Hey guys!

So I've been watching the teasers and I am dying bc of their hotness and maturity plus the fact that there are clues behind every teaser which makes it all the more thrilling and exciting. I am not really in any way good at guessing but I wanted to join the whole "sherlock" type of fan by making my own theories and just some things that get into my head. Without further adieu, here are some of the things that I've observed from their teasers

1. The time in the teaser changes twice, representing the first time they revealed their superpowers aka their debut which was back in 2012. It may also represent the two groups (EXO-K and EXO-M) or the two members who "left" or inactive (Luhan and Kris). I am guessing it was the last one because EXODUS means "withdrawal" or "escape".

2. I listed the member, time and place of each teaser (in latest to newest order) and this is what I got:

PATHCODE #KAI- London, 15:01

PATHCODE #TAO- Barcelona, 10:10

PATHCODE #CHANYEOL- Arizona, 17:12

PATHCODE #XIUMIN- Berlin, 05:07

PATHCODE #SEHUN- Edinburgh, 15:25

PATHCODE #SUHO- Marseille, 10:22

Now let's do some Math yaaaaaaay hahaha kidding. Let's focus on the hour in every teaser. Since six teasers were already released, let's subtract them in pairs. What did I get? Take a look at this.

Kai (15) - Tao (10) =

Chanyeol (17) - Xiumin (5) = 12 

Sehun (15) - Suho (10) = 5

Seems like a pattern yeah? Therefore, my conclusion is that the next teaser will be at Chicago, 17:01 because in Suho's teaser, you can hear someone whispering "Meet me at Chicago" somewhere at point 0.34. Check out PathcodeEXO on Twitter for more hints guys! and please do credit me if you are going to use my info/observation by using the source @sponataneous-writer. Thank you!

check out PATHCODE #SUHO down below. Isn't he so hot with that hair omg

Bonus Hint:

C-hicago (next teaser at 17:01)










I could be wrong so yeah don't get your hopes to high kkk...


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avisdawn #1
Coool!!! But I really don't get the clues, especially the places and time! Can you explain it to me??? Prerty please with a cherry on top ^^