My Art ^^


I'm finally getting around to sharing some art!  

I'm in art class right now in school and it's so much fun!!!!! But a lot of my classmates really don't like the teacher, she's kinda mean and strict on the marking.  Most people are around 70s, I have 87, which is one of the best in the class~  I think of 87 as a good mark, but everyone acts like it's a catastrophe when they get less than a 90.  I don't know, how are you guys marked?  90 a good mark, amazing mark, average mark? I actually really want to know how other people are marked, it's really intresting to see the variation. 

Anyways, I'm sharing three of my art peices today, I might share more later!  

 (I'm pretty sure none of you will do this, but don't steal my art!  I worked hard on these, like the picture of Jiyeon took me a few days to complete, so mine!  don't steal!)  

This one is one of my recent paintings with acrylics, it was for art class.  (I got a 90~)  It's Kai of EXO and this painting took forever to do, I had to do each baby breath individually >_<  He sort of looked like Taemin near the beginning xD but I'm satisfied with the ending.


So I'm starting to post art on tumblr, and I'm thinking of doing like a mystical kingdom series, so like Jongin and then this one of Kei (of Lovelyz) 


There's a story of a princess, who lives out in the forest with flowers in her hair, catching sunlight in jars and keeping them by the window.  


And then while I was scanning this picture, I found a one of The Fault in Our Stars that I did during the summer and thought it looked nice so thought I would share it. 



I started posting art on tumblr... I'm really nervous about this and I already posted Kai a few hours ago and I don't know what to expecttttt.... Well, follow me on tumblr if you want to see more art ^^ probably going to be slow on the art, but follow me anyways~ I'll probably-most-likely follow back. 

I'm so looking forward to posting the next chapter of Sea of Gold this weekend.  We're nowhere near the end and it's just getting started! It's going to just get more exciting from here on in!

Okay, biebie~ Have a wonderful day and beautiful week! 




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This is very cool Kei! Why don't you post them on instagram? Hehe