random ;)

hmm...i just love dull uninspiring titles like that...people always say don't judge a book by its cover...and yet, it's ok to judge a blogpost(or even fic) by its title? very wise...and so shall it be...

well, this is random anyway...i'm not lying...i'm trying to get less people to feel interested to click in...haa.

1. Rotten Paper, My Poor Money & Lazy Irresponsible Self

First of all...a little rant...
ok..not exactly rant...just self berating...
I just realized...i had just ugh...ruined my money...well, in a way...and i just hate that, bcuz money don't come easy but leaves easy lol. and because i know i can control it if i want to, but i didn't, and probably wouldn't...and there's no one i could blame but myself.
One bad thing about the idea of being an ideal fan who buy their fav singers' stuffs...when it comes to me is my poor care for anything...
So long story short...i bought a bunch of albums(that are darn expensive for whatevertheheckreason..and no it's not bcuz i bought from expensive shop or anything...the original price itself is just...ugh...yeah...ask the singer thank you..no really, i mean the singer...not the company or anything n i have my legit reasons for that.) and took out the lyrics sheet to translate...and i'm already really bad at keeping my things since i'm just lazy and often too tired to care.../okay that's excuse if you don't notice already/
so after weeks/month of having typed the lyrics and translated them...i realized i haven't keep back the sheet and they're just lying around on my table...
and they've somehow stuck themselves to each other (aaahhhh!!!!!) and now one is totally unreadable anymore...

for which song? well....this...

at least i've already translated it i guess? lol...

ahh....i hate it...as if it's not annoying enough that people who took my translations to retranslate to their language are thumbsdown-ing my videos just because i call them out n confronted them for not giving credit...and i can bet 100% they'll continue to refer to my work without crediting as asked and yet keep thumsdowning if i keep providing materials....how classy.
maybe i'm petty for asking for credit for my translation to be retranslated since i'm merely just translating n not really the lyrics writer...
but hey...even that takes a lot of effort and personal perception from the translator...and if you want to take my work...you might do so with my terms that isn't even hard...i never force anyone to use my work...but don't make it obvious if you're tryina cheatin' yeah?
I wouldn't call this karma...that my stuff gets messed up...bcuz if anything,they're the ones who deserves some...my lyrics sheet just went bad bcuz i'm so lazy to keep my things properly so i have to pay the price for it....sigh...
i should stop buying albums. seriously. since i doubt i'd ever bother to change my attitude and even my cd box where i dump everything i bought inside aren't that big....-_-

But i want my oppars' albums now. -_-

2. Jelly? :p...you better...

Oh...did you know...

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omgomgomg....a member of my top#1 idolgroup replied to my tweet that was a reply to his tweet for his fans too...well, before you freak out to congratulate me(if you are...lol)....please take note that he replied to all fans who replied to him for that tweet....xD....but still....you don't get replies from idols too often especially in english n especially not member of your ultimate fav group do ya?...not that he's exactly an idol anymore since he's on his way to indie-debut(he already shared many of his compositions n held his indie showcases)...but hey..always my lil boys they are...and since i love indie/nonmainstream...and since i love his compositions so far too despite not really into his music-listening preference generally...more power to him...and and...did you see 'WE'...???...waaaahhhh....all my kids luff me...lol. (excuse me being a lil delusional here...it's not like i'd seriously think he got the answers from all members to say 'we'....but whatever...it still makes me feel good....)

i want to spazz more but....i better not...lol. i wasn't even hoping for reply since it always make me feel awkward thinking if i should re-reply or not to messages i don't expect replies....since not replying might make me seem uncaring, but replying too much might make me appear clingy...

it reminded me when one of my fav band's guitarist replied to my random new year wishes tweet to her band...saying the member i didn't linked into the tweet also has twitter...lol...i freaked out so bad and we ended up extending the conversation to a few more tweets...but she was so cool that i was in chaotic nervousness trying to calm myself to not look so fangurly...at least she'd know they have fan from Malaysia...where you don't get fans of cool K-indie/nonmainstream Kr bands too often...haa..../get slapped/...

3. Fangirling tttttttttttiiiiiiiiiimmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....aka...my oppars!

and of course...my <3<3<3

So...i've been watching more n more of Weather Forecast stuff....(thanks to a certainmember's blog where the impossible made possible)

And...i just...
Okay, i think you who have diligently stalk my blog reading all the crap oppar fangirling posts deserve a proper introduction to them. whether you like it or not...nyahaha...

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They debuted with first album in 1993, made of three members(Mr.Jung, Mr.Park, Mr.Kang) who were from same yodeling team for students union or something association in 1989...(sorry no pic of them three, probly cuz they're more indie back then n only became popular in 3rd album after mr.jung left...i think mr.jung can be found in a video though...that will be posted as this blogpost go further...)

All three of them compose their songs n have fair contribution/distribution of involvement. In their first album, they have nine songs, each members compose three songs.

Similarly with their 2nd album, they have ten songs...with mr.park n mr.kang both composing three songs each, and mr.jung had four.

Then one member(Mr. Jung) left after two albums...i'm not sure cuz he wanted to go solo or wanted another career or what...

But the other two members came back with their 3rd album bearing two title tracks each made by the two members(and of course they still continue to have same number of compositions each in the album)...both title tracks(I Like You and Dream of a Doll) became major hits that have been remade many times and are still relevant/memorable songs till today, random but Mr Park i noticed started using his stagename ever since this album...

I read from some post in Kr.site that their 4th album weren't that successful(although not THAT unsuccessful i guess since i still could find their perf of the 4th album's title song on yt-the title song was composed by Mr.Kang n that song was included in top50 song of some mbc song ranking albeit the ranking isn't that high...or was it like weekly music show or what? idk...) here's the song/perf...

Mr.kang gives this unconfident vibe when performing on stage,...but recording wise...i'm even surprised he could be so awesome in many/most/all their songs...mr.park on the other hand might be better at live than recording...idk...but he's definitely at ease with performing.not to say his recording are bad...still good too.


Actually...random again...but they have song titled 'Wish' but worded differently in each of their 3rd,4th,5th albums...lol...


...but they got relatively popular again with their 5th album...with title song Beautiful Girl, composed by Mr.Park, and lyrics co written with Mr.Kang.

After 5th album, at the end of 1999, they disbanded/stop promotion as a group..for good. T_T

I'm not sure if it's a conscious decision they had long decided or something came up or what...but yeah.

Both members had done a bit of solo and been in a number of groups afterwards.


I think Mr. Kang is more wellknown for having been in modern rock band that became popular, Loveholic. and having composed many of their hits. Though surprisingly or not, quite a number of their major popular hits turn out to be remake of Weather Forecast songs he composed back in the days - Dream of a Doll, If Only You're Here, and also his solo - Always...

Mr. Park idk...i think he became active again in the past years, i'm not sure what he did before...it's like...there's 10 or more years gap between their last album, and his debut as solo...idk where had he been...


Mr. Kang now bears the reserved matured mysterious image n only plays music n compose in his new band(Brick), and no longer sing i think...even in his popular previous band, he's not that centred as singer...i wouldn't have guess he's so good if i hadn't found Weather Forecast songs...though he probly looks pretty much the same

Mr. Park still looks as chirpy n high spirited as ever even if he's grown old, in fact maybe now he seems much more at ease on stage n even more eager/lively?, he still sound as good as ever too...he's the one who still post of his former group stuffs, and yeah things from the past...and even still label himself as part of the band...:(

Mr. Kang...honestly...idk...he's too mysterious for me to figure out anything. What surprised me was...back then, he's not all that mysterious as i'd think despite often being clad in black glasses...dundundun...


So...i watched a few videos of them...and my heart died a little(well, maybe not so little)...

One was a variety/talk session on music show or something...the members were like introducing themselves...with a board bearing some infos about them...(sorry i didn't reupload this one since the sound quality etc. isn't that perfect n i doubt anyone's interested anyway)

i can't believe seeing mr.kang smiling n laughing freely albeit with a lil shyness/awkwardness...what... is this the same mr.kang i know?!!! how could he be so awkwardly cute!!!??
and mr park...with his answers that made the audience laugh even without looking that relaxed n without looking like he find things he wrote as funny as audience think...i'm guessing they didn't guest on tv shows that often other than singing.....when mr.park was trying to answer/explain his answers....he has this 'kara's kang ji young' face when she's trying to say 'what? i'm innocent. i don't know anything...what are you saying?'....you know that face? (maybe KARA fans will know though i'm not sure if you understand which face i'm talking bout) no really, he actually looks like jiyoung when he made that face. i was shocked..../does.not.compute/

What punched me right in the feels is mr.park's answer to a question...i saw 'hyunmini' written so i immediately went to translate it...uh'oh...since lately it has become one of my fav words i want to see/use anywhere n everywhere lol..../creeper detected/
so he was saying his hobby is following Hyunmini around /died a little/ (unless he meant as Hyunmini following him around i'm not sure which...lol)
regardless of whether the answer is true or just for fun...
breaks my heart a little...to think of the present...and it's so cute that when asked to explain...he only looked at Hyunmini next to him, and Hyunmini does the talking...and when mr.park mentioned cute and it's fun(to follow hyunmini around?) or sth......hyunmini just stared at him like...'you did not say that'...or 'really?'
Ugh...too cute to be true...mr. kang seems to be more like the hyung-in-control than the clueless mr.park...but at times, it feels like he depends on mr.park as the hyung too...ahhh...dunnoduncare...they're too cute together n that's that.


- and then a performance that shocked me bcuz...

...did hyunmini really...i mean...he...i mean...is that him?...how could he be more at ease performing dorkily even more than mr.park? does not compute.
aaaahhhh....my heart...my poor heart...how could mr.kang look like he's enjoying it while mr.park at times look embarrassed n self conscious even if it's not reflected in his moves haa...but they're both oh so cute...aaaaaahhhh...wait...is that really mr.kang though? mr.kang...i...does.not.compute..../excuse the grammar. cuz i does not computer/...they're so cute...i can hardly breathe from all the silent squealing...tsktsktsk...ahjumma what are you doing really? i luff this perf. and that's that. from the reversal of hairstyle...my guess is..this would be in 1999 during their 5th album...but idk...i mean...ugh...kjust look at mr.kang's expression behind his shades...that blunt confidence that's rarely seen...i mean usually he can be awkward even when he's being carefree but here...charisma top notch...lol. lovelove it. and seems like either one of them got wrong lyrics or maybe both got wrong at different times...but after listening to this like a thousand times...my instinct n hearing says the jumbled/mistakes in the lyrics were mostly/all contributed by mr.kang...lol...from his confidence on stage...i wouldn't guess it's him...


- and also...a cameo of them performing in a drama i guess...

wow...i think this was when they had three members...or not?...looks like it...i read that it's song from their 2nd album...i love how all three of them have very distinct styles of their own...regardless cheesy or not...mr.park's style could win my points anyday because there's dreaminess factor to such style and now you know my style...ugh damnit mr park you. (it's just style ok...:p) and mr.kang really looked the part of maknae.....wait...i just realized the eldest is not mr.jung but mr.park...albeit just two months difference, and mr.kang is just a year younger...mr.jung looked like he could be the leader/main singer/anything of the likes...i always feel mr.park looks a bit too carefree(not complaining bcuz it makes him individualistic in his own right) n has some laidback n whimsical feel to him...but he balances well with mr.kang's seriousness n mysteriousness...yknow...whimsical meets mysterious...they are different yet so similar...i love that...n i love balance tbh, he makes mr.kang more carefree...n mr.kang makes mr.park a lil more conscious....n together, they become cuter...which is why i love them together soooo much more than i could ever love them individually...or with their other groups...


- oh and random (again...), but  mr.park's blog also has some section for creepy looking artworks which i think are his artworks too. he's just all kinds of arts n indie-ish...and when he performs, his enjoyment in the moment would just be dripping it's impossible to not notice it...i love that he's actively releasing music projects as of the recent year...n his one song that i checked out n translated was so touching n inspiring...i really hope he'd get back up from where he slumped if he really did...n be more recognized n loved for things he does n love...n somehow find the way back to have his career climbing up again and maybe...be with mr. kang again <3 huhu.....i know...i'm such a stubborn clingy fan who won't move on...but i really want to see mr.kang smile and laugh carefreely again,and for mr.park to be with someone i want to see him with...lol...together...they're on top of the world....<3

Why are they so perfect together?

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how could i not want them together(ahem...as singing group i mean...:p)

They're the epitome of cuteness blend with cool dreaminess and ugh feels-music....T^T (oh...look who's obsessed....)

and now...let me end this section properly and leave you with three more songs i've subbed...

this time...after seeing their rock n quirky sides....ballad feels...n their ballads made me wonder...if they actually majored in uberomantics....ok...that's random...

^ this is the 'Wish' from their 5th album...composed by mr.park

^ composed by mr.kang. mr.kang's songs trademark to me is his mystifying dreamy touch in his composition...n i'm pleased to see him taking it to a literal interpretation....though it could be kinda creepy depending on own interpretation..

^ composed by mr.park. draggy n soo...beautifully n dreamily heartbreaking at the same time...i love how a lot of their songs make me feel like i'm in another world...



Actually...i'm happier to be in love with people/celebs/singers/idols of the past...that are no longer active/existing. (even if it made me look like some weirdo stuck in the past) bcuz then they can't disappoint me no more i guess...? a thing of the past remain a thing of the past. if the memories were glorious...nothing would change or ruin it. Not even the current state that's disappointing because the present is a new series altogether...and can never be able to affect series that have already aired n ended in glory) but with current idols/singers...i'm constantly disappointed and that kinda ruins my feeling. You can't ruin a story that has already ended. In fact, they remain beautiful in your memory for as long as they're kept in there. Which is why i think i feel stronger for singers that have all gone inactive or not mainstream...since even if they keep releasing music...there are less thing that could disappoint as long as i love their music releases...liking current idols and dealing with their underwhelming songs, issues, hardcore fans, antis, and all people in between who just want to have their say on something they dunno duncare too...just is smothering...and left me burnt out. Not to mention idol music has becoming more n more tiring to my ears n eyes...not to say they've gotten more generic...since i believe idol music has always been on the generic side depending on seasonal trends ....maybe it's just that since i've been listening n seeing same trendy shiets for 10 years...i've had enough...n gravely sick of it(though part of me still prefers idols songs back then n think better of them compared to many songs nowadays that just sound like bunch of noises to me...but it's not like i'll look down on those who like them....taste is subjective...n i'm happy with my taste)...says who that generalizing jerk that nobody likes idol for music anyway? hey...i like my idols for music too okay...which is probably why it's hard for my feels for idols to remain...other than for the has beens...and also...there are many annoying things i'm seeing in kpop fandoming that just grow increasingly annoying as years go by...that it's so suffocating and i don't think i want to tolerate or even see anymore...so the best way is to stay away from this plague n just like n enjoy what i want to in my own little universe...without being involved with any of the mainstream annoyance...n ridiculous mentalities filling the air...

But the bad side is...it hurts to think of how good the past was/is and how the present no longer has any of those sweetness...
looking/walking down the memory lane of singers no longer active...so many feels can be felt...
those heartbreaks that hurts so good...bcuz the memories n moments of the past were so good it hurts to be aware of them as merely the past...
i've been getting so much feels(i know...so unnecessary...)...that i feel more poems are coming...since poems are the very thing that's driven purely by emotions n personal feelings, for me... fanfics? they're just creations...

well, i'll leave you with a poem verse from [Our Memories...] ...inspired by the song Baraem above...(although nothing to do with the lyrics since both are telling different stories)...mine...more like my own feels about my oppars...but putting myself as representation of either one party...


Like wanting to run back to the starting line
Only to realize it had ended just fine
Our golden times are but a past, no longer mine
Only in dreams, our story unceasingly entwine


i want to blabber more...but i guess i'll settle with this for now...haa...

oppars killing all my drive to talk other things...


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The stories of how your biases tweeted you IS exciting!!!
And hahaha, now I know about Weather Forecast history thanks to this blogpost! And that Mr. Park has a Kang Ji Young face. Woah, they were a very interesting band and produced great music.
And no, this is true; I have been listening to almost strictly non new songs hahaha. Because it’s somewhat easier to delve into. New music is dramatic somehow because I’m not sure why… maybe for the ways things can change and pale and hurt, too; it takes away from the purity of the experience of enjoying it? Haha, I prefer older pop music, too. LOL wow. I… feel like I’m betraying and I feel shocked to admit… I don’t like kpop fandoming… rn. AND THEN you explained my very next thought, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because maybe I will again, there were some fun times, and some of the coolest and sweetest people. But I don’t want to do it anymore. It is so peaceful and freeing looking at things on our own.
YES WHY is it all so heartbreaking sometimes?? It feels like more of a newer thing to me, because, Idk, maybe I expected it to continue in glory somehow.
These are the things I feel scared to admit ever.
It is exciting you are loving the Weather Forecast!