There is this guy...

OK so there is this guy and some things have happened lately, It might be nothing, and it might be something, but idk. It's weird. I feel like im completely insane, but when i told my friend she agreed with me that it was weird and said i wasn't crazy. 

Kinda long but i would appreciate it if you would read it and leave a comment. 


So let me set this up for you. I've known this guy for like all my life. We were in the same grade but he is actually 8 months  older than me (he was born the year before me). He had a crush on me when we were in 5th grade and i had a crush on him in 5th grade. Neither of us knew we liked each other. His sister became one of my friends in 6th grade. She told when i was in 9th grade that he used to like me but their family "made fun of him/Joked around about him liking you." and so he said he would stop liking me. And he did, and i stopped liking him after the 5th grade. We have been sort of friends since we were little, but never really talked. (mostly because i have bad anxiety and don't really talk to a lot of people outside of a few best friends) And on top of that i was always closer to this other guy who we also grew up with. It had always been the three of us that had been in the class since we first started. They were best friends until a while back and we all drifted apart when we hit middle school. 


In tenth grade i left the school, but i still go back to the school for all of the school events. So this all started about a year after i left at the end of sophomore year. 

so here are some of the big things that have happend


The very first thing that really ever happened between up when we were older was in the fall of that year. It was a weekend and his younger sister spent the night cuz shes friends with my sister. I thoguth her dad was coming to pick her up so did bother to change. I also thought if he did come in he would stay in the kitchen. I heard my dad say something so i said "Hey daddy," i was going to ask him when they were coming to pick her up. and I turned and IT WAS NOT MY DAD. IT was him. and i just went "Oh, Hi." and he laughed and said hi. Not sure if he was laughing  because of my reaction or my outfit. An old thin white t-shirt where you could clearly see my black bra, and smiley face pajama pants and my hair in a messy bun. Of course i was blushing. and he stayed for like 30 minutes talking to my mom cuz his sister was taking forever, and i couldn't go change cuz that would make it more awkward. so i was just sitting there in my pjs. and my mom embarrassed me more by showing off some of my art. i was so embarrassed.



Second, one of the very first times i saw him since the first incident he stared at me for a good two minutes. So it wasn't like normal staring. He walked over to the group i was in (It's not his group at ALL like he wasn't even friends with the other two) and he walks up and stands across form me and just stairs at me for a good minute or two. I Looked at him for like ten seconds and then looked away, but he didn't look away from me. I kept glancing back but he just kept staring at me. Finally he looked away, but he just looked at my friend for a few seconds then walked away. The strangest thing was he had a straight face the whole time. 


The thrid thing that happened is that at a friends party the summer before junior year. we played the game HONEY IF YOU LOVE ME. rules are very simple you say honey if you love me will you please please smile, and you can act all cute or silly or what ever, you can touch them but you cant tickle them. they have to reply Honey i love you but i just cant smile, and then you lose and you have to do it to someone else, but if they smile before they say that then it's their turn. We had been playing for a while, and no one had gotten this guy to smile, not even the girl everyone knows he likes.

so it's my turn and i figure what the hell i'll give it a shot. SO i pull this chair up in front of him, and i sit my knees on the chair. and i turn the cuteness level up to 100. I tilted my head and my long hair was being all cute and i pulled out one of his head phones and he looked up at me and i was like "Honey~ If you love me will you please Please smile." Then i tilted my head a bit more with a huge smile on my face and said "just one smile~" and held up one finger on each hand. "Just one?" and i kept doing things like that and Then i booped his nose and kept like moving my head and repeating just one smile in different forms (OMG IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING THINKING BACK TO IT.)  He was about to say something when a huge genuine smile that he couldn't help spread across his face. Every time i think about this i can't help but smile. Like how could i make him smile but not his crush?


third was during homecoming of our junior year, so first at the game i accidently called his brother his name when he was right in front of me and he said "Wow you forgot who i am already?" I was like "OMG I'm so sorry. I would have sworn it was you" and he laughed and we went back to watching the game. SO then the next day at the dance, I was looking at the group photos we took on his gf's phone and He was standing behind me and his gf was next to me. we were looking at them and she went back to far and it was a pic of her and him. it was one i had seen before, but he didnt know that. (they weren't an official couple but everyone knew they were a thing.) she flipped back to the group pics and he got all flustered at me seeing the pic. I smiled and slightly shook my head as in he didnt have to explain himself to me. I went to walk away and he reached for my arm, but he acidentally touched my . He was liek "Oh, sorry." and i said "You're fine" and walked away. at the end of the night however when i was going to leave he asked for a hug and i said sure and gave him one. He was a little surprised but he hugged me back. That was the first time we had ever hugged. 




fourth, was after a basket ball game our sisters wanted to go out for ice cream. So the we decided on culver's and he brought his gf along too. i took our two sisters and he took his gf. once we al got there we sat and talked. our sisters were talking the most and the older three were mostly quietly eating our ice cream. Once we started to talk  I noticed that he was like hyper focused on his ice cream. He didn't look at much else than his food. Finally he said it was time to get her back to the school and that he would be back later. When he finally came back he was like "Alaina we gotta go I hit a red truck, come on." I wasn't sure if he was serious or joking, but we drove red truck, and he went on with it for like another minute before he was like "I'm kidding. I knew it was your car. I was messing with you." My sister was jokingly yelling at him about that cuz they are like siblings and he was laughing about it.

 Now looking back at it once he took his gf back his personality did a 180 and he was really talkative and joked around and was really sweet. We talked about old times and things that had happened. Old stories that we shared. He would look at me a lot after she left he even looked me in the eye alotEven though we never really talked once we started telling stories it was like we had done this a thousand times. It was so strange that we were so comfortable around each other. At 1020 we decided we should leave, cuz he had to go home and so did we that and the restaurant closes at 10. When we were leaving he walked super close next to me, like 2 inches away close. and i don't know it felt familiar, like we had done this before. His hand hit mine once and for some reason it felt like we should be holding hands, but we didn't. Just before we reached our cars i asked where they were planing to go on their senior trip and he responded with "What do you mean 'You guys?' You are going with us no matter what. You are still part of our class." and it was really sweet cuz he never says things like that. then we left. It was just weird cuz it felt so familiar and comfortable.



Lastly, prom. So during prom set up we had a moment and during the actual prom we had a moment. So first, at set up I was trying to figure out how high we needed the photo booth sheet off of the ground. One guy is 6'6 and I am 5'11 so i knew it had to be quite a bit higher than me. So i called over the tallest person at set up which happened to be him (he's 6'2-6'3). He came over and immediately assumes it's because i can't reach high enough he comes up  so he takes the curtain from me and raises it higher and i said "No. No. No. Give me that." He looked at me confused then. "What are you doing?" then i said something along the lines of "I need to figure out how tall Perkins is so that the curtain will be high enough." He was then like oh and the helped me raise the curtain to a height enough level and then helped me off of the chair i was on. (Yes. he thought i couldn't reach high enough even though i was on a chair.) 

SO we did swing dancing at the actual prom. Girls on one side guys on the other. Girls would rotate down the line after a few minutes with each guy. We started out with a basic step (Left, right, back, step) and then we went in a circle, and then we aded in a turn ( so it was Left, Right, Back, step. turn the girl, back, Left....)  Once i got to this guy we were on the last part of the dance. the way you place your hands together is different from normal slow dancing. the guys hand is turned sideways (like he's going for a hand shake, except his fingers are bent at the knuckles. the girls hands draped over his. Now i walked up to him and gave him a nervous smile and put my hands in his. I looked at him and he was watching me. I got distracted almost instantly by his gf and this other guy trying to figure out the dance. (MIND YOU HIS GF IS RIGHT NEXT TO US and she is one of my friends.) Out of nowhere he squeezes my hand and rubs his thumb over my fingers. It was firm and reassuring. He easily got his fingers to glide across mine. It was effortless, like he had done it before. I looked at him immediately (surprised by the gesture) and he smiled at me and i smiled back. (To be honest this was a rather intimate gesture to do infront of his gf, like especially when he could have just made a noise or said something to get my attention, and also why did it matter if i was focused on him or looking at the two next to us?)

We then started the dance. (I had my heels off so he was taller than me at this point) The first two spins were bad. I ended up pressing against his body as we spun, and the third time he hit my hair/head with his hand. Once we got the hand of it it was fun. Both of us were looking at each other and not the ground. His gf even commented "Wow they got it down fast" and we danced for a few minutes, and with him it was effortless to dance. Even my mother (who was shaperoning said "You and him were the best couple out there. You two just flowed and looked good)

When i told my friends and sister about the hand rubbing thing they said it was strange for him to do something like that.



Basically, I don't know what is going on. It so weird. he keeps doing things like this that are slightly on the flirty side, but he had a gf and he has never shown an interest in me sometimes he doesn't even talk to me and sometimes he talks for a long time. It's just so weird. For some reason it all seems really familiar but also strange and i cant seem to get it off of my mind.


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From what I've read I can tell you both aren't over that little 5th grade crush.
It's quite adorable.
You two genuinely seem to like each other and for some reason it seems like he's trying to repress it or something? Cuz he does indeed have a girlfriend but I can tell he probably has some hidden feelings towards you.. And the fact that you notice all his small gestures and his attitude changes when his girlfriend is present or absent shows that you're interested in him as well..
His girlfriend is your friend and I can see why you wouldn't wanna hurt her and I don't know if it's just me reading into things but it seems like the fact that he has a gf bothers you a bit?
Do you like him?
This all sounds pretty sweet but I think you two should talk? Maybe try to bring it up gently? Idk...
It just seems like there's something there...
Sorry if I misinterpreted something..