To clear things up:

 Oh hey there guys. Someone thought that I was Indonesian just because I know SM*SH. Well, just because I know an Indonesian artist that doesn't mean I'm Indonesian.

  Well, I know Yuna, Faizal Tahir and a bunch of other Malaysian artists too, but does that mean I'm Malaysian? Hell to the NO. I'm from Brunei Darussalam... I'm Bruneian. Try googling it LOLOL

  And someone thought I'm Singaporean just because I said I'm having my O-Levels in three years. Why did I even say that in the first place? =.="

  As much as I wish I was, I'm not Singaporean. But I want to be. But then again when I think of it I don't. I was born Bruneian for a reason, and I'm content with that LOL.

  And for some of you who asked me how old I was... I'm thirteen, going on fourteen this year.

  People tell me I'm young since I just started Year 9/Secondary 3 this year. LOLOL But then... ugh.


  I've read comics since I was in Prep 2/Year 6/Primary 6.

  And I really regret that. T.T

  My mind was corrupted when I was, what? Ten or eleven?


  But I've stopped reading them since Year 7 or 8.

  Since then I've been reading /lemon fanfics.

  The first one that I read was about SasuSaku.

  Yes, I was a Narutard.

  Now, not really.

  Now that's been taken care of, I can do stuff without guilt anymore. (or so I guess)

  Thanks for reading my pointless rants. LOLOL



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@<b>valle_zaira</b>: our innocence... taken away at such a young age LOLOL
@<b>double_u</b>: Yosh, I am proud^^ But I bet you want to be Korean or Japanese, am I right? kekeke