
yeah....keep ruining my confidence.just because i insult kim freaking jong un,you bashed me.just what is wrong with society...'just be yourself' but then,society judge me -_- idek if i really want to live at the moment and yet i chose to live through this because i think of my parents,my so-called friends,my future.yeah guys...keep ruining me and i'll be gone.quietly.bye.



piqahbyg97(the kid that have nothing other than family)


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ilovenino #1
I am not sure who is in the wrong, but I have faced a similar problem recently and would like to offer some advice. I'm sorry to be meddling, but I suggest that you properly talk it out with this person. You deserve the opportunity to defend yourself and express your own thoughts, but you need to try and control your emotions while doing so. Not many ppl consider how their actions will affect others, which is why these problems exist so frequently online. Try to understand their view, but also stand up for your own. I have noticed that this user may have already tried apologising in the comments below. If the two of you have already resolved your problem, you can completely disregard this comment and I will be very embarrassed for rambling on. Anyways, hope this helped! BTW: I feel you - there are some users that bash others for no reason, just remember: "they hate us coz they ain't us"
neonflowers #2
ps next time if you dont want me reading your blogs remove me from your friends list first maybe HAHAHAH
or did you actually want me to read this? Well then in that case, I have. I'd like to once more sincerely apologize for my thoughtlessness, I should've realized that everyone handles inputs and criticism differently.
neonflowers #3
Okay, I'm sorry. Did I mention anything like "you are a stupid ing idiot who doesn't even know the real cause and issue about NK/SK"??? DID I EVEN SAY ANYTHING HURTFUL? All I said was you don't know the real issue so you really can't go bad-mouthing him like that and THAT BADLY TOO. You know what, I can never understand you. HAAHAHA omg I'm so sorry, I talked to the wrong person this time. I'm sorry once more, I didn't know that you were this sensitive. Have a great daaayyy!! xx