Raging hormones (rant)

Disclaimer: I love my sister and I know I'm being insensitive in this post but this was written in rage.

My sister is killing me... seriously I'm on the verge of an explosion. Maybe it's because I can't remember what I was like when I was 13, but I swear that at the moment she is the most difficult person on Earth. Since it's a little unfair to just shame her without an explanation, I'll elaborate:

My precious little sister barely does any housework but still complains when she's asked to empty the dishwasher. That's about the only thing she needs to do yet whenever it's time for that she starts victimizing herself and piling up all these excuses. Today, she hasn't done anything but played the Sims 3 and when she was asked to help with dinner, she threw the biggest tantrum saying that she hated how we were constantly bugging her with housework and how she was responsible for everything on her own. Then she claimed that I am a lazy for not doing anything but vacuuming, cleaning mirrors, making salad, folding laundry and going to the grocery store today. When I argued back and told her to her face how unbelievably ungrateful she is, she started crying and suddenly I was the bad guy.

Is that it? No, unfortunately, I'm not done yet. She even went as far as to scream that our dad hasn't done anything today although he has been out in the backyard, building us a new barbeque patio continuously after breakfast (it's 5:36 p.m. and he's still there). Most of her yelling was of course directed at our mom who has also been working today nonstop, helping dad and making berry juice.

Of couse I'm not even going to start to cover all the crazy hissy fits she gets about her hair and clothes every other day. I don't know what's so wrong that she is so insecure about her looks even though she is, I dare say, the prettiest girl her age I've ever seen but it's infuriating. I guess it's just the raging hormones but do they really make you unable to think of anyone but yourself. Do they make you lazy, greedy and ungrateful? It upsets me to see her like this because when she is in a good mood, she is so fun and smart and sweet. I guess I was the same when I was going through puberty but thankfully I can't remember that.

So to all you teenagers reading this post, please help me understand if you deliberately choose to act like an or does it just come out without you noticing? Also, on a more neutral basis, do you need to do housework? Do you argue with your family a lot? (self-evaluation is probably a diffcult thing to do so I'm sort of losing my point)

I didn't mean to offend anybody with this, but I'm also not going to apologize if I did cause I think that these are things that we all experience. This is a stupid and most likely useless post that won't probably get any comments due to the unpopular and uninteresting topic but I must say I do feel a little better after writing this.

If you read this all, thank you. If you didn't, I completely understand.


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Since they're our parents, I think that we should just respect them and not talk back because they went through a lot just for us. When I'm mad, I just keep it to myself and not say anything.

You know, it saddens me when I hear my friends saying that they hate how their parents are treating them, letting them do all the chores and whatnot, I mean, I get it - it's hard to do all the chores when you're also studying and you're busy with other things, but aren't our parents' jobs harder than theirs? Our parents have been working for years - even way before we were born! And just...and people just treat them like they're nothing. It really pains me. That's why I always try to shut my mouth when I'm mad and not talk back because wow...I get displeased with myself so easily, and if I ever do that, maybe I'd hate myself forever, seriously XDDD
I do get pissed sometimes, but it's just me muttering stuff under my breath, but I don't get pissed at everyone if I do something wrong - instead, I get angry at myself for doing that thing wrong. I don't lash out and I don't scream and hit everyone, but to be honest, I'm the type to cry to myself when I'm pressured, stressed, frustrated...I mean, I can't help it. I don't usually tell everybody or anyone if I'm feeling down or not because they'll eventually know because it's obvious since I don't want to talk when I'm feeling down or frustrated. Most of the time, I just blame myself for everything, and this is what I hate about myself. I hope I'll change into a better person and be a better example to others.

Some of my friends lash out and they get so mad and they start throwing insults, but they don't even notice. They noticed once some of us told them and they apologized. I think it's part of growing up: getting so mad for no reason and all that, and wanting to be independent and sometimes, maybe you thinking that you're the best and you have that ego thing going on...I mean, I've seen a couple of people go through that stage and now they're better. I really think it's part of growing up, but you should try to control yourself, too. ^^

To answer your question, yes, I do housework. I wash the dishes and sweep the floor (or vacuum it when it's not broken), I feed our cat, I sometimes change the cat's litter box or sand box when my brother can't do it, I help clean the counters, I segregate the groceries along with my siblings, I make my bed and sometimes my siblings' beds when they're too busy, I help my mom and my siblings when we go grocery shopping, and lately, I've been helping them out in the kitchen, like, cooking, because my mom recently taught me how to make her fave dishes and I'm so happy! ^^

To be honest, I rarely argue with my parents. I mean, I just think we shouldn't argue with them since they're older than us and they're our parents.
Yes, I do have chores to do even if I'm the youngest doesn't excuse me from houseworks. Maybe your sister should spend less time on her phone/tabs and more with real people. Make a time limit on her daily time spend using the Internet/playing games (that's the rule in my house and it's also use on my nephew who is now 7). About arguing with my family, not so because I'll always have "chit-chat" with my mum and all so we're more like friends.
Ps. Is it too long? Sorry for the long comment~
Hope you can cool down after writing this and maybe have a talk with your sister about it?
Wow, your sister is quite a handful. I learned the true meaning of being grateful when my father forced me to clean my room (it was disgusting...looked like I had an addiction to hoarding /exaggerating/). I always had an abundant amount of clothes in my closet, but I didn't know it was to "that" extent. It made me realize that I had more than enough, and that I should be contented with what I have.

I've been rude to my parents (talking back), but the consequences followed (lectures in my ear for days...not kidding). I think your parents have become too lenient on her behavior so that's why your sister is acting like that.

When I learned to remain satisfied with my life, it was because I realized that people are out there on the streets..starving and had bigger things to worry about than me.

Maybe you should help her with that. Help her see that the world doesn't revolve around her. :)