A Lot of Change in a Little Bit of Time


   Well...it's been almost a year since Me2Day closed down. That site was opened up almost around the same time I really began expanding my kpop world. I had been a fan for a year before the English site was launched. When it came out, I mainly joined because of a blog I was writing. I figured, if I was going to write about it, I might as well join right? Well, it was left alone for about a year after that and I didn't do anything with it until after my family moved. 

  When I finally started to use the site more, I found a wonderful new world of kpop I had never known existed; and it was right there at my finger tips. Millions of fans world wide would come together on that site and just talk about kpop. We would spazz together, cry together, laugh together. We were all brought together by the music we all so deeply loved. It was our escape from our real world problems; and it was where I first heard about this site. 

  I almost started getting sick because I would stay up so late on there just talking to people, and I still had to wake up in time for school the next day >\\\<. 

  June 30th will be the one year anniversary of its closing, and I must say...kpop has not been the same ever since then. Maybe even a bit before that. Slowly people started leaving the site the entire year before that. everyone kept repeating the echo "me2day isn't the same anymore...it's so dead here; where did everyone go?" It was heartbreaking. Suddenly, I realized that I didn't have as many friends as I thought I did. Where had they gone? They all left, leaving everything we had shared behind. 

  When they heard that the site was closing, slowly they came back, but only to say how they couldn't believe it was closing. We were losing the portal to the world we had all so cherished before. Then there was a new echo: "I can't believe it's closing; I'm gonna miss this place; kpop isn't what it used to be now that me2day is gone." 

  The echoes I was hearing before, those were nothing compared to what I was hearing this time. Slowly, the voices died away, and there was nothing but silence. 

  Still, to this day, almost one year from then, there is only silence. No familiar voices, no friendly faces, and everyday I am always thinking "I wish I had someone to talk to, I wish things were like before." But it will never be the same again. 

  You may think this is stupid, but kpop and me2day helped me heal from things that had happened prior to the move. It was my escape just like everyone else; and nothing else will be able to replace it. 


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Oh, unnie... :(
I know what you mean though. I met a lot of my current friends on me2day. I met you on me2day. :')
And I admit that I'm one of those people who started using me2day less and less even before the announcement that it was closing... and I tried to use it again when I found out... but I just couldn't... it really wasn't the same. Wasn't as fun. :/
I also found out about this site on there... and just like me2day, I haven't been coming on here much (read: at all).
And I would never think that this, what you've said, is stupid. I understand exactly where you're coming from. :3
Also, there is no June 31st (I swear, I know my birthday month only has 30 days xD) so which day did you actually mean? x3