☇ The Different Types Of Love ❏ Elly Lee ❏

❝ The Different Types Of Love ❞
USERNAME » smile_for_roo
NICKNAME » smile or rye
NAME » Elodie (Elly) Lee
NICKNAME » Elly- Just a shortened, easy version of her first name.
BIRTHDAY » 1993.03.16
BIRTHPLACE » San Diego, California
ETHNICITY » American-Korean
HOMETOWN » Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGE(S) » English/fluent/ Lived in America for part of her life, so she's pretty decent at it.
Korean/fluent/ Grew up in Korea.

UNIVERSITY COURSE » Majoring in Dance (Ballet) and Music Theory. Wants to be an elementary music or dance teacher.
FACE-CLAIM » Park Hyemin (Pony)
GALLERY » it's here!
FACE-CLAIM 2 » Kim Shinyeong (Somi)
GALLERY » it's here!
APPEARANCE » Elly has dark brown, curly hair that reaches mid back. She does enjoy dyeing it different shades of brown and blonde, however and can be seen with a new color every so often. She's got a nice blend of American and Korean features, with a nice, stright nose, double lid eyes, and a pretty mouth. She's got a bit of a darker skin tone than most, but it doesn't really bother her. She always has some kind of makeup on, she likes it and thinks it's pretty.
FASHION STYLE » Elly likes to keep it casual for most things, seeing as she's usually in the dance practice room or buried in a book. She quite likes oversized sweaters, skirts, and leggings. She LOVES leggings, she has a bunch in different styles, colors, and patterns. When she does dress up, it's a cute skirt and a casual top. 

PLOTLINE » Total Opposites
+Positive+ Optimistic, Friendly, Energetic, and Obedient
Elly is very much an optimitist, always looking for the bright side and never one to be down. She doesn't see the point, after all, every day is a new day and why should you be sad when you've got another one heading your way? With this, she's naturally friendly and greeting people with a smile and a cheerful "hello!". It's common to see her greet people she doesn't even know. She says it's because you never know how a smile will change a person's day. Because she's a dancer, she has a lot of energy to burn off and can be seen bouncing around her campus to her next class, or burning off some steam in the rehearsal room. Growing up, she was very obedient and follows the rules to a T, not wanting to overstep boundaries. After all, rules were made for a reason.

-Negative- Sarcastic, Judgemental, People pleaser, and Overbearing
Her sense of humor is very sarcastic, leaning more towards English kinds of humor. It can come across as insulting sometimes, and there are times where she means it to be, but she tries to not be rude all the time. First impressions are VERY important to Elly, and if you screw up, she's basically got a permanent idea of who you are and if it's not good, she's not so nice to you. People will have to grovel and apologize many times in order to get her to reconsider her thoughts. If you're in her good graces though, she'll bend over backwards to make you happy. She's done that multiple times with her family growing up, and it's a hard babit to break. She's a bit overbearing when it comes to friends. She wants to make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to do, she doesn't want them to get in trouble.

BACKGROUND » Born in San Diego to the Lees, she was raised in an American household with two older brothers. Once she was in fifth grade, her father was so often over in Korea because of his flight schedule that they decided to move over there. It was difficult for Elly at first, because she didn't want to leave her friends, but nevertheless she obeyed and went with her family without fuss. Learning Korean wasn't too difficult, since her father is Korean and had given her and her brothers some lessons growing up, not wanting that side of their hertitage to go without a second glance. She had started dancing when she was 6, and when they moved to Korea, they made sure that they signed her up for classes, even before registering her for school. 

In her neighborhood that summer she met her best friends (the applicants) and was pleased to know she wouldn't be alone going into school. She found out that school was kind of more difficult that it was in America, but with her friends she got through it rather well and was able to balance her dancing with schoolwork. Once graduation rolled around, she knew she wanted to continue dancing, but didn't see professional ballet as a choice. She loved dance, but she didn't want to be on a stage. 

She applied to college as a dance major, but with no real direction. Her first year in college, she noticed how her teacher loved what she did, gently correcting the students and leading them. When her teacher asked her to do a small workshop for prospective students, Elly accepted because she was given extra credit for it. But once she got to the workshop, she found that she loved teaching the art of dance, watching the younger students light up when they were able to perform correctly or got praised. She's now decided and declared that she's going to be a dance teacher when she graduates, and greatly anticipates it. 

LIFESTYLE » She lives on campus, it's overall a better situation for her. She has a wonderful roommate (one of the applicants?) who turns a blind eye if she comes back after curfew or anything. After all, Elly's a god girl, why would she ever be doing anything bad? Her daily schedule is similar to this:

8 a.m.- Getting up and heading to the dance studio for her yoga class. She says it helps her wake up and be officially ready for the day.

9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.- Academic classes, or her required academic courses, including Statistics, Korean History and Literature in Romanticism. 

12:15 to 12:45 p.m. - Lunch. She eats a lot, making sure that she has enough nutrition to get her through the day since she doesn't usually get dinner until the tail end. Here is where she gets her homework started.

1 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Dance lessons and rehearsals. She's got her advanced ballet courses, her required Intro to Modern dance, and rehearsals for the dance showcase this semester. 

8:30 to 10 p.m. - She says it's for her own relaxation, and she works on her own original pieces, taking a shower, refreshing herself. It's her 'me time' basically, and probably where most of her homework gets done.

10p.m. to 11 p.m. - Getting dinner she says, but she always comes in looking flushed and sometimes pissed off. Her roommate is kind enough to not ask questions, but it's a little curious to see. 
~American Pop music/ She really loves American music, and even though she does had Kpop, an overwhelming amount of her music is American.
~Tea/ Any kind, be it black, green, sweet, cold, or hot, any kind of tea, Elly will like. She always has at least three cups of it a day. 
~Makeup/ Not even for just the stage, she loves experimenting with different looks. She always has her makeup done to perfection, and is rarely seen with it messy or none at all.
~Ballet/ Obviously she loves this, but it goes a lot deeper than that. Elly just really loves the freedom of expression dance gives, but the structure it has while doing so. She thinks it's quite beautiful.
~Stars/ She enjoys stargazing and spending late nights up at the Astronomy lab, or even outside on a clear night. It calms her and gives her some peace of mind.

~Disobedience/ Being a rule follower, she's all about being obedient, so seeing people intentionally going against the rules, and enjoying it, always bugs her. 
~Soda/ It tastes like overly sugary cough syrup, and since she's a dancer she sticks to tea and water. she doesn't understand how people can consume so much of it.
~Smoke/ Elly has a fear of fire, so smoke of any kind freaks her out. She tends to stay away when her fellow dancers that smoke go for a cigarette break. 
~Cold Weather/ Growing up in beach weather, she can't stand it when winter rolls around. It's always cold and then there's snow, which makes it even worse. If it were up to her, it'd be beach weather 365/366 days a year.
~Being Doubted/ When Elly says she can do something, she means it. So being doubted makes her determined to prove someone wrong. It can get her in sticky situations.

~Playing with her hair/ She's always twirling her hair around her finger or tugging on it when she's talking. She doesn't even realize she's doing it half the time.
~Standing in position/ Dance positions, I should say. When she's standing still (a rare occasion),her feet are always in first, third, or fourth position.
~Pursing her lips while thinking/ She's been told multiple times that someone's going to kiss the pout off her face one day, but she doesn't take it too seriously. After all, it's just a thinking face.

~Astronomy/ It's definitely one of her favorite hobbies. Elly just loves the stars, and finding out the stories behind the names of each constellation. She even plans on getting a couple tattoos of certain constellations.
~En pointe/ While it's not her main focus in her Dance major, she loves doing it. She thinks it makes her turns and legs look more elegant. 
~Journaling/ When she was younger, and her father used to be gone all the time because of his work, he would give his kids each a journal and tell them to write about their days while he was gone, and he would write about his and so when he came back, they could all tell him everything and it was like they didn't miss anything. She still does it out of habit.

interesting facts
~ She has twin older brothers.
~ She loves tall men, she thinks they make her feel safer.
~ Elly's Korean name is Eunji, but she prefers Elly overall.
~ Her favorite food is bread. Yeah, just bread.
~ She has over five journals in her dorm room about her time at school, and even has journals from her brothers and father and mother about their time while she's gone. 
~ Elly misses San Diego, even though she hasn't been in over eight years.

 FAMILY » Daniel Lee (dad), Vivian Lee (mom), Tommy Lee (brother), Timmy Lee (other brother)

father • Daniel (Daeho) Lee • 52 • Pilot • He was really busy, but with the journals and the absolutle love and adoration that came from him when he was home, Elly couldn't complain and loves her father just as much. He's pretty overprotective of his baby girl but he trusts her. 
mother • Vivian (Vivi) Lee • 50 • Private Tutor/Stay at home mom • Since she was always around, Elly was around her mother a lot. She got her sense of humor from her mom, and people say she's the perfect balance between her mom and dad.
older brother • Thomas (Tommy) Lee • 25 • Grad school (Pyschologist) • He's very intellectual and the older twin. He always tries his best to make sure that his younger siblings are happy and keeps in touch.

older brother • Timothy (TImmy) Lee • 25 • Military Service (Lt.) • He went into his military service early, because he wants to marry his high school sweetheart, and doesn't want to leave her a couple years down the road after they get hitched. He's very sweet and writes whenever he can. Elly misses him terribly.

BFFs for Life • Zhang Xiumin, Jung Sooyoung, Neighbors, Father's Responsibilities, Arranged Marriage, Idol and Fan, Emergency Couple  • varies • varied • She's known these girls ever since she moved to Korea, and she loves all of them to bits and couldn't imagine her life without them. They always have a good time and know how to cheer her up when she gets down.
Sister-In-Law-To-Be • Quinn Yates • 25 • Preschool teacher • She's known Quinn since she can remember, and Timmy was head over heels for her. They've been dating for a while and Timmy swears once he gets out of the military, he'll marry her. Quinn skypes Elly every so often to check in and see how the family is doing.
Best Dance Partner • Kim Jongin or Kai • 21 • college student/dancer • Elly met Jongin in middle school dance classes, and instantly loved him. He was a sweetheart and always polite, and so she became his friend. Now they dance together frequently, working well together and appreciating one another's technique and unique dance style.

Dance Instructor • Bae Gukjoo • 39 • Dance Instructor • She loves Elly because of her eagerness to learn. She praises Jongin a lot for his clean cuts and how he moves perfectly with Elly (as it says in the gif). Always looking for ways to pair them up, just to watch them dance together.
Rival • Kim Sooeun • 22 • college student • Sooeun is confident in what she wants, and what she wants is more attention from Chanyeol. She's very jealous that Elly gets a lot of attention, "just because she's a foreigner".
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LOVE INTEREST » Park Chanyeol (EXO)

ABOUT HIM » Park Chanyeol was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea with an older sister. So he learned quickly how to treat a woman. His parents gav ehim the freedome of expression, so when Chanyeol discovered rock and roll, they enrolled him in music classes where he quickly picked up the guitar and the drums. They didn't mind the loud music, they just wanted him to explore and really know who he was once he got to college. Chanyeol is everything that Elly should hate in a boy. He's a bad boy, with tattoos and ripped jeans and leather jackets. He thinks rules are meant to be bent and broken and has a flirtatious attitude towards women. He's in a rock band that plays at underground clubs and bars during the weekend. He plays the drums and is very much like his instrument: Loud, energetic and different. 
Once he got into high school, he got into his band and started playing. They played anytime, anywhere, even if it meant skipping school. They always had a limit to how much they could skip school, of course, but they didn't take the classes seriously. Chanyeol just wanted to get out of there and start living his life. His parents, however, did insist he at least go to college before doing anything, and he couldn't say no, even though he wanted to. So that's how he ended up at college, majoring in Music and barely scraping by with his GPA. 

~ Music/ Anything, really, but especially ones with heavy bass or drums in the background.
~ Pushing People/ He loves seeing how far he can push someone. He can figure out their limits and that just gives him a little thrill.
~ Performing/ It gives him a rush, he loves it and always gives 110% every performance.
~ Dogs/ He just really likes dogs. He wants one, but his sister is allergic and pets aren't allowed in the apartment he shares with his band.

~ Goody Two Shoes/ People who always follow the rules. That's not living, that's barely breathing, in his opinion.
~ Gum/ His sister used to smack her gum when she was younger, so he finds it disgusting.
~ Staying still/ He has a lot of energy, and can't stand being told to stay where he is. He needs to move and explore.
~ Spicy Food/ He's actually a wimp when it comes to spicy things. He can't do it. It makes him sweat terribly. 

~ Running a hand through his hair/ He does this whenever he's nervous, and it especially happens around Elly, his friends have noticed.
~ Drumming with his fingers/ In class, since he has to stay put, he uses his hands to make a beat to the music in his head.
~ Laughing/ When he laughs, his whole body reacts. His friends call him "Reaction King" for a reason.

Interesting Facts
~ He actually finds dance incredible, but with his long limbs he always gets tripped up and looks silly.
~ He likes dying his hair red, because it looks cool and badass. 
~ He's been playing the guitar since he was 12, and he picked up the drums at 14. He writes songs with these instruments.
~ He hates that he seems so intimidating, even though in reality he's just a puppy. 
~ He is very focused, so when he finds someone he likes, it's just them. When there's no one, he openly flirts because it's just friendly flirting. There's a difference to him.

+Positive+ Caring, Determined, Respectful, Open Minded
-Negative- Sarcastic, Flirty, Can be Rude, Assertive

Personality wise, he's really a sweet guy. He deeply cares about his friends, always checking up on them when he has time. He's very determined, and when he sees something (or someone) that he wants, he tries his hardest to get them to like him. Since he did learn how to treat women, he never oversteps boundaries and always asks if it's okay. He never gets physical with a girl unless she initiates or gives him verbal permission. He's also very open minded, welcoming anyone and everyone to his life as long as they get along. He doesn't like the idea of people being friendless.

With good traits, there's also bad ones. He's got more sarcasm than most people, so you really have to pay attention when he speaks, especially if you're an authority figure. It's a fine line with what he really means and what he says. Same when it comes to women. He'll flirt with any girl, liking the attention they give him and liking that they appreciate the attention they give him. It's usually just casual flirting-- You can tell when he's serious. He'll drop all casual flirting the second he's interested, putting all of his attention and charm on that one girl who's caught his eye. With this, he can be pretty assertive, putting her off. He'll back up the moment she seems uncomfortable, but he just believes he needs to give it his all and prove he's good enough for her. He can be pretty rude, especially to authority figures who think they're better than him or think less of him. He can actually be pretty smart when he wants, he just hates the idea of school. 

FIRST MEETING » Elly shouldn't even have met Chanyeol, but Jongin had begged her to come with him to this club to meet some of his friends, and after a week of straight pleading and aegyo from the younger male, she gave in, following him along and watching them perform. The style was pretty similar to rock and roll, so she rather liked it. But the drummer immediately came to them after the show, and she got one good look at him and knew he'd be trouble. So she'd avoid him, and Chanyeol knew by her uncomfortable stance and the way she clung to Jongin that she didn't belong here. So, he decided to have some fun. He messed with her a little, obviously never touching her, but he made some rude comments, especially when she'd bite back.
   "Someone's not going to be as nice as me if you use that mouth of yours like you just did." It was more of a warning from him, but obviously it wasn't read that way.

"You're nice? How about you shut your mouth before I report you." Not the strongest comeback, but hell, Elly was scared. She ignored Chanyeol and demanded to be taken home to Jongin, who relented, seeing how badly she was shaken up. 

    After that, Chanyeol would always run into Elly when she was getting food at the end of her day and he was just heading out to his first gig of the night. She would insist he go back to his dorm, since it was about to be curfew, and he'd say that rules weren't all that important, especially a bedtime. Eventually the conversation became habit, and Chanyeol would even wait for Elly to get out of rehearsals to start it.

RELATIONSHIP » Since they would always just go by in passing with a couple of biting comments, they didn't really seek each other out. The defining factor was Jongin, believe it or not. When Elly found out that Jongin had invited the tall redhead to the recital, she all but refused to do it, not wanting to be near or perform for "a cultureless hog who has no taste in music". Chanyeol didn't really care, he wasn't planning on interacting with her all too much (one comment wouldn't hurt) and Jongin had it. He basically told them to either be civil with each other or for Elly he'd find a new partner, or for Chanyeol he'd never speak to again. So they were forcibly made to be polite and "friendly" with each other (if stepping on feet and elbowing each other while Jongin wasn't watching counted). 

Eventually the forced became a little less forced, and a little less forced became some sort of attraction down the line. They ended up getting along, especially after Chanyeol caught her out star gazing one night.
"So the little goody goody can break the rules!"

     "I-it's for science!... Please don't tell anyone."

"If you let me join you, I won't."

    "Fine, but if you make one annoying comment I'll knock you out with my book."
They ended up talking and actually getting along. After that, Elly noticed the steady increase in Chanyeol's appearance in her daily life, and how he'd smile brightly whenever he saw her.
OUTCOME » I would really like Elly to make the move on Chanyeol finally, and Chanyeol just being the puppy he is and eagerly accepting it. Cute couple that looks a little odd because they're so different, but they work together so well.  
Hmmm, that's really hard! *laughs* Obviously, we're all really close, but I'd have to say that Neighbors and I are the closest. We bond a lot over our... difficult romantic relationships and she understands what it's like. She and I frequently go out for tea or coffee and just... rant. It's so nice to just get it all out in a safe space and knowing that it won't get out all over campus, you know?
Hmm. I think my surprise 16th birthday party was the best. Everyone acted like they had forgotten, I was so sad, but then I got home after dance class and all of the sudden, in the dark, were candles on a cake and my friends singing to me. I cried, there's even photographic evidence. Best birthday by far, though. *smiles*
Well, it happens in the strangest of places, I think! Like, my dad claims he went after my mother and didn't stop, ironically enough. My mom says he's delusional because they met when she was waiting on his table and she slipped him her number because he was too shy and stuttering to ask for it. So, I guess it's possible to happen anywhere, at anytime!
Gosh no! I wish it was. Wouldn't it be nice to just wake up and know who your soulmate was, and you could just get married and forget about it? Don't tell Emergency couple or Arranged Marriage I said that... They might be a little sore about it.
Who? Him? He's... oh, i'm trying to be polite, but I honestly can't. He's just so different from me that it's hard to see eye to eye. I guess that's literally and figuratively, since he's so tall... But regardless of his amazing height, he's rude and brash and has no respect for the rules. I can't see how a sweetie like Jongin is even friends with him.
Well, not one like my parents. Something unique, something that we both work for. I want a man to respect me, but I want him to charm me as well. I want him to only look at me, you know? But more than anything, I want a happy ending to my love story!
SCENE REQUESTS » Chanyeol buying Elly food as an apology, bonding sleepover with the girls, little scenes with all their loves interests~
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS » No questions here, but please let me know if I need to fix anything~ I hope you like Elly <3



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