Fifty Questions About Your Ideal Type || #NewKaishaTradition

I haven't made a blog post in a while, to be honest. And, I decided to do this one, because I was stalking my friends blog posts, and this was the very first one she ever posted (and she's done an updated version now, which you can read here if you want to)

I actually found this pretty entertaining... so I hope you guys enjoy reading what I have to say about my ideal type.

#kaishatradition #fetusharugrowsupalittle #nowfetuscheyhasjoinedher #youguysprobablydontgetthehastags #butthatsokay 


1. Do you need him to be good looking?

My definition of "good looking" and your definition of "good looking" can be two different things. So, yes he has to be good looking, TO ME. That doesn't mean every one has to find him attractive. #that #youtheonlyoneever

2. Smart?
I would like someone who I can connect with on a intellectual level, of course, but he doesn't have to be a genius. #hedoesnthavetobeanamjoon
3. Preferred age?
He has to be older; I won't date anyone more than a few months younger (and I cringed as I wrote that, so that's pushing it too). As for how much older, I don't have much of a preference there, other than he obviously has to be able to relate to me, so if he's too much older, we probably won't connect. #sorrybutkookieisanono #ugh
4. Preferred height?
He just has to be taller. I am hella short, so if he's shorter than me, then.. Just No. No. But, he doesn't have to be crazy tall. I just want to look up at him a little. I think it's cute when a girl has to stand on her tippy toes to kiss a guy >.< #jiministaller #illstopthere
5. How about sense of humor?
Of course. This is a requirement. He has to be able to make me laugh. And, he has to be able to handle it if I make a crude joke, because I tend to be a very sarcastic person.
6. How about piercings?
Piercings are kinda hot, but only ear piercings. Anywhere else and it's a turn off. Like nah, not even eyebrow or lip piercings or nose. No. (Can I take this moment to say that Jimin's cartilage piercing is hot as )
7. Accepts you for who you are?
... Isn't that kind of a given? I'm not changing myself for anyone. Now, adjusting a few things, like what I eat or how I dress, is okay, so long as it isn't a full on change into something I'm not. Relationships do require compromise, sometimes.
8. Pink hair?
Only if he looks good with it. And, I WILL BE SURE to tell him if he doesn't.
9. Mushy or no?
I'm not a mushy person when it comes to relationships like this, but I do like it every once in a while. He can be sappy from time to time, and I would love that. But, it can't be an every day thing. #toomuch
10. Thin or fat?
Neither. Or Both. Somewhere in between, whatever is heathy for his body type.
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
I don't really care, so long as I like him. I've liked someone of every color at some point in my life, so I can honestly say there is no preference here.
12. Long hair or short hair?
Probably short, but if he looks good with long hair (and when I say long, I only mean shoulder length or chin, even).
13. Plastic or metal?
What the does this even mean?
14. Smells good?
... Not that I'll go around sniffing him or anything, but he can't SMELL BAD. I mean... who would want someone who smells bad? And again, my version of "good" may be different from yours. #letseusmelll #nadosmeeeellllll
15. Smoker?
Hell. No.#thatsnono
16. Drinker?
He can't be an excessive drinker, but going out for a drink with friends or celebrating every once in a while is perfectly okay, and so long as he doesn't turn into an when he's drunk.
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
I mean... Yes and No. He has to be a little experienced, but I don't him to have been ALL OVER THE PLACE. I'm fairly new when it comes to actually having relationships, so someone who knows what he's doing would be great (and for all you having y thoughts *Cough* y-Haru *Cough*, I mean emotionally, as well as physically. Not just in the physical department).
18. Muscular?
He doesn't have to have crazy muscles, but he has to be healthy and fit. He has to take care of himself.
19. Plays piano?
Music is a big part of my life, so this is defintely a plus, but not a requirement.
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Again, plus, but not a requirement.
21. Plays violin?
Read answer above. I play the violin and viola, so it's actually a HUGE plus.
22. Sings very good?
Haha, I can't sing worth , so he doesn't have to either. But, if he can sing... then YEAH! #makesmewannapartyonyourbody
23. Vain?
Not so much vain, as confident. I have insecurities of my own, so being with someone who's confident can help me to become more confident myself. A relationship with two people full of insecurities won't last long.
24. With glasses?
Glasses are cute, but I don't really care either way.
25. With braces?
At the age I am now, and at the point I would be getting into a relationship, he wouldn't really have braces any more. It's something that you have at a younger age, usually. But, if he does, it won't matter to me.
26. Shy type?
... I didn't think this would be how I'd answer, but no. He has to be outgoing (not over the top, but still puts himself out there). I'm incredibly shy, so having someone else shy... well, then we would get no where.
27. Rebel or Good boy?
Both. He can have his rebellous moments, and his nice moments too.
28. Active or passive?
... I think you mean aggressive (aggressive is the opposite of passive). And, again, this is both. He should fight for the things he wants, but still know when to stop and not take it too far.
29. Tight or bomb?
Tight. Dope. Swag. Word. #swagislove #swagislife
30. Singer or dancer?
Dancer. 100%. YASSSSSSS #dancersaregoodinbed #whatifhesarapperandadancer #hoseok #mindblown
31. Stunner? 
What the is a stunner?
I feel dumb now. I googled it.
  1. a strikingly beautiful or impressive person or thing.


He should be impressive to me, but he doesn't have to be flawlessly beautiful.

32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings?
See question 6.
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
... No.
35. Dimples?
They are too adorable, so definitely a plus >.<
SO FRIGGIN ADORABLE #namjoon #jimin # #socute #ugh #no #why
36. Bookworm?
Lol, nah. He can enjoy reading, and know his stuff, but I don't think I'd like it if he was so deep into it that his life revolved around it.
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
If he was away for a while, yeah. But, not if we're right next to each other, like, Wtf, dude. No. I'm sitting right here. Tell me to my face, I'd rather hear your voice.
38. Playful?
*wiggles eyebrows* define playful.
39. Flirt?
Flirting (so long as it's only with me) is okay from time to time, but I'm not the type to flirt. Most of the time, I just like to sit and talk and have genuine conversations.
40. Poem writer?
Just as long as he doesn't write depressing stuff all the time or mushy stuff ALL THE TIME, then yeah. If he's balanced with it, then who am I to stop him from expressing himself.
41. Serious?
Not 24/7(=heaven), but he should know when to be serious and when to be playful.
42. Campus crush?
I'm the jealous type... I don't really know how I'd feel about this...
43. Painter?
If he wants to be, sure.
44. Religious?
If he has his own religion, sure, but not if he shoves it down my throat. I've been becoming less and less religious as I grow up, but I've never been the type to push my religion on others. He shouldn't either.
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Light-hearted teasing is okay.
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
As long as it doesn't control his life. A.K.A, he has a life.
But if he was just a really cute nerd when it came to liking it, then hell yes, that's hella cute.
47. Speaks 20 languages?
... sure, if that's how much time he has on his hands.... (Ain't nobody got time for that, tbh)
48. Loyal or faithful?
Uh, what's the different...
49. Good kisser?
I mean, if he's a rapper, then he's definitely probably a good kisser... It's not like I'm picturing anyone in particular like Hoseok or something. *coughs awkwardly*
But seriously, I wouldn't want someone who wasn't good. But, this is another thing where our definitions of good may vary.
50. Loves children?
Yes. I love kids, and I want a couple, so he has to at least be able to tolerate them.


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Chiyakochan #1
and yes omfg jimin is already y on his own even without that y cartilage piercing. He makes me wanna get one. Actually i only have two piercings, one on each ear. But i wanna get another one so there's 2 on each ear but my parents are "RELIGIOUS" and think its ugly. Oh well, when I'm 16 I'm do it anyways
Chiyakochan #2
the bang tan references tho #makesmewannapartyonyourbody #whatishesarapperanddancertho #hoseok #mindblown #swagislove #swagislife
i'm laughing so hard at the number of bangtan references #makesmewannapartyonyourbody #KAISHA #INFINITE #yharu #ilikethat #joha