About My Updates!

Hey-lo my lovely berries!

How are you all doing?

I know it has been AGES since the last time I update but I have been busy (and lazy at times XD) to update. Recently I travelled to Europe and I am currently preparing myself for University. Also I've been debating about my writing-style, I feel that my ideas and style of writing is not the inviting and exciting but just dragged and boring. Anyway I am working on the updates for the current and running stories and I am also brainstorming ideas for some oneshots and short stories.

Do comment and tell how you all feel about my writing!



Here's some Exo Spam for y'all :

do keep in touch:

Line/Kakao- Neighbourhood96

Tumblr: peach-acid.tumblr.com



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hellobts1003 #1
I'll check it your stories later! ;D
Ohmygosh!! Kai!! <33 Thanks for the spam! ^^