A Little Bit Brokenhearted...

Hello ^^ it's been a while, how are you all? :) 


Actually it's almost 2 am at the morning in my place, but i can't sleep at all, so can i ask your opinion about it?


About one hour ago, my dear friend from my shipper's forum tell everyone that he will leave the forum. I've been a huge fan for one couple in wgm. It's almost 2 years i ship them. And it's almost 2  years i know him as my senior shipper in that forum. We're not that close, but i do respect him. After he made the announcement i tried to understand him. I tried to understand that shipper come and go. I tried to understand that maybe he get tired and found something more interesting. I tried to understand that maybe his feelings changed. I really tried to understand but, why do i feel really hurt?


I can't talk to my shipper's friends because i'm worried it might hurt them more. Am i too much? This news did hurt me, a little bit, or maybe a little more, i don't know anymore. I tried to sleep, but my eyes just won't closed. Am i weird?


I'm not used to be like this. I always trying to be strong, i know i gotta be strong, but i'm really weak right now. And i can't even handle my own feeling now...


If you ask me if i still ship this couple, my answer is YES. This couple, is my first shipper ever. They caught too much place in my heart. They  maybe not as famous as the other couples, but i do love them, with all my heart...


I  am a loyal person, am i wrong to be like that? Why can't i  be like other people who can change their shipper easily? Why did i'm so egoist? Why did i can't even understand my friend? Why?


It's just really hurt and i hate myself for can't understand my friend...


I'm sorry if this post might disturb you guys, and thank you so much for at least read this stupid post. I really wish sincerely you guys have a nice day :)


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yuu_sama #1
Hai, Naeun? Apa kabarnya? ^^ Udah ngerasa baikan?
Ummm, mungkin dari sudut pandang aku, aku nggak bisa terlalu ngerti apa yang Naeun rasain. Berhubung aku hanya nyukain para idola sebatas pengagum karya mereka dalam dunia entertainment (walau kadang over fangirling juga, hehe >.<), jadi nggak pantas buat aku untuk nyaranin Naeun supaya di let it go aja, karena ngomong sih enak, tapi untuk ngejalaninnya susah kan? Apalagi Naeun udah punya ikatan yang spesial dengan senior shipper yang ini.
Tapi ya begitulah, manusia mudah banget berubahnya dan nggak bisa ketebak. Namun meskipun Naeun dan si senior shipper udah nggak di frame yang sama lagi, bukan berarti hubungan sebagai sesama manusia juga putus kan? Aku nggak begitu ngerti gimana keadaan kalian yang sebenarnya, tapi mudah-mudahan kalian masih saling bisa komunikasi. Nggak ada yang salah dengan menjadi penggemar setia, bahkan aku sendiri kagum banget sama Naeun yang bisa sangat berdedikasi kayak gitu, nggak kayak aku yang mudah pindah ke lain hati (yaelah, malah curhat, hehehe ^^).
Apapun yang terjadi, Naeun harus tetap kuat ya, menjadi penggemar yang bisa menjadi contoh untuk penggemar-penggemar lainnya. Pasti, aku percaya, sakit yang ada di dalam hati Naeun sekarang ini pasti ada obatnya. Dengan berjalannya waktu dan semakin banyaknya Naeun berinteraksi dengan para shipper lainnya, pasti Naeun bisa move on. Tetap semangat ya~ ^^
Aku tau kamu orang yang selalu ceria, maka cerialah! Karena keceriaanmu membuat orang-orang disekitarmu (termasuk aku) juga jadi ikut ceria! ^^ Saranghae, Naeun...
Unnie, is normal, I think. Is rare to had friends that shipp the same couples as you, sometimes. So I understand you, don't be like this because you can't understand now, in the future you will :3 And, this happens sometimes, people do change, but it dosen't mean that you had to change your opinion about this too. You have the new shippers to be at your side unnie. hehehe
If you need, we will be here :3
Unnie don't worry, he might have his own reasons, I think is normal you feel in that way I mean maybe you weren't close with him but you know he was there and it's like a little family who understand you I mean I have Friends who likes kpop but I didn't have friend who ship my fave couple (taeun) because one they didn't like them and when you know other people ship them and think The same that you is great.
Don't worry, your a great person unnie
koala_panda #4
I know what you meant.. Yeah its so sad...but it common in shipper world... People come and go...be patient Lee naeuN...
dear leenaeun, you are such a wonderful person and shipper. some shipper may come and go but at the same time you can interact with other shipper too and may create a lot of discussion in the thread. sometime we just or might not understand the action of other people take, but it is okay for you to tell others or post about your feeling here, and you might feeling hurt because the feeling that you have invested into shipping but stay strong okay :) . have a nice day :)