I couldn't hang out with him!

I'm friends with the guy I like for once and today I saw him after school ended. I went up to say hi and he puts his arm around my shoulder and asks if I wanted to walk in the rain with him. I really wanted to but I have to meet up with my friend everyday because I go home with her. I was already late in meeting her and had to tell him no. alsdjkfdfsdfh >.<

I barely get to see him because we aren't in the same grade and have no classes together. I told my friend that I had to meet up with what happened and she told me that I couldn't even date him because he's a freshman and I'm a junior. Is it really that bad that I like a freshman?


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Okay, I won't listen to them. ^^
nahh i don't think so ^^: trust me i have friends that started out like that he was a junior and she was a freshman and well they are still together now and shes a senior in high school and he's in college ^^; so don't listen to them eventually they'll get over it ^^;