♚Project Energy — Character's name♚


"Insert quote about character."
I am lastname firstname


large.jpg large.jpg large.jpg

Birth Name

Other Names

— name ( English Name )
— name ( Chinese Name )
— name ( Japanese Name )


— nickname ( reason )
— add more if needed please use shift+enter

Birthday— (ex:August 3, 1994)





Languages— max 5 languages, state fluency, you can't be fluent in all

— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )
— language ( fluency )

You have got that face that just says, "Baby, I was made to break your heart"

blackandwhite,camera,girl,sketch,sunglas blackandwhite,camera,girl,sketch,sunglas 

Face Claim— full name ( link to gallery )

Backup Face Claim— full name ( link to gallery )



Blood Type

Appearance describe your charcter. any tattoos, scars, piercings, birthmarks.

Style— what's their style? do they dress grunge, edgy, preppy, girly, simple, chic & classy, tomboyish, etc. write a description or have pictures, you can use the little bubbles below. You don't have to.


Don't stop, don't change, stay beautiful

tumblr_static_ef837a35a806b679439b88270e tumblr_static_ef837a35a806b679439b88270e tumblr_static_ef837a35a806b679439b88270e

Personality— include negative and positive traits. underline important traits if you must.

Likes— min 5 ( please use shift+enter for the next few sections )

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Dislikes— min 5

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Hobbies— max 6

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere

Habits— min 5

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

Trivia— Go crazy! Not too crazy though

— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— typehere
— add more if needed

We are, Who we are

1013830 1013830 1013830

Background— explain how she got into music and playing her instrument ( This suggestion is opitional! )

Family— personality and interactions are optional but fill them in if you must. Remeber idols are allowed as long as it makes sense and its realistic.

— father | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
— mother | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
— brother/sister | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions

Friends— you can decide the maximum no. of friends your applicants can have. Idols and Oc's are welcomed.

—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
—friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions
friend/best friend | name | age | occupation | personality | interactions

I was born to conquer the stage and captivate the world

1013830 1013830

Stage Name— You can always use her real name if you want. ( explain if you must )

Stage Persona— be original ( no ice princess, aegyo queen and all that nonsense )

Talents— Don't be a showoff ( Twin's are down below )

Fanclub Name— make it have some relation to her personality or stage name ( explain if you must )

Fanclub Colour— include hex code

Vocal Twin— make sure it matches your position, this applies for all positions.

Rapping Twin only if your position has rapping.

Dance Twin this too, applies to all positions.

Training Years— include if she has trained in other companies

— company ( no. of years )
— company ( no. of years )
— add more if needed

Trainee Life— how did she got into the company and include all the good and bad that has happened during her trainee experience.

Pre-debut Experiences— has she acted in a drama? sung an OST? Maybe she has cameoed in an MV?

— predebut experience
— add more if needed

Love is old, Love is new, Love is all, Love is you (Optional)

1013830 1013830 1013830

Love Interest

Group— if they have one


Personality— (be detailed)

First Meeting— (explain how they met)

Interactions— how do they act around one another, be detailed

Relationship status— (friends? dating? lovers? mutal feelings?)

R U Mine? (Optional)

1013830 1013830 1013830

Backup Love Interest

Group— if they have one


Personality— (be detailed)

First Meeting— (explain how they met)

Interactions— how do they act around one another, be detailed

Relationship status— (friends? dating? lovers? mutal feelings?)

Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye

Comments— anything you'd like to say?

Suggestions— (songs, variety shows, etc.)

Scene Suggestions

— request ( add more if needed )


Turn In |Back to the story

Layout by luminous_star from Ice Waffles | Do not steal or remove credi


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