New fans annoy me




i swear, if I don't post something I'll go crazy from the irratation that has build up inside me ugh.


I just really wish the Finebros hadn't post that 'Teenagers React to Exo' video because the NEW FANS.OH THE NEW FANS ARE ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF ME.I mean, there's no problem at people discovering Kpop and accepting it and liking it, that's totally fine and I'm glad Exo has gotten the exposure that they deserve.There are so many adorable new fans that genuinely like the music and appreciate Kpop.HOWEVER, there are some annoying fans that I would literally want to slap.I mean, they only heard about Exo like two weeks ago and this girl on YouTube is like " Oh ma gad, I'm probz da first Exo fan from Briten!!!11!!!1 " or some illegible like that.Excuse me, but there are hundreds of people that actually appreciate Korean music and have known it longer than your teenage , smh.God, I hate how new fans act like they've suddenly been fans of the group for years and try to somehow 'outsmart' you in the fandom knowledge.Like , please.

And I'm not just talking about Exo specifically, I'm talking about Kpop.So many people find out about it and the Western media portrays it as some type of fad and exotic thing because ' Look! It's some Asian person in tight pants singing in Chinese or Korean or whatever the heck, it all sounds the same!' And think that it's a compliment.NEWS FLASH, it's degrading.I am by no means trying to come across as racist since I'm half white myself - but ugh, these news reporters talk about Kpop and tell us that it's magical and awesome and exotic.Like, no.I hate how outsiders think that Kpop is very different from their music and is considered as a cult or something rather than actual music just because it's sung in a language other than English.God, IT'S JUST MUSIC.It's music sung in KOREAN and it's popular because people actually like it and view it as music rather than some passing fad,It's no different from French music or Spanish music, yet French and Spanish music are considered to be actual 'music' and Kpop isn't.

Honestly, people should get over themselves.Kpop is music, not some type of precious thing that you're supposed to ogle at because it's 'vastly different and unique'.Kpop is just as unique as American music or any other type of music sung in a different language.I wish people realised that.














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I feel the same way about this. When I first got into KPop I have to admit I acted a bit, well, 'bratty' you could say about it ha ^^; Thought it was so unique then American music but the more I grew up the more I realized I needed to calm down about it just a bit. To not get so defensive if people say they don't like it. Kpop is simply just music but with Korean artists/idols performing it.

Oh. And don't get me started when fans new or old treat the singers like they're Gods/Goddesses. They're human just like everyone else and I'm sure they wouldn't want to be put on such pedestal.

Anywho. Don't mind me by the way: But I feel the same as you on some aspects. Now KPop is just music to me. Good music of course sometimes but just music.
I think they act like that because some kpop fans act so highly of themselves because they listen to kpop as if it's something completely different from anything else
Well said!!!