Music Shuffle (stolen from Stargazerxx)

Music Shuffle (stolen from Stargazerxx)

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie...even if they don't fit it's just a bit of fun

1. Opening Credits:
2. Waking Up:
Big Bang- Moster

3. First Day of School:
B.A.P.- What the Hell

4. Falling In Love:
Now or Never- CN Blue

5. Arguing:
Ft island- Flower Rock

6. Breaking-Up:
RaNia- Dr Feel Good

7. Prom:
Teen Top- Don't Spray Perfume

8. Life:

9. Boring Job:
B1A4- Yesterday

10. Mental Breakdown:
SS501- Luv Ya

11. Driving:
TOXIC- Lonely

12. Flashback:
BigStar- Think

13. Getting Back Together:
MYNAME- Astonished

14. Wedding:
EXO- Angel

15. Birth of First Child:
Super Junior- No Other

16. Final Battle:
BtoB- Imagine

17. Death:
Chocolat- Syndrome

18. Funeral:
B2ST- Though I Call

19. End Credits:
Mr Mr 


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First day of school tho! Haha! And I also love the answers for 4 6 7 11 & 12 lmfao
I removed over half of my songs a few months ago and I've been lazy to put them back on ;)

Opening Credit: Angel - B.A.P
Waking Up: MUZIK - 4MINUTE
First Day of School: Catanella - Orange Caramel
Falling in Love: Sugarfree (English Version) - T-ara
Arguing: Sticky Sticky - HelloVenus
Breaking Up: Good-Night Kiss - Hyosung
Prom: Whatcha Doing Today - 4MINUTE
Life: Eyes - Girls Generation-TTS
Boring Job: I Like It - ChoColat
Mental Breakdown: No Playboy - 9Muses
Driving: Stop Stop It - GOT7
Flashback - Poison - Secret
Getting Back Together: Notorious - The Saturdays
Wedding: Loving You - Sistar
Birth of first child: I Go Crazy Because of You - T-ara
Final Battle: I Like You - GOT7
Death: Hold Me Right - BTS
Funeral: Wild - Nine Muses
End Credits: Glue - NineMuses
Haha another one and i love the answers to tgis too!! Will be doing thisbwhen im iff woek