고마워, 미안해, 사랑해.....♡

There are only 3 words I want to say to EXO.....Three words that have such a strong meaning, words that perfectly describes how I feel.

고마워.....♡ (Thank you....♡)
미안해.....♡ (I'm sorry....♡)
사랑해.....♡ (I Love you....♡)

It's happening again.....someone's leaving the group.....all of going through a heart-break yet once again.....

But no matter what's going to happen with EXO from now on....no matter how many difficults they have to go through and we, EXO-L's will have to go through with them....I promise to myself and to them that I'd stay by their side.

After Luhan left I thought that if anyone else leaves....I would not be able to continue because it would be too much but now....as Tao might be leaving the group as well......I believe that I can do it. I'd stick to them like glue and will be there to catch them when they fall, and will hug them (even though not literally) when they need to be huged. I will continue to support them even if in a year there are only 3 members or whatever.

They my precious babies and I just can't leave them when they need to feel that their fans love them and are there to support them. 

I'm not going to break the promise we all made to each other.

And as I'm mentioning Promise....

Let's shade some tears together...shall we ....my fellow EXO-L's .....





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they didn't confirm it yet but i really hope he didn't leave.. exo had just debut like what.. 4 years ago and they already left one by one T^T