JINA — Like her brother, she chose to have a more "English" sounding name while living in Hong Kong. She chose "Jina" because she liked the way it sounded. Now, eveyone calls her "Jina." 

BIRTH DATE & AGE — 14/February/1992 + 24
BIRTH PLACE — British Hong Kong, China
HOMETOWN — British Hong Kong, China


CANTONESE/MANADRIN, ADVANCED — Living in a Chinese household in Hong Kong, they spoke both of the languages often. While in Hong Kong, Cantonese was more widely accepted, but her parents wanted Jina to know both.
ENGLSIH, FLUENT — Jina attended an international school in Hong Kong, so English was a subject that she learned throughout the years. English is the language she is most comfortable speaking.
KOREAN, ADVANCED — Jina moved to Korea to attend college. While she wasn't all too good at the language at first, she became almost fluent in around a year, after being immersed in the language and culture.



by anonelle (elle or izzy) - 10




— character appearance

FACE CLAIM —  Girl's Day Bang Minah
BACK UP — Lee Jieun aka IU

HEIGHT — 160 cm
WEIGHT — 52 kg

Standing at 160 cm and weighing 52 kg, Jina is a healthy girl. To some, she maybe considered a bit chubby because of some "traditional" Asian standards. Though Jina doesn't really care about what other people think about her body, as long as she's comfortable in her own skin, Jina is perfect to herself. She's known to have curves that are to die for, all while having a cutesy face. Her bust size is a 34C and she has a thin waist, measuring at 21 inches. Jina has no thigh gap, considering she has strong thighs after taking up martial arts for a few years.

Milky, pale white skin is what catches people's eyes when they first see Jina. Her pale complexion and flawless skin is a real head turner. Jina has carmel brown hair with pink locks mixed in, though her hair is naturally black. Her jaw is sharp and angular, giving her a nice heart shaped face, which is also accentuated by her high cheekbones. Her eyebrows are straight and soft, giving off a feeling of a more youthful look. Jina has sparkling chocolate brown eyes that light up whenever she's happy. Her lips are fairly thin, though she has an amazing smile that brightens up any ones day.

Before she moved to Korea when she was 18, Jina got a few tattoos over the course of 6 months. The first is a small clothes hanger on her right wrist. This tattoo was to symbolize Jina's love for clothes and fashion. To be honest, it was a rash decsion on her part, but she would get it again if she had the chance. The second is a bit bigger, located on the inside of each elbow. On her right arm, it says "heart / mind," while on the left it's "courage / fear." Jina got this tattoo to show how she was more in touch with her emotions and how she likes to be the brave one out of everyone. The last tattoo is her biggest and most extreme. Jina had gotten this a week before she moved to Korea. It's a dreamcatcher and flying birds, located on her back. This particular tattoo means he most to her out of the three she has. It's to symbolize how she "flew away from the nest" to follow her dream. Jina had to pack up everything and move out to a new country, so she could get the education she wants.



 character style

Jina likes to make a statement with her clothes. At work, she tends to stay closesr to a modest style of clothes. It consits of button-ups, skirts, tights, and heels. It's what she considers her most professional looking clothing. Most of the time, Jina tries to wear neutral colors during work hours. Usually she'll wear black, tan, white, and pastels if she feels like wearing colors. When she goes out with friends or family, she'll wear bright colors and eye-catching patterns. Jina will also wear graphic tees, high waisted shorts, and cute sneakers to complete her outfit. 

Shops she gets her clothes:
Vintage Vendor

Jina doesn't do much with her hair. Most of the time she keeps it down and natural, since it has a very pretty wavy state. Sometimes, when she doesn't want her hair in her face, Jina will but it up in a top knot bun and wear a headband. As for makeup, she wears the basics, foundation, concelaer, eyeliner, and a pale lipstick. When she goes out, for non-work related things, she'll wear a very dramatic cat eyeliner and brighter colored lipsticks. It's not ofter that Jina wears eyeshadowm since she doesn't like it that much. Jina's eyelashes are naturally full and long, so she doesn't need mascara.






Confident. That is a word most people would use to describe Jina Wang, though most of the time it's also paired with the word vain. She struts around the studio like a queen in pink sneakers. Known for her exceptional eye for clothes and design, Jina works at Pathcode Films as their core costume designer. She has a picky taste when it comes to fashion and doesn't let any detail run by unchecked. Always armed with her tape measure and notebook, Jina matches a character's personality through their clothes. Her great ability when it comes to creating the various costumes on set gets to Jina's head quite often. The members of Pathcode Films have already perfected the technique to deflate that big head of hers.


— character personality

Positive: Fearless, Confident, Social, Charasmatic
Negative: Violent, Hot-tempered, Reckless, Vain


Jina is known to be one of the most confident people ever. She's aware that she's good looking and doesn't care about what other people think about her. Her aura is radiating and sometimes, she'll look like she's glowing. While she has had her fair share of teenage insecurities, Jina has grown out of feeling bad for herself and, instead, acts likes she all that and a bag of chips. With her super confident attutude, comes her egotistical and vain side of her. Like said before, she thinks she's perfect and, well, a queen. Sometimes, she'll act like she's better than everyone else, and then the other members of Pathcode Productions have to deflate her big head, taking her down from her high horse. Though Jina's confidence aids her and others around her quite often. Her confidence allows her to approach people easily, which helps out if one of the shy members of Pathcode can't do it, Jina will do it. While some aspects of her confidence is seen as negative, it's also a positive. When it comes to her self-image, Jina is assured that she's beautiful in her own way. She knows that any petty insult that comes her way is just out of someone else's insecurities, and she isn't too bothered by insults.


Jina is a pary girl at heart. She likes to go clubbing and dancing with her friends, downing drinks like there's no tomorrow. Some people might say that she parties like the wild girls in Western movies, but it's never really that bad. Her charasmatic ways draws people in, making her east to approach and become friends with. While she doesn't go out every weekend, Jina will sometimes meet up for work wearing big sunglasses and harvesting a huge hangover. While Jina is sometimes a hot-tempered , when she's cool and collected she just seems to radiate. It's her image and personailty that seems to facinate people, because while she can be a beauty, she can also be the beast.


While most people see Jina as a typical social butterfly, she is really one of the most reckless people there is. Jina is the type of girl who lives for the thrill in life. She basically fears nothing, willing and up for anything. With her reckless behavior, Jina gets herself in some 'slightly sticky' situations. There have been many times where her friends had to hold her back from punching people and beating them to a pulp. Even though she might not seem like it, Jina is really strong for a girl. When she was little, she practiced tae kwon do, and is currently a 3rd degree black belt. Jina also grew up with a older brother and a younger one as well, both also able to do martial arts, so a little rough 'n tumble is not a joke to her. She will give someone serious bruises if she doesn't control her strength.


Jina also has a short fuse, when it comes to things that annoy her. She gets mad very easily, and it's very easy to tell. If it's someone who's close to her that makes her angry, Jina will often pull the silent treament on them, to the extreme. She'll act like they're not even there, purposefully bumping into them and ignoring their apologies or insults, depending on who the person is. Sometimes, she'll keep it up for a couple days, until she's cooled off, then accept their apology and act like nothing happen. If it's a complete stranger on the other hand, Jina will completely chew them out, yelling and making a big scene out of it. Jina knows when to hold back, especially when it comes to her elders, but sometimes, she just can't help it.


— likes

ONE —  Clothes, definitely clothes. Jina has always been interested in different fashions and styles from all over the world. She dreams of someday being know for her designs around the globe.
TWO — People playing with her hands or her hair. Jina loves how comforting and relaxing it feels when someone runs their hands through her hair or massages and plays with her fingers.
THREE — Coffee, coffee, coffee. It's what helped her through her all-nighters and morning lectures in college. Jina cannot go a day without her cup of vanilla roast with 2 shots of french vanilla creamer and a little sugar.
FOUR — Adults can like animated movies. Jina likes watching Pixar movies especially. The deeper meanings of movies and the morals of them really get to her. She sobbed like a baby during "Inside Out"  
FIVE — Rainy days are times when Jina is at her calmest. Sometimes she'll act really out of character on days like this and would sit next to a windown, curled up in a blanket with a book.
SIX — Her brothers have gotten her into comics ever since she was little. Her favorite character is Harley Quinn and sometimes she'll walk around with makeup that looks like her.


— dislikes

ONE — Running or anything physical is Jina's worst nightmare. Other than dancing at clubs and when she tags along with her brother, Jina doesn't really exercise, depite her very toned body.
TWO — Crying. It takes a lot for Jina to cry. Usually from stress, emotionally or physically, Jina will break down and she hates it. Jina has always associated crying with weakness and she hates showing people weakness.
THREE — When she was around 12, Jina was at school when she got stung by a bee on her eyelid. The sting left her right eye swollen for around a week and left a scar on her eyelid. Ever since then she's hated bees.
FOUR — Being the egotistical person she is, Jina hates it when people tell her what to do. She just doesn't liked being bossed around extensively. 
FIVE — Jina cannot cook to save a life. Under any circumstance, Jina is never allowed in her kitchen, and her younger brother or her other roommate will cook.
SIX — Elevators, rollercoaster, and heights in general aren't her thing. She really hates being high up and is always afraid she's going to fall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

— hobbies

ONE — Drawing/ designing new things, whether on a piece of scratch paper, napkin, or even her own leg, as long as she has something to write with and a surface, her hands will move on it's own.
TWO — Jina has been into martial arts since she was a kid. She knows how to do tricking and has a very lethal kick.
THREE — Does clubbing count as a hobby? Jina loves to go out at least once a month to go partying and usually doesn't come back until 4 in the morning the next day.


— habits

ONE — Drawing on everything. 
TWO — Kicking her legs/ tapping her fingers/ fidgeting.
THREE — Jina tends to curse in English. It's one of her stress relievers.


— other facts

ONE — Has a laptop in her room that she uses only for designing. She has her drawing tablet connected to it and always leaves it there.
TWO — Lives with her younger brother and one of his friends in an apartment.
THREE — Has a gigantic sketchbook with all her rough drafts of desgins.
FOUR — Goes to the gym with her younger brother every Saturday after work, usually she just watches.
FIVE — She was originally going to major in psychology, but though that desgin was more her styke.
SIX — Jina is always trying to bring the other employees of Pathcode clubing with her.
SEVEN — She started off as being an idol stylist, but chose to work in film instead.
EIGHT — Jina is extremely messy and scatterbrained.
NINE — Even if she doesn't look like it, Jina is a heavyweight when it comes to alcohol. It takes more than a few shots for her to get drunk.
TEN — She only minored in theatre and film.
ELEVEN — Most people don't know about her back tattoo.
TWELEVE — Jina is extremely lucky.
THIRTEEN — She carries a wallet full of poloroids of her and her friends. [Like one of those drop down wallets from TV shows.] 
FOURTEEN — She was known as Infinite's really pretty stylist amongst fans and still gets stopped in the street for pictures, only rarely though.
FIFTEEN — Has many connections in the entertainment business.


— character background

Valentine's Day in the year of 1992, the Wang family was blessed with their second child, who they named Wang Mei He. Mei He's childhood was filled with martial arts and doodling. Her father was a fencing coach, but thought that it wasn't for her, and instead put her in various martial arts and gymnastics classes with her older brother. When Mei He  was two years old, she met her little brother, Jia Er. When Jia Er was born, everyone thought that Mei He would be jealous of the new baby, but instead she was ecstatic to have a little brother. The three Wang siblings grew up as close as they could be, bonding over martial arts. When Jia Er was nine, their father put him in fencing, and that became his thing, their older brother continued with gymnastics, while eleven year old Mei He became quite the artist and martial artist. 

In school, Mei He went by the name "Jina," since she went to an international school. Jina wasn't the best student, but she definately wasn't the worst. Her grades were also above average, though never good enough to break the top ten of her grade. As she got older, Jina began to lose interest in martial arts, and became more interested in design and art, mainly clothing. She always loved to draw and when she turned 17, Jina made the choice to attend a school in South Korea and try to make her dream come true. After Jina graduated college, she packed her bags and moved to a cheap studio apartment in Seoul, and began to attend Kyung Hee University. During the summer before her first year, she became more accustomed to speaking and understanding Korean. She had a hard time at first, but after a few weeks, Jina became very familiar with the language.

At Kyung Hee University, Jina felt like she was a much better student than she was in high school.  Her classes made sense to her, she actually felt excited to do her homework, and she excelled. As the first few weeks of classes passed, Jina began to catch the eye of more people, for her beauty, confidence, and limited intelligence. She began clubbing and partying more, all while still managing to keep up her grades, for the most part. There would be he occasional drop, but she always managed to bring it back up. In her third year of college, Jina's younger brother, Jackson as he went by now, called her, telling Jina that he was moving out to Korea as well. The two of them had a glorious reunion and began living together, though after a few days, the two siblings realized that Jina's original studio apartment was too small for the two of them. Jackson and Jina started to look for a bigger place to stay, and eventually found Mark Tuan, who was looking for roommates to help pay rent. When the three of them met up, they all bonded quickly and moved into Mark's apartment together.

Fast forward to after Jina's graduation, she went job searching. Luckily for her, Sooin, her best friend, worked for Woollim Enterainmet as an idol stylist. She knew Jina was looking for a job, and recomended her to be a stylist for Infinite, since they were currently looking for one. After a small interview and test of her skills, Jina got the job. After working for the company for 6 months, Jina decided that it would be better for her to work in TV and films, to better showcase her work. Jina managed to sign with tvN for a job as a costume designer. They hired her after seeing her works with Infinite. Jina worked on a 6 projects in the course of a little over a year. Jina heard of Pathcode Films through her friend, Yoojin, whom she got aquainted with during her first project at tvN. Yoojin introduced her to Jooonmyun, wanting her to be the costume designer for the studios. After hearing about all the projects she's worked on, Joonmyun offered her the position, but Jina had to think about it for a while, since she was still working for tvN. After a few weeks, Jina chose to work for Pathcode instead, wanting to work on bigger, longer projects. Jina quit her job at tvN and became Pathcode's core costume designer.




HE'S ANNOYING BUT I LOVE HIM— Jackson Wang/ Wang Jia Er // 21 // College student // Outgoing, Cocky, Blunt, Caring 

Jackson and Jina have a typical brother-sister relationsip. Jackson was the baby of the Wang family and Jina often looked over him and protected him like the good older sister she is. They're a very close pair of siblings, often showing skinship with each other. The Wang siblings can be very touchy with each other, some of their friends back in Hong Kong jokingly said they had a brother-sister complex. Even though Jina is the older one, when it came to her dating, Jackson teamed up with their older brother and warded off any potential boyfriends. Most families pray to have kids that rely on each other so much. When Jina moved to Korea by herself, Jackson made a promise to her that he would study hard so he can go live in Korea with her. Jackson and Jina depended on each other and balance the other out all the time. The relationshop between them is one that is playful, but also a deep and caring one.




MY BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER — Mark Tuan // 21 // College Student // Sweet, Adorable, Clumsy, Gullible

Mark is Jackson's best friend and the Wang siblings' roommate. Mark and Jina met when they were both looking for roommates and immediately clicked. While they seem like complete opposites, the two of them pair off very well and bond often. Whenever the two of them go out, they're always mistaken for a couple. To which they jump away from each other and yell "ew" like the childish people they are. Rather than seeing each other as a man or woman, respectively, or even as friends, they treat each other as long, lost siblings. Jina and Mark only see each other as "siblings" and have never thought of each other in a romantic way. 



LET ME PROTECT YOU — Baek Yoojin // 21 // Director of Photography/ Colorist // [see Yoojin's App]

Yoojin and Jina met when they worked on 'Gap-dong' together. At the time, Jina was a only a rookie in film and TV costumes and Yoojin was the show's production assistant. They came into contact with each other when Yoojin accidently ran into Jina and spilled coffee on her. Yoojin wanted to make it up for her by taking her out, and the two bonded ever since then. Since Yoojin is younger than Jina, the elder always feels the need to protect Yoojin no matter what. She treat her like the little sister she's always wanted. Sometimes JIna tends to show an obvious favortism towards Yoojin over the other Pathcode employees. 



DO NOT CALLS US BFFLS, THAT SOUNDS STUPID — Ji Sooin [ fc: Girl's Day's Hyeri ]  // 25 // Stylist for Woollim Ent. // Outgoing, Playful, Childish, Quirky

Sooin and Jina met at college. Sooin was Jina's senior, and mentor in some ways, when it came to design. She helped Jina a lot during their school years and Jina looks up to Sooin a lot. The two of them grew very close and Sooin was even the one to help her get her job at Woollim. Jina feels like she owes Sooin a lot after all she's done for the younger girl. The two of them always try to make time for each other as much as they can. 




WE ARE THE PARTY SQUAD— Kim Raina [ fc: Girl's Day's Sojin ], Kang Jiyeon [ fc: Girl's Day's Yura ] + Jina and Sooin  // 24 // Models // Wild, Loud, Social, Desireable 

Kim Raina and Kang Jiyeon complete the other half of Jina and Sooin's little crew. Dubbed "the Party Squad" by Jackson, the four friends always go out clubbing with each other. They only go partying once a month, and instead hang out at one of their places watching cheesy movies and binge eating ice cream. Raina and Jiyeon are Sooin's friends from high school, and Jina joined their little group after moving to Korea and getting to know them. While they don't get to see each other every day, because of Raina and Jiyeon's busy modeling schedule, they never miss a weekend to hang out and bond together.




WHY DID I EVEN DATE YOU — Byun Baekhyun // 23 // Production Designer // Bubbly, Witty, Passionate, Flirtatous

Baekhyun and Jina were each other's flings in college. They met in a cafe near Kyung Hee during their first year, even with how cliche it sounds. Baekhyun saw her sitting by herself and thought she was cute. So he approached her and they sat down and began to talk. The BaekNa couple dated for a year before they broke up. The reason they split is unknown to everyone but Jina, since she was the one who dumped Baekhyun. [ She broke up with him, because she felt like she was falling out of love with him ] To this day, Baekhyun is still a bit salty about what happened between them, and they avoid each other unless they have to interact. When they do have to talk to each other, the two of them act very professional, but send each other glares when no one else notices.


WE'RE NOT REALLY FRIENDS BUT YOU'RE THERE FOR ME — Lee Kaya // 23 // Production Designer // [see Kaya's App]

Kaya and Jina met when Jina joined Pathcode. They haven't officially met before that, but Kaya had heard of stories about her from Baekhyun. From what Baekhyun told her, Kaya felt iffy about Jina, not really trusting her for the longest time. Though after Jina opened up, Kaya saw that she wasn't as bad as Baekhyun had described her. While they wouldn't classify each other as friends, since they aren't all that close, they still have each other's backs when needed.





  • Kyung Hee University (Design, 2013)

BACK-UP: kEY MAKE-up artist

— "keep your head up princess, your tiara is falling"

Jina recieved the job after being reccomended by Yoojin for the position. Joonmyun took Yoojin's suggestion, trusting her judgement, and looked over all of Jina's past works. He was very surprised at first, seeing all the successful and popular projects she's work on, especially after hearing that she was once popular boy group, Infinite's, stylist. After seeing that she was qualified for the job, Joonmyun offered it to her. As stated above, Jina was a bit on the fence about it for a while, but in the end chose to work for the newly developed film studio.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM FOR PATHCODE FILMS? AND HOW DO YOU SUPPOSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONTRIBUTE IN ACHIEVING THAT DREAM?  — "In the simplest terms I could put it, I would want for us to succeed. Now, success is a debatable topic, since what really defines success? I'd like to think for us, as a amatuer production studio, success would mean getting recognized for amazing work. Whether it'd be for they story, the characters, or the amazing costume design by yours truly, if anything about us got noticed and viral would be a dream." I flip my hair over one shoulder, hunching over a little to place both palms on each knee. "I guess my contribution to getting closer to this dream of mine would be to design the best I can every single time. As a costume designer, I have to tell a story through fabric, and doing that will put us on the charts.

DO YOU LIKE YOUR POSITION? WHY OR WHY NOT?  ARE YOU AIMING FOR A HIGHER ONE IN THE FUTURE? — "Yeah, I like it. I've always loved clothes and designing, so I guess this is as best as I could get in my bussiness. As for a higher position, I'd say not currently. I'm content with what I got right now."

IF YOU COULD SWITCH POSITIONS FOR A DAY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WHY? — "Oh, I'd definately want to switch with Minseok sunbae. He's the director, that means he has most of the control over things, right?" I look up a little thinking about it. "But, seriously, why wouldn't I want his position. Authority, that's something I need"

DO YOU THINK PATHCODE FILMS COULD GO A LONG WAY? — "Honestly," I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Of course I do. Even if I don't say it out loud, I know for a fact that everyone on the team has really good potential. God, that's really out of character for me to say." I shake my head and slap my cheeks a little. "Don't tell anyone I said that, or I'll decapitate you." 

DO YOU GET ALONG WELL WITH EVERYONE? — "I wouldn't say that I get along with everyone" I brought my hand to my mouth, "Byun Baek," I say inbetween coughs. I could feel Baekhyun's eyes on me as I clear my throat. "But, for the most part they're easy to get along with. No one really gets on my nerves and I'm pretty sure it's the same vice versa. As long as they respect me and my actions, I'll do the same to them." 


  • Stylist — Woolim Entertainment — July 2013- February 2014 
    • — Stylist for Infinite
  • Costume Designer — tvN — March 2014- June 2015
    • — Gap-dong. April - June 2014
    • — Plus Nine Boys. August - October 2014
    • — Liar Game. October - November 2014
    • — Valid Love.  December 2014 - February 2015
    • — Hogu's Love, February - March 2015
    • — Ex-Girlfriend Club, May - June 2015



— byun baekhyun


Positive: Outgoing, Caring, Optimistic
Negative: Clingy, Secretive, Melodramatic


Happy. That's what most people would call Park Chanyeol. No matter what, as long as he's been alive, Chanyeol has always smiled. He's the type of person to always look on the bright side, to always see a positive side of things. No one has ever seen him anything but happy. Chanyeol likes making friends, as it is an easy thing for him to do. Usually he's always surrounded by people, conversing with them and making them laugh. Chanyeol likes being around people and making them pleased.


Underneath his happy facade, when he finally let's his walls down, is a man who has troubles and insecurities, just like everyone else. Chanyeol, though, likes to keep his feelings to himself. If her were to tell someone about how he feels, Chanyeol would presume that he's just being a burden to him, so he tends to stay to himself. What no one realizes is that Chanyeol is extremely clingy. When he meets someone he knows will be best to keep by his side, he'll become attached to them at the hip, always hanging out with them and the such. He also likes to overexagerate, a lot. Telling stories is his thing, no one really minds, or notices really, if he streches the truth a little.




Chanyeol and Jina originally met through Baekhyun, when he introduced her to him, as his girlfriend. The two of them hit it off quite well, exchanging numbers and promising to see each other again. The moment he saw her, Chanyeol thought she was beautiful, but he was his best friend's girl, and he didn't want to break the "guy code," so he backed off of her. During the time she was dating Baekhyun, Jina and Chanyeol became good friends as well, since he was usually there during group hang outs. When Baekhyun and Jina broke up, Jina and Chanyeol's friendship drifted apart as well, until they stopped talking all together. They really don't know why they fell out with each other, it just seemed to happen. During the years apart, the two of them forgot about each other, until fate decided they should be together once again when they both got hired with Pathcode Films. 



When the two of them learned that they would be working together again, both Jina and Chanyeol were very surprised. They were introduced to each other again after years of not talking, so there was some tension there [BUT NOT AS MUCH AS BETWEEN HER AND BAEK, THEY STILL SALTY AF]  They shook each others hand with an obvious hesitation then immediately went to different people, Chanyeol to a glaring Baekhyun and Jina to a confused Yoojin. For weeks, it was obvious the two were avoiding each other, which is really out of character for Jina. And soon enough the two of them were forced to work on something together and were forced to talk. For a short while, the two of them just sat in the tension that could be cut with a knife. Soon enough, Jina got fed up with the silence and started talking. The two of them were awkward at first, but soon enough talked like they never left each other's sides. 


During their reunion time, the two of them became closer than ever before. Chanyeol's old feelings were beginning to resurface as they talked, and Jina slowly became attracted to the tall male. Their relationship was a slow chase, as both of them took quite a while to realize each other feelings. [ i was hoping you could make the ending for them a surprise to me, if not I could add something in~  ]


LAST COMMENT — Hi there~ I can't believe I finally finished this. It's literally 4:14 am as I'm writing this. Please do tell me if there's anything I need to fix.

- a sleepover night with the party squad
- Jina going to work with a hangover, cause let's face it she's gonna be absolutely faced.
- Jina managing to use her martial art skills on one of the guys and she wins.
- to add more later on

PASSWORD — Joss Whedon


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