❀ 꽃미남: Kang Ae Ri ❀

Kang aeri

USERNAME — smile_for_roo




NAME — Kang, Aeri 

NICKNAME — Minnie | friends and family | She has a large obsession with Disney, especially with the little girl mouse.

BIRTHDATE/AGE — 12, 30, 1996; 18

BIRTHPLACE — Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

HOMETOWN — Anyang, South Korea


LANGUAGE — Korean | fluent | Native Language
Chinese | learning | She's learning it over the summer for "extra credit". It might have something to do with a boy, though.

Flower Girl

FACE CLAIM — Jang Chom Mi






5'5"| 165 cm
Red Australian shaped birthmark at the base of her neck (can be seen when her hair is up)
light scar on her knee that she got when she was 13 trying to learn how to ride a bike. 

FASHION STYLE — Aeri has a cutesy, girly sense of style. She loves dresses and cardigans, most of her closet has the brightly colored items. When running errands, she does like a good pair of shorts and a crop top. She loves converse though, seeing sandals and other shoes as unnecessary as long as she has her favorite converse on her. She usually wears her hair up, wanting the long mane out of the way. She's not terribly shy about her body, but knows there are lines not to be crossed.

From Bud to Blossom

PLOTLINE — Hyacinth

OCCUPATION — Waitress at Choon Hee's

TRAITS — Playful (+), Sweet (+), Patient (+), Thoughtful (+), Curious (/), Talkitive (-), Stubborn (-), Naive (-), Emotional (-)

PERSONALITY — 1+ paragraph(s) for both positive & negative traits each

Positive paragraph here. Aeri is young, giving her a lot of energy and the determination to do it. She loves playing with little children, and teasing her coworkers at her job. She thinks it's funny to fluster people, especially by teasing them about what the way they're ordering certain dishes, when they forget to ask something and add it onto their order, and if they stare at her (she teases that she's "just barely 18, what are you thinking, looking at me like that?") even just a little bit, before giving them a bright smile, a sincere apology, and a pleasant conversation. That being said, she's also a very sweet young lady. She's always polite, smiling and thanking people whenever they come into the cafe. She hardly ever frowns or gets upset because she has a lot of patience. Working in a cafe, waiting on orders, having sometimes less than nice customers really gives you a test, so Aeri's patience has rapidly grown by working as a waitress. Whenever there is a friend or person in need, Aeri is more than willing to help them in whatever way she can. She frequently gets herself into messes because of this, unfortunately. On the good side of her curiousity, she is always willing to learn and explore new ideas. She'll never turn down an opportunity to learn something that could be valuable later down the road.

Negative paragraph here. Since Aeri's a waitress, she knows how to talk. In fact, she loves to talk. Sometimes, a bit too much. If you give her a willing ear, she will talk to you straight for about an hour about anything and everything under the sun. Don't expect to get much of a word in, though. It teams up with her playfulness and makes it a bad thing, not seeing the signs of when to stop talking about a certain subject. She's also very stubborn. Once she wants something, she has to have it. It goes hand in hand with her determination. She doesn't like giving up on something. Since she's so young, she has this naivety about her. She doesn't have a strong sense of who's taking advantage of her and who actually cares about her. Her grandmother is afraid that someone's really going to break her because of this shield of childishness she has around her. Being as young as she is, she feels, and feels hard. Her emotions are pretty extreme and there's no true point in calm. She's usually on the overly bubbly, happy side, but there are times her emotions just seep out of control. 



Born in the city of Anyang to a lovely couple, Aeri had a lot of things as an only child that a lot of people didn't have. Such as being able to be sent every summer to her grandparent's town of Summerhaven. This town has watched the young beauty grow from a little girl to who she was today. Everyone knows who she is, since her grandparents and her aunt and uncle own and run Choon Hee's. She loves it there, and frequently counts down the days until she can spend the summer there. Her grandparents always makes a bit of a big deal when she comes back, so Aeri is used to being the center of attention and can come off as a bit spoiled because of this. Her aunt and uncle are frequently telling the elders to stop treating Aeri in such a way, but since Aeri's the only grandchild at this point, her grandparents wave it off. Aeri has a lot of experience and knows the town like the back of her hand, frequently going off and exploring to see if there's anything (anyone) new when she's not working. Aeri has been frequently seen around the flower shop more and more often, causing her grandmother to tease about a boy. Aeri always admantly denies, but the old woman is much wiser.

-Disney // She frequently watched the films and sings along with the songs. She has at least 100 songs on her ipod of Disney and most definitely isn't ashamed of it.
-Work // Being so young, you'd think that she wouldn't want to work. But Aeri loves being a waitress and talking to/at the patrons of the diner.
-Baking // Her grandmother loves baking, and as soon as she was old enough to be around the kitchen appliances, she was taught the recipes of Choon Hee's. Aeri's not as good as her grandmother, but she's determined!
-Games // Aeri LOVES games, especially guessing games. She likes playing detective and trying to figure things out.
-Musicals // She's an avid fan of musicals as she is of Disney, and is automatically interested when there's a person who can play musical instruments.

-Whistling // She can't do it, and she hates it when her grandmother whistles just to irk her.
-Being told what to do
-School // School means not being able to visit Summerhaven. 
-Fish // She hates the taste of fish, especially raw fish.
-Heights // Oh man, she's definitely scared of heights. Hates being above anything on the third floor. 

Practicing baking // And getting people to taste new recipes. She's determined to come up with something her grandmother can put on the menu.
Yoga // It's very relaxing for her, she usually does it early in the morning to wake her up, and before she goes to bed to release the tension of the day.
Exploring // It's what she claims to do, but she always ends up around the flower shop...

When someone thinks of a word she can't place or finishes her thought, she taps her nose to tell them they're correct
Sitting on counters or tables. Her grandmother frequently scolds her and tells her to use a chair.
Clicking her tongue when she's displeased or upset at something.
She tends to note important things that happen to her, throughout the school year or even in the summer. She writes emails to her parents during the summer and emails to her friends over the schoolyear.

-She has dated, however none of her boyfriends have been serious. 
-Collects Moomin dolls and knicknacks. She sleeps with one named Mimoo.
-Always has duct tape in her bag. She blames her father for this habit. "Duct tape can fix anything!"
-Thinks tattoos are incredibly attractive. 
-Refuses to eat at fancy places, even on dates. She prefers casual settings more.
-Her favorite flowers are Irises and Peonies. 
-Has frequently snuck out late at night to explore the nightlife. 
-Collects Disney pins, especially ones with Mickey/Minnie or Oswald.



MY Roots


— Kang Taewoon | 49 | Father | Satellite Company Owner | Tries to give his daughter whatever she wants, since she's his only child.

— Kim Choonhee | 45 | Mother | Preschool Teacher | Insists on Aeri going to Summerhaven to see her parents, thinks it'll be useful for her.
— Kim Minsun | 69 | grandmother | Choon Hee's co-owner | Loves her granddaughter dearly, hopes that she'll hopefully move to Summerhaven and settle down.
— Kim Yongguk | 69 | grandfather | Choon Hee's co-owner | His granddaughter is the apple of his eye, and he frequently worries when she runs off after her shifts at the diner.


Best Buds


— Hua Meili | 18 | Childhood Friend | Florist | Aeri saw Meili every summer, and they've gotten close. Aeri considers her the sister she never had. Aeri's been begging Mei to teach her Chinese over the summer, and happens to keep coming by with her books whenever Yixing is around... Mei isn't dumb, so she likes to make sure to give Aeri a hard time when she does come by.

— Jeon Myungsook | 18 | Ex-boyfriend | Student | Her most recent ex-boyfriend, and her grandparents say "good ridance". They prefer the quieter types, and not ones that say that they're going to be an idol when they can't even sing a . He still wants Aeri back, and constantly tries to bother her and sweet talk her. Potential rival for Yixing.
Hydrangea | ? | ? | ? | Aeri seriously admires how independent and strong of a woman she is. Aeri frequently emails her during her school year for advice, even though the Hydrangea plotline might not always answer her.

When You Smile, Sun shines

LOVE INTEREST — Zhang Yixing



BACKGROUND — Birthday/Age: October 7th, 1993 (22)
Positive traits: Intuitive, Kind, Honest, Observant // Negative traits: Forgetful, Blunt, Reserved.
Yixing is a a sweetheart through and through, and gives the best advice, people think, but he doesn't take his own when it really applies to him. 
Trivia: Ticklish (especially around his neck), Settled in Summerhaven at 18, Stops by Choon Hee's for lunch break sometimes.

Yixing had a pretty decent childhood, raised in Changsha for a majority of his life. He loves music and being in nature, it's always had a calming affect on him. His parents encouraged him to travel at 17 when he graduated high school early. The Zhangs were well off, and having travelled when they were his age, they saw it as a good experience for him to go out and figure out what he wanted to do with his life. So he did. Yixing packed his bags and headed out for a year, going to Taiwan, Japan, Australia, before stopping in Korea and finding the small town of Summerhaven, wanting to take a break for the summer before returning to China. He was able to find a job at the flower shop and worked, and found himself not wanting to leave. He discussed it with his parents, and they were fine with him settling in a small town, thinking he found a girl there and didn't want to leave just yet. Since then, Yixing has been a proud citizen of Summerhaven. 

FIRST MEETING — About three weeks into his inital arrival at Summerhaven, the small family down the street that owned Choon Hee's were bustling around, and Yixing asked Meili what that was about. Mei simply replied that their granddaughter was coming, and her name was Aeri. The day after Aeri officially arrived, she walked into the flower shop to say hello to Mei and found him instead. She was instantly curious about the young man, asking him a million questions a minute before Mei came in and shut her up and properly introduced them.

INTERACTIONS — Ever since Yixing came to Summerhaven, she's always found him attractive and frequently does cute actions and things ot get his attention and to see his smile. Yixing doesn't really see her as a woman yet, more like the cute little girl from down the street and that seriously upsets her. She's made it her mission this summer to get him to see her differently. During the schoolyear, Aeri was able to secure Yixing and Mei's email address, and frequently pesters them about school, gossip, drama, whatever she can really think of, through it. She keeps asking Yixing if he'll come to her graduation.


COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS — This seems like such a cute idea, and thank you for reading my app ^^ Please let me know if I need to fix anything!

-Aeri pestering Mei about Yixing
-Her grandmother telling Yixing he should marry Aeri, because he's perfect for her and she needs a reason to stay. (preferably when Aeri and the other girls were around). 
-Aeri learning Chinese from Mei.

PASSWORDWater lilies

EXAMPLEback to the story


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