I don't know where to actually begin. Oh right...I REACHED 400 UNIQUE SUBSCRIBERS ON A STORY <3

I actually began jumping of joy when I saw that my story 'College Love Affair' reached 400 Subscribers. I never thought you'll like my stories, I never thought that anyone would read them and now I am completely starstruck by the number. You guys are amazing! Thank you for helping me reach another milestone on my journey through the world of fanfics. 

Words are really not enough to describe my joy right now. I am just happy and hope that you'll continue reading my stories. You're so sweet guys and I wish I could update faster but sometimes I come home from school and I just can't write something nice and instead of writing bull, I wait for the next day to write something that I actually like [even though I hate all my stories.]

Did I tell you that you're amazing? Well you are! 

Before I leave, I want to thank you once again. You made this all possible and without you I'd be nothing. Well not like I am some big celebrity around here...but I have my fans right? 

I decided to name my fanclub, Pandaboyz/Pandagirlz. XD lol, I am too tired, i need a nap. 

See you guys. Love you so much <3 

PS : Can I have him as a gift? :D Clothes are optional :3 


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aungmin190086 #1
I want to give you seungri but jiyong will kill me kkk
Congratulations ^_^
You deserve all those subscribers!
I would have kidnapped Ri for you, but another one beat me to it xD Well, you got him ;D
I am sooo happy that you reached such a high number of subscribers :D It's awesome :D
Linneyth #4
/names myself Pandagirl no.1/
/flies to Korea, kidnaps RiRi and Bae, flies to you, throws RiRi on your bed, takes off with BaeBae/
Cgs to 400 subs, here's my gift!
But no, seriously. 400 subs is an awesome number. YOU ARE SO DAMN AMAZING!!! And yes, I have a gift for you. Another fic request, any pairing you want. And by that I mean ANY.
Once more, congratulations, Chief Panda xDDDD