
LOVE INTEREST:  Park Chanyeol

PROLOGUE: Chanyeol and Cindy didn't ever get a chance to really meet until SMTown Live where she was about to debut as a Red Velvet member. He and the rest of the troublemakers had found a roller cart, and wanted to play with it. Chanyeol had tried putting Baekhyun on the cart to push him around, but the little guy couldn't keep his balance because he was laughing too hard. The Beagle line wasn't about to give up on the little stunt, so they set off to find someone who would be willing to and would be able to keep their balance. Cindy happened upon them and Chanyeol decided to use his "charms".

    "Hey, hey, come here! You're apart of that new group, right?"
       "Uhm, yes...?"
"Do you want to ride on this while I push you around to freak out our leaders?"
"Oh come on, it 'll be... wait, what?"
"Sure! Now are you going to push me or am I just going to cling to this and look crazy?"

And with that, they took off, and certainly caused their leaders and managers to gain a few early grey hairs and wrinkles. They did apologize (when they were caught... yes, Chanyeol took off with her still in the cart while Suho and re-written Irene chased after them... Think about that scene for a minute. They think it's hilarious.) many a time before they were officially introduced to each other.

"So, uhm, I'm Chanyeol. Thanks for not falling and letting me push you around."
"I'm Ni--Cindy. Thanks for not running me into a wall, I guess?"
"Does this make us friends?"
"I'd like to be!"
"Awesome! See you around, friend!" 

Although unconventional, it was definitely a funny first meeting and wasn't one that either one forgot.


After the roller cart incident, Cindy was officially known as the "Happy Virus" of the group, and took that title on with pride. She gained a lot of attention because of her fun loving and hilarious reactions, and it skyrocketed even more when Tiffany claimed her as her cousin as well, through Instagram. Cindy and Red Velvet had a lot of eyes on them, and that included from their own company as well. Strictly speaking, Chanyeol had a very busy individual schedule, and with Cindy's debut, they didn't have a lot of time to actually meet and hang out. However, they did follow each other on Instagram, occasionally liking the picture. It wasn't until Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran into Tiffany, Taeyeon and Cindy out and about. The two groups decided to collide, and that was when Chanyeol and Cindy officially got to talk.

"So, now that you're not pushing me around on a roller cart, nor do we have to perform or anything... Hi." 
"Hi! How're you?"

Conversation came naturally to the two extroverts, and with the help of the others, they learned a lot about each other and had a really good time. While it was seen and portrayed as a chance meet up, since it was normal to see the two EXO members together and seeing Cindy tagging along with Tiffany was also a common sight. Chanyeol and Cindy promised to meet up more after that, exchanging numbers and fond goodbyes. It took them a few more weeks to meet up again, this time with Sehun at the pool bar that the tall rapper is always practicing his skills in. Cindy had, of course, come seperately, but netizens didn't miss the leaked photos of the three together, and definitely couldn't ignore Sehun's Instagram update with Cindy vs. Chanyeol, and the older winning by a landslide. When asked about the embarrassing loss in a video, Cindy revealed that she owed Chanyeol a homecooked Korean meal, and she wasn't happy about it. 

"I only really know American dishes, my mom was the one who taught me how to cook after all, but he said it didn't matter, I had to give him a Korean dish in order for it to work."

After that, the meal was definitely the excuse for Chanyeol to come over and bother the young vocalist, and she pretended to be irritated by it.

"Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Well I could be eating homemade Korean food, but unfortunately this American girl who owes me is still learning and making me wait."
"I can throw you out the window, you know."
"But you won't~"

Chanyeol and Cindy were spotted out and about more often when they had break, especially towards the end of the year and the beginning of 2015, right before prep began for their comebacks. It was usually just friendly looking outings, and it wasn't uncommon for fans to spot Cindy laughing at something Chanyeol had done, or them doing a silly activity together. Both mentioned frequently when asked that they had gotten very close, and were very happy that they had found a friend in each other and looked forward to more times together. Cindy even mentioned once that they were too tired to go out and do something, so Chanyeol attempted to do some Mensa problems with her. While he was smart, he did get stumped on quite a few of them, she had said.

Now, from any standbyers of their relationship could see that Cindy had completely fallen for Chanyeol. She wasn't one to outright admit it, but she would say that the boy matched her ideal type, but so did her other best friend, Johnny. And everyone knew about Johnny and her being close, she mentioned him even more than Tiffany or Chanyeol. Whenever she could, she made time for him. Sometimes, she'd tell Chanyeol that she couldn't do something because she was with Johnny. And this made Chanyeol feel very irritated, because why would she hang out with Johnny when he was here and was just as good, if not better? These were dangerous thoughts, he knew, but he couldn't help but feel more than slightly attached to the girl. This obviously led to some thinking, and he came to the conclusion that he liked her. He came to that conclusion a little too late though. Red Velvet had left for America to film their 2015 comeback, so he was left to stew while the singer and apparently the Rookies went to film.

Upon returning, Cindy felt bad for not spending a lot of time with her friend/crush, and wanted to make it up to him. So she got some help and ended up making some omurice, her first official Korean dish. She was so proud of it, and rushed over to show Chanyeol and surprise him. With his mood a little sour, upon seeing that Johnny had indeed been with Red Velvet while filming (the other Rookies were there as well, as a sort of reward for being so good and as a mini vacation that they most certainly wouldn't get again... But Jealous!yeol only focused on the fact that Johnny was there and way to close to Cindy and whoa she looked really good with blonde hair). So when she showed up, newly blonde and smiling brightly, with that oh-so talked about but never expected to actually exist omurice in hand, he wasn't exactly happy about it.

"So you want to get it out of the way so you can spend more time with Johnny?"
"What? Yeol, what are you talking about??"
"Ugh, nothing, just leave it and go, that's what you want right?"
"Yeol, I'm seriously confused. I don't want to leave--"
"Then stop hanging out with Johnny!"
"What does Johnny have to do with any of--"
"He has everything to do with it because he's always with you and I don't like it!"

Before he could say anything else, she made way to leave, not wanting to be around stress when all she wanted was to surprise her good friend and maybe ask him if she was pretty with her blonde hair now. Chanyeol acted on instinct, and grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her back and he... sort of kissed her. 

'What... What was that??"
"I kissed you."
"Well, yeah I got that, but why?"
"I like you. A lot. And I'm dumb."
"Well I got all of that too, obviously."
"So you like me too?"
"I'll like you a lot more if you do two things: Apologize about Johnny, and kiss me again."
"Can i do the second one first?"

And that got them together. They didn't go on a lot of dates (After all, both of them were going through comebacks) but with some of the styles and things they did, you could tell they were trying to get a little piece of each other in their fashion. (Cindy almost cried/Johnny has actual video footage of this one, he claims/ when she saw Love Me Right and Chanyeol had not only silver hair but tattoos as well... It was a rough MV for her to get through.)

They didn't MEAN to reveal their relationship, they say, but everyone else will probably say otherwise. The Happy Virus couple was just a little too obvious -- they held hands (which, to be fair, Cindy did do with others, but the intertwining of fingers? Come on ya'll. At least pretend like you're trying to keep a secret.) Chanyeol started wearing a ring, and a few days later so was Cindy, but the styles weren't similar, so it was shrugged off. Unfortuntely, when Chanyeol started with the silver hair, that gave her a bit of the shock-- she hadn't expected him to look that good with the color. But then the tattoos came. Cindy has mentioned several times that she finds tattoos very attractive, and when Chanyeol appeared in Love Me Right with them, she just about buried herself six feet under. The boy enjoys teasing her, but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy when they cuddled that she traced the designs and words with her fingers. It went public at the 2015 end of the year show. Chanyeol and Cindy were placed right next to each other and it was obvious they were holding hands and even caught with their heads bent together, talking very closely and intimately. When asked about the rumors of dating, neither one of them immediately denied, and SM revealed that the two had been seeing each other for a while now, and they're still happily together, even being seen looking at actual couple rings together.

"Let yourself dream, you'll never know where you'll find yourself.." 
CHARACTER NAME: Hwang Nicole Cheonae ( 황천애 )
BIRTHDATE: 02/28/95 + 19
BIRTHPLACE: Sisters, Oregon
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
LANGUAGES: English (Fluent, first language)
Korean (Advanced, learned while in training, had basic knowledge from growing up)
French (Conversational, learned in high school as her foreign language)

ETHNICITY: American-Korean
BACKUP FACE CLAIM: Baby Soul of Lovelyz
APPEARANCE: Nicole has both ears double pierced, with no tattoos (although she wants one, but knows it's difficult to find a tattoo parlor  She definitely has strong asian features, like her monolids and straight eyebrows with a soft jaw line, but her nose and mouth shape (coupled with her body type and height) point out her European roots.
She didn't like the idea of eyelid tape (plus, it irritated her skin and just... didn't stick, much to the coordi-unnies frusteration) so after the whole line up where they revealed the members, Nicole went under the knife to get the double eyelid look, and while they were at it, straightened her nose a bit to make it look "more Asian". She's not afraid to admit she's gotten surgery, but it's not something she necessarily likes to admit. 
Her hair is currently in a dark brown, almost black color with bangs and dip dyed her personal favorite color, blue. Her height tends to put her above the others at 174 cm and her weight is at a solid 50 kg. She looks
bigger and curvier than her fellow members and that bothers her, but
at the same time if she were to try and loose more weight it wouldn't look healthy.

STYLE: Nicole has a very American girl sort of style. She loves the crop tops, the high waisted bottoms, and the converse. She has a lot of experience with heels, but since she has a great deal of height on her fellow members already, they stick to three inch heels, max for her. Casual attire is usually a crop top or loose sweater and high waisted jeans to cover her stomach up (she's like Baekhyun, she has 'nutella' abs but she's not about to show them) and light makeup while formal attire consists of flowy, lace dresses (when possible, it's of course, in blue!). She loves the way lace looks on her, and when formal evens rolls around, she has a vintage style of dress on and it fits her very well, especially with the signature red lips and cat eye look.


( + ) humorous, charismatic, intelligent, alleocentric
( n ) competitive, experimental, outspoken
( - ) disassociated, melodramatic, implusive, rowdy

( + ) Starting with the good, Nicole has a lot of good in her. She definitely, and most importantly, has a sense of humor and loves to laugh and get people to laugh. She adores comedy shows and comedians, and watches all sort of them, british, american, korean, etc. She knows how to take a joke too, which is just as well. You shouldn't be able to dish it out if you can't take some, right? Nicole is also extremely charismatic and charming. She has a bright smile and a even brighter personality that makes her real and approachable, which fans and shows alike love to see. Not only that, but she's extremely smart as well. Her IQ has been averaged to 147 when she graduated highschool, making her eligable for the intimidating Mensa exam. She doesn't announce this, but when you see her speak, the language and thought that goes into her answers clearly showcase a strong sense of intelligence. Nicole likes to think of the group as a while. She wants all of them to go forward successfully together, and therefore really, really considers what's best for the group. As the mood maker of the group, Nicole loves to smile and loves to make others smile. She knows how to get others energized and get people up out of being sad. In her words, there's only so much time we're given for life, so why spend it sad? Enjoy life, and help others enjoy it. This motto is something she lives by and likes to keep in mind and remind others of.

( n ) The inbetween for this vocalist can be good, but it can also get messy. She's pretty competitive, wanting to do well and win from the get go. When she doesn't, or the group doesn't, she gets irritated, but it's a far cry from throwing a tantrum like some competitive people can be like. If anything, she just gets more aggressive with her dancing and words, biting out the syllables and making it hard to appear calm. This competitive traits extends to music shows and variety shows that involve winning some sort of prize, but it doesn't seem to rear its ugly head when just on normal shows or in friendly games. Nicole likes to try new things. Be it a new routine to get ready in the morning to going to that shady looking Thai place down the street from the dorms, she'll try anything at least once. But she also likes to drag other people to do it with her, something about "expanding your narrowed horizons" is her usual response when asked why they have to come along. On and off stage, she has a loud voice and likes to use it. She likes to talk. Sometimes, when she really shouldn't, or other times when she probably should but not in the situation she is currently in. When netizens attack her for her 'disrespectful' nature, the company assures that it's just the culture change and Nicole will surely figure out appropiate times. She just needs time.

( - ) Now the ugly underneath all of the good and the balanced. When called 'disassociated', it's not about reality (although sometimes with this girl's 4D like personality, it can be said) it's about culture. Nicole wasn't raised in Korea, she didn't even come over until 2013 to start training. She has no idea about the depth of the culture that her home country has, even though she's studied it. She can't quite grasp it, and does tend to forget she needs to address people with respect because of age and position. After all, in America, you didn't really  have to respect anyone unless they've earned it. She frequently uses informal language, even when she gives it a lot of thought, and it gets her into trouble sometimes. With being in the Fine Arts all her life, Nicole... has a tendency to overreact and make a mountain out of a molehill. There are times where people can brush it off but it can get rather annoying sometimes. While being intelligent and thinking things through do go really well, when it comes to going out and having an adventure, Nicole doesn't always listen to reason and can be very implusive. She gets this idea and before her logic can say "now wait a minute, think this through..." her body and soul are already halfway down to that late night ice cream shop, even though she should be sticking to that strict diet SM had laid out for her. Loud, proud, and can't settle down are three key words to Nicole and sum her up quite nicely. She sometimes (a lot) needs to be reminded gently (not gently) that there is a time and a place to be loud, and singing Disney at the top of her lungs around the dorms at four a.m. is not one of them.
Born as the oldest of 3, Nicole had the responsibilty to look after her younger siblings. Regardless, Nicole had a pretty decent life, born in Oregon, raised in a diverse home and city, all around a really good life. When she was about six years old, she had her first ever trip to Disney Land and saw the performers and singers on the stage, especially Cinderella. She remembers telling her mom "I want to sing. I want to do that." And when they got home, her parents enrolled her into the music program at her school. She dived into the world of music, finding her own personal home there in that music room on the first day when her teacher sat her down and tried to teach her the Do Re Mi scale. She completely adored singing and practicing and learning music, and continued to pursue vocal training and music very heavily throughout her life, learning how to play a few instruments: Trumpet (she still has her first trumpet, her 'first love' as she affectionately calls it), Guitar, and Piano. As well as music, the entire world of Fine Arts welcomed her with open arms, which led her to meet her best friend, Adelynn, and discover skill sets she didn't know she had. 
She got her little siblings at the age of eight in the form of twins: Two baby boys named Nathan and Noah. At first, Nicole was very jealous of the two, being used to all the attention from her parents, but when she discovered that the two would listen to whatever she would say and let her play dressup or makeover with them.... She warmed up pretty quickly. Nathan and Noah became pretty obident and listened well to their older sister, even playfully calling her 'Noona' when they want to play. The three did fight and get in trouble, but they were still very close, depending on each other as siblings do.
It was actually through the twins that Nicole discovered K-Pop. They were watching one of the Korean channels available on the TV, and Music Bank came on. She sat down and watched with them, becoming mesmerized when BoA came onto stage. She went to the computer (with her parents' permission, of course) and looked her up, watching most of her videos and listening to her music until she was told to leave the computer and do her schoolwork. It was then when Nicole decided to research what it was to be like the girl who danced and sang on stage, like a modern day Cinderella. With research, she came to see that auditions were the key to get into a company like BoA's and debut as a Korean pop artist. She made it her girl that when she was old enough with her parents permissions to audition. 
She started small, with videos that she would send in to the companies once she was in high school. She was rejected, mostly by the smaller "nugu" companies, who wanted pure bred Korean girls, not half Koreans like Nicole. So she decided, go big or go home: She'd have to wait for one of the Big 3 to do their global auditions in L.A., just like her cousin. She was 16 at this point, and more than ready to get started on her journey to debut. It was when she was about 17, in the summer of 2012 that she finally got that chance. SM came to L.A. for auditions and since every year they could, the family headed to Disney Land to celebrate the twin's birthday and happened upon the audition's space. It was with much pleading from all three children that her parents submitted themselves to wait for Nicole to audition. The audition went as most did: the process of elimination and waiting. Nicole went through five rounds of auditions, of singing, dancing, acting before the agent told her she'd get a call to let her know. She took that as a rejection, and the family continued on their trip. As they were heading back from Disney, she got a call from that very same agent, revealing that she was accepted as a trainee and would be expected to be there as soon as she could. Her dream was starting to become a reality...

While being casted was one thing, training was an entirely different story, even with having her cousin to sort of give her some rep. Being one of the few SMRookies that could speak English (and barely any Korean) she glued herself to those who she could communicate with; including Johnny, Ten, Wendy, and Mark. A lot of trainees thought she was being selective when in actuality she was just too nervous to try and speak in Korean to anyone; she didn't want to accidentally mispronounce anything and offend anyone. Wendy was her best friend, being known for their strong voices and duets. Most notable being a Davichi cover of Don't Say Goodbye here. One day, they were split up into smaller groups, with Nicole being seperated from all of the English speaking trainees. With that, Nicole was very quiet and spoke some small Korean, but kept to herself, wishing that someone would try and talk to her. Soon enough, a younger trainee by the name of Yeri approached her first during the warm ups of the morning, smiling and asking her her name. Nicole stuttered it out, surprised someone actually wanted to talk to her. Yeri smiled again and told her to come and sit with her and her friend Micha during break. Nicole nodded and did as she was told. Yeri and Micha, despite being much younger than she was, became some of her closest friends in the Rookie group. 
Things got a little tense when she and Wendy had a falling out right before the lineup of Red Velvet was released. Both she and the Toronto native had been pinned against each other as the top voices of the Rookie groups, and apparently, Wendy had been talking abouthow she deserved the spot more than Nicole because she was better, and that Nicole shouldn't even be here anyways because of her "refusal to learn Korean". While Nicole could understand that Wendy probably did deserve the new spot in the new girl group more than her (after all, she was here longer, she had more experience, etc.) she didn't appreciate that one of her 'friends' said that she was basically being disprespectful, when she knew that she was trying her hardest to learn, and she had gotten a lot better when Yeri and Micha correcting her (as gently as they could, but laughter was had when the word was so butchered it wasn't even recognized) and helping her through her lessons. So Nicole called her out on it, and said if Wendy thought she was that much better than her, than she can prove it right here, right now. The two decided to have a 'sing-off', for lack of better words. They'd sing the same song and see which one got more attention on the internet. "Speak Now" was the song choice, and with that, Nicole was the winner and ended up in the final line up. The two hadn't spoken since then...

> Because I love You M/V as apart of the SMRookie series.
> Speak Now Sing Off Video vs. Wendy.
> Featured in SMTown LIVE 2014 as apart of the SMRookie Team, then as apart Red Velvet.


Dad, no please... Stop. | Cheolmin (Joey) Hwang | 52 | Doctor | Cheolmin is the definition of embarrassing dad. While his schedule is usually quite busy due to his profession, he always seems to make time to embarrass his little girl (and recently, his sons.) He fully supports his daughter, although she does wish that she would've stayed in America to pursue her career. He frequently complains over SNS and video chat that Nicole doesn't keep in touch as much as she should, even though he's the one usually unavailable due to work (which is all in good fun). He sincerely worries about her being overseas in Korea, despite her being a smart girl and knowing what to do. As much as he 'complains' and gives her a hard time, Cheolmin is the one who goes around the office bragging about how his daughter's a famous korean idol AND could be soon classified as a genius. And what do your kids do, Tim? (Audrey usually smacks him for it, but it nevers stops him.)

Mooom~ Come on! | Audrey Hwang | 43 | Nurse |  There's a saying that you can't be married to a doctor unless you are one, and Audrey supposes that being a nurse is just as well. She actually was interning under her future husband, and that's how they met, so she understands how demanding her husband's profession can be. She's extremely proud of her daughter, but she stands with her husband on how she wishes she were closer and would talk to them more. She knows that they all have hectic and sometimes even sleepless schedules, but her maternal instincts surely get to her. She usually is the one that needs to be convinced to go and do something, and although her daughter and her heads over it, they still maintain a close relationship.

My Bothersome Pair of Brothers | Nathan and Noah Hwang | 11 | students | Nate and Noah were Nicole's first friends and her first inspiration, so she loves them more than anyone. They are extremely annoying and bothers, especially since they're about to go into middle school (RIP parents) and they both like to play tricks. They have a strong bond over music, and frequently look at the current trends in music and tell their sister what could help make her group's music more popular. They are also extremely smart, and plan to be doctors (and then they could mess with their patients, because they're those kind of twins.)

Best Friends | Yeri & Micha | 15/16 | SMRookies | Yeri and Micha were the two who broke Nicole out of her comfort zone, and she's really grateful for that. Although they're seperated by age, Nicole really considers them to be her best friends in the company, and when Micha is introduced to Red Velvet, you can usually see Nicole holding onto Micha's hand, or whispering to her when she doesn't fully understand the Korean being said. Nicole is a huge fan of Yeri and wants the young one to debut soon so she can be that "embarrassing unnie that screams 'that's my girl' off the side of the stage while she's performing". 

Bro... BRO. | Johnny | 19 | SMRookies | Johnny was Nicole's first friend at SM, and it shows when they're seen on the SMRookie show. They're not only the same age, but were born within weeks of each other and believe each other to be their 'platonic soulmate'. She, Johnny and Ten were called the Awkward Second Trio because they were born in February and were frequently seen in SMRookies together. Nicole and Johnny though, besides Wendy, were always stuck at the hip, laughing and sharing jokes and stories of times back in their respective cities. The boy had approached Nicole on her first day there, asking if she wanted to be friends, and she didn't hesitate to agree. They found themselves always on Piano together, playing off of one anothers improvs and making a game out of it. Johnny introduced Nicole to everyone that spoke English so she could feel comfortable, and is one of her biggest supporters. He and Nicole have swore that once SR14B debuts that their groups will do a huge collaboration stage.

Seperated by an Ocean but not by Heart. | Adelynn Harper | 20 | Disney Cast Member | Adelynn is and will always be Nicole's best, best friend. They went to the same school together, went through all of the music and theater classes together, and if Nicole didn't get casted by SM, she'd probably be with Adelynn down at Disney working. Adelynn is Nicole's #1 fan and suggested her using her Cinderella fantasy to go with her stage persona. Nicole swears that one day Adelynn will be at one of Red Velvet's stages so she can also show her arouns Seoul. Adelynn has the mindset of meeting all of the girl group and then getting them in Disney Land so she can have an excuse to lead them around. 


The Reason | Kwon BoA | 28 | idol | All the way back when Nicole was watching that fateful day, BoA has been an inspiration of hers (well, besides her cousin, that is.) When SM told her that she had been casted as a trainee, she was overwhelmed because she was following in her idol's footsteps. She felt like she was going to wake up and find it was all a dream, even though her aching body and sore throat told her otherwise. She dreams of doing a special stage with BoA, whether it be her by herself (she thinks she might faint if she had to) or with her group (would probably still faint, but would at least have her members to hold her up. Maybe.) 

Friend turned Rival | Wendy | 19 | SMRookies | Before the beginning of 2014, Wendy and Nicole were as thick as thieves, best friends and never once thinking of turning against each other. But there were only so many spots available for the new girl group, and Wendy wanted it. Badly. So she started picking at the flaws she could in Nicole, wanting the spot to go to her and if Nicole wasn't confident, then it'd go to her. When she was finally confronted about it, it exploded into something much bigger than was intended. She's still upset that she lost to Nicole, and they aren't on speaking terms.

 Role Model/Friend Crush x1000 | Amber | 22 | idol; member of f(x) | The first time Amber introduced herself to the Rookies, Nicole was absolutely smitten. Amber was confident in herself, she didn't care to fit into the mold that society deemed to be what she should be in the industry. Nicole tries her hardest to initate conversations with the idol, wanting nothing more than to be good friends. Everytime, though, she just bows politely when she walks by, unable to really speak. It's very embarrassing and her fellow group members think it's hilarious.

So... We're cool right? | Ten | 18 | SMRookies | Their relationship in one word? Awkward. See, Ten and Nicole were both from different countries, barely knowing Korean, and bonded over their classes. They got very close and starting 'dating'. Dating meaning studying together, late night food runs before going to their seperate dorms, and holding hands. When Johnny teasingly asked abou ttheir relationship, the two honestly didn't know, because yeah, they liked each other, but they weren't wanting to call each other a couple yet. So the skinship lessened and now they're just friends, Ten discovering his feelings were mostly platonic. But Nicole? She still is kinda hurt, but she thinks her feelings were more romantic than not.

Hello Cousin! | Tiffany Hwang | 25 | idol; member of SNSD & TTS | While she hadn't really met her cousin before she came to Korea, she'd seen pictures (and obviously when she debuted, kept a close eye on the papers) and heard stories from the phone conversations. Once she was accepted to the company, she was given her cousin's number and was in almost constant contact with her, even with Tiffany's busy scehdule. The minute Nicole got into the company, Tiffany was there and toted her around when she could, giving Nicole comfort when she could, knowing how hard the trainee days could get. Tiffany is the big sister Nicole never had, and Tiffany likes taking the younger shopping. Nicole got a lot of attention once Tiffany confirmed their relation, as did the group.
> Disney / She absolutely adores the parks, the franchise... She knows almost every Disney song. She will sing it without hesitation. Her favorite princess is Cinderella and that influenced her personal color choice and her stage persona. Fans give her gifts of fingurines or limited edition things and she treasures every single one.
> Composing / She keeps it to herself, but she actually adores writing and composing her own songs. She doesn't know whether or not she wants to actually share them with the group at the time of debut.
> Comedy / Nicole loves to laugh, and comedy is a key to get her there. She loves Lee Hwi-jae, Lee Guk-joo, Yoo Jae-suk, Jo Se-ho, Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, most people from the cast of SNL, if it gets her to laugh, she'll watch it. 
> Beach / Summer weather, the breeze, the ocean, Nicole loves everything about the beach. She wants to shoot a beach/summer themed MV with her group in the future sometime.
> Earphones / Besides Disney, Nicole also has an ever growing collection of earphones. Inner ear, stereo, Over ear, she has about fifteen pairs. She claims she goes through them relatively fast, having one ear always go out within six months, and that's why she constantly needs to go out and get more. She's been seen recently with a sleek back over the ear headphones, and when asked she admits it's a gift from someone, but won't say who.
> Tattoos / Ooooh buddy. Nicole thinks tattoos are very attractive, and follows a few tattoo Instagram accounts, wanting to get a few of her own. She may or may not have had a very difficult time when a certain someone starting appearing with ink on their skin.
> Pickles / She used to LOVE pickles, but Adelynn started to call her pickles and joke about her becoming green because she ate them so often, so ever since then she's avoided eating them.
> Dead phone / She loves her apps on her phone, academic or on Instagram, so she treasures being able to have her phone on and charged at all times. When it dies, she doesnt' get mad per say, but after that all it's good for is throwing, she says. 
> On the Spot / She hates it when the first thing MCs ask off script is either about her IQ or her singing ability and asking her to 'prove it'. She doesn't appreciate it and although she can, she feels like she shouldn't have to all the time.
> Tell me to my face / She hates it when people talk about her behind her back, especially when it's not true. She learned how terrible it was the hard way, and can't help but feel hurt whenever she stumbles across hurtful comments on the internet.
> Headache / She gets migranes every so often, and it's a pain she wouldn't wish upon her worst enemy. It's just that miserable of a time for her.
> Studying / With someone with a 147 IQ, she finds academics esstential, and is usually seen with workbooks and is known to have several apps for brain teasers/ puzzles for her. Around mid-2015, she's seen with a Mensa practice book, making people believe she's preparing to take the exam by the end of the year.
> Variety Shows / On off days with nothing to do, Nicole likes to sit and watch various shows with the group, laughing and predicting which shows individual members would be asked to appear on.
> Instagram / It's a non-academic act, but she can keep fans updated and follow certain people... and you know, look at tattoos and cute pictures of dogs.
> Aeroacrophobia / Fear of High Open Spaces. She feels there there's not enough between you and falling and this isn't happening.
> Katagelophobia / Fear of being a failure. This is why she doesn't hasn't taken the Mensa exam or the college entrance exam. She doesn't want to fail, even though people say she won't.   
> Phasmphobia / Fear of ghosts. Say what you what, but she firmly believes in ghosts and will jump ship if you try and make her go into a haunted house.
> With Nicole being as bright and energetic as she is, she easily made friends with the mood makers of the groups in her company after debuting, like Hyoyeon, Key, Heechul, Luna and the infamous Beagle Line from EXO. During SMTown Live the leaders have to work together to keep them from causing too much trouble.
> Tiffany mentioned her in "The TaeTiSeo" show while they were shopping, finding little name charms that read Stephanie and Nicole. She proclaimed "Look! My mini me~ Of course we're together!" While the show aired after Red Velvet's debut, and this is what caused netizens to speculate the relationship between Tiffany and the new girl group member.
> As mentioned before, Nicole has terrible migranes, and has a prescribed medication for them to at least dull the imminent pain. She always keeps them in her backpack.
> She is a HUGE fan of Lee Hwi-jae and his twins, becoming a huge fan of Superman Returns, always turning it on while she cooks or when she just wants to have a sense of familiarity that she can't have since she she's seperated from her brothers.
> Nicole has said that if she wasn't an idol, after working at Disney for the summer, she'd probably study to become a Neuroscientist. She finds the brain very interesting and wants to learn more about it.
> When SMRookies came along for SMTown Live, Nicole got the chance to officialy meet BoA, even itf it was only for a moment. While she claims she didn't Johnny definitely has pictures to prove that she cried over meeting her idol. 
> When asked about her ideal type, Nicole says she only has three specifics: 1) Must be able to make her laugh, 2) Must love music, and 3) Must be willing to sing cheesy Disney duets with her.
> Nicole loves blue eyes. Her mom has them, and she wishes that her European side had beaten out her Asian genes to give her blue eyes.
> During interviews, she expresses interest in being a radio DJ/host and starring in a musical. She thinks her voice could suit both.
> Every time at the airport since debut, she wears one backpack as her carry on. She calls her Lucky Backpack.
> Nicole does know how to cook decently, however, she only really knows how to cook American style food and only very simple rice based dishes. She only realy cooks when she's homesick.

POSITION: Main Vocalist & Face of the Group
TRAINEE TIME: Two years, one month, started Summer of 2012 and ended in 2014.
SINGING TWIN: 9+ EXID's Solji ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
DANCING TWIN: 5 + Song Jieun ( 1 )
ACTING TWIN: 6 +  Song Ha Yoon ( 1 | 2 )
VARIETY TWIN : 7.5/8 + EXID's Hani ( 1 | 2 | 3 )

USERNAME: smile_for_roo + rye
COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS: Nicole's Disney obsession was an accident holy ake... But I love Red Velvet and I was so excited to apply! Let me know if I should fix anything uwu
>Variety appearances with Nicole being... well, Nicole lol.
>Tense Wendy vs Cindy moments
>Scandals/drama (bc who doesn't like those?)
PASSWORD: but like Seulgi in Ice Cream Cake tho


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