idk how this year Raya

another few days we a muslim would welcoming our hole month, Ramadhan. Its such a great month to keep praying and hoping bless from Allah. I really hope this year fasting would be going smooth and steady. And a month later after Ramadhan would be very sad . It esspecially for myself 😢. 

i already got a ticket for raya, cuz we got 2weeks holiday break. Same goes to my little brother and sister. just before i had a little conversation with my mom and she said she would go to our village and celebrate raya there. I dont know how really the detail, but i guess that my sibling would follow her. I decided to stay here cuz she went there before my holiday... so i still got many classes to attend. And my older sister who studied at different collage , she said she wont come home cuz my mom not there. So the person who left is only my father and i. My father surely must busy with his work. So i would be alone . Maybe i can feel now when there no family member by your side on Raya . It would be my first experiance.

So i think about what i gone to do ? i must be free and alone. I cant spend my money too much cuz i need to budget my alounce here in my collage . last year i round around my house and my friend's house,. Most of them were empty. They went back to their village. 


And last but not least , i thought of spending this ryear aya alone without friends and family. I hope u guys would enjoy preparing for Ramadhan and Raya. All the best for everyone. 😉


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I've got an idea. How about you spend your raya at a shopping mall? I did that every year because I didnt went back to kampung. Lol.
Maybe do a movie marathon there? So cool. But there will be lots of chinese. Hmmm

Or you can just follow your friends go back to their kampung. It just a suggestion