm's way. He can be a bit playful at time, pulling someone's cheeks or shoving them a little, and they know it's out of affection.
Facts :
⁍ He's been playing the guitar ever since he was 8 and his parents put him in lessons. 
⁍ He would like to learn how to play the drums one day.
⁍ His singing voice is pretty good, not to mention his rapping as well.
⁍ His company wants to make him and idol, but he's not about that life.
⁍ He got his tattoos and piercings during college, his parents were not too happy about this.
⁍ He texts his siblings every so often.
⁍ He's a er for cute things, especially kittens.
⁍ He composes songs for idol groups, but he mainly does ballads. Only when he's in the mood will he come up with a pop song.
⁍ He likes EDM music.
⁍ He wants to dye his hair a [ different ] crazy color, like gray or blue.
⁍ Is a heavyweight when it comes to alcohol.
⁍ Does not condone smoking or drugs, but likes to drink in moderation.
⁍ Doesn't really have a fear, excpet for oblivion [ tfios ] 
⁍ Doesn't cry easily.
⁍ Only curses when he's overwhelmed with emotion.
​⁍ Prefers spicy food, but likes a good sweet once in a while.
Born on Halloween in 1992, Moon Sungmin is the third child of Moon Sulli and Moon Jaemyun. He's got an older brother named Hoon, who's a year older, and a older sister named Jaeri that's three years older. They get along quite well and act like a normal pair of siblings, though Sungmin is a bit different than his siblings. Rather than being intelctual like the rest of his family, Sungmin appriciated music more. His family didn't mind, they were very supportive actually, but he could help but feel like the black sheep of the family.
When he was 5 and was starting school, he became friends with Jang Dohyun and Boo Seul. The two of them had approached him first, being the bubbly and socialable kids they were, and the three of them just sort of clicked. They moved through school with nothing really significant happening. Sure they went through all the first crushes, relationships, fights and all that, but they're just small things in their lives now. While Sungmin liked to play music, he still did pretty well in school, and ended up getting accepted into Seoul University, along with his best friends. Dohyun was pretty well-off, so he dormed at the school. Seul and Sungmin decided that that cost way too much and thought that renting a cheap apartment together would be what's best. At university, Sungmin studied music composition and minored in vocal music, while Seul majored in teaching with an art minor and Dohyun studied computer science. 
After four years of hard studying and busting , they finally graduated and found jobs all over the city. Seul became a teacher's assistant at a local high school, Dohyun was moving up in a big shot company, starting off as a intern at the time, and Sungmin got the job of his dreams as a composer for a big entertainment compay, thougn that took him about a year to actually get his job.

Figures of Importance : 
⁍ Best Guy Friend⁍ Jang Dohyun ⁍ 23 ⁍ Bubbly, Energetic, Social ⁍ No one knows why, but Sungmin tends to hangout with very bubbly people. Along with their friend, Seul, the three of them have known each other since they were kids and never grew tired of each other. Dohyun is extremely touchy, especially when it comes to Seul and Sungmin. He'll often link their arms together or try to act all cute and put his head on Sungmin's shoulder, to which Sungmin would roll his eyes and push him off his shoulder and smiling softly. While Dohyun lives in another aparment complex, they still see each other a lot and like to just talk, well Dohyun talks and Sungmin listens,  and walk around. 

⁍ The Crush ⁍ Song Qian ⁍ Motherly, Kind, Friendly ⁍ Qian and Sungmin were fairly close, closer than he is with the other tenants. He and her often talked when she had the time and  he harbored a little crush on Qian. Sungmin was finally gathering up the courage to ask her on a date the day before she passed and was going to approach her soon. When she died, Sungmin was devestated, but he didn't show it. He would spend time alone in his room and would ponder on his thoughts.

⁍ The Quiet Buddy ⁍ Im Jaekyung ⁍ Quiet, Passive, Serious ⁍ Jaekyung and Sungmin aren't that close, but they get along. He's a few years younger than Sungmin, but that doesn't stop them from having conversations about similar interests. At the dinners Qian used to host, they used to be the to quiet ones, but they could sit next to each other and just enjoy each other's presence. 
Apartment # : 511
Roommate : 
⁍ Boo Seul [face claim: Lee Sungkyung] ⁍ 23 ⁍ Playful, Artsy, Melodramatic
Lifestyle : 
Seul is usually the first one up in apartment 511. She gets up at the crack of dawn, gets ready makes breakfast, then wakes up Sungmin, so that he can get ready. They've been living with each other for the past four years, so they've gotten quite the system down. By the time they both finish eating, they make their way to their respective jobs, Seul a teacher's assistant at the local high school and Sungmin a music composer for a big time company. Seul usually gets home first, around seven at night, so she'll prepare dinner for them. Sungmin gets back around an hour later and they'll eat dinner together. Some nights their friend Dohyun would join them and they'd have a movie night, other times they'll go over to his place and hang out their. These three friends don't usually go out to get together. They got over the party scene halfway through college. So, they'll stay confinded in one of their apartments. 
To most people, their apartment might seem messy and unorganized, but to the two of them as long as everything has a place and they know where it is, everything is fine to them. They live in a average two-bedroom apartment with a small living room and kitchen. They have all the necessities they need, plus a tv and laptop each, so their good. In Sungmin's room, he has a whole music setup, complete with a keyboard and beat maker, which was all given to him by his company. He also has his acoustic guitar that he bought when he was sixteen and still has to this day.
Chemistry : 
Seul and Sungmin have been best friends since forever, despite their differing personalities. So when they both started attending college at Seoul University, they just decided to live together because it was cheaper and easier. They get along pretty well, Seul tends to annoy Sungmin at times, but other than that their like two peas in a pod. 
Love Interest : 
Backup : Boo Seul or Bae Suji
Personality : 
Sungmin needs someone in his life who can get his mind off of Qian and her death. Someone who can pull him out of his shell and embrace him for who he is. If they can make him smile and playful, Sungmin would think she's the one.

History :
Sungmin would meet his lover when she first moved into Complex E. He would be leaving his apartment to go to school or to work [ depending on when she moved in ] and saw her struggling to move her boxes. Being the person he is, Sungmin would grab the box out of her arms and ask which apartment is hers. She would be thankful for his help and direct him the right way. Ever since their first meeting, they would always run into each other when she needs help, and he would gladly give it to her. 
Physicality : 
For a while, they would only remain aquaintances. He would always be there to help her if she asks, and she talks to him like they've known each other for forever, up until Qian's death. Sungmin would avoid everyone in the building excpet for Seul. Eventually, Seul asks her to talk to him. When the two of them do talk, he'll start to open up to her and the begin to get closer. 
Synopsis : The punk kid in the back of the classroom and the bubbly girl who's friends with everyone.
Who would you say you're closest to in the Complex? : "Obviously, Seul, she is my roommate and friend after all."  He places his hands on his knees and lowers his head a little. "But, Qian is..." Sungmin let's out a sigh " was, a close second. She and I would often have conversations about everything and nothing." He lowers his head all the way, until his face is no longer visable. Sungmin lets out a small sniffle, "," he whispers.
Who would you say you're more distant from? : "Kyungsoo, I'd have to say. Or Jongin. I haven't really talked to them since I've been here, so I'd be most distant from them."
What do you think of your neighbors? : "In my opinion, they're pretty normal. Nothing I've haven't seen before. They're all some sort of stereotype, the broke college student, the best friends, the happy-go-lucky, you know, those types of people." 
Qian's Family Dinners, yay or nay? : "Passive. I don't reall mind them. It gave me time to talk to her and Jaekyung a little. She always liked to host them so they're fine with me."
Jimin's Game Nights, yay or nay? : "Definitely not. I'd rather stay in my apartment and play my guitar. Though Seul drags me over there 'cause of her crush on the boy." 

What was your reaction to Qian's murder? : "Loosing Qian, I guess you could say, took a toll on me. She was someone I could really talk to other than Seul and Dohyun. And finding out she was murdered? That hit me really ing hard." He says as his voice cracks a little at the end.
Who do you feel is most likely the killer? : "Kyungsoo maybe? He's always gone and really mysterious. But who knows."
What are you doing in wake of the murders? : "Seul and I were at Dohyun's place for our bi-weekly movie nights. They were bagging on me to ask Qian out the next day and were planning it out." 
Comments : Hi~ I hope you like Sungmin, he's the first male character I've ever created, so I hope he's good. I was looking for a face claim that matched the character I was going for and came across punk edits of Chanyeol and died at the perfection. Please, do tell me anything that needs to be added or changed. 
Suggestions : Nope! I love the concept your going for.
Questions : not that I can think of
Requests : 
⁍ A group of them reminising on memories with Qian and they end up having a group crying session.
⁍ The people in the building thinking that Seul and Sungmin are dating, or that Dohyun and Sungmin are gay for each other. To which Dohyun would kiss him on the cheek and Sungmin proceeds to punch him.
⁍ Sungmin opening up to his love interest.
⁍ A scene where Sungmin and Jaekyung just stare at each other because what else would they do with each other.


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