Help! Important notice/update!

Hey guys! It's been a while! I just want to let you guys know that I am currently working hard on two 12+ chapter fanfics that should be arriving within the next month hopefully! Meanwhile, I would appreciate some much needed help. My beloved puppy, my love, my reason for living, has torn a ligament and is at risk of being paralysed. The surgery costs a lot of money neither I nor my parents have. There's more info about it here:

If any of you could spare even a dollar, it would mean the world to me. I can do rewards if that helps. I can do 1000-word chapters for anyone who donates ten dollars or something like that.

Like I said, every penny counts. If you can't donate then please share the campaign with your friends, tumblr followers, etc. Thanks in advance. Meanwhile, I'll be working my hardest to get you guys the stories you wanted! 



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