Kim Ha Byung; The Barbie Girl


Real name: Kim Ha Byung
- HunnyB
- Mini
- Aegyo Princesses
- HB

birthday: 25/07/1997
hometown: San Fransico, California
nationality: African American-Korean
languages spoken: 
- Englsh (Native)
- Korean (Fluent)
- Spanish (Basic)

blood type: AB
Height: 154cm
Face-Claim: Jade Thrlwall
Backup Face-Claim: Dinah-Jane Hanson
Motto: If people are talking behind your back..then just fart

Kim ha byung

by 8lydia1


— Describe yourself

Ha Byung is a kind of shy. When she first meets new people she feezes up. She can barely talk but is only greetings with that person. Then when she gets closer with them, she does the stupidest you can ever imagine. She remember's her legendary story of her shyness also. "When I first came into that dance room, I stood in the back and never said a word. Then three months passed and I was lookiing like a complete idiot. The funniest art about it was when somebody made a video about it" The video was made by her friends. From this day she beleives that the video was deleted, but then she figured out that it wasn't. Now the tried to stop people from watching it because she is affrad of people ar going to say about it.

Although Ha Byung has her shy side, she also has her lying side. Yes, people thinks that she is a perfect Angel that tells the truth about anything, but she has a lot of secrets. Some of the secrets are something that nobody would ever think of. The main secret she keeps hidden is that ate the age of 14 she got pregnant. The only people who knows that is her and the guy that got her pregnant. She did NOT have the baby however. She took pills that way the baby could never be born. Now just because of that she lies to everybody saying never had before in her life, and also is now scared to even be in a room with a boy.


— likes

ONE — Pink
TWO — Hello Kitty
THREE — Bows
FOUR — Red Lipstick
FIVE — Candy

— dislikes

ONE — Bullies
TWO — Kaki
THREE — Dark colors (unless it is a dark pink)
FOUR — Small beds
FIVE — People who steal

— habits

ONE — Btting her hair when nervous
TWO — Playing with her hair
THREE — SkinShip
FOUR — Hugging somebody
FIVE — Sitting down on the floor

— hobbies

ONE — Walking her dog CoCo
TWO — Tap Dancing
THREE — Being Silly
FOUR — Dancing when she's by herself
FIVE — Sleeping

— other facts

ONE — She loves dying her hair | Red | Blue | Green | Purple | Brown | Pink
TWO — Has a Hello Kitty doll she sleeps with everynight
THREE — Her closet is full of things you would APink wear
FOUR — Her cousin is Kim Hyun Ah 
FIVE — Only wears hells / wedges

You and the Secrets house

— why you want to be in the house?

I want to be in this house because I honestly think it will be fun. Although a lot of secrets will be told, I would find interesting...scared..but interesting. Also it is one of my dreams to be on a TV show because on this I don't have to read or script or anything, I make the words as I go. 

Nobody else wold be perfect for this spot unless their name was Kim Ha Byung. You might make the big deal about me being shy at first, but the other people might be fun and outgoing. With that being said, I might get close with 'Some' of these people in about 2 days top /laughs; Let's just hope and pray that they will give me the love and respect that I will give to them /smiles widely;


— why you think you can win this competition?

I think I would win because my family always told me I have been good at guessing. If you don't beleive me then just look at my school grades. All A's and B's with one F, but that is in P.E and I DO NOT run. Anyways..let's get back on the topic. These other people have no chance of winning f I get on the show. I will get so close with these people it's like we could be family. Wait no! We would be twins. If they try and find out anything about me I will just smile and not say a thing /giggles a little; Because it's not like I am doing anything wrong if I do. Am I? I donn't think so..


— is there anything we should know about you?

Hmmm..anything to know?? /thinks; Nope. Because if I told you things about me then I would spoil the secrets. /laughs; Just hold on in their. /pauses; But one thing s that I am extreamly allergic to sea food. Hashtag I can't /pretends to puke;

You and the others

— how do you get along with the others?

We get along pretty well. I do not agrue with any of them. I am the perfect Angel and never do a thing wrong. What my unnie's slash Oppa's tell me to do..I am their to do it.

Tell us a bit more about you

— if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

If I three wishes?? I honestly do not know /thinks; Okay, Okay..I got it /smiles widely;

My first wish would be that  ould never go poor. I do not ever want to be poor in life.

My second wish would be to end world hunger or maybe make the world at peace with everybody, but I don't think a wish can do that.

My third wish is a big for me. I want to stop being shy around new people. I just want to be a fun girl that everybody wants to take to a bar and gt a drink with.


— things that happened to you in the past?

Things that happpened to me in the past is that my parents are divorsed. My mom says that dad died in the army, but I am keeping a secret from her that my 'Dad' sent me a frind request on Facebook. I still do not know weather to accept it or decline it. I am to scared of hat will happen. For all I know the world can exploid. Also I have broken my leg about 3 times and my arm twice.


— Who has been the biggest influence on your life so far, and why?

The biggest influence would have to be my cousin Kim Hyun Ah. She is just s beautiful and famous, I want to be her. I try too do everything that she wants to do or does that way I can be loved like she is.

love life

Are you in a relashionship? If yes, who is it and how long have you been dating?
Nope. Relationships are for people who want to be contrlled by their girlfriends slash boyfriends. I like to ride on my own.

Do you think you Will you be able to fall in love in the house? 
No way. I will never fall in love unless their name is Money. Okay? Okay~ /fake smiles;

What if you fall in love with someone inside the house? 
If I do fall in love with somebody in the house then it is whatever. I might make a big deal about it but I hghly dought that I will /smiles and laughs; All I have to say is that our first date better not be pizza. I need something romantic.


questions — I thnk I got it all done. If I don't can please tell me. /puppy eyes;

comments — I feel like I made a lot of mistakes. Sorry if I did >.< I didn't mean to.

scene suggestions:
None, I bet it will be perfect with just anything you want to put

the secret

— "Kim Ha Byung used to get paid by guys to have with her"

history — It all started in 7th grade. She had liked so many guys and she told them that she thought they were cute. Soon she fugured out that they were all friends. They told her too choose wich one she wanted to date, but she couldn't. Then one of the byuntae one's said "Hey, since she can't deciede how about she has with all of us and see wich one can bang the hardest." At first she didn't want to and said "You should probally just pay me 56557 won if you want me to do that." Then all of the boys got out their money and started givnig it to her. Very soon she fell in love ith the money and decided that she wanted to be a ptostituite for a living and get paid a lot. Then when she got into the 10th grade she stopped getting money from the guys and decieded she would also quit.



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