◤The Rooftop Lovers◢◠Jung Chae

THe rooftop lovers application
this is me, ya know?
NAME » Jung Chae
— Blue|called by her close friends

— Miss Headupintheclouds | called by her boss
BIRTHDAY » 1995 21th june
occupation » author (who haven't released any books yet) Part time worker at café tea & Sweets.
HOMETOWN » Busan,south korea
ETHNICITY » korean
— korean | first language

— English | Proficient | studied in school
— Japanese | Basic | took extra classes
APPEARANCE » Chae is a girl with black long hair with bangs and eyes to match. her skin is so light that the smallest redness will be seen. The height of this human being is 161,5cm (she is very proud of that half cm) and she weights 58kg.
STYLE » Chae mostly wears cute,sweet and easily fitting clothes. Not liking things that are y she is stuck with jeans, a cute sweater and a pair of converse. She likes cute skirts too but that is for when she dresses up. She also loves wristbands and is always seen with some on her. + + +
FACECLAIM » iu/lee ji eun +
BACKUP FACECLAIM » son naeun +
EXTRAS » Chae got a scar on her left elbow from falling from her bike at young age.
hey weirdo, who are you?
PERSONALITY TRAITS » +kind,polite,creative,humorous . - scared, procrastinate, unti, judges easily.
PERSONALITY »—  Jung chae is a really kind person that thinks that other peoples happiness is more important than her own. That's one of the reasons why she made it her life goal to write books that other people could read and smile while reading. Her favourite quote is "be kind, for everyone you meet fights a harder battle" by plato, and she thinks and stays true to this statement at all costs. But she too has her limits, it takes time but if you push her buttons to long she will snap at you and it will not be pretty. She will take out every little bit of anger at you so be careful. But akward as she is when she is done with her tantrum she will turn as red as a tomato and go hide in her room. Chae was brought up in a very respectful and polite.

her mother teaching her manners at a very young age made her having a hard time talking in a friendly manner and is often stuck with talking politly to everyone she meets and is friends with. Her friends told her and some even begged her to lay of with the polite chit chat because of the akwardness that was between them. Chae tried she really did but it just was useless, she talked comfortably for a few senteces but then started with the polite speech again. What is a writer without her creativity? Nothing that's right. And as a writer herself she always has a notebook and pen in her bag to write down ideas in. Her mind is constantly creating scenarios in her head. Like if she saw a couple in town that she found intresting she will and i mean will make them the main characters in a book in her head and plan out all the hardships, kindness and love that they will share together.

Her creativity doesn't stop with the writing no. She loves buying furniture and novelties of all sortes and decorate her room and house (even though her parents didn't appreciated it at all times) She loves drawing aswell but to be honest she isn't very good at it. What is life without some humor and fun in it? Chae is one of those folks who loves to tell a joke. Her jokes aren't that funny they are for the most part private jokes that only she understands or really weird jokes like "Wanna hear a joke?" "Potato" and then brust out laughing. She only tells these jokes to people that she is convient with. If she told jokes to people she didn't know or just met she would sink to the floor from embarrassment. But people don't just have good qualities do they? As any other human being Chae got a lot of flaws. She is a very scared person that doesn't like to break out of her shell.

She likes to do things that she always did before. it's not like she didn't try to break out on her own. but when she tries it's like something is holding her back and she gets to scared and chickens out. 'she is also very scared of social human contact when she is alone. It depends on which day it is but sometimes it is so serious that she has to force herself to go up to the chasier to pay if she is at a store, and there are times when she couldn't take it and put all her groceries back on the shelf and just walked out as if nothing happened. She also hates taking risks, she always has that back thought that she could die from this even though that isn't that true. She isn't like this if someone tells her to do something she will do it even though she gets a panic attack from it.

If you ask Chae what her worst quality is she probably say that she procrastinates too much. for example if she has a essay she will wait to two days before doing it thinking that she has all the time in the world. Which she hasn't. She also has a tendency to get stressed easily, and these two qualities don't really go hand in hand. When she realises that she have to do something fast she gets stressed and even more stressed and it ends up with that she ignores it.

Chae is not a very tidy person the complete opposite actually. Shr leaves things things that she is done with in some place that she can reach from that position she is in and that is mostly the table beside her desk or on her desk. Her room is a dumster for teacups, empty snack bags and lolipops wraps. Why do something now when you could do it later? but her untidyness is only shown when she is at home or when it's her things we are talking about. If she is at a friends place and for example she drinks a glass of milk she will wash it and put it in it rightful place when she is done.

Chae is brought up with the mind that everyone fits inside a sterotype. But only if you are in a sterotype that she doesn't like. if she sees a girl that wears brand clothes and expensive makeup she will think that the girl is a brat that got everything served on a silver platter. And all the idols are snobs who look down on people that aren't famous. She is proven to be wrong about these kinds of people most of the time but still has this mindset.
— Jung chae grew up in a little ordinary home in busan with two loving parents and one cute little sister. Her young days wasn't that much from the ordinary other than that she threw a ice cream on the head of her neighbor when she was three. She was always this happy kid chae was. but all that changed when she started school and got bullied by a couple of guys a few years older than her. she never figured out the reason why just her and not the person sitting beside her in class. The bullying made her stay at home more after school not wanting to go out on weekends afraid of seeing of of her bullies and to make it all better one of her bullies lived next to them. After a few years of this bullying Chae got a friend that was tough,stood up for chae and she wouldn't let anybody touch chae anymore. Chae became that happy kid again but not without having scars around her heart and soul. 

At the age of nine chae discovered her love for writing and started to write small stories to read for her little sister and for her parents to read. Even though the sentences didn't make sense the most of the time, she loved doing it. She lived her school life like any other student. Having crushes crushed, studying for exams, hanging out with friends and reading books and writing to improve her skills in the writing department. Living at home for all her life, working at some quiet jobs and never taking any risks she decided that in the year of 2015 she would move from her comfort zone of her home and move to the capital. Having saved enough money for her to move into a apartment and after some serious browsing on where in seoul she would live, She decided in jongno-gu after looking at the beautiful scenery thinking that it could get her thoughts going to write an awesome book. When she selected muhanjeong apartments she was very sceptical when discovering that only was shared rooms left and pondered about going back home. But someone in her mind said that it will be good for her not thinking about the things that could happen with having a roommate
— Things Jung chae likes include: tea (all kind of teas except blueberry cupcake tea), kittens, watermelon nerds (the candy), spicy ramen, books, sprite, the harry potter book and the lord of the rings books, cute wristbands, chups chups lolipops, urban zakapa, anime, dramas, iron man and captain america. Things jung chae dislikes includes: alcohol, drunk people, apples, pears, twilight, brats, coca cola, dark chocolate, the dark and scary movies. Her favorite subject in school was history and english. Her favorite color is celistial blue. her favorite drink is strawberry milk. her favorite movie at the moment is no breathing. The perfume she wears the most is pink sugar by Aqualina. She owns a samsung galaxy s5. she loves to cook and it's one of her favorite hobbies.

She makes the best ramen in the house. she never been abroad. She never had a boyfriend in her life, she went on a date once but freaked out when he tried to kiss her so she slapped him and ran away. The longest crush she had lasted four years. She sleeps in a oversized shirt and . she talks in her sleep. She goes up in tone when she is nervous. stomps with her foot when angry. loves indie music. her favorite song at the moment is the strawberry that fell in love by taru. She is currently watching bleach. She sleeps with a teddy bear. She took guitar lessons when she was fifthteen but can't play to save her life. She hates soccer.

She always wakes up early in the morining to have time to all the things she have to do that day. she loves to listen to loud music in her room. she is a bad loser. she hates when people ask useless questions. She hates people that are arrogant and braggs about themself all the time. Never eat her snacks or read her unfinished works if you do she will kill you slowly with a spoon. she pulls in her clothes when she is nervous about something. She gets really annoyed when people don't clean the sink after shaving or brushing their teeth. She is really troubled when she pays with cash and the cashier puts the coins on the notes, this ends with chae dropping the coins on the floor and getting her akward moment of the day. She sleeps with a nightlight on. She needs a cup of tea in the morning or her day will be ruined. she doesn't like it when people wears sunglasses inside. 
forever a roommate, always a roommate.
relationship with roommate » Chae was very shocked when she discovered that she was going to share a room with a human of the male kind and is very distant in the beginning, but she warms up as the days goes on by. and it didn't help that chae walked in on her roommate changing clothes the second day of her stay. but when they became comfortable with eachother they became friends. Teasing and pushing eachothers buttons are something they both enjoy from time to time. Chae tries to not be as irritating as possible when she is home. She also has a tendency of getting hate in the morning because of her habit to wake up early. When chae written a little story she will bug her roommate all day to read it just to get some feedback. 
ideal type » Jung chaes ideal type is someone with a kind heart and amazing smile. Someone who loves cuddles and will listen and give advice. They don't have to be perfect and they can have flaws. She just wants someone who will love her for who she really is.
other love interest » lee hyunwoo-22
— Hyunwoo is a really bright human being that always says what's on his mind except when it comes to girls then the shy part comes on. His heart is big and he is a really loving person comforting the people around him that are sad with jokes and games. He loves to see people smile. His favorite hobby is to play jokes on his friends and watch their reactions. His friends are what comes first in life and as long as they are happy he's happy. He can be a naive person and thinks that everyone are good people. but hyunwoo isn't the perfect human being either. he could be too protective of the people he likes wanting to know a lot about them. he also gets jelous easily, but he doesn't show it most of the time. the jelousness usually ends up with him staring angrily at the people he is jelous of.
relationship with your character »
— it was chaes first day at her new job at café Tea & sweets, walking into the café with confidence in her steps. the litlle bell rang at her entering the little vintage café. the smell of newly baked bread and strawberry tea met her nose when she was inside. it was an early morning and no costumers were seated in any of the brown seats. Out of the personal entrence came a male with brown hair and a worried face wearing a white dress shirt, a pair of jeans and a green apron tied around his hips. upon seeing chae standing by the door a smile appeared on his face, he jumped over the counter and walked with happy steps towards the girl. when arrived he did a quick bow and stretched out his hand for chae to shake. Chae bowed and said a quiet hello as she shaked his hand. The boy introuduced himself as the owners son and he was the one to show her around and teach her the basics. As hyunwoo showed chae everything that she needed to know they became friends and after a few days they always had eachothers back. (especially when chae happened to spill hot tea on one of the costumers, and got a good scolding from hyunwoos mother) They are always smiling when they are together and chaes has become one of hyunwoo favorite subjects to prank and tease on a daily basis. You could also say that chae got the biggest crush on hyunwoo and hyunwoo is wondering why he feels so happy and strange around chae.
how your roomie feels about them »
— Well the roomie thinks that hyunwoo is to much up in chaes face. visiting at least twice a week? chill for a moment dude. he also gets pretty annoyed when chae comes home from work and all that she talks about is this "hyunwoo" guy that is so sweet and whatever he is. Sometimes he just wants to give that guy a real smack but holds it all his complaining in to not anger chae.
the interview by the one and only
"helloo my new tenant! I'm the owner of this place, Joongki. You can call me master song, minion *laughs* Just joking~ so How're you enjoying the roomie life so far? Not bad, right?"
» well...umm..i was pretty shocked when i got the informatinon that i would share a room with umm.. a guy. I've never a´had any experience with them so it was kinda weird hehe. but it's not that bad as i thought it would be. it was pretty stiff in the beginning but it's all worked out now so i would say that it's pretty fun at times.
"Alrighty then~ so tell me, how'd you end up at muhanjeong? You're not a runaway teen from home are you?"
» ehh.? no not at all sir. i just wanted to challenge myself to take some risks because i'm always in my comfort zone and to move here seemed like a good thing to do.
"can you tell me a bit about yourself? any interesting things to share about you? i've been hearing some...things from your roommate"
» -shocked face- he didn't tell you about the late night dancing did he? Did he?!...why did i just say that? To start i'm a girl from busan that likes to write and to read and just so you know i make the best spicy ramen in the world.
"Well, what's the roomie like? any complaints about them?" »
— well he's pretty nice and it's not like i can think about any things on the spot, but he could stop to throw pillows at me in the morning because he thinks i wake up to early. I mean it's good to start the day early? don't you think?
"riiight okay. So to conclude, just tell me what you think your role in this family is. oh yeah, didn't i mention? we're a family here, okay? Don't question. i make the rules here *nods* »
— family? that sounds nice.. well i'm a pretty good cook so maybe the cook in the family?.. and i write alot too so maybe the storyteller i don't really know honsetsly
"That concludes our interview. now, off to your room my tenant~ your roomie awaits. *winks*" »
— -red face- n.nnaahhh i think he's sleeping or watching tv.. i need to go to work after this too so i won't be returning back there. uummm.. bye sir have a good day.
are you seriously telling me that you have no problem at all?
QUESTIONS » i can't think of any right now but i will maybe pester you with questions in the future.
COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS » this applyfic seems freaking awesome!! and i hope that you like my character.
— when chae and her roomie meet for the first time.

— some aruging scenes between the roommate and chae
— hyunwoo playing a joke on chae




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