FNC Entertainment | NEVES | Do Grace (Ga-In) | Plotline Four

DO Grace (Ga-in)
smile_for_roo // Rye // 8/9
» Plotline Choosen
NICKNAME: Doe // Because of her large doe eyes, she gets teased for her resemblance of the animal.
Inumma // She's like the mom of the group, the younger members call her this.
DATE OF BIRTH: July 3rd, 1993
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, California
ETHNICTY: Korean-American
HOMETOWN: Incheon, South Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean and English // Fluent because of her parents teaching her both from a very young age.
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Innocent Power Vocals
POSITION: Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Actress
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Positive: Allocentric, Charming, Fair, Funny 
Grace isn't called "Inumma" for nothing. She always, always, puts others needs before her own, making sure every last member is taken care of and happy before thinking about herself. People sometimes think that she should've been the leader based on this trait, but she assures everyone that the leader of their group is the leader for a reason, and she's perfectly fine with taking on the "umma" role for the group. She's also the type of person that you can't help but enjoy being around. Grace has a certain charm that just makes her likable to the public, and that's why she's so popular when she does her acting. Being the mom of the group, if there's a fight, and the leader isn't able to come to a conclusion of the outcome, Grace is usually the person to go to. She'll listen to both sides of the story and make a fair decision. She's never biased towards a member (even though during punishments, if it's the maknae, she goes a little bit easier than she probably should...) and it makes her a nice neutral party to go to. She's also very, veyr funny. It's one of the many reasons why people think she's such a pleasure to be around. Grace always has a joke in mind, or something funny to say, and she usually is able to lighten the mood with some good hearted humor. 

Neutral: Authoritative, Open-minded, Blunt
Being one of the older members and being considered the 'umma' of the group, she makes a lot of decisions and can seem like she's more of an authority figure than a member of a girl group. She just wants that structure of being able to know what to do, and wants the younger members to feel that they have someone to look up to. She didn't really have that growing up, so she wants the younger members to be able to have that authority mom like figure in their life. As someone who grew up in a mielting pot of culture of the city, she embraces most lifestyles/ideas with an open mind. She's not prejudice against anyone, if you're a good person, she likes you, regardless of gender/uality/religion/race. That being said, she can be blunt and state the obvious quite a bit without thinking. It usually only happens in the dorm or when she's tired, but sometimes it happens during a recording schedule if they've been travelling for most of the day.

Negative: Anxious, Over-confident, Devious, Meddlesome
Grace does have an anxiety disorder, focusing on seperation anxiety from her childhood. She can usually regulate it, but when the group is seperated for whatever reason, and they get back to the dorm late, she usually is seen pacing until the get home, or falling asleep on the couch to make sure they're safe. She can't help but have flare ups sometimes, borderlining panic attacks because of something the MC said or having to be seperated (especially if the maknae's being taken away from her). With her singing/dancing/acting skills, she's very confident about herself and is comfortable on stage or putting herself out there. However, this can lead to some people thinking she's full of herself and vain, and in some cases, she can be. Another thing: She's a michevious little thing, liking to trick people with word play, making them say things that are funny and sound like something else. As a mom figure, she's very meddlesome, trying to help in every aspect of their lives, especially the maknae. Grace hasn't quite grasped the idea of that sometimes, her group members can do things on their own. 

» Background

  Grace was born in Los Angeles, California in the Air Force base. She was an Army brat, and happened to move around a lot, so she never really had a solid "home" until her mother was stationed at the base in South Korea. Her father was a pilot, so they decided to "make their base" in Incheon just shy of her 10th birthday. Unfortunately, this didn't let Grace feel like she actually had a home, or any sort of stability of the sort. She had a lot of time on her own, since her dad had to fly everywhere and her mom more than often had to be living on base. The older couple next door had a kid who lived next door around her age, and they were best friends until he moved around the age of 16. She has a lot of problems with being seperated from people she feels like she's close to, all starting with her mom going to the base and sometimes, no one in their family would know if she'd come back. A lot of things could go wrong. She found some comfort in the old R&B and Hip-hop albums that her parents collected over in America, listening and singing along. Her father was also an avid fan of musicals, he came from a line of actors, and therefore she watched a lot of the classic movies, finding she wanted to be like the beautiful women on the screen one day.

  Grace was about 17 when she was casted by an FNC Entertainment agent. She was shopping by the company building when the agent had stopped her, giving her a card and asking her if she wanted to come in and audition. She agreed, and thanks to her natural abilities and ambition, FNC offered her a spot as a trainee as an actress. Her parents weren't ever around, so Grace was independent at this point, and since she had always wanted to be one of those beautiful actresses, and she agreed. She went into training, head held high and confident, almost breezing through her training thanks to her natural charm and abilities. While she didn't have many trainee friends, because she didn't really know how to interact with the other kids her age, being alone for most of her life, she focused on training, becoming better and better. Even though she was originally casted as an actress, she still worked on vocals and dancing, finding that if she were ever irritated about rehearsal, dancing and singing really, really helped. There was one thing her coaches always told her, no matter how hard she tried: Work on portraying being in love. She was able to say the lines convincingly, but her face was all wrong. So, she usually got the cute/bratty little sister roles in movies when she debuted at 18, hardly ever having a love interest. She wishes that she would be able to do that, because then she could really acheive her dream.

    At 20, her company realized after casting her in Dream High 2 and finding she had the abilities to dance and sing, that she was capable of being much more than just a beautiful young actress. So, they decided to put her into idol training, and if she shaped up to be a good pick, she'd be placed in the newest girl group. As it turns out, Grace never backs down from a challenge, and worked just as hard in her training to be an idol as her acting career. She was well rounded, and FNC decided to put her in as a member of NEVES. However, it wasn't easy for Grace to learn to work with different types of people and styles. It was definitely a challenge, but she found a friend in the maknae, who was also from L.A.. Immediately, Grace was reminded of that little boy next door who was her best friend until he moved, and became close with her. Because of her attatchment, whenever the maknae has to do her own activities, she gets very concerned and wants to go with. Sometimes it seems like it's the maknae taking care of her rather than she taking care of the younger.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Snapbacks // She has a whole section in her closet at the dorm dedicated to snapbacks. Grace wears them whenever she can.
  • two: Ice Cream // Especially strawberry ice cream, she tries to sneak it in whenever the group has been on diet lockdown.
  • three: Puns // Grace LOVES word play and puns. She'll try and manage it whenever she can.
  • four: Rainy Weather // She loves the rainy weather, call her silly, but she likes dancing in the rain.
  • five: Theme Parks // She remembers when she was younger, she always wanted to go to Disney Land/ California Adventure. So, she's never been, but gosh does she want to. 
» Dislikes
  • one: Being Shown Up // She hates feeling like she's been one upped, and tries to show that she's the best.
  • two: Mayonaise // It's just... gross to her.
  • three: Airports // For personal/family reasons, since it was where her parents spent all of their time instead of with her.
  • four: Dirty Laundry // She likes clean things, and dirty laundry piling up in the dorm is one of her pet peeves.
  • five: Apocolyptic movies // It's going to happen someday, but Grace does not want to know.
» Fears
  • one: Permanent Seperation // Being alone, to put it simply, but also never being able to see the people she cares about ever again.
  • two: The Dark // A childhood fear that she never got over.
  • three: Voice Cracking on Stage
  • four: Being Embarrassed in front of People.
  • five: Creepy places/ Haunted stories
» Hobbies
  • one: Shopping // She actually really likes shopping... for snapbacks. Yeah. Especially snapback shopping. Online shopping too.
  • two: Basketball // She likes being athletic, and basketball is one of her favorite sports.
  • three: Watching Musicals // One of her favorite passtimes. Her favorites are Singin in the Rain, Little Shop of Horrors, and Footloose.
  • four: Photos // She likes photography, especially taking pictures with other idols or fellow members to upload onto her instagram.
  • five: Reading Scripts // When she's not auditioning or focused on a certain piece, she's reading scripts of movies, musicals or dramas that she'd like to audition for, if she can get her hands on the script.
» Habits
  • one: Tapping her nose when she can't remember something.
  • two: Wrinking her nose and puckering when she's displeased.
  • three: "Pillowtalk" // she likes to do 'therapy' with her pillow-- she talks into it when she needs to rant, but doesn't want to bother anyone.
  • four: Humming musical scores under her breath.
  • five: Quoting scripts she's been in/read when she can't think of anything to say.
» Trivia
  • one: She's been in several Korean movies and dramas as an actress. She started training as an idol three years prior to NEVES debut.
  • two: She's actually pretty good at aegyo, but she hates doing it.
  • three: Her Instagram: @howudoe_ingracie
  • four: She loves bubble baths and bath bombs.
  • five: Her snapback collection once travelled into her dorm mate's closet. She threw them out. She claims Grace cried.
  • six: Grace greatly admires ChoA and Yuna from AOA. She hopes to be just as good as a vocalist as they are.
  • seven: She's close friends with AOA's Jimin, f(x)'s Amber, and Miss A's Suzy.
  • eight: As an actress, she's been in several movies before debuting as an idol, some featured roles including: Kim Sunyi in A Werewolf Boy, Young Oh Malsoon in Miss Granny,Song-ji in Man in Love, Jung-eun in No Breathing, and Ga-bi in The Huntresses. 
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Choi Mihwa/Mya
» Backup Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Kim Sooyeon/Mint
what you hear, what you see
when I'm on that stage
singing twin: Baek Yerin | PArk jimin
dancing twin: meng Jia | krystal
rapping twin: TIFFANY | HYOYEON
aegyo twin: SUNNY | yeri
talking twin: wendy | KRYSTAL
laughing twin: youngji | SULLI
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Kim Namjoon "Rap Monster" of BTS
BACKUP: GOT7's Mark Tuan

Rap Monster is a charismatic, powerful performer with powerful lyrics and a booming voice. Namjoon, however, is quite different from his leader persona. Nmajoon still holds on to his bold charisma, always smiling and making a good impression on everyone he meets. He's extremely intelligent, placing in the top 1% of his class. With that kind of intelligence, it's hard to manage your emotions, and so when it comes to interacting with people he's not entirely sure how it works. He tries his best, but he finds he's more uncomfortable around men or in his RapMon persona than when just being Namjoon. He has confidence that he can do things, but his intelligence can drown out his emotions and make it difficult to interact with someone, especially when there's pressure to act as a leader. He's not just representing himself, he's representing an entire group, an entire company. For someone so young, it's a lot of pressure and sometimes he just gets ahead of himself.



Namjoon actually ran into her during Music Core, when she first debuted. They exchanged rushed apologies and introductions, finding little to no time between their transitioning stages to actually have a proper introduction. After that, Grace found herself a little curious over the boy she ran into, and looked into his group, finding the music very intense and the dances totally in sync and incredible. She kept an eye on it, and unbeknowst to her, he was doing the same, finding her intriguing and all around an interesting girl. On Weekly Idol, she mentioned she ran into him and went and practically learned all the group's dances, and was asked to do her own "Random Dance Play" with BTS's songs. She did pretty well, earning about ten bottles of her favorite drink, Capula Strawberry Milk, which made her a very happy Tori indeed. On the flip side, Rap Monster mentioned on Problematic Men that he'd like to get to know Tori more, finding her position in the group as a triple threat really impressive. 
"I can't sing at all, and I barely learedn our dances correctly. But she's able to sing, dance, rap, and even learn our own dances while promoting her own group! It's incredible!" He had said. Tori had taken a liking to him, and then BTS and NEVES were set to meet on Beatles Code, bringing the two together finally. They bantered a lot, causing the hosts to tease them about possibly hiding a relationship. Grace just shrugged and said "He seems like a good guy to be in a relationship with, so I wouldn't mind." 

They then were known to have a "flirtationship", often meeting up on their own time, sometimes Bangtan having short videos with her featured in them, usually her leaning into Namjoon, being tired from her own schedule and having made time for the rapper leader. The boys frequently joked on Namjoon's behalf, saying he got a girl that he barely met twice. Usually, Grace would end up throwing a shoe at the other boys, making a comment along the lines "At least he's able to look me in the eye!" most pointedly at the boys in the maknae line, Jimin, V, Jungkook. Namjoon would laugh and just pull her closer to him. Luckily, no one seemed to mind that much, finding their relationship and continued support of each other (such as promoting the other's group when they'd have a comeback) very cute and different. Namjoon actually confessed first, and it's all recorded (by Jungkook, the trusty camera maknae) and put on the Bangtan Bomb page. Grace's feelings were obviously mutual, hugging him tightly and throwing shoes at the boys who were gathered around and loudly complaining about Namjoon's  newfound relationship.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I'm sorry for the late entry, but I hope the fact that it took a while helps?? Idk ahaha. Please let me know if I need to fix anything!
SCENE REQUEST: Grace and Namjoon having serious flirting in English so no one understands, the girls on variety shows, the girls visiting each other on solo activites? ouo
PASSWORD: The faceclaim should fit the bio and persona. Please Choose wisely! ^^
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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