My Nephew!

  My nephew is sooooooo cute and chubby and smiley and adorable! I just want to hug him and pinch his little cheeks! Everytime he looks at me and I do a funny face, he would always smile! He doesn't like to lay down that much (at least that's what I think XP) But he's the cutest baby I have ever seen! I just think I can't really carry him long because he's soo chubby! Ok! Here's some pictures of the adorable cutie!


He kept moving! >~<

That's when he toppled over. He likes doing that a lot, but can't get up himself, so I had to help. Cx

And now my favorite pictures!


  Haha so yupp! That's my baby nephew! Isn't he just adorable!!!! KYA~


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curlyfriesLOL #1
Look at those cheeks. ^^