Nocturnal J thoughts

As a guilty novel addict, I super love happy endings most all specially on love stories. But after finishing every novel I've read I got this question inside my head. Does happy ending truly exist? What happens to the characters after that happy day? As a writer wannabe ideas come and go in my head. My fanfiction stories got mixes of happy and sad events but it still ends on a lighter note. I guess, well in my case I love happy endings because I feel my life is not as exciting as in the books. Yes as pathetic as it may sound, I got negativity all over my system. My heroine always finds Mr. Right but I won't. I still don't have one can you blame me for being cynical? My heroine's problems always got sorted out in the most convenient way as possible. Hey! I want that too but life is such an a$$. I love happy ending or should I say good novels because it's my escape from this stagnant life I'm having. Hey, are you thinking I am such an emotional junkie? I am not. Sure I am complaining about it being ever so dull and boring. Or wanting a better one but at the end of the day, I know I will face another hard day but it's making me strong, clever and functional. Real life doesn't have happy endings but it has intriguing voyage. Characters in the novels are stuck with the last page with their creators signature or name but me, I still have lots of pages in my book waiting to be read. 


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