❤ Where is The Love? ┋ Choi Hweji

choi Hweji。
Rye/smile  smile_for_roo  4.5
— Latte Girl / she works as a barista in the local coffee shop, so she gets this a lot. She can make a mean cup of coffee.
— Smile 
/ she's very quiet and not a lot of attention comes on her. But when she smiles genuinely it can light up an entire room and all eyes are drawn to her.
— Jiji just a cute, short nickname.
— Latte Girl / Jackson calls her this, and Got7 sort of picks up on it and uses it when they want to embarrass Mark.

AGE  22
BIRTHDAY  June 7th, 1993

BIRTH PLACE  Ulsan, South Korea
HOMETOWN  Seoul, South Korea

— Korean / fluent / She's got a hard busan accent, and she's really shy about it.
— Japanese / conversational / She took the language during high school, and wants to continue it in college.
When people talk, listen completely. most people never listen ♡
b.o.d.y. 。
FACE CLAIM  Jang Chommi
APPEARANCE  Hweji is close to 170 cm and about 48kg. She's very tiny, even with her lanky length. Hweji's very pale and keeps her hair fairly long hair around mid back. She likes to keep it a brown color, it's more plain and blends in. Her eyes are a normal brown color, usually hidden by her large framed glasses. 

STYLE  Loose, modest clothing is what she likes best. Oversized sweaters with leggings, long skirts, the occasional tank top is thrown in there in an attempt to look her age, but overall, it's mostly longer sleeves for her. She usually wears subdued hues of blue, brown, black, white, basic colors really. Her hair is either in a bun or braid and her glasses on. Rarely does she put effort, only when she's going out to take pictures will she ever put on makeup or let her hair down, even then it's basic: BB cream, eyeliner, light lip gloss. 
PLOTLINE + MAJOR the culture geek + majoring in traditional dance + a minor in traditional arts theory

(+) helpful, kindhearted
She's always lived by a saying, "Have courage and be kind." Although she's not quite courageous, she's certainly one of the most kindest people you will ever meet. She will never say a bad word about anyone, nor will she ever turn someone away when she's asked for help. Jiji's also very helpful, hoping to assist everyone in anyway. It doesn't matter what, as long as they leave feeling better than they do. 
( / ) dreamy, obedient 
She frequently daydreams and has a dreamy, off look about her. Most people assume she's an airhead because of this, but that's not the case. She just loves imagining scenarios differently (what if I had said hello? what if I...) because usually she's too quiet to say anything. Obedience is a curse and a blessing, and Jiji can never decide what it is to her. She respects her elders and wants to do the right thing, she really does, but when given a order that doesn't sit right with her, she has a deep internal debate over what's really right and wrong.
( - ) fragile, keeps problems to herself.
Fragility should be Jiji's middle name. She has such a delicate perception of reality that one bad thing could shatter her, or what's left of her. She always, always keeps her problems to herself, not wanting anyone to be burdened, since people come to her and tell her what's wrong, she hears a lot of things going on in people's personal lives. She feels like her problems are miniscule in comparison, and keeps them to herself. She should be able to fix them, right? However, keeping everything inside for so long doesn't fair well in the long run.


PAST  Born in a family as a middle child, with an older brother and a younger sister, Hweji was always in the crosshairs of trying to keep her family together. Her parents always complained about each other, and her siblings always complained about each other and their parents, so Hweji was the one neutral party that everyone would come to. She was desperate to try and keep her family happily, going so far as to do chores or errands that other members didn't do that they promised another one they would do. Once she tried telling her problems, only to get hit and told that she should be quiet because she didn't have any reason to be upset. 

School didn't fair any better, with people concerned with how they looked and who they were with. Jiji found herself usually fading into the background, not wanting to burden anyone with having her problems. She thought that if she were quiet and didn't say anything, and didn't bother anyone, everyone would be much better off. She did really well in her classes, choosing to obsess over grades, finding solace in daydreams and ambitions to travelling the world, not wanting to be in Korea any longer. Learning the cultures of different places gave her ideas and hoeps to one day go there and escape to what she felt was a prison. 

Her brother moved out in her third year of high school, making things at home marginally better. She was planning on studying out in America or Japan, but her parents refused to pay, and even let her go if she was accepted. What could she do? They would ask. She was too quiet and plain to do anything outside of a desk job, so why bother? That's when she decided that at least she could be hours away from her family, and applied to live in Seoul and attend college there.

PRESENT  She loves her life away from her family problems, finding the quaint living spaces on campus wonderful. Wanting to someday live off campus, she currently has a job at a local cafe as a barista. She finds herself relaxing more, but never tries to open up to people. She doesn't want to be a burden still, scared from those times she would ever try and speak out when she was younger.

"Once upon a time.."  Hweji loves fairytales and happy endings. Call them unrealistic or childish, but Hweji has a secret hope that her own "prince charming" will come along and sweep her off her feet.
"You remembered?"    Although she has an excellent memory, she gets surprised when people remember things about her. It flatters her and honestly, it's one of the quickest ways to her heart.
"I just wish..."   As kindhearted as Hweji is, she really is a sad girl on the inside with a lot of problems. She only has one wish: to be happy one day. It seems like a small thing, but gosh does she want it.
"W-well..."    Hweji gets very nervous when asked questions directly. She's not used to a lot of attention, so it makes her blank a little when someone even asks "how are you?". 
"Oh did you know...oh, sorry..."    Like stated previously, Hweji has a wonderful memory and can remember almost anything you tell her, or that she reads. She loves stating small facts of things that are somewhat relevant to the conversation. She might get caught up, and if she notices, she'll immediately somber down and become quiet again.
"B-buing buing?"   As cute as she is, it's never on purpose. She gets very flustered when asked to do aegyo, and honestly, the stuttered response and the build up to her actually doing it is cuter. 
"Oh, I know this song!"   Hweji absolutely adores music, and you can frequently see her with her headphones and practicing dancing at the school. She's actually quite good at hip hop/girl group dancing, surprisingly enough. 

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND  She threw herself into her studies as an escape, so she did fairly well. She was soft spoken, never late to class or to turn in an assignment, always polite and pleasant to speak to, so teachers and professors loved her. Getting into any school would've been easy with her GPA and records.
mother / Kim Chaerong / 50 / classy and determined
Chaerong doesn't have it easy, being a CEO's assistant. Long hours, lots of paperwork, and the pressure of being perfect. It made her pleased to see that one of her children, Hweji, was obedient and docile like a proper lady should be. She took drastic measures when Hweji would step out of line. She was to be perfect, after graduating school her mother would marry her off well and that was that.

father / Choi Hyukwoo / 52 / distant and hardworking
The relationship between him and Hweji is strained to say the least. He turned a blind eye to the treatment that his middle child was receiving, choosing to focus on work and hounding his son to get married and have children already. There are few people who shouldn't have become a father, and to his children, especially Hyungmin and Hweji, he is one of them.

older brother
 / Choi Hyungmin / 27 / cheerful and realistic
Her relationship with her brother got exceptionally better with him moving out and going on his own. It made him realize just how much of a toxic wasteland the familt was. He frequently comes by her cafe, always apologizing for something he thought of, and usually leaving with a coffee, made by her. He's trying his hardest to patch up his relationship with her.

little sister
 / Choi Haneul / 17 / flirty and carefree
Hweji sees Haneul as everything she's not-- beautiful, confident, and above all, free. Haneul was the baby, and her parents sort of look over her since she's still so young. Haneul likes to stop by every so often and flirt with whoever's the cutest, and although Hweji insists she's too young and will get into trouble one day, Haneul turns a deaf ear and continues. 

Self Proclaimed Best Friend / Wang Jia Er aka Jackson / 21 / daredevil and energetic
Jackson met Hweji by giving her the scare of her life-- just shouted hello at her when she was making his coffee. When she was sent into a near panic attack, he immediately apologized and was gentler. He's still loud, and when he proclaimed himself to be her best friend, she didn't really say no. So he took that as a yes. He's almost always there when she's working to say hello and hang out and walk her back to the dorm once she's done. 

Actual Best Friend/Roommate / Poised Ballerina / ? / ?
This girl really knows Hweji and is one of the rare few that get that special smile out of her. She started the nickname 'Smile' for her, and frequently tries to get her to do so. She's probably the only one at the moment who knows about how bad her family life was. Hweji very much admires her and hopes to be like her one day. 

Close Friend/Coworker
 / Lee Miyeon / 24 / considerate and observant
Miyeon knows that Hweji is quiet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own special light about her. Miyeon is always trying to get Hweji to open up, and notice that someone might be vying for her attention, even though she's too busy oogling their coworker to notice. She's a self proclaimed matchmaker, working with Jackson to make the most perfect match, in her opinion.

The Crush / Kim Minseok aka Xiumin / 24 / confident and determined
Minseok has had a pressured life as well, being with his father's coffee business. Hweji was instantly drawn to him because of his cuteness, but as he talked to her (because she's a listener, not a talker) she fell for him more and more. The guy sort of knows she has a crush on him, but dismisses it because it's not like anything will come of it. 

Baby Brother / Kunpimook Bhuwakul aka Bambam / 21 / childish and energetic
Bambam instantly took to Hweji when he was introduced via Jackson. Hweji didn't mind, Bambam is a sweetheart and although just as energetic and hyper as Jackson can be, he just sort of bounces in circles around her, never crossing boundaries. He sees her as an older sister, and she's starting to consider him as a younger brother. 

Classmate/Friend Crush / Do Kyungsoo aka DO / 22 / sweet and intelligent
If Hweji had a little more confidence, she would've approached this boy a long time agao and claimed him as her best friend. He seems like the sweetest guy around, and from what she's seen, he's just that. Sweet. She really wants to get to know him. She's even written a letter to him telling him that she's so sorry she's shy but she just really wants to be his friend because he seems so nice. She thinks they'd get along, now if only she'd get that darn letter to him...

love equation tuan mark
back up: xiumin or jackson
— Little /Rooster / His dad calls him this, ever since he starting dying his hair red. Unforunately, his friends picked up on it and decided it'd be a great nickname to throw around at the most inopportune times.
内気な "uchikina shonen" / Hweji calls him this, since he's shy like her, it's like an inside joke for her. Jackson told him it meant "cute boy", so now whenever she calls him that he blushes furiously.

SUMMARY  Mark grew up in L.A., and over there it's a lot different and more dangerous. He was raised by his loving parents with his siblings, and was shown a lot of love and affection. Through his parents, he learned how to treat a lady right, and how he wanted his sisters to be treated. With all of the cruelty that he saw how men treated women, he vowed he would never, ever, treat a woman the way he saw some American men treat them. Mark was taught to always be kind and treat others with respect, and that carried over to when he came to Korea. When girls came to him, even when he wasn't interested, he'd listen or accept their letters, only to gently turn them down as soon as he could to not get their hopes up. He didn't see the point in publicaly humiliating them, it was just rude to do so. Living with Byun Baekhyun, a player, is difficult because of the worlds apart they are. Baekhyun plays with them, Mark treats them fragilely. He doesn't like seeing people getting hurt for no reason. 
He met Jackson in the boy's first year, immediately finding him to be a good friend and kept hanging around him. Jackson was irrational and exbuerant, but Mark seemed to think that it balances him out nicely. Unlike Jackson, who can be overly self confident, he's very humble about his looks and therefore hates it when people ask him if he knows he's handsome or if they tell him so. He finds it very awkward and doesn't really know how to respond. 
Overall, he's just a shy, quiet guy who loves his friends and knows how to treat people.
There's so much hate in the world, why add to it? ♡
jekyll to my hyde。
FIRST MEETING  Jackson dragged Mark along to meet "His Soulmate", and Mark thought he was on his high rides about this girl in the coffee shop. When he was first introduced to Hweji, he was shocked to find her just as quiet and shy as he was. She didn't even meet his eyes, just said a soft hello to Jackson and let him jabber on to the two of them. "You two are Soulmates, I'm sure of it!" He said, and Mark was starting to believe him.

RELATIONSHIP  Everyone sees them as the perfect pair for each other, if only Hweji would stop falling over for Minseok. Mark tries his best, and even comes on his own time to visit her. He's gotten her to talk to him, which he loves. She's so smart and knows so much, but never gets the chance to talk. She gets overlooked. Mark never wants her to feel overlooked again, if only she'd give him the chance. He finds himself falling deeper and deeper for the shy girl at the coffee shop, and wanting to know everything about her. Good, bad, and the ugly (although he seriously doesn't think it's possible for anything about Hweji to be ugly.) Mark just wants to give her everything. He even told his dad about it and Papa Tuan is more than ready to meet her.

CONCLUSION  Hweji would never, ever confess to Minseok, so Mark has a high chance of grabbing her attention. It started with jelly candies. He bought her some when he heard from Jackson that there was a really rude customer at the shop she had to take care of, and no one stood up for her. He stopped by when she got off and gave them to her. The look in her eyes gave him hope that maybe he had more than just a slim chance. After that, he stopped by often and brought up little tidbits of information she's spilt over the months. He remembers her brother, her sister, and even her birthday. Hweji just ends up falling for him, seeing as he keeps giving her everything. She found her prince charming. 
on and on。
FAMOUS LAST WORDS  Thanks so much for the app and story line <3 Super excited, and I know it's going to be great~

SCENE SUGGESTIONS  sleepovers with the girls, hweji finally breaking and crying, maybe even hweji meeting mark's parents and being surprised over how close they all are.

PASSWORD aren't they the cutest?


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