Personal Update + Video

Hey lovelies :D

I don't know if you read my stories or keep up with them, but if you do…you might have noticed I haven't updated much this past month. Why? because I'm transferring D:

I don't know how everyone is, and I really can't speak for everyone…but I lost sight of myself while planning my future. I was kind of upset for a while but I back tracked my way out of it and ended up deciding on a path that is right for me. I'll have to make more friends and learn the new campus…but college really doesn't bother me.

This transfer is one step to my future. Soon I'll be transferring again and end up at the school I want.
Never loose hope!
And never settle for less than you're worth!
This has taken me some time to realize.

Sorry for my rambles…I really should get a tumblr.

I recently found out that I will never have to take another Math, PE/Health or Public speaking class again. o(^_^o) ~ (o^_^)o
{totally freaked the eff out and started dancing. and I checked with the school I'm going to transfer to in a year or so…they'll take my credits and I'll not have to take them there EITHER!!!!}

I realize you'd rather have Kpop, and I'm feeling an up lifting (feel good) mood coming on…so I'll give you a great video. sorry there aren't many cuties in it, but I think this is a pretty awesome video.

(maybe you've heard of her?)


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