♔ Superhero Academy ❝ Daugther of Charles Xavier ❞


BACKGROUND + Amunet didn't know who her father was until she was a young teenager. Her mother, Siri, eventually told her the story of how she met Amunet's father and how Amunet came to be. Siri, who was a powerful sorceress, found other means of travelling the realms, other than using the Bifrost. She travelled down to Midgard in order to observe the humans up close. Siri was fascinated by their customs, their beliefs, and their differences. She had been particularlly interested in one male who seemed to have the power to read minds and even move things with his mind. This fascinated her greatly since anything that could be considered magic was rare and almost lost to those on Midgard. She had to find out for herself if it was simply a hoax or if the man was truly magical. Siri used a cloaking spell in order to disquise herself - mainly her ears and her glow - in order to get close. For a long while, Siri merely followed the man and made no attempt to get close. But, he was smarter than she gave him credit for. He was able to see through her disquise.

From there, Siri actually got to know the man and learned that his name was Charles Xavier. He was a young man at the time, finishing up his doctoral degree in genetics at Oxford. He was incredibly smart for someone who was thirty. He was light-years ahead of his time. And that drew Siri in. The two would stay up late into the evening discussing magic and the science behind it as well as mutations. Siri would demonstrate her magic, and Charles would return the favor. One night, there conversations became so much more. They could feel something, something so strong between the two of them. It was more than just a lustful adventure. It was then that an Agent Moria contacted Charles about a task involving some man named Shaw. Siri stayed by his side for some time. She knew her magic was powerful and could be useful and she didn't want to see the man - dare she say loved? - get hurt. When things were getting heated, Charles begged Siri to leave and stay safe. Charles knew Siri was now carrying a child; he could pick up the dormant brain waves of the fetus. Normally, Siri wouldn't go anywhere, but the look in his eyes made her agree with him. She used her magic to keep herself undetected until things blew over. When they did, she tracked down Charles and found him in a wheelchair. Siri offered to use her magic to heal him, something common and easy for magic wielders. Charles declined, saying that it was his price to pay for this war between humans and mutants and that all Siri had to worry about was protecting that little child of hers. Charles told her that the next few decades on Midgard would be dangerous and no place for a child. His child. So, Siri returned to Alfheim to have her child.

Much of Amunet's childhood was similar to any other elf's in Alfheim. Magic is common amongst those in Alfheim and nearly every person has some mastery of it. Most see it as so common place that it isn't anything special and they never took the time to actually learn how to use it skillfully. Siri and therefore Amunet, were not like that. Siri had been trained in the art of magic and illusion by her mother as well as archery by her father, and she saw it as her duty to train her daughter. Siri had taken more to magic than archery, so her training focused more on magic. Amunet took to magic quickly and was proving to be a natural. Her illusions were powerful and detailed. They looked practically real. Her illusions were only limited by her imagination - and Amunet had a wonderfully, active imagination. When her mutation started to arise, thanks to Charles, Siri didn't really know how to handle that type of power. She didn't know how to train her daughter. It was then, when Amunet turned twelve, by Alfheim-ian standards, that Siri told her of her father and gave her permission - as well as showing her the second way between realms - to visit her father and see if he could train her.

So, Amunet crossed between realms and tracked down her father. She found him in upstate New York at what was called the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Amunet didn't question the school and simply walked right on in. The students and "teachers" there were instantly on alert when someone crossed onto the grounds, but they weren't expecting someone who could manuever, albeit with some difficulty, around some of the defense systems. Wolverine and Storm had come out of the mansion to intercept her and Amunet told them she simply wanted to meet her father, Charles Xavier. At that, no one knew how to react until Charles came out himself and declared that he did, indeed have a daughter, and that that was Amunet. The two went inside and began catching up on lost time. Xavier was shocked at Amunet's apparent young age, seeing as how she was conceived sometime in 1962. Amunet had to explain to Charles that time in Alfheim worked differently. She was technically somewhere in her fourties according to any Midgardian, but, in Alfheim she was still a child. 

After catching up, Charles began to teach her how to control her telepathic and telekinetic abilities. It came almost naturally to her, since it reminded her greatly of her magic. Many times she would fuse the two and create her own combination of power. Xavier realized that Amunet was indeed powerful, even for someone so young. He had never seen a fusion between the X-gene and naturally occuring magical powers, since, before he met Siri he never believed magical powers existed. Charles asked Amunet if he could run a series of minimally invasive tests to understand some of her Alfheim-ian powers. After allowing it, Xavier had discovered that he could potentially seal off a part of her Alfheim-ian powers. He made a bracelet that would filter some of her magic and make it less powerful. So, say she was running at 100% before, with the bracelet in place, she'd be running around 50-60%. Xavier was worried that something similar to Jean Gray and the Phoenix could occur with her - simply because he didn't understand her magic - so he made it so only another person with a lot of power or magic could remove the bracelet.

Amunet understood the purpose of the bracelet and understood why her father made it so only another person could remove it. She understood that he was worried that she would remove it herself and be unstoppable and evil. He had explained that she can still be powerful with the bracelet in place, but that for a world without magic, having so much magical ability in such a land could be devastating. And having someone else only being able to remove would keep her from always removing whenever she thought was necessary. In the sense that, she would get used to being able to remove the bracelet and she would never train herself to live without all of her magic. This way, only in great emergencies, when everyone agreed they needed more help, could someone else remove the bracelet. And besides, she saw it as a challenge. Now, she had to train even harder to work around the power limitation. She had to find ways to use minimal magic with great results.

Xavier ended up training her for a few years, but he always felt at a disadvantage. He felt that he couldn't train her to be the hero she could be, because he didn't know how to train a magical person. So, when he heard about Superhero Academy opening up soon, he brought the idea up to Amunet and she agreed that it could be a good thing for her. She decided she would go, but she wanted to return to Alfheim to visit her mother one last time. When she arrived in Alfheim, she brought up the academy and showed Siri how much she had learned under Xavier and Siri was just so proud. She told Amunet that she would miss her and that she should definitely find a way to contact her while at school. And with that, Amunet was off to Superhero Academy.

POWERS + Light Elves have always had the ability to use magic. That doesn't mean all were good at it though. Amunet's mother was a phenomenial sorceress. Her magic knew no bounds - not even death (though that's a tricky thing that has a lot of complications). Besides magic, Amunet is telepathic and telekinetic.
ABILITIES Strengths: Amunet's strongest point in regards to magic is the ability to create illusions. She is only limited by her imagination, and she has a wildly, active one. She can make some elaborated and detailed illusions and make people believe what she wants. After illusions, she can use her magic to protect and attack others. She can create shields - though this may be part of her telepathic abilities (she can't really differentiate between her abilities). As for attacks, again, it's probably a mix of magic and telepathy, but she can shoot "pyshic orbs". She also has control over some elements, seeing as how light elves are closely associated with nature. Amunet is only good with lightning and fire though. With the bracelet in place, these are the only elements she is capable of controlling. Before she had the bracelet on, she could work - mediocrly - with water, fire, earth, air, and lightning, but when she had to make the most of her magic she choose the most useful of elements. After learning how to effectively wield fire and lightning, Amunet forgot how to use the other elements. Her mother taught her how to bring people back from the dead but told her to never use it on someone she loves. Bringing someone back from the dead is tricky and usually results in bringing a body back with no mind. Muscles are easy to reanimate. Consciousness is difficult to retain. Amunet has never had a successful ressurection and she's only tried three times over her life. In regards to telepathy, she fuses a bit of her magic with the ability. When she reads someone's mind and finds out what they fear the most or whatnot, she would create illusions based on it. And with telekinesis, Amunet doesn't honestly know if it is telekinesis or just her magic. She believes that it is, its own ability, but she can't be certain. In regards to things other than her magic and powers, she trained at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters along with the other X-Men. They taught her how to fight in hand to hand combat - under Xavier's request. Just like the bracelet, Xavier wanted her to put all her faith in her abilities. She may not be a master or the equivilant of a black belt, but she can defend herself, that's for certain. She's not a weak little girl. She has muscles and can throw a very powerful punch or kick. She uses her natural flexibility as well. When she can, she'll use her magic and infuse it into her very skin and muscles. So, when she throws a punch or kick, it's even more powerful.
Weaknesses: Amunet is always afraid someone is going to duplicate the technology that's around her wrist. She's afraid someone can cut off her magic and she doesn't know if she could handle that. Though she's been training since she can remember, Amunet can be distracted every now and then and loses her grip on her magic for a moment. If she's in battle and is constantly using her powers, as soon as she's done, she sometimes passes out. Using too much magic at once is exhausting and can drain her of energy. Her magic feeds off her body in a way. It's a part of her and using it a lot feels like it literally pulls the energy from her body. It is because of this that Amunet has learned to control how much magic she uses. Amunet has to meditate for at least thirty minutes every day in order to keep up certain mental barriers in her mind. Otherwise, she'd start reading everyone's mind at once and it becomes too much information to take in. Amunet can not be hurt by her own magic - in the sense that her lightning and fire won't harm her - but it can harm other people if it gets out of hand. Fire has always been an unstable element even for masters. When it comes to weapons, Amunet has never had a need to learn how to use them. But, she did find interest in swords, specifically scimitars. On a scale of one to ten, Amunet would rate her ability with a scimitar at about a seven. But, other than that, she's not confident with weapons.  


"Never push a loyal person to the point of not caring" [Loyal/Protective] - Amunet is very loyal to those who have earned her trust. Almost loyal to a fault. To her friends and people she deems as "family" she will stand by their side through whateber muddy water they face. When everyone else is against them, even if she knows her friends or family is wrong, she'll have their back and protect them if need be. Amunet would risk her life for those she is loyal to. She doesn't trust people easily, mind you. But, when she trusts someone, she trusts them completely. She has to trust those she goes into battle with as well. She needs to trust that they'll have her back, just as she has theirs. But, her loyalty isn't blind. If someone does something to lose her trust, it's probably the worst thing... for that person. She'd no longer trust them in pretty much anything. And it's nearly impossible to regain her trust. Not impossible... Just very difficult. She doesn't instantly distrust or trust someone when she first meets them. She gives the person time in hope she can see their true character.

"A mind is a terrible thing to waste" [Cunning & Wise] - Amunet is smart and witty, a deadly combination if used right. She never tells a lie, but she will use half truths to find out what's necessary. She can manipulate people, rather easily, which is rather concerning. Amunet doesn't have a major problem in regards to using people as long as it's for the greater good. She's a tricky woman, using her smarts to work around the system when it's necessary and suits her. She can solve difficult problems by looking at them in a new light. She isn't a genius, but she's inivative. This is why she would make an excellent tactitian. She had the creative insight to work around any obstacle while not playing some cliche move.

"Curiosity leads to ideas [Inquisitive & Curious] - She has always questioned the worlds she lives in. She finds things intriquing and interesting and she must know more about them. Mainly it includes history and science. In her free time, Amunet is always trying to learn more, to understand all the worlds. Sometimes her curioustiy gets the best of her and she can't stop until she's figured something out. Though magic has always been a part of her life, she's curious as to how Elves and Asgardians can use magic and how Midgardians can not. She probably received her curiousity about how people tick from her father, Charles, who has a degree in genetics.

"I'm not a difficult person... I'm a constant ing delight" [Sarcastic & Funny & erted] - Sarcasiam is practically a second language to Amunet. She's as fluent with it as she is with Sindarin. She has a crude sense of humor thanks to being surrounded by guys throughout her stay in Midgard. She's a ert, and she doesn't try to hide it. She doesn't care who's around or who hears her, she'll say whatever crude or erted joke pops into her head. Oh, you're offended by her off-handed comments? Well, too damn bad. She's not going to alter or pick-and-choose her words just because someone is butthurt about them. Her humor might be a bit dry, but it does brighten her day as well as others.

"We will either find a way or make one" [Stubborn & Opinionated] - When you think of the word stubborn, you usually think of the quote, "Stubborn as a bull". Well, they're going to have to change it to, "Stubborn as Amunet". Amunet stands by her beliefs. But, she isn't blindly stubborn. She supports her stances on issues with facts and reason. If someone presents contradicting infomation - credible information - she'll review and revise her stance. She has strong opinions and isn't afraid to voice them. She's loud and proud.  


Amunet Ivandottir





AGE + July 11th, "1994" | "20"
ALIAS + Most just call me Amunet... Some call me the Enchantress
PARENT + Charles Xavier/Professor X
+ Alfheim
+ Light Elf/ Alfheim-ian
FACECLAIM + Bar Refaeli

social circle

» Father, Charles Xavier | "83" | Mutant/Professor | Kind, fatherly to all, revolutionary, smart, patient | Amunet had never know Charles when she was a child. She didn't get the chance to meet him until she was "twelve". By this time, her power and magic were already strong and she was capable of learning at an accelerated rate. Charles taught her how to breach and read people's minds and move things once he realized she possessed his powers. He was protective of her, but knew she wasn't fully a mutant and that her powers were more than a change in her genomic code. So, he felt it was best to send her somewhere that could specialize in powers such as hers.  
» Mother, Siri Ivandottir | 2,348 | Sorceress/Finder | strong-willed, passionate, protective, determined | Siri was an encouraging mother. At a very young age, Siri taught her how to use her magic powers and how to do wonderful things. Siri taught her everything she knew. Siri encouraged her to do anything she wanted - because with her power she could. She allowed her daughter to travel to Midgard when Amunet expressed an interest in meeting her father. 


» Best Friend, Veronika Romanoff | 18 | Student at Superhero Academy | witty, sarcastic, stubborn | Veronika is Black Widow's daughter and is just like her mother. The two are kind of known as pranksters around the academy. Amunet uses her magic, and Veronika uses her sneakiness to prank people around school. They are best friends and are always hanging out. When they're not pranking, they're rather mature and talk about this, that and the other thing.
» Friend, Andrew Barnes | 18 | Student at Superhero Academy | playboy, strong-willed, kind of traditional | Andrew is Bucky Barnes' son. When Amunet isn't hanging out with Veronika, people can usually find her hanging out with Andrew. He always tries to flirt with Amunet, but she usually shuts him down pretty quickly.

» Best Friend, Fynn Wagner | 18 | Student at Superhero Academy | funny, protective, kind, adorable idiot | Fynn Wagner is Night Crawler's son and has known Amunet since she first arrived in Midgard and went looking for her father. The two, just like her and Veronika, are natural pranksters and are always getting in and out of trouble. 



» Chocolate - truly, a gift from the gods
» Strawberries - but not chocolate covered ones
» Horror movies

» History and science

» Training and practicing

» Music - Maroon 5, Rise Against, Kelly Clarkson, P!nk, Eminem, Beatles

» T.V. shows - Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, Bones, etc.

» Writing - she typically writes in either Sindarin or Old Norse


» Waking up early
» Hot drinks
» Short skirts

» Bright, unnatural lights

» Snitches

» Annoying people


» Amunet loves to "cook". She make wonderful meals, but she also loves to make traditional, home remedies (that actually work) that she learned in Alfheim. The ingridents for these are usually odd. She's also a wonderful baker.
» She loves to write stories, but to keep out prying eyes, she always writes it in Old Norse or Sindarin, since very few people can read and understand it.
» Amunet enjoys listening to Midgardian music and watching their shows. She's still learning their culture.

» When frustrated or angry, she'll begin cussing in Sindarin or Old Norse.

» When Amunet sleeps, her legs make a figure four.


» The name Amunet was originally used for one of the first eight gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Amunet was the Goddess of Mystery. Siri thought it suited the young sorceress.
» Siri in old Norse means "Beautiful victory".
» Ivan was Siri's father's name. Siri thought it was best for her daughter to keep her name instead of Xavier's simply because many of those in Alfheim wouldn't understand. Ivan in old Norse means "fighter with a bow".

» Amunet's bracelet is no handicap to her. She has trained to work around it. She might not be able to use all her magic, but she has learned to make her magic count. Though she uses her telekinetic and telepathic abilities regularly, she doesn't rely on them for everything. She still uses her magic just as often. She won't let the bracelet cause her to not use her power.

» A favorite phrase for Amunet is, "All magic comes with a price". Many times people ask her to do things with her magic. She has no problems doing it, but people will owe her something. Favors or money, it all depends on what she wants at the time. So, she always warns someone when they ask for her help that "all magic comes with a price".

» A Light Elf is described as being "brighter than the sun". Their skin glows. Amunet uses a cloaking spell in order to disquise her natural form. She can also use this cloaking spell to change her appearance whenever she wants. Whenever she becomes weak or her energy is drained, she sometimes can't maintain enough energy to keep up her spell, thus revealing her true form to anyone around.

» Amunet can use her telekinetic ability to fly. She really only uses it though when she's fighting or training.

» She has a "pet" hawk which she named Horskr, which means Wise in Old Norse. It's not truly her pet, since it has a mind of it's own and does as it pleases. But, when she need him, he's always there. He's a great companion and an excellent tracker.

» Every now and then, Amunet still refers to humans as "Midgardians".

» Amunet speaks in a very eloquent manner. She speaks as though she comes from a time long ago. She's very wise, and her words show it.

» Amunet can learn certain things very quickly. This would include plants and animals. She learn everything about them. For example, she can tell you which plant will help with pain and which will kill you.

» When she arrived in Midgard, Amunet took an immediate interest in Voodoo. She dabbles in the art when she got into contact with a houngan and mambo couple (a male and female prist of Haitian Voodoo). The male was a Houngan Asogwe, also known as a high priest. They taught her things, how to make spells and recipes using traditional plants and animals and what not. The houngan and mambo are considered good - compared to a bokor which practices black or dark magic. So, everything they taught her is used for good.


For everyday wear, Amunet has adopted a very casual and very tomboy-ish style. She enjoys weraring either boot-cut or slim fitted jeans or cargo pants. For shirts, it's typically a well fitted t-shirt, cami, or button up shirt. She has no qualms with wearing a dress though.

For her superhero costume, it's rather... interesting. She wears a pair of short shorts, but it's covered with a "skirt" that has slits up both sides, up to her hips. Her top is a halter style crop top. Both the skirt and top are a bit of beaded. She has bands on her  upper arms that connects to a long, flowing piece of fabric-like sleeve. Think belly dancer for her outfit. It allows for easy movement - her spells sometime require inticrite and flowing movements. And besides, it fits well with sorcerery. She also has a piece of solid (not shear) piece covering her nose and mouth. (use this as a reference). The outfit is very traditional in Alfheim, well, traditional for magic wielders.   



» Elf | Once others learned of her roots and heritage, instead of trying to pronounce her real name, they would just call her elf.



» English, Fluent | A common language amongst the nine realms, so Amunet picked it up naturally
» Sindarin, Fluent | Sindarin is the native language of light elves who live in Alfheim. J.R.R. Tolken had stolen the name and parts of the language for his famous novel, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

» Old Norse (specifically old Icelandic, you can still understand modern Icelandic), Advanced | Alfheim was not the original name for the land of light elves. The real name was forgotten because the people who worshipped them - as well as the Asgardians - were Old Norse. The light elves loved the worship and began learning and using Old Norse to communicate with their "followers". It's a common language in Alfheim and Amunet learned it simply be living. She has forgotten a little bit of the language and that's why she is no longer fluent.

» Russian, Advanced | Amunet learned all the Russian she knows from Veronika.


PERSONALITY + doesn't have to be too long; if you'd like to have another applicant as a love interest, then try to fill this out as best as you can, if you can't then don't worry about it, I'll try to do the best that I can.

How does one even describe Loki Odinson? He is very intelligent... Even that is an understatement. He has study so many things over his lifetime. He doesn't simply have a high IQ, he's cunning and practically devious. He can figure out complex problems simply by looking at them in a new light. Rarely - practically never - does he simply say "Let's charge in, head first!" He will always choose the evasive path. Besides being cunning and smart, he's extremely wise. Wise and smart are not the same thing in Amunet and Loki's books. Smart is knowing facts, wise is knowing how to use those facts in the real world. Loki is both smart and wise. Making him very dangerous.

Loki is funny, in his own way. He's very sarcastic - even worse than Amunet. Most people don't appreciate his sarcasim or dark/dry humor, but Amunet enjoys it immensly. He makes off-handed comments and snide remarks. Many people take offense at these comments, but Loki doesn't really care what they think. 

Loki is very pessesive of his things. Well, things and people. Whatever he deems as his he will fight for it. He doesn't like other people playing or touching his things. As for people, they tend to get the idea, very quickly, that they are his and only his. 

A part of Loki that he doesn't allow many to see, is his insecure side. After having learned his true orgin and his true father, Loki has always been insecure about his standing in the world, let alone as a Prince. Anytime some questions his self-worth he instantly gets defensive. He won't show it, but he's sad. He's upset about his heritage and it deeply bothers him. This in turn makes him very quick to anger in public. With Amunet, he'll actually show his vulnurable side.    


Amunet had first encountered Loki when she was given permission to travel to the human grounds. She had been wandering around when she spotted a middle-aged man sneering at most of the humans that walked by. Amunet could see through the cloaking spell and recognized the man as the one she had studied. Loki Odinson. She had approached him and quickly got his attention. He played the part of a middle-aged Midgardian rather well.

"There is no need to pretend and hide. I know who you are... Loki Odinson," she stated with a smirk.

He seemed pretty shocked, but he hid it behind his own smirk as he dropped his cloaking spell, "Well, well, well. Aren't we a smart Midgardian. How could you tell?"

"Please," she scoffed, "A Midgardian? No Midgardian could see through such an elaborate and detailed cloaking spell, Prince. Guess again."

Loki was silent for a moment and truly looked at her, "I can see a glow about you, magic."

"That's not magic that you're seeing. Though, I do possess magic. The glow is something else," Amunet stating, enjoying the guessing game with the prince.

"Ah... A light elf. How pecuilar. What are you doing in Midgard, Elf? You're a bit far from home."

"I could say the same for you, Asgardian."

Loki sneered a bit, "You seem to be mistaken. I am not of Asgard and Odin is not my father."

"Oh, I know all about that. But, something I can say about Midgardians is that they have an interesting way of looking at family. A man who contributes to the birth of a child, Laufey in this instance," she started, startling Loki by knowing his true father's name, "isn't a father. A father is the one who takes care of you."

"Ha, Odin, a father to me? I was nothing more than a stolen relic!"

"A stolen relic? Is a stolen relic given all the luxeries one could ever wish, and treated as a Prince? I believe you are confused."

"And who exactly are you?" Loki shot back, "You seem to know so much of my life, yet I know nothing of you. Should I know you?"

"Oh, where are my manners, "Amunet curtsied at this, "Amunet Ivandottir, at your service. And heavens no. I would remember meeting such a talent and handsome sorcerer as yourself, my Prince."

Loki was about to say something else when Amunet interrupted him, "I'm sorry, my Prince, but I must be going. I hope to meet you again. Maybe we can discuss things in greater detail then."

"Oh trust me, little Amunet, I'll be seeing you again," Loki finished, a tricky little smirk on his face.

Loki and Amunet's relationship is a bit different. Due to the difficulty of seeing each other, they need to find interesting ways around it. Due to Loki's and Amunet's mastery of magic, they can get around the security of superhero academy, but they're always on edge that someone will catch them. She prefers to get permission to venture to the human grounds and meet up that way. When meeting up is out of the question, Amunet uses Horskr to deliver messages to him and vice versa. Amunet won't admit it, but she's worried Loki's only interested in her because she can lead him to the children of all of the greatest superheros and villians. 

At first their "relationship" was nothing more than discussions and intellectual debates. Whenever Amunet would get permission to visit the human grounds, the two would disquise themselves and meet up to talk about this, that, and the other thing. After some time, if Amunet could manage to sneak out, or just have an extended trip to the human grounds, Loki began to teach her what he knows in regards to sorcery. Amunet was probably the best student in the entire nine realms. Well, that's because she was learning her specialty from one of the greatest sorcers of all time. But, as time went on, neither of them could deny there was something more to their teacher and student arrangement. Amunet was the one to make the first move. Before she did, the two would exchange witty banter, and would make inneundos all the time. What she did was so simple, but it definitely wasn't innocent. After a lesson, Amunet had approached Loki and ran a finger down his chest and looked up into his eyes (he is fairly tall), stood on her tippy toes, and whispered in his ear, "Thank you. I really appreciate this, my Prince." And then, she kissed his cheek. But, Loki wasn't having none of that. He grabbed her waist and pulled her in for a kiss.

This is where their relationship changed from just teacher and student, to an actual relationship. As a couple, they are very mature. It's not cute or fluffy and adorable. They are more of... an experienced couple. They're the type of couple who seem they have been dating for awhile already. They have some adorable moments, they're rare and never in public though. As a couple they enjoy the longing stares, the innenudos and then the eventual release in the form of pleasure.


Amunet had learned of Loki Odinson when she was a young child and still in Alfheim. Anyone who was anyone worth their weight in magic knew of Loki - Prince of Asgard, or better known as the Trickster Prince. Siri had told Amunet of his magic and his mastery of it. From there, Amunet tried to learn as much as she could about him from gossip and rumors and it was her job to differentiate fact from fiction. Loki on the other hand, had to prior knowledge of Amunet. Other than that, before meeting him in Midgard, Amunet and Loki had no history together.


Loki is the master of illusions. Very rarely does someone not fall for his illusion, if he's truly trying. Usually only people adept in magic and deception can see through his illusions. He does use some of his magic to fight, but most of the time it's used in order to avoid a fight. He works better as a trickster, decieving people in order to get what he wants without having to fight. If he does have to fight, Loki is skilled with daggers and throwing knives. Very skilled. His aim is down near impeccible. No one can beat him at throwing daggers. Besides daggers, having been raised in Asgard with Odin as his father, he was trained to fight. And fight he can. He's skilled in hand to hand combat, but he's not nearly as physically strong as Thor. He's stronger than most Midgardians, but he's about equal with half of Asgardians. Other than fighting and magic, Loki is know as the Prince of Lies for a reason. He has a silver tongue that can get him into and out of a lot of trouble.

- Amunet calls Loki either Prince or My Prince more often and not. At first, Loki thought it odd, but now he loves it. He loves the respect, but more so, he loves how she addresses him as her prince. No one elses. Just her's. And he's okay with that.

- Loki can't be with Amunet 24/7 due to Superhero Academy. But, when he is with her, he won't let anyone touch her. Just as he is hers, she is his. And no one touches Loki's things.

- Amunet and Loki's relationship is very mature. This has to do with the fact that they are technically both older than what they seem. It also has to do with where they grew up. They can be couple-y, but more often than not, you can see their passion in the bedroom.

- In regards to bedroom fun, the two can be a bit . Loki enjoys tying her up and having his way with her. But, if Amunet gets on top, oh, she's definitely in charge.

- Many times, Loki uses some type of adjective in front of Amunet's name. His favorites include: little, sweet, ravenous, exotic, and exquisite.

+ spicea11347
+ Sam
+ Group 1

loki Odinson




AGE + Unknown | Unknown
ALIAS + Loki, or Trickster
PARENT + Laufey
BIRTHPLACE + Jotunheim
ETHNICITY/NATIONALITY  + Frost Giant / Asgardian



BACK-UP LOVE INT + Captain America + Chris Evans



LAST COMMENT + anything you have to say? any questions you wanna ask me? if you like we could start a conversation.




- Charles and Siri reuniting.

- Loki making a fuss about how she shouldn't seal off a part of her power (the bracelet) and either threatens to remove it or actually removes it.

- Amunet asking Loki what his guilty pleasure is and him responding, all y like, "The thing is, I never feel guilty about pleasures."

- Loki happens to catch Amunet being friendly with a boy, possibly Fynn, and Loki pins her wrists to a wall. He leans in close and reminds her, "Don't forget, my little Amunet, that you're mine. And only mine."

- Amunet being assigned a mission and by chance Loki is there and they have to fight him.

- Amunet and Loki exchanging bit marks around their clavicle region. Letting anyone who sees them know that they're spoken for.


PASSWORD + ... Loki of course



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