❊❇ ↝ EQSOL | TORI | Melodic Lead Vocal, Main Dancer, Sub-Rapper ↜ ❇❊


smile_for_roo / rye / 9.5


character name

Xie Yueqin (Chinese)
Xie Suzume (Japanese)


Yeying/Tori : Called this by family, she was their "little nightinggale" growing up.
Pinku Pingkeu : Due to her friendship with Sehun and her hair, it became an endeared nickname among the fans.
MinJia : Some K-fans refer to her like this because when asked which female idol from another company that she was most like, she immediately jumbled the two Miss A members (Min and Jia) together.
Watt : Fans call her this because of her "1000 Watt Smile" she gives when greeting them.
Xiao Zhu Zhu (little pig) : It fits because of her pink hair AND her Chinese zodiac, most C-fans call her this, along with Changsha Twin, where they couple her up with EXO-M's Lay.

birthdate & age

December 13th, 1995 & 19 (at debut)


Sapporo, Hakkaido, Japan


Changsha, Hunan Province, China




dual citizenship with China and Japan, identifies more with China however.


Japanese : First language learned (semi-fluent)
Chinese : Native language (fluent)
Korean : Studied/Studies the language since the age of 16 (semi-fluent)

My Beauty.

face claim & backup

Fernanda Ly ( link )
Back up: Jin Hai Lin ( link )

167 cm

56 kg


Tori has long pink (dyed) hair that compliments her pale skin tone, with single lidded brown eyes. Fairly average height, with a bit more of an apple hipped shape, but she carries it fairly well. Because her hair is already a "standout" feature, she does usually go for more subdued colors in her wardrobe, but sometimes when she feels like standing out even more she'll put on some bright colors, even other shades of pink to compliment her hair color. 

Fashionwise, she's not like super picky. She'll wear what she feels like, although she's more towards a bit more girlish look, she won't throw aside the good old jeans and sweatshirt combo when it's presented to her: she's more about being aware what the situation calls for. Some fans call her style "casual street style", since her go to outfit is a tank top/graphic top with a jacket of some sort (be it cardigan, leather jacket, or a sweater sort of layer) and whatever bottoms she sees fit, she has a great array of shorts, pants, leggings, and skirts to pick from depending of the whether or type of event she's attending.  Formal wise, she'll definitely wear the high heels and whatever dress that'll catch attention. She lives for the attention that formal events bring, and she likes to catch the attention and make a certain man boy do a double take.

the inside.


Tori, for the most part, is a lot what you take her original appearance to be: different and capitivating. She has this energy and look that just draws you in and makes you want to talk to her, or at least know her name. She's not afraid to take chances, whether it be with her look or with life in general. She's got a lot of personality, a lo tof energy, and you can see it by the way she presents herself and how she talks to you. Growing up, although she was dependent on her parents and grandparents as the only child from them, she became veru independent, knowing that she was on her own when it came to children near her that were age. With that knowledge, she pushes herself to go out, to make friends, to be nice to everyone she meets, which makes her excellent at fan meetings and greeting them no matter the place of the time. Even though she's very silly and happy, she knows when to be serious and works just as hard as everyone else. She's been training for a while to become an idol, and it shows. Although she was raised fairly conservatively and traditionally, she has a very liberal mindset, thanks to the internet and working in Korea in YG with her members. She's very thankful for them, even though she's got a funny way of showing it by embarrassing them whenever she can.

With all the good that can be found within Tori's personality, she's got a few less than desirable traits that make her hard to be around. Her humor is more sarcastic and dry than anything, and it bleeds into her normal way of speaking, making it difficult to know when she's actually being sincere. As someone who's known for her melodic, smooth voice, she's quite biosterious and loud, making a lot of noise and grabbing attention. She's also very implusive, making rash decisions and sometimes giving their managers heart attacks, making them wonder what they've gotten themselves into, trying to manage a group of 11 girls. Tori's known to have opinions, lots of them, and she's definitely not afraid to let someone know what's on her mind. She reacts to everything, sometimes too much and leaves people wondering if she's really as old as she says she is. 


Hair Dye (as much as she adores the pink color, she's not afraid to dye it another color if called to do so)
Learning Languages (She's actually very good at learning languages, to be honest, and wants to be able to speak eight languages before she's 28)
Yoga (It's very relaxing for her, especially after dancing)
Travelling (it's the best part about being idol, in her opinion. She LOVES travelling to new countries.)
Dancing (she's not called one of the main dancers for nothing! She loves doing BoA's dances the most.)
Giving their managers grey hair before they're 40 (By sneaking out, playing pranks, or by just being loud, she lives to see the continuous greying of her manager's hair.)
Board Games (Surprisingly, it's a fun pass time for her in the dorms with CRYSTAL.)
Classic Movies and Musicals (She's known to be a Netflix addict, using their down time to watch old classics with Yuna.)
Moomin (Adorable creatures orginating in Finland, they've become a popular child's toy and story. Tori loves collecting them.)


Reptiles (they're just scaley and their eyes creep her out)
Bossy People/Being told what to do (she's definitely a leader, not a follower)
Being teased/made fun of (she's kind of contridicatory, she likes making fun of people but not the other way around.)
Chores (especially laundry)
Being Reprimanded for a mistake (she hates mistakes in general, but pointing it out and then scolding her just takes the cake)
The Supernatural (say what you want, but this girl believes in this sort of stuff. She even has quartz crystals in her room to ward off bad spirits)
Not having the attention of someone (especially her boy-toy I mean friends.)


Much like Key from SHINee and BoA, she picks up on dances very quickly and can teach the other members who might be behind.
Loves Weibo and Meipai (2Zhu_ToRi) and Instagram (xyqTEQSOL), frequently updates the accounts for fans.
Best at fan meets, absolutely adores the fans that they have and will always greet them warmly, no matter the place.
Performed ballet, jazz, hiphop, and gymnastics since the age of 6. She's been singing since she was 12.
Although apart of YG family, she does love and get along with many SM and JYP artists and groups, and gets criticized by netizens for hanging out with them during ceremonies or events.
Shipped with BTS's RapMonster (listed as his ideal type), EXO-M's Lay (Changsha twins, performed together at Chinese awards ceremony), EXO-K's Kai/Sehun (because of their close friendship), AKMU's Chanhyuk and iKon's Chanwoo (same company and all friends, very outgoing and cute personas).
Role model from YG is Dara from 2ne1, and greatly admires BoA for her dancing and singing capabilities.
Was fairly well known in China for winning several dancing competitions, was said to be another Jia or BoA.
She went to same high school as Lay did, even though it was at different times. (She was still in middle school when Lay left for Korea). Admits to admiring him from afar when she "knew" him. 

the dream.

stage name



Bright Energy Ball


AoiToris (Bluebirds)

fanclub color

Robin Egg Blue #66cff




Melodic Lead Vocal, Main Dancer, Sub rapper. (Lyrical Lead Dancer, Vocalist)

vocal twin

SPICA's Narae (Mamamoo's Wheein).

rap twin

SNSD's Tiffany (Girl's Day's Hyeri)

dance twin

KARA's Hara (Apink's Bomi)

trainee years

4 years (YG Entertainment)

trainee life

She was actually casted by YG because of her hair, surprisingly enough. She, like many others in China, went to Korea to audition for one of the Big 3. YG seemed like a difficult place to get into, and Tori was never one to turn down a challenge, and went for it. She did mention that she would change her hair if it was a problem, to which YG replied "How is it a problem?" and from offered her a position as a trainee. It was obvious that YG saw a lot of potential in her, pushing her dancing to the next level. It was exhausting, the long hours and restrictions that were put in place, especially for foreign trainees, did not give her a chance to visit her family back in Changsha. YG, did, however, promote her as a trainee, testing to see how she worked with others. This gave her a lot of exposure, and even a few actitives in China that got her energy up. It was draining, but she kept going, not one to give up, and her hard work and efforts paid off, securing herself in a debut in YG's biggest project ever.

She wasn't popular amongst fellow trainees, even though she tried to be friendly. There was still a lot of racial bias within the trainees, so more often than not Tori was on her own when it came to training. She was hardly ever bullied, but no one was especially nice to her either, but comments were made about her constant need for attention from the instructors. She very much wanted as much attention as she could, to get as good as she could, but her intentions were misread by many. When YG placed her into EQSOL, saying she was in the running to get one of the main vocalist spots, she was estatic and worked as hard as she could, only to be placed as a lead vocalist instead. She was, to say the least, disappointed, and still holds a slight grudge against the Sweet Main Vocal for being in what she thinks is her spot. She worked so hard, and yet she still came up as second best. It's not completely obvious, but whenever Sweet Main Vocal has a chance to do a solo, you can't miss the flash of jealousy and the distained expression on her face when she performs.

pre-debut experience

.Appeared in BoA's Who Are You? alongside EXO-K's Sehun.
Appeared as a replacement host on chinese variety show Happy Camp several times, even after debut.
Performed OST for "To the Beautiful You" OST with Yuna: "It's Me".
Performed on Star King three times, all as a dancer.
Appeared as a back up dancer in several 2ne1 stages, uncluding YG Family Tour 2013-2014.

the outside.


Tori was born as Xie "Yueqin" Suzume to Xie Chiasa and Xie Guangli, their only child, while they were visiting Chiasa's family. The couple were frequently going back and forth between China and Japan because of Guangli's work, and had to settle down in Yurihonjo for the first five years of Tori's life. "Suzume" met a girl named Arisa at the time, the two quickly becoming friends and she was greatly upset to be seperated from the girl who lived down the hall from her when she turned five. The Xies moved to Changsha, finding a more permanent home there, with Tori moving to the name Yueqin and using that for the majority of the rest of her time in China. When she was six, her parents enrolled her in ballet, and she absolutely fell in love with dancing. She kept at it, decided to enroll in vocal lessons at 12. Her parents, although forseeing their daughter doing something with more promise, decided that it was better than her going out and doing drugs or getting drunk, and they made enough money to afford such accommedations for their only child.

They raised her very conservatively, making it hard to express herself in any way shape or form. She wanted to experiment, to try different things, to be different and unique, but living with her parents and her father's parents still held very tight traditional values. So when high school rolled around at age 14, she packed up and went back to Japan for a year, meeting her best friend, Yagi Arisa once again. This is where she originally dyed her hair pink, with Arisa's encouragement to try it. Her parents, when she came back were mortified to say the least. They never wanted her to go out and do anything else ever again, but she decided to go behind their backs and apply to go abroad another year, this time in Korea. Since she was actually quite good at academics, she did end up getting accepted, and at 15 she was off again, only to Korea this time and she definitely wasn't coming back. She saw that the Big 3 were holding auditions for new trainees, and with research, decided she was definitely going to try. She was rejected at SM, but ended up meeting a lot of people that she remained friends with after. Before she could audition for JYP, YG snatched her up, and there's she's been ever since the age of 15.


▪  Ogawa Chiasa | "Mommy Dearest" | While Tori has a strained relationship with both her parents because of her life choices, her relationship with her mother is the worst of the two. Her mother had very high expectations for her daughter, and paid for everything she wanted in return for her to listen and be filial to her parents. Instead, in her eyes, she sees that she abandoned her family in favor of her dreams.
▪  Xie Guangli | But Daaaaad! | Her relationship with her dad is getting better. He doesn't approve of her being an idol, however, he doesn't want to lose his only baby girl, so he's making an effort to keep in contact and get her to visit whenever she's in China.
▪  Wu Su-chin | Nainai's the best! | She's probably the only one who's at least supportive about Tori being an idol. Then again, she loves bragging at the senior center about her granddaughter who's famous now. 
▪ Xie Bojing | Yeye, your glasses are there. | Yeye's a bit old and not all there, but he loves his granddaughter, even if his son and his wife didn't seem to approve of her anymore. He's just glad his granddaughter can remember where he put things when she does visit.



▪  Yagi Arisa | The Best Friend | Meeting in their old apartment complex when they were little, the two swore to keep in touch, and they did. They met up when they were 14, and now Arisa and Tori play Instagram tag, where they tag the other in funny photos or food photos and make their fans laugh. Whenever you see those two together in Japan, they're basically glued at the hip.
▪  Dara | Mentor/Role Model | 2ne1 is basically the only other girl group in YG, and Dara was one of the kindest people to the new girls. Tori immediately used her as inspiration, and while the two aren't close, Dara always says she's here for her dongsaeng when she needs it.
▪  Zhang Yixing (Lay) | Gege/Changsha twin | They attended the same dance classes, and Tori has admitted that he was attractive. She never met him personally until after debut, when they both came onto Happy Camp. 
▪  Yamada Jirou  | The Other Bestie | If you see Arisa and Tori, Jirou's probably around here somewhere. He's become a pretty famous photographer, and works with Arisa for shoots often. He swears that once Tori debuts that she'll be doing a doble shoot with both of them for sure.
▪  Zhang Liyin | Actual Idol | Liyin is a Chinese idol, she sings in Chinese, but she's signed to one of the big 3. She's perfect, in Tori's eyes. As much as she loves being in a group, she admires the skill and absolute talent and hard work it must take to become a succesful solo artist like Liyin is.
▪  Zhao Yuna | New Best Friend | Yuna and Tori got alone fairly quick, both knowing Mandarin and identifying from multiple nationalities. They're the troublemakers that frequently give the managers heart attacks. It's a wonder that they haven't done any major damage with the chaos they can do.
▪  EQSOL/Crystal Members | Friends/Sisters | As her group, she loves them dearly, some admittedly more than others. Crystal is the group that's like sisters to her. She's never had siblings but she thinks that if she did, they'd be just like the girls in Crystal.
▪  Oh Sehun | Total Crush  Lol what crush. | Sehun and Tori got along remarkably well, being able to match each other's sass and being able to be there for each other. Also, she totally doesn't think that he's cute. Nope. Especially when he actually smiles.
▪  Kim Jongin (Kai) | Potential Dance Partner/Close Friend | The maknae line of EXO and Tori get along very well, all being of playful nature. The boys insist on her calling them 'oppa' and she insists on yaja time so she can tell them off. She and Kai frequently admit to wanting to do a dance stage together.

My Love.

love interest

Oh Sehun

Birthdate & Age

April 12th, 1994 (20)


181 cm.


53 kg.


Sehun has been known to be the sassy maknae of the group, but there's a lot more to him than that. At first impression, he'll see sort of cold, sort of vain, and moody like all teenagers and young adults are. In reality, he's just shy and doesn't know how to approach people -- especially since he's basically been around the same group of guys since he was a second year in high school. Honestly, when you get past the awkward first impressions, he's actually pretty adorable. He's still awkward, but very affectionate and loving once you've become friends. But beware of the sass. He's got enough attitude for everyone in EXO and more than enough left over, and he won't hestitate to tease you or make a comment or two about you. If you've got stuff to throw back, though, you're pretty much set to become one of the boy's best friends. Be careful, with that title comes a LOT of skinship. He's extremely cuddly and sees little problem with curling himself up against you. You'd be in charge of cuddling him, for sure. He's very fragile though, and if you toy with his emotions, he'll break. Jus tbecause he's a boy doesn't mean he doesn't feel, it just means that usually he can hide it better.


Sehun and Tori met through EXO-M. While on Happy Camp as a "competitor" in a talent show against the new boy band, Tori happened to meet and become good friends with Lay and the hosts, and being a native of Changsha definitely helped her out when it came to being good friends with Lay. One of the hosts, Wu Xin, was unable to make it, and she was asked to step in as a host in 2014, right before her own debut, officially meeting the group. She definitely made fun of Sehun, but he gave it right back and it ended up with them chasing each other around verbally and literally throughout the show. Afterwards, when pictures were taken and social media was updated to celebrate, Sehun and Tori managed to swap and follow each other on weibo and Instagram. The two decided to then use the social media accounts to bother each other, much like Tori did with Arisa already, causing C-netizens and J-netizens to not think much of it, rather that Tori was expanding her friendships and were appreciative of Sehun liking the young vocalist.

The social media, both public and private, started to take a turn when Tori uploaded a video of herself wiping her makeup off. It was a response to a fan saying "I'll never be as pretty as Tori-jiejie, I have single lids and too round of a face. Tori revealed that she too had single lids, and any shape of face was a beautiful one. Sehun had commented "You are beautiful no matter what" and it was left in the air whether it was directed towards Tori or the fan. Either way, Sehun started to make more of an effort to compliment Tori, and she definitely recooperated, only hers was definitely more teasing. "I GUESS you look cute, Sehun-ah~" and "You're just trying to get me to call you oppa, aren't you?" were now regular comment types to see Tori leave on Sehun's social media. Privately, it was a little more obvious that they had an attraction towards the other. Sehun would be much sweeter, asking her about her day, if she was taking care of herself, and how he couldn't wait to see her when she came back or he came to see her. Tori would share the same sentiments, reminding him to sleep more and eat a cheeseburger, promising that they'd see each other soon. It was very cute and very innocent between the two of them.
The major event that got a lot of fans shipping them was when they hung out during Tao, Sehun and Suho's holiday, with Tao uploading his Instagram with the two falling asleep on each other, with the caption "looks like sehun found a new pinku pinku~" as an attempt to tease the two. The amount of support was insane, with fans thinking it was rather adorable, while there was a number of fans who thought his post was inappropiate. They both responded on their Instagrams with a photo of the two and pinku pinku, with the caption "now now! pinku pinku is far from being replaced!" Being the sassy couple they were, and after that a lot of them left them alone, while fans from both sides left warning comments on the opposite's social accounts. Both Tori and Sehun have stated on their weibo's that all fans should leave the other alone, unless you're going to post a positive message, and if they did post something negative, that was not welcomed and their account would be immediately blocked from both accounts.
They admitted their feelings via social media on 52015, which is a Chinese holiday for "I love you", however, they were both very vague about it, with Tori posting a picture of honey (sehunnie, get it?) with the caption "520, honey! it's a little early, don't you think..?" to which many fans expressed concern, to which she responded simply "don't worry about it, it wasn't supposed to make sense~" and no one thought much of it. Sehun was a bit more obvious, posting a picture of his toy pinku pinku with the caption "520, come cuddle with me~" most fans thought it was an attempt to be cute with Chinese fans and didn't question it. That night, Tori messaged his privately, pretending to complain about "comparing me to that boy toy, how embarrassing!" blantantly stating that she knew. Sehun then responded with "yeah, well your honey pun was weak, at least i didn't get questioned". The two still flirt and when BoA asked both of them to be in her Who Are You music video, both of them agreed and treated as a first date, which was greatly recieved. Tori even dyed her hair to a natural color for the film, and that's when Sehun was sold. After the shooting, the two hung out and discussed their relationship, confirming that they should date, but only when their schedules weren't so hectic. They plan on waiting until after EQSOL's 2nd anniversary to bring it up to their respective companies. They already wear couple bracelets, as seen here and already shipped by a lot of fans, ever since the whole "pinku pinku" comment that was made way back when that sort of started this whole situation. They just only hope that SM and YG agree and let them date publicly.

back-up love interest

Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster)

Birthdate & Age

September 12th, 1994 (20)


181 cm.


64 kg


Rap Monster is a charismatic, powerful performer with powerful lyrics and a booming voice. Namjoon, however, is quite different from his leader persona. Nmajoon still holds on to his bold charisma, always smiling and making a good impression on everyone he meets. He's extremely intelligent, placing in the top 1% of his class. With that kind of intelligence, it's hard to manage your emotions, and so when it comes to interacting with people he's not entirely sure how it works. He tries his best, but he finds he's more uncomfortable around men or in his RapMon persona than when just being Namjoon. He has confidence that he can do things, but his intelligence can drown out his emotions and make it difficult to interact with someone, especially when there's pressure to act as a leader. He's not just representing himself, he's representing an entire group, an entire company. For someone so young, it's a lot of pressure


Namjoon actually ran into her during Music Core, when she first debuted. They exchanged rushed apologies and introductions, finding little to no time between their transitioning stages to actually have a proper introduction. After that, Tori found herself a little curious over the boy she ran into, and looked into his group, finding the music very intense and the dances totally in sync and incredible. She kept an eye on it, and unbeknowst to her, he was doing the same, finding her intriguing and all around an interesting girl. On Weekly Idol, she mentioned she ran into him and went and practically learned all the group's dances, and was asked to do her own "Random Dance Play" with BTS's songs. She did pretty well, earning about ten bottles of her favorite drink, Capula Strawberry Milk, which made her a very happy Tori indeed. On the flip side, Rap Monster mentioned on Problematic Men that he'd like to get to know Tori more, finding her position in the group as a triple threat really impressive. 
"I can't sing at all, and I barely learedn our dances correctly. But she's able to sing, dance, rap, and even learn our own dances while promoting her own group! It's incredible!" He had said. Tori had taken a liking to him, and then BTS and Crystal were set to meet on Beatles Code, bringing the two together finally. They bantered a lot, causing the hosts to tease them about possibly hiding a relationship. Tori just shrugged and said "He seems like a good guy to be in a relationship with, so I wouldn't mind." 

They then were known to have a "flirtationship", often meeting up on their own time, sometimes Bangtan having short videos with her featured in them, usually her leaning into Namjoon, being tired from her own schedule and having made time for the rapper leader. The boys frequently joked on Namjoon's behalf, saying he got a girl that he barely met twice. Usually, Tori would end up throwing a shoe at the other boys, making a comment along the lines "At least he's able to look me in the eye!" most pointedly at the boys in her own year (Jimin and V) and Jungkook. Namjoon would laugh and just pull her closer to him. Luckily, no one seemed to mind that much, finding their relationship and continued support of each other (such as promoting the other's group when they'd have a comeback) very cute and different. Namjoon actually confessed first, and it's all recorded (by Jungkook, the trusty camera maknae) and put on the Bangtan Bomb page. Tori's feelings were obviously mutual, hugging him tightly and throwing shoes at the boys who were gathered around and loudly complaining about Namjoon's  newfound relationship.

last messages.


Aaaah I spent a lot of time on this app TT^TT Tori came out a lot different than I originally planned, but I hope you like her anyways ;u; EQSOL fighting ~

scene request

-Confrontation between Sweet Main Vocal/Tori (because the dRAMA *A* )
-Their first MAMA awards and the mega-unit!
-I want to see how Yuna and Kris get back in contact again omg. Drama (i live for it)


Short Hair - AOA
Catch Me If You Can - SNSD
The Boys - SNSD
Just Go - Sonamoo



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