Bring EXO to Finland

Hi guys!

I think most of you have seen EXO's new "comeback" stages over the last week. Pretty rad, weren't they? :D (too much skin and tears tbqh)
I can't wait to hear their new album!

Besides talking about their new comeback, I'd want to ask you all to help us to bring EXO to Finland. We're having almost 800 makes at MyMusicTaste and definitely need more makers :)
I know for some of you, Finland may not even be near, but you know, it would mean a lot for the northern exo-l's lol. And if there are any Finnish people here (hei vaan saa tulla juttelee :D) this is a huge thing!

SO if you are feeling a bit helpful and have the account on MMT, it'd gr8 to get your vote :p

You can make things happen through this >> link (It'll redirect you to MMT's website)


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Jepulis jee, done!
Tamber97 #2
Definitely gonna help you because, hell, Finland is WAY closer to Germany than Korea is and I'd probably be able to afford going there for the concert! So YES, you have my vote! Fighting! <3