[CHOSEN] Rigel's JEONGKI: The Realist

Choi jeongki
»  the realist
NICKNAME: Jordan (English Name)
He only goes by his English name, and sometimes Jo, by his family and James (and maybe eventually Amber).  
He likes to keep it JeongKi. (stage name is also JeongKi)
DATE OF BIRTH: January 28th, 1990
AGE: 24
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, CA
LANGUAGE: English (fluent), Korean (second language, but fluent), Japanese (beginner, but he's working on it) 
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: The Toasted Marshmallow or The "Hans" (interchangeably)
POSITION: Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, and Sub-Vocalist
IDOL FRIENDS: James Lee (Royal Pirates) and Amber Liu (f(x)) 
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Growing up, JeongKi was the exact opposite as he is now. He was a dreamer. He was stubborn but in a cute little kid sorta way. He was everything that he is now, only that little kid named Jordan is all bundled up inside of a fresh, harsh exterior. As he grew up, Jordan became more and more cynical. He became a lazy of a student, and kept his stubborn attitude (although lost the cuteness). As he continued his journey, began to doubt others as he began to doubt himself. He hadn't truely hit rock bottom though until he dropped his established life in California to take a chance in the selfish, soul- k-pop industry. The atmosphere ruined him, tainted him for good. Any little ounce of that once hopeful dreamer of a child was gone. Jordan was gone. And JeongKi was put in his place.

Jeonki, not gonna lie, can be kinda a . He's not very sensitive towards others and is extremely blunt. He will call someone out in a heart beat. He knows a selfish skunkbag when he sees one, and sadly his not-so rose colored glasses make it seem like everyone is. Drop the formalities, he's not interested. He doesn't want to hear sob stories, he doesn't want to get involved with personal relationships, he just wants to get by and achieve his dream and soul purpose for flying over 13 hours to Korea.  The industry has singlehandedly brainwashed him to believe that everyone in the world is a manipulative little rat who only seek personal gain... including himself. He is completely misunderstood and tries to keep that "I don't care, I'm just as vain as everyone else" mindset, but if you get unter his cold skin, he's actually surprisingly warm and kind. 

The only person who knows this side of him is James Lee. Since they have known each other since the begining of time, he knows the true kid behind the man. He can still see Jordan inside of JeongKi. JeongKi isn't all that bad of a person he's just... cynical with a cold shoulder. He doesn't hate everybody, he just has to get used to others. He will warm up to them eventually and get comfortable enough with them to live a daily life (so like the groupmates) On the inside you have a sensitive, yet still passionate dreamer who believes he came to Korea for a reason. He's vulnerable, and can let loose. When he's in his element, that's the best example of that. Whether he's out on stage performing, giving the audience a show, or if he's trying to calm down and is just playing guitar or vegging out, his walls come down. Some of the fans can see this in him and that's why they call him 구운 마시멜로 or a burned/toasted marshmallow because he's burned on the outside, but once you take a bite he's warm and soft on the inside.

On stage he's a lot more accomidating. This is where he gets his nickname of "Hans" from his groupmates. On stage he's a charismatic, relatively nice guy, becomes passionate while performing, and is just all over a pretty darn good guy other than the stubbornness and general him-ness, but when they get back to the dorm or whatever he's extremely cold, won't take crap from anyone, and will execute you if you meddle with him. This nickname has started circulating through with the fans as well. The fans know he's harsh, but they know that he also has a sweet side to him. (Lets think like...  Hongbin from VIXX when he's around/stuck with N. XD) He's actually a really decent guy underneath the surface, it's just that only one person can see that in him at the moment. (I'm sure he'll become friends with one of the memebrs too, probably like the musician)

» Background


Jordan (JeongKi) Choi was born in Los Angeles, California to his parents Tabitha and Daniel Choi. He grew up in a nice neighborhood and attended a nice school. In that nice neighborhood, he had some nice neighbors, his favorite of them beign James Lee and his family. Their family and his quickly became family friends, and James, who has two sisters, decided to adopt Jordan as his honorary little brother. These two were always going on adventures, growing up together and being each other's best confidante. At a young age, Jordan started taking Martial arts. He wasn't quite the best at it, he wasn't quite the worst, but he kept trying his hardest and perservering. Once he got to high school, he saw boys dancing, popping and b-boying, and he wanted in. He began teaching himself moves and watched as many videos and tutorials as he could. In the process of ruining his form for martial arts, he picked up an extreme talent for dance rather quickly and it became his new passion. He started by joining a dance crew full of some kids at his school in which he became the frontrunner. Thanks to James, he also developed a strong love for music. Jordan and his stubborness convinced James to teach him how to play the guitar. 

Two years after James, in 2008, he followed him to California State University in Fullerton. However, unlike James, he had no path towards success. While he studied hard and graduated in four years, Jordan was less motivated, constantly changing his major, taking random classes and being quite the lazy college student. Continuing his dancing, he joined the school's dance club and performed at school funcions. He was even asked to be the schools mascot, but he turned it down because he thought it wasn't his thing. He was on a path to a general degree and graduating a year behind. In 2013, James went to Korea with his band Royal Pirates to debut, making Jordan think "Great. What the crap am I going to do if he's gone? Especially being as lost and hopeless as I am" when he heard of an audition coming to LA. He was just about to graduate, his colleciton of strange classes piling up, and auditioned, earning a positive response for his insane dance skills. He then was shipped to Korea (with no degree in hand let's just say his parents were pretty peeved) to join none other than... SM entertainment. 

Once arriving in Korea, he automatically started training-- although he HATED IT. He absolutely hated SM and how they treated him with a burning passion. He scattered out of that contract within 3 days because he just couldn't take it. He hated the atmosphere of the business and the harsh outlook of the industry. Once discovering how the kpop scene actually works, he became instantly cynical and untrusting of everyone, believing it was just a scam used for personal gain. However, when he left stormed out of the SM building, stomping with a rage towards the nearest bus station, a scout for B2M found him. He instantly began yelling and cursing at the scout in English that they were all the same, so destraught that he had traveled all the way to the country for broken dreams and dissapointment. The scout didn't mind however, and realized that he was just a moody twenty-two year old, and gave him a card.

He instantly went to find James, after all, he was fuming and torn. He couldn't just return home after the encounter with his parents when he gave up college so close to the end and just packed his bags to leave for Korea. He was selfish, only doing what he wanted to do. After venting to James about how fed up he was with the industry and himself, he was convinced to go the B2M audition by his friend. When he auditioned, he was so angry and filled with firey passion and hate that he ultimately slayed his performance. He was accepted to B2M with flying colors and accepted his training and schedules without hesitation. Even though he hated the industry, he still continued because he a) developed the mindset "the vanity of it is that I am just like them. Everyone in the industry are selfish pigs and I am nothing less of that. I came all the way to Korea for one reason without any two-sense from anyone. I am a dispicable human being, and I am one of them." and b) his unflustering love for dance.

Soon enough Jordan, now going by JeongKi, was a two-year trainee for B2M Entertainment and up in the running for a new boy-group under the name of Rigel.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes

• When he's in his element. His personality transforms when he's in the zone, whether that's performing or just doing something he's passionate about. He goes all out when that is the case and it hints at his genuineness 

James. His best friend and his safety blanket. He would be a trainwreck if James was never a part of his life. It's truely a bromance. 

• Protein Shakes. Although he doesn't drink them to bulk up (forever a twig) he just enjoys the taste. 

• Metal. That kid he call's James used to be in a few Metal bands before Royal Pirates and he's developed a liking for it.

• Time alone. Guess what? JeongKi is 100% an introvert. Bet you couldn't figure that out. 

• BULLDOGS. God yes. Give this man a bulldog asap. His world will be changed forever. No more cynic. He will be a changed man. He freaking loves bulldogs you guys. Freaking LOVES them. 


» Dislikes

• Smiling. He hates his smile and he thinks he looks dumb when he does. He often avoids smiling, especially in pictures. (Althought when he does it drives the fans wild and it's actually quite cute.)

• Talking to his family. Before the whole college scenario, him and his parents were pretty cool, but ever since then there's been an elephant in the room. 

• The whole concept of the industry. Simple enough

• Big chains. 
Like as an accessory, he thinks their just about the dumbest thing out there. Why do people think they look good. 


» Fears

• Being weak. He has built up such a wall that weakness is no longer an option. However, he has this abnormal fear of someone breaking down his wall that he's worked so hard to build. He can't be vulnerable in any way shape or form. 

• Not being able to find love. He's only ever been in one serious relationship, which didn't end well, and a few hookups. (Yeah. The guys on his dance team/crew/club thing in college for whatever reason thought it was a good idea to hook him hup with girls who just wanted to have a "good time". Let's just say that some people got drunk, some people started getting steamy, and one person remained forever dazed and confused.)

• Losing the few people he actually cares about. It doesn't matter the definition of "losing".

» Hobbies

• Playing guitar. He finds it relaxing and often picks it up when he's stressed and needs to calm down.

• Exercise. He especially enjoys running whether it's outside, on a treadmill. He's also a skilled swimmer. James and him often go and train in the mornings if thier schedules allow.

• Martial Arts. Although he doesn't do it much anymore, he trained in martial arts before he got into dancing.

» Habits

• He's extremely blunt. Enough said.

• Stubborn. JeongKi is VERY stubborn, and often can stand his ground extremely well due to this and can often get his way. 

• Exploding if he's frustrated enough. Normally, JeongKi is a very chill "I don't really care" mood, but if he is pissed off enough you better take cover because he will be fuming. 

• Staying up late. JeongKi has a bad habit of staying up late, even despite the long schedules. However- after staying up later than he should, he passes out. 

• Vegging out. At least once a week he just needs to become  closed off from everything around him and just chill. He started this in middle school by doing this whenever he started suffering from extreme stress and pressure from his parents. It then became a monthly occurance and now it's weekly.

» Trivia

• JeongKi is  demiheteroual but doesn't identify as such (mostly because he didn't know it was a thing and because he thought it was unimportant/nobody's business). He isn't ually attracted to others unless he is engrossed in a relationship with/extremely comfortable with/etc. with them. He is not broken, he still functions like any other human, he just doesn't look at random girls and think "I'd tap that" It's an extremely long term thing for him, like he probably won't feel that sort of attraction for a very long time. Like many years of dating or even marriage. 

• He at Japanese. Yeah, they're supposed to know it because of future Japanese debuts but there's a difference between memorizing lyrics and speaking the language. (and he is easily the worst of all the members.)

• He's not the most friendly of people intitially, but he'll slowly warm up to others. But if you give him stank, he'll call you out on it. 

He often gets the least sleep out of all the members. He's a heavy sleeper so he sets blaring loud alarms that scare/shock him (and probably unwilling others in the dorm) in the morning to wake him up.

• He is often a backup dancer for idols within the company who need one. Even though they have actual backupdancers they pay for the job, he's #1 on the list and is always the first one thrown into the swing of things. 

Now his parents were awesome and everything, but they put crazy pressure on JeongKi. They were really chill, but they were both extremely successful in thier fields, Tabitha being a politician and Daniel being a dermatologist. 

• He wants a French Bulldog. Maybe two. Maybe a Chow Chow. Yes. He wants a French Bulldog and a Chow Chow. (the Chow Chow would be named Bear, and he just freaking loves bulldogs.) His family grew up with an English Bulldog named Tinkerbell but she passed away when he was in elementary school. (The name's ironic, I know. He had no say in it since his parents had the dog before they had him)

• He actually has a keychain of a frenchie with a cone on it's head attatched to his key to the dorm. (it's actually a Boston Terrior but he likes to think it's a frenchie)

He's forever a twig. He's super thin, but he's alllll muscle.

• He's never been much of a movie or television type of person. The only time he ever watches anything is if someone invites him to do so. 

• His ideal type is a girl who is okay with just taking things slow, a casual relationship like you would have with your best friend. Girls with annoying voices are a huge turnoff for him (although annoying is subjective). Also looks for someone genuine, where you can see the passion in their eyes, because vanity is his enemy.

• He hates SM with a passion and automatically assumes that anyone associated with them are not worth his time lol bro you're in for a treat

• He's scared of babies. Not of the baby themselves, but like the responsibility that comes with one. Like holding a baby is his worst nightmare because he's scared he'll break it. Much more of a dog person than a child person. his future wife better be hecka convincing if she ever wants kids, man.

• His favorite memory from high school was when they took a field trip to Disneyland. He was actually the most excited to meet the princesses. Not like the other teenage boys who either just thought they were hot or the ones who were "too cool" for Disney, he just really admired them and how graceful and beautiful they were. (I'm tellin' ya. He's actually a really sweet, sensitive guy under that Oscar the Grouch exterior)


Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
NAME: Won Jong Jin
in all honesty, google images has some pretty good pictures too... just sayin'.
link one
link two
link three
» Backup Faceclaim
NAME: Jang Hyun Jae
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
He attracts lots of women, and although he normally just shows them the door, ever so rarely he'll take intereset if he's extremely bored. It depends on the day and how he's feeling. I mean he is the "Hans" after all. Who would he be without breaking a few hearts? He thinks all women are vain just like everyone else, and that it's obvious that they only go for him because of his looks (because his personality is just soooo charming) so why give anyone the time of day? No one loves him so why love in return. HOWEVER... once this lovely lady befriended him, and he realized how genuine she was as a person, it made him start to question everything.
BACKUP: None (or all the chicks that want to get with him even though it will virtually never happen)

Amber is literally the most genuine person he's ever met. Ever. At first he was turned off just with the bare mention that she was signed with SM, but she constantly made the effort to befriend him. She is a queen. Super original, hilarious, beautiful, fabulous, sarcastic, everyone's friend, lovely llama of a girl. Like I literally don't know what else to say about her. She's just AMBER. (althoguh if you need more I'll be happy to add more, but I mean she's Amber.)


James first introduced her to JeongKi one day when he invited him to hang out with him and some of his friends. In his clan of English speaking idols (ya know em, Eric Nam, Peniel, Jackson, Brad, Ailee, Amber, Kevin, the list goes on. some combination of them was there) he met Amber. She was instantly warm, inviting him in with open arms trying to make him feel included. Again, SM was a turnoff, but he played it cool (even though he was pretty blunt about the fact that he was with SM for three days before leaving-- She actually knew who he was though. I guess it circulated throughout the building that some trainee ragequit after three days and made a very dramatic leave.) He just kinda continued the conversation, thinking it would be a one time thing. WRONG. 

Amber was EVERYWHERE. He kept running into her with James and at music shows and performances and stuff. Soon enough, they had exchanged contact info and Amber and JeongKi were talking and hanging out by themselves. Amber just became a really good friend and one of the only other people he could genuinely trust. Sure he still had his walls up, but she was searching for a way to break it down. Amber's good with getting familiar with people and wanted JeongKi to open up to her so she could be the best friend she could be and be someone for him in Korea. However, while Amber just wanted another friend to add to her squad- JeongKi started to develop a deep admaration for her. She's genuine, accepting of others, has a beautiful personality and physique, so on and so forth. He couldn't help but fall for her. 

165 x 120
thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Amber isn't normally put as love interests for anything so HERE IS THE QUEEN! hehehe idk. I just imagine he'd have a great admiration of her. Idk if she'd ever return the feelings or not- this fic isn't centered on romance so you can do whatever you want to do with this. They've just been developing their friendship for a while and with debut coming up, it's bout to get even stronger. 
SONG SUGGESTIONS: Jeez, I have no idea. Shinee has 5 members... Idk. Vixx and Suju are my homeboys and they have 6 and way more than 5 members... ALL THE SONGS! 
• After the groups first win, his parents call him and actually tell him for the first time since he's left California, and maybe even the first time ever, that they're proud of him. (tears. tears everywhere. like seriously. he'd def cry.)
• Talking about his uality for the first time to anyone, and no it's not to James. I'm thinking maybe Amber in her effort to find out more about him and his past and personal life and fears and admirations and all that stuff or maybe even one of s (for whatever reason I'm imagining one of the homoual memebers approaching him, because some of the other guys were giving him greif that he doesn't socialize with many girls, telling him that it's okay if he's gay and he's like "woah hold on there, No. Bro I know you're trying to help but you're not. I like women. etc etc") 
• idk I think you're full of brilliant idea, just go where your heart takes you mind the cheese
PASSWORD: kekekeke
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