[WANTED] Park Jiae

width: 200px height: 300px pls do not changesmile_for_roo - Rye - 9/10 
Name – Park Jiae (박지애)
— Toweress, because she's so tall
Height 173cm 
Weight 51kg 
Bloodtype – AB

D.O.B.  January 2nd, 1991
Ethnicity – Korean
— Korean; native language
— Chinese; basic
History – Being in the Institute didn't really bother Jiae, it was more of a comfort than anything. As one of the oldest of the experiments in the Insititute, Jiae usually took it upon herself to look after the younger girls, even if it was afar. She couldn't place it, but she faintly has a memory of before being brought to the Insititute of a woman's voice saying, "Let honesty, thoughtfulness, and caring guide you through life." She holds onto that desperately, not really understanding it but believing in it all the same. There wasn't much to believe in as an experiment. The routine was monotonous, wake up, eat, study with 23 others, excerise, go back to the room, where her caretaker told her stories about how the world had been ruined, and how the world was before the destruction. Jiae wondered if she'd ever be able to see it.

As for friends, Jiae was mostly stuck with the older girls and boys, and due to her demure nature she tended to just observe. Honestly, her caretaker worried that she wasn't getting to know any of the other ones as well as she should. So she urged another child's caretaker to tell him to be her friend. And it happened to be none other than Wu Fan. Both were very quiet children, but Wu Fan was close to the other Chinese children, being one of the oldest and felt the responsibility to be the "leader", in a way. So when he approached Jiae at lunch one day (after exceeding amounts of prodding from both caretakers) Jiae was, to say the least, surprised. When he offered to help her with Chinese, since she had enrolled in the class, she took his offer and they became fast friends. Wu Fan understood that Jiae was a quieter type, and Jiae was able to put up with Wu Fan's strange way of talking and confusing languages. Everyone was surprised with their fast developing relationship, but her caretaker was beyond relieved when Jiae not only starting sticking to Wu Fan more, but started opening up and playing with the older children, and she wasn't so quiet and introverted anymore. 

She was 23 when they brought her and the others into the labortory, led by the head scientist of the 3X0-DU5 project. From there, they were all forced into capsules, being injected with the strange blue liquid that burned Jiae's insides. She was one of the few who screamed and ended falling into unconciousness. She regained herself three days later, disoriented and wondering what happened.

With a basic introduction and explanation, she was given to her partner, Kim Minseok. When he first saw her, she noticed the pure look of relief that passed over his face, and he immediately embraced her. Jiae, although confused, welcomed the sudden affection, feeling a lot better with him. She and Minseok were one of the partner pairs that excelled easily in affection and intimacy, Minseok was eager to give and Jiae didn't want to refuse, feeling stronger and happier when closer to her partner. The first night she and Minseok opted to share the bed, finding they preferred to be tangled and cramped closer together than to be even just four feet apart.

Minseok took care of the killing while on their "cleaning" mission, as they had decided to name it. Jiae would burn the bodies and round up the Non-Infected, and Minseok could easily handle the Infected of the Flu. Although Jiae would always keep a close eye on her partner, never straying too far from him. They did their job as clean cut and quickly as they could, returning to the Institute. 

The year passed and Minseok and Jiae thought that they might have a chance of being together outside the Insititute, even living together, marriage was even brought up. Then Jiae's temperature suddenly dropped almost 10 Celcius, scaring everyone, including herself. She thought it was a sickness, or even a symptom of the Flu, and panicked, pushing Minseok away. They started sleeping in seperate beds, with Jiae waking up each mornign colder and colder, even finding frost on her bed. When they would touch, his hands would frost over, causing Jiae to panic and wonder what was wrong with her. Minseok soon found himself showing the same symptoms, and when they were seperated, both of their rooms were like the Artic. Workers couldn't go into one of their rooms without a thick jacket on, and even then their fingers would be turning a light shade of blue. Jiae desperately wanted Minseok back, but couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault for what happened to them.

The escape was impromtu, the scientist who created them telling them to get out whatever the costs. Minseok immediately ran to Jiae, ignoring the frost gathering and making sure she never left her sight-- he wasn't leaving without her. She and Minseok set up multiple ice barriers, stalling and trapping some of the guards, even shorting out their security systems by freezing the wires. 

Minseok faltered behind for a minute when Luhan was shot down-- he had been his best friend in the Insititute, and to see him fall definitely got to him. If it wasn't for the fact that he had to get Luhan's partner and his own to safety, he would've stayed and fought. Jiae did her best to comfort him, kissing his cheeks, rubbing his arms and being as affectionate as she could to make him feel better as the plane left. Minseok's eyes never left the hangar, and Jiae's almost sure that his heart was left there as well.

Personality Traits + (Patient, Honest, Kind) and - (Jealous, Emotional, Inhibited)
— Jiae has the patience of a saint. She almost never loses her temper, being "cool" and "collected", at least on the outside. She will always go at your pace, meeting you halfway there or even further back if you need her to be. She's always willing to work with you, and she will not give up on you.

— Jiae hardly sees the point in covering up the truth, after all, what's she got to lose? She will tell you what's on her mind, whether it be directly or indirectly. When it comes to feelings, it's simple statements. "I like you." or "You make me angry." are examples of phrases she uses.

— Kindness is a gift and a curse, in her case. Jiae wants to be open and loving, never to hold a grudge-- but she does. She never wants to turn a soul down if they knock on her door, but she finds herself always locking it when one person comes knocking every time. 

— Jealousy is an ugly green-eyed monster, and Jiae's eyes would be the deepest green possible. She's insanely jealous and upset over Minseok's inability to get over Luhan's death. Wu Fan died as well, and she was compatible with the taller male, but she had long since accepted her friend's death and went on with her life.

— Her powers now greatly reflect her emotions, and in her apartment, it's usually very white and blue. Most things are iced over, and even though she tries to get it under control, especially when Minseok tries to visit, it gets worse so there's dangerous icicles dangling from the ceiling.

— Inhibition stunts a lot of personal growth, and for Jiae, it's the control for her powers. She doesn't even know how to stop the ice and make it unfreeze, and that's because she's not letting go of what happened almost two years ago. She doesn't even realize that she's been holding onto her friend's death too, and by shutting out the person she loved and needed, it wasn't going to get any better.

Bonds – 
— Lu Han | Since Minseok was so close to the Chinese boy, Jiae often saw him, and saw him in a very good light. It was clear her partner adored the boy, and they always sat together when they had the chance. She is very upset over his death's affect on her partner.
— Lu Han's partner | Because of their partner's being so close, it only makes sense that these two were close as well. They'd giggle over their partners, sharing secrets and smiling. Jiae still remembers her friend's face as she passed away, going limp in Lay's partner's arms, who was trying to keep her alive with her powers.
— Wu Fan | One of Jiae's closest friends. Besides their partners, they cared about each other the most. They were considered being paired up together, but when it turned out that she and Minseok were attached, it was a slight surprise. His death affected her considerably, although it's not shown outwardly.

Things to Note – 
— Subject is known to be very attached and fond of life partner, making it easier to manipulate her.
— Subject noted that her eyesight is still fairly poor, having to wear glasses before and after the experiment. 
— Subject suffers from severe isolophobia, recently developed methyphobia.

Ability Type  Cryokinesis 

Strength 5
Aim 4
Sight 4
Smell 6
Hearing – 9
Stamina – 12:45 minutes

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Partner – Kim Minseok
Ability Type – Cryokinesis

Current Condition Once they got a safe distance away from the Institute, most people just grabbed their partners and ran. Jiae was no exception, urging Minseok through his shell shocked state to get on a plane with her to Berlin. It was always cold there, so she thought it would be the best idea. With little to no money, Jiae was left to next to nothing to try and secure them a home, and Minseok was still unresponsive since seeing his friend die. Into the slums and abandoned apartments of Berlin they went, eventually finding one that wasn't completely mold ridden to stay in for a while. Jiae eventually learned enough German from reading where she could get a job at the coffee place as a barista.

Eventually, she started bringing in some furniture, got a T.V., brought food home from work, and started moving on with her life, her powers becoming a little more stablized. Minseok, however, was not recovering as he should. He wouldn't respond to Jiae's touches, to her affection. A few months she started sleeping in another room, and he didn't even notice. He was very distant from her, and it greatly upset Jiae. It finally got to the point where Jiae burst, ice shattering everywhere and having a harsh emotional breakdown on him. He responded, snapping at her saying she was the same way about Wu Fan, that he knew that she loved him. That made something snap inside Jiae, and she started packing what few things she could. She left that night, despite his weak pleas for her to stay. 

After that, Minseok started to rouse himself, determined to get her back and apologize. They both were hurting, and he was just being selfish sitting there, letting it consume him as she tried to fix everything. What he didn't know is that the hurt, sadness, and jealousy had eatten away at Jiae's heart as well, even though she tried to hide it. He comes by every day to her work, smiling brightly and asking her on a date, as to not arouse suspicion from her co-workers. Each day she'd refuse, and he'd leave after recieving his coffee, his gaze always lingering on hers. Most nights he'd go to his new job as a bartender, taking his own drinks as well, finding he liked the burn and the false sense of strength it gave him. He never quite felt 100% when he was apart from Jiae. Then after he helped locked up, late at night, he'd stumble to her new apartment, knocking on the door and begging to be let in, that he was sorry.

Jiae's new apartment is not even a block away from the old one she used to live in with Minseok, she finding it too hard and painful physically and emotionally to go any further. She knows the routine where in the morning, Minseok will come in being polite and irresistable as usual at her work, flirting and subltely telling her to come home, and she'll reject. That night, at some ungodly hour (thank god they lived in mostly abandoned buildings) he'd come by in various states of drunkedness, begging for her to let her in and for them to talk. She's never opened the door, but she never goes to bed before he comes by, listening to every word he says. Her jealousy and hurt is a major, if not the reason that Jiae hasn't let him in yet.

Bond Their chemistry and relationship hit it off very nicely, right from the start. This surprised the scientists, since they weren't sure of her interactions since she was unconcious for the first few days. Minseok wouldn't admit this, but he was anxious and terrified those few days were Jiae was recovering. He saw everyoen else with their partner, figuring everything out, and he was all alone. So when Jiae was presented to him, he immediately felt an overwhelming sense of relief, embracing her. After that, he was sure to keep her close to him at all times. He just wanted to make sure she knew that she was wanted, and that he cared. He gave as much love and affection as he could, even after they started developing their strange powers. Minseok sees Jiae as the most precious thing in the world given to him, even above Lu Han. He doesn't think he could live, even if their life sources were independent of each other, if something were to happen to her.

When Jiae was first presented to Minseok, she was surprised to see that it wasn't Wu Fan, but when he embraced her, it was something clicked for her-- She wanted him juSt as much as she felt he wanted her.  Affection started to come naturally between the two, she was eager to give as much as recieved. She found his sense of protectiveness comforting, and soon found herself falling for him. Minseok, in her opinion, is one of those men that you can't help falling in love with. She was always jealous of the close bond that he and Lu Han shared, but at night when Minseok whispered that he loved her, it sort of all melted away. Minseok, to Jiae, is the one person she wants to be with her entire life. She loves him dearly and would do anything to keep him safe. 
Primary Appearance  Gong Soo ah
Secondary Appearance Kang Ji won

Notes I'm so excited for this story, even if you don't pick Jiae, I just, oh my gosh, it's so unique and I just love every bit of it (: I do hope you like Jiae, if there are mistakes, I will fix everything I can! Thank you ~
Improvement plans – scene suggestions, ideas, etc.
— Jiae sleeps in Minseok's old button up, so one day she's late for work and doesn't change out of it. Minseok comes in and recongizes the shirt right away.
— Scene where the others get in contact with Minseok and Jiae. How do they find out they're being Hunted, and what are they going to do about it?
— Scene with the group being reunited, if possible. Comparisons of their relationships with their partners to others.


© artwork by s.m. entertainment, gifs by kyvngsoo @ tumblr


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