Hi guys, it's me again with another blog after a long time but this time, I'm so confused!!!! 

So, let me start from the beginning. Two years ago, this boy and me was in the same class, where he told me he liked me. And I wasn't sure about him, I didn't "not like" him, nor did I "like" him. So I just told him I "liked" him out of a moment of panic. But that time, I liked somebody else too, so that's what I told him. I'm pretty sure he was heartbroken then, but I didn't know what to do. 

Two years later, his friends made him told me that he used to like me, in which I told him I know that already. And we began talking again. We added each other to Skype and Facebook. Then this morning, he asked me out through Skype.



Although I was kinda expecting it, I was shocked since I didn't like him, I liked his friend, WHO ALSO LIKES ME BACK!!

So I blocked him on Skype and FB because I want to say no.



But I don't know how to say no to him, he's a really good guy. Please help me!!!!! PLZZZZZZZ MY LYFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!





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do not let your emotions rule you. don't do anything after receiving a message or what. let yourself calm down.
blocking him was definitely not the proper response as the others have said ^^ it was rather rude/cruel. you can reject or deny or put him down gently, with civility, without giving him false hope.
i mean what would you feel if the person you like blocked you? ^^
Definitely unblock him! That's not how you should approach this situation.
Talk to him. Tell him you don't like him back. Tell him you've got feelings for another person.
I know that you'll feel bad by rejecting him, but you will definitely feel worse if you don't reject him early on.

> I had a friend who didn't know how to reject a guy because she thought she would hurt his feelings, so she kept saying things like, "Hm, I don't know. Let's give it time. I don't really like you that way yet. I want to focus on my studies." What ended up happening was this guy fell more and more in love with her, and she kept leading him on by not rejecting him. In the end, the guy was so hurt because he felt like he was doing everything for her, and she didn't respond to his feelings the way he thought she would. Then the guy got depression and he was having really dark thoughts. The girl felt so bad because of it all.

Don't end up in her situation.
Rejecting early on is definitely the better option.
just tell him straight up tht u like his buddy
I don't think you should've blocked him lol. I think you should just talk to him. Have a heart to heart. It's nice that he still likes you till this day, but if you don't like him back, then you should tell him. Rejecting someone is a lot harder than it seems to be honestly, but if you don't say no soon, you're kinda leading him on by not responding. Just have a heart to heart with him. I'm sure he'll understand.