✿ Little Red [ 작은 빨간 ]'s Confident Expert — Park Beth (Yejin) ✿


Beth — Her American name, short for Annabeth. "You know that song 'Beth' that's like, a classic for America? Yeah, that's what my parents named me after."
Tommy — She chopped her hair off and when she's not super dressed up, she's more of a tomboy than anything. So her friends called her 'Tommy' as a joke.

birthday — 1995.10.3 (20)
birth place — Portland, Oregon
hometown — Portland, Oregon, now resides in Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean-American (adoptee)
nationality — American

English — Born in America and raised by Americans, she's fluent in English.
Korean — Not especially fluent (especially when asked to write or read something) but she can speak it well enough. She's better at interacting with people.
Spanish — She had to take a year of language in high school, so she decided this would be the easiest route. It was a lie. She does know a couple of clumsily said insults, though.

blood type — O

Park Yejin (Beth)

smile_for_roo | smile | 80


— cuz you're amazing just the way you are;

face claim — Jang Haebyeol (the short blonde is preferred, but if you like the long dark hair that's okay (: )
back up — Choi Mihwa/Mya (again, I'd prefer short hair, but you are the almighty author, so it is up to you~)

height — 170 cm
weight — 50 kg

Yejin has a slightly darker skin tone than most, despite living in a colder area of the United States. She never really kept up with her skin tone, if it gets dark, it gets dark and life goes on, in her opinion. She prefers her shorter hair, thank you very much, and no she does not care that you think she looks like a boy. Growing up, she'd play outside and climb trees, which gave her some toned muscle over the years that she still keeps up with. You can barely see it, with all of the non climbing she's been doing nowadays, so she still has a pretty girly body. She has very pretty dark brown eyes with thick lashes, small mouth, and a small nose. Because of her boyish ways, she does get mistaken for a male a lot, especially when she wears a hat and has no makeup on. She doesn't necessarily mind though. 

fashion style

— just like her i wanna be pretty;

Her fashion style is pretty simple and semi-girly, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like it(being girly). She actually really enjoys it, especially the makeup. She especially loves doing new, bright things with her eyes to make them pop and stand out. She'll always have her mother's pendant on in whatever outfit she has on, as a reminder of home. She loves looser clothing and not as form fitting so she's able to move around more. She doesn't like covering up her legs, she thinks they're her best feature on her body.

Pendant: +
Dorm: + + + +
Casual: + + + +
Practice: + + + +
Events: + + + 


— love me for who i am, will you?

+ confident, energetic, enthusastic, compassionate.
- melodramatic, short-tempered, implusive, impatient.

 ~ "Yo, I'm Yejin!"  Yejin's always open to meet new people. It doesn't matter if there's a language barrier. Don't speak English? She'll smile brightly and use hands gestures to try and communicate. She's never going to not talk to someone just because of a little thing called language. She's always smiling, ready to wave and say hello to anyone and everyone she meets. Yejin's just a bubbly, extroverted little thing, never shy and never quiet. Ever.

~ "Can you not?"   She really tries to be polite to everyone, but sometimes that rude American side just bursts out when people really get on her nerves. She's known to be super blunt and straightforward about it, but that doesn't mean she necessarily goes about it the right way. She'll come around and apologize once she's calm, and she'll feel terrible to bursting on you and will always bringa food peace offering. Her short temper is always pointed out by the members in interviews, which really embarrasses her and she insists she's working on it. 

~ "Let's go do something crazy!"  Yejin loves being spontaneous, she loves going out, she loves moving. She can't sit still for a minute, and her mind (and sometimes mouth) will go a mile a minute. She'll insist they go do something they've never done before as "group bonding" when it could actually be disastarous. Good intentions, she has, but never do they come up with the right solution. 

"You've ruined it! You've ruined everything!"   Blame her school's theater program, but she's super dramatic. Spilled her milk? You ruined her day. Wore her shirt that she thought about last week? Stealer. Ate the last pudding she wasn't going to eat anyways? Probably will starve death. She usually means it in a joking way, but there are times where she takes it too far and really needs to stop. If you just ignore her, she'll leave it, but give her the slightest attention while she's in oneof her spiels and she'll keep going.

"Guys we can do it! Hwaiting!"  She'll never look on the bad side. Yejin's been raised in a family where anything is possible. Even if it's her that's having the roughest time of all, she'll try and manage a smile and tell everyone to keep going. She's super encouraging and known to stay late helping her fellow group members and even other trainees with their dancing or vocals or anything. Anything is possible to her, and if she can do it, you can too.

"Yeah I mean right now. Come on!"  There are times where Yejin will get the craziest ideas and bring them up. And then throw them full throttle into action without anyone's consent. Want bubble tea right now? Let's run away from the manager RIGHT NOW and go get some from your favorite shop. Never been to a club? Hey let's just sneak out of the dorms and go!! What could possibly happen? Most of her ideas cause the early graying on their manager's head. 

"Of course I'm cute. Look at me!"  Confident should be her middle name (Legally, it's actually Yejin, giving her the full name Annabeth Yejin Park, but that's not important, is it?) because she has all of it. Sometimes she borderlines on vain, but she likes to reiterate the difference. "Confidence is knowing you're cute all the time and that you're a queen. Vainity is saying that you're queen and the only pretty one in the room. Which in the morning..." She can't help but tell a joke that she's the prettiest, but she really believes that everyone is pretty. It's just that she comes first in her mind sometimes. 

"Hey, what can I do to make you smile?"  Above all, Yejin wants people to be happy. She'll do whatever it takes to get a smile out of her members, even if it means doing her terrible aegyo to her making a fool of herself at an interview or event. If you aren't happy, she'll notice right away that your smile is off. "A smile is shining when you mean it. I miss your shine. What can I do to help bring it back?" She won't stop until she sees that shine. 


— likes

one — Easy, Breezy, Beautiful. — Yejin LOVES makeup. Her favorite brand is actually Revlon, because of the bold colors of the palettes, but she wouldn't refuse doing a CF for any makeup brand.
two — Western Food — Oh yes, as terrible as it is, she certainly can gorge herself on some good old fashioned burgers and french fries. Don't forget that milkshake. 
three — Children — She LOVES kids. Probably because she has a little baby brother and a sibling on the way back home. Her dream after being an idol is to be a mom, just as wonderful as her own.
four — Play That Funky Music! — Doesn't matter what kind of genre (but she has some bias towards R&B) she LOVES it. Her father was into all kinds of genres of music, playing anything and everything while she was growing up, so she's heavily influenced by that and wants to become a multlgenre group.
five — Dye dye dye! — She LOVES hair dye. When she was younger she had freedom to dye her hair all sorts of colors. Her favorite was blonde, though. 
Six — Fun in the Sun — Yejin loves those sunny days. She can't get enough of them back home, so being in Seoul during the summer was a dream for her. Every day should be a bright summer's day in her opinion. Vitamin D makes you happy, after all!
Seven Maple — Strangely enough, she adores the smell of maple. Trees, syrup, candy, you name it, she likes it. She's been known to have scented candles of it in her room, keeping her at peace.
Eight — Java Jive — Coffee? Coffee, you say? Please share with Yejin. She loves that caffeniated beverage, taking it iced, hot, frappe, black, with milk, any kinds as long as there's an extra shot of expresso in there.

— dislikes

one — Listen to me! — She hates feeling ignored. If it's one of her drama spiels, she'll be a little more understanding, but if she's ignored during an interview or in general... "Yah! Pay attention to me, I'm important too!"
two — Cars — She hates cars. She hates car rides. During car trips, she has to sit in the front so she can have a clear view of everything. She'll admit it's because of a car accident she had when she was 12, and she thought it was her fault because she couldn't see anything coming and was consistently bugging her mom about it. 
three — Teatime — "I feel like I'm not a true Asian sometimes, because everyone drinks tea and I don't! I don't even like bubble tea."
four — Let it Sno-NO. — Snow is beautiful, Yejin says, but you get tired of it when you live in it eight months out of the year. She jokes that she still shakes snow out of her boots that were stuck in there from Portland.
five — Star Trek — Her mom LOVED this series and watched it all the time. Yejin never got it. She has the entire layout of the Enterprise and each opening's speech memorized. All you have to do is start it off and she'll feel obligated to finish. 

— habits

one — My First Kiss — Skinship? Yejin's guilty of it. She's super affectionate to her friends, her members, and her 'baes' as she calls them. She frequently caught/called out on kissing people's cheeks and holding onto them tightly if they'll let her.
two — Solo morderme! — Although her conversational Spanish is novice at best, her cursing and insults certainly are colorful and on point. She'll say this the most when she's irritated.
three — How about OppNO. — She's not too fond of the word 'oppa'. She blames it on the dramas and crazy fans that insist on calling their idols 'oppa'. Xiumin's made it is mission to get her to call him Oppa.
four — Lost in a Daydream — Yejin is a daydreamer. She gets this far off look in her eyes and kind of just driffs, even in interviews. She gets really embarrassed when that happens.
five — I'm cute, dammit! — When she does aegyo, people aren't impressed, and she goes into an actual cute pout that make people smile. She insists that she's cuter when she actually tries. People disagree.

— hobbies

one — VLOG — "I love vlogging! It gives fans a look into what we do when we're not promoting. It's also fun to catch the members off guard with the camera, hehehe~"
two — Variety Shows — "I plan on being on EVERY variety show! They look like so much fun. Hopefully I can get on We Got Married one day. I'd love to see who'd they match me up with~"
three — KTV — "I want to get better at singing and hopefully be a main vocalist, or even in a subgroup! So sometimes I'll drag the members to a karaoke bar and we'll dance and have fun."
four — Strike a Pose — "I'll admit I like taking pictures of myself a lot. I like taking pictures in general, it's kinda like filming. It's a lot of fun, doing funny faces with my friends!" 
five — Call me, Beep Me — "I always talk to my mom and dad when I have time. My phone's always on if anyone, friends, family, labelmates, nonlabelmates need me in a moments notice. I'll come to you even if it's two AM. If you need me, I'm there for you."

— other facts

one — If she wasn't an idol, she'd be a vlogger and be at college. "I'm really sad I wasn't able to get my class ring! Have you seen the 'Black Ring Mafia' rings? They're beautiful!" 
two — She has a 6 month old Labrador Retriever named Goldie that's back home with her parents and her brother. She missed her a lot, and swears that she'll bring Goldie over and let her stay in the dorms with her.
three — Her favorite song is 'Don't Touch Me' by Ailee. She adores the idol.
four — Likes to play little jokes on the other members, such as "accidentally" forgetting the pop open can on the counter. Their manager certainly knows, their roots are turning gray because of her.
five — She actually did fairly well in school, she got accepted into Agnes Scott College, a private liberal arts college for women where she went for her first year. She left once she was casted. 
Six — She was actually casted while on a school trip to South Korea in her Culture class. She had some free time and was by the Big Hit Building during audition time, and a scout ushered her in. 
Seven — She can't sleep without drinking a glass of milk. It soothed her when she was younger, and since then it's become a habit to do.
Eight — Wants to become a lead/main vocalist and be in a subgroup. Yejin can be seen doing a lot of late night vocal training to get better. She seriously admires Choa from AOA, Taeyeon (of course), Sunny from SNSD and Ailee as vocalists. 
NINE — She's really good at learning other groups dances. She's mentioned she'd love to do a special stage with her members someday with another (maybe a boy group?) group's song.
ten — Instagram - @park.b.yejin | Youtube - CoffeeWithPark | Twitter - @lr_park_byejin
Eleven — She doesn't think there's a set visual in their group for a reason. "We're all pretty, we all have our best points, what's the point of having a visual with beautiful people like us?"
Tweleve — She tries to post a video every week on Youtube. When it's just her, it's titled "Park Solo" (totally NOT a Star Wars reference, what are you talking about.) with a vague few words explaining what she'd talk about. When she's videoing with other people it's be called "Coffee Date with *s name here*"
thirteen — Her first show she wants to be on is actually Running Man. "Remember when EXO went on? Haha, I bet Little Red could do so much better!"
fourteen — She loves interacting with the fans, from the internet to fan meets. She thanks them personally and if allowed, give them a hug or something of the sort to show her appreciation.
fifTEEN — Yejin knows how to use turntables. She was really into electronic music (Krewella, mainly) for a while, and still enjoys it when it comes up on her Ipod.
sixTEEN — When asked who her ideal type is, she'll freeze up and mumble into her hand, turning bright red. It's one of the few times she gets shy on camera, but eventually she'll admit she wants a man with a wonderful voice, a nice smile, someone who only loves her. Someone brought up that it sounded like someone in EXO and she immediately denied it. 
SevenTEEN — When she gets really embarrassed, she'll turn a bright red and hide her face. But you won't miss the high pitched squeak from her. It happens frequently when she's asked about her ideal type, or forced to sing solo on shows. She hates feeling embarrassed and will try and avoid doing this at all costs.


— you know my name, not my story, yet;

"Not every story has a happy beginning..." Yejin never knew her birth parents. She was in an orphanage from as long as she can remember. At the age of five, a very young couple suddenly came and swept her off, promising to love her and give her everything they could. This couple she will always consider her parents. There are times where she wonders about her birth parents, but reasoned that she's been with the Parks as long as she can remember so they might as well be. Her parents certainly did raise her properly, going through her crazy phases (like the Krewella phase. Everything was torn. Everything was dark.) as she discovered herself, and her father immediately noticed her love for music. So she and her father bonded over that, and pretty soon she found herself involved in every music oriented activity offered at her school. At 17, her mother had a baby boy, named Henry. Yejin loved that little er like he was her own little tike, and never once hated him.

"Only once. All I need is once."  Once Yejin graduated high shool, she was immediately accepted into Agnes Scott College in Georgia. So she went for her first year, immersing herself in Culture studies, specifically in South Korea. She couldn't say she wasn't ever curious about where she was from. It wasn't that her parents had kept her identity a secret, but she just never had time to really dive into the subject. When the trip to Seoul was announced, Yejin immediately jumped onto the opportunity, with her parent's full blessing. The trip was for a month and a half, and she learned a lot. Finally one weekend she was free to roam as she pleased, and ran into a talent scout near Big Hit Entertainment. They immediately ushered her in, asking her to audition. She couldn't see the harm, and decided to go for it. She wasn't expecting to be accepted. 

"It's my turn now!" It was a bit of a battle to get Yejin to stay in South Korea and become a trainee, but her dad reasoned with her mother and soon Yejin was in the trainee dorms and working hard to debut. She was always terribly homesick, and was very upset that she wasn't around to see baby Henry grow up. This made her work harder, wanting to prove that this chance was worth it. Yejin spent many hours working in the studio, making sure she could make something of herself as an idol. She befriended the trainees there, even BTS, who couldn't be prouder of her when they announced that Yejin was going to debut as their sister group.  


— dear my family;

FatherMr. Charles "Chuck" Park // 43 // Lawyer // Supportive & Calculative // Adopted father - daughter

motherMrs. Julie Park // 41 // former missonary, preschool teacher // Overprotective & Loving // Adopted mother - daughter

brotherHenry Park // 3 // resident lady killer // Observant & Easily Amused // Baby Brother - Big Sister (calls her Noona, he was taught that by her parents)


— you and i, we are best friends;

the main babe — Allie Porter // 20 // college student // Collected & Wise // This girl has been with Yejin through thick and thin. They applied to the same college together, went there and Allie supported Yejin's desire to become an idol. (Get her Tao's autograph tho. She loves him.)

THE New BABE — Ahn Stella // 17 // Idol - Little Red // Bubbly & Shy // Stella was the first girl Yejin took it upon herself to befriend. She was quiet, cute, and she could speak English. It was a total perfect set up. They became close over their shared obsession with music, and keep taking pictures and posting them on various social media outlets.

old Man bae —Kim Minseok or Xiumin // 24 // Idol - EXO // Cute & Mature // As her EXO boyfriend, he's going to be around her often, and even though the five year age difference sort of started them off awkwardly, they were able to get past it. Coffee Dates with Xiumin have become a surprisingly regular thing on her Youtube channel, with them usually curled up against each other and talking.

hopie bae — Jung Hoseok or J-Hope // 21 // Idol - BTS // Energetic & Playful // Now 'Hopie' and Yejin are all over each other. They're always messing around, dancing crazily together or just laughing and having a good time. J-Hope is like her brother and he sees her as his little sister.

Unnie, attention, please? — Kim Taeyeon // 23 // Idol - SNSD // Cool & Helpful // Taeyeon was heading back from preparing for her solo debut when she heard a voice still lingering the practice room adjecent to hers. She checked it out, and there was Yejin. She was training for her own debut, and Taeyeon could feel for her, so she helped her practice. Ever since then Taeyeon's been 'unnie' and Yejin has been like her baby sister.

friendcrushAmber Liu // 22 // Idol - f(x) and solo // Happy & Friendly // Yejin first met Amber through Taeyeon, when she was asking her unnie a question. She's absolutely taken with Amber, but for once, is much too shy to approach and start a conversation. Whenever she sees Amber, she ends up getting tripped up and red faced if asked if she's okay.

bro for life — Kim Namjoon or Rap Monster // 21 // Idol - BTS // Headstrong & Confident // He was actually the first one to communicate with Yejin with using more than broken Korean and hand gestures. He immediately took with her and introduced her to the group. He loves her dearly, like a baby sister, much like J-Hope.

Beagle boy — Kim Jongdae or Chen // 22 // Idol - EXO // Confident & Fun // He and Yejin like to joke around, and he enjoys her presence. They've done a couple of videos together, mostly of Yejin getting him to dance some girl group dance with her. 

BFC (Big Friendly Chanyeol) — Park Chanyeol // 22 // Idol - EXO // Childish & Bright // Chanyeol frequently tries to collaborate with Yejin and her turn tables. They both share a deep love for music, and they can't say that throwing a laugh or two into the session doesn't help.

"totally platonic"Byun Baekhyun // 22 // Idol - EXO // Happy & Goofy // A complicated relationship. People have speculated that Baekhyun might be Yejin's ideal type, which she vehmentally denies. They are seen together often, even though it's usually with Chen and Chanyeol.


confident expert

— "Always act like you're wearing an invisible crown. You are a queen."

FANCLUB NAME + COLOR — Jinuccinos + #AF8E45
POSITION — Vocalist & Dancer

SINGING TWIN — Secret's Hana
DANCING TWIN — Girl's Day Sojin
RAPPING TWIN — Sonamoo's NewSun
TALKING TWIN — Secret's Hana

EXO BOYFRIEND — Kim Minseok / Xiumin 
HOW HE TREATS YOU — Xiumin is the oldest of the group, so he needs to set a good example for his younger band members and treats Yejin very well. He spoils her, making her coffee himself and frequently seen out with her at some place (that she probably dragged him too). On top of that, he frequently comes over and lets her talk her troubles to him, constantly reminding her that it's okay to not smile sometimes. He's been the co-star of many of her "Coffee Dates" videos. However, he's not afraid to put his foot down and scold her like a father. On stage, he's nothing short of charismatic, doing his best to sweep her off her feet and away from J-Hope. He'll loving graze Yejin's hand, looking at her in the eyes, before glancing off with a devious smirk towards J-Hope. He's in it to win it.

BTS BOYFRIEND — Jung Hoseok / J-Hope
HOW HE TREATS YOU — J-Hope is a happy, fun loving guy, so being paired with someone as loud and silly as he is was just a plus. Making it Yejin? Even better. J-Hope is more indulgent with Yejin, voting for her ideas and sometimes going through with them. He's very sweet, always asking her if she wants something or if she needs help and not hesitating to do so when she does admit to something. He likes to make her laugh, seeing as being that perfect prince charming isn't going to go very far. She likes to smile, and so does he and he uses this to his advantage. On stage, he's the cute dancer boy we know and love, smiling and dancing with Yejin, while trying to keep her an arms length from Xiumin. He'll smile down at Yejin while casting a dangerous look at Xiumin.


HOW DO YOU FEEL TO BE DEBUTING SOON? ARE YOU EXCITED FOR LITTLE RED? — "Oh my gosh, Absolutely! I'm so excited, I've worked for almost two years for this moment and it's finally here. The concept, Exo vs. BTS, is awesome and I used to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood when I was a kid! I mean, the other members have worked hard as well, so it's sure to be a fantastic group! Make sure to watch Little Red, because things are going to get interesting with us around!" 



last comment — Thanks for letting me apply! Tell me if there's anything I should fix (: I look forward to Little Red~

scene requests —
cute group bonding activities (with EXO and BTS) 
Yejin finally being called out about Baekhyun being her ideal type/crush.

password — I had too much fun with these hehehe.
song 1
song 2
song 3
song 4 (probs for a subgroup, honestly I can see Yejin singing this about Baekhyun hahaha)

Byun Baekhyun | 22 | idol, EXO

— Kim jongdae, 22, idol - exo

personality — Baekhyun is the persona of what an idol is: bright, bubbly and just a little bit goofy. Everytime he's embarrassed, he takes it in stride and laughs. He never takes himself too seriously, regardless of being in one of the most well known boy bands in the world. He loves to tease and with his accomplices Chen and Chanyeol, they can take down the whole group (as long as Kyungsoo or Suho doesn't scold them.) with jokes and prods. Sometimes he takes it a little too far, showing his real age, where he's really not all that young. Baekhyun can be insensitive and immature at times, but he knows that he'll get as good as he gets in the end, and as long as fair as fair and no one is seriously offended or hurt, it's a good joke. He loves s, and is very affectionate and surprisingly considerate to them, seeing as how much he jokes. This young man tries to make friends with anyone and everyone, not caring about who you're from and nonsense like that. He's dedicated and give 100% every performance, wanting to make each note perfect like the last. He knows when to smile and be charming, and he knows when to stare intently, right into your soul during songs. He loves what he does and who he does it with, and he's ready to take it the distance as EXO. 

relationship — 
"You're gonna be trouble, I can tell."   Yejin was totally head over heels when she first met Baekhyun. He was cute, he smiled brightly, and that voice-- what wasn't to like? His personality matched hers well too. When Taeyeon mentioned she was seeing him, Yejin's heart was crushed. She couldn't like her unnie's boyfriend, she just couldn't. So she decided, the hell with it, I'll just be his friend. So that's what she did. Stella first introduced her, with Baekhyun being her EXO boyfriend and all. Yejin found herself being drawn to Baekhyun, and the feelings that came with it weren't just platonic. She pushed them down, determined to make this friendship strict and only platonic. So when she could, she hung out with him, Chen and Chanyeol. It was a bad idea, as soon as Baekhyun smiled brightly at her and slung an arm around her shoulder, pulling her just a little closer to him, her heart was his. She was in love with her friend's boyfriend and there was no turning back.

"Something about her..."   Baekhyun wasn't expecting Yejin Park to walk into his life, smiling brightly and laughing loudly. Honestly, if anything he was expecting her to be a good friend of his, working closely with her, it was going to happen, them getting close. He wasn't even her EXO boyfriend, she was Xiumin's. He couldn't help but feel jealous whenever he'd see a new video of them pop up on the feed of updates on Little Red and the newly collaborated "BigSM" Youtube page. He started to get to know her more when he found out she was good friends with Stella. So occasionally he'd sneak a question about Yejin to her, all the while staring at her from across the room. Soon Yejin was hanging out with he and the Beagle line, laughing and teasing everyone and anyone. Occasionally, he get the courage to throw an arm over her, bringing her closer to him. He missed the blush on both of their faces, but others would. All Byun Baekhyun knew is that this friendship is making a very, very dangerous turn. But looking at Yejin laughing, he can't say he won't enjoy the ride down.


history — 
"A collaberation for the history books!"   Yejin and Baekhyun first caught sight of each other, it was at the meeting that Big Hit and SM had to announce the group Little Red and the concept with EXO and BTS. Yejin was more than excited, and couldn't take her eyes off of a certain member laughing behind his hand next to a big-eared giant. Baekhyun didn't notice her until after the meeting when they were all filing out, catching sight of a girl with a dazzling smile and a loud yell, going after someone named "Stella". He couldn't quite forget that smile, and she couldn't forget his.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there..."   Their first meeting was in the first few meetings of Little Red, EXO and BTS. She bumped into him, and stood there wide eyed as he apologized to her, saying he didn't mean to run into her. He then recognized the face, surprised she wasn't smiling. "I'm Baekhyun, it's nice to meet you!" He tried instead, and his heart sped up when a nervous, but bright smile appeared. "Yo, I'm Yejin. I'm glad we'll get to work together!" And there started the longing stares and the daydream of certain people's smiles.

"Baekhyun's the sweetest, isn't he?"  Taeyeon had told Yejin that she had a boyfriend, but never revealed who he was until she showed up at rehearsal, immediately going to Baekhyun. Yejin was of course, disappointed and her smile was a little dull for the rest of rehearsal. She didn't say goodbye to Baekhyun, going straight for Xiumin and clinging to him after practice. Baekhyun couldn't help but want to make Yejin's bright smile come back. It was a dangerous thought, but it happened and he wasn't going to take it back.

"I like your smile, Yejin."   They were on an interview show and the hosts had mixed up the pairs with EXO and Little Red, with Baekhyun and Yejin being paired up. They then told them to go around and bond by saying the thing they liked most about their partner. Without even thinking about it, Baekhyun confessed, "I like your smile, Yejin. I'd like to see it more around me." Yejin went bright red and went to the floor, covering her face and squeaking. Everyone was very surprised at the bold statement, but soon everyone recovered and Yejin managed to get out, "I'll be sure to do that. I like your smile too, Baekhyun. Let's smile more together, okay?"

"Coffee Date With Baekhyun!"  It wasn't long after that they decided to do a Coffee Date video, going out to Baekhyun's favorite cafe where he paid and they sat curled up in a corner couch, drinking coffee and talking about how it is to work together. Yejin joked about Baekhyun's little 'kkaebbsong' catchphrase, while Baekhyun imitated the squeak that she does when she's nervous. There was an overwhelming response of fans asked if they were dating, or if Taeyeon knew how comfortable Baekhyun was with Yejin. They decided not to do another video together unless it was with other people. Now it's usually "Coffee Dates with The Beagle Line" whenever you see them together. 

"I know so."  Baekhyun decided that it was time to call it a night after personal vocal training, but as he was walking down the halls he heard someone singing in the room in English. He found Yejin there, looking strained and uncomfortable and not at all happy. He immediately went to help her. Yejin was greatly embarrassed by his appearance, insisting she wasn't serious. Baekhyun shook his head, insisting that he'd help her work on her singing and there wasn't anything to it. So for the next hour it was a private vocal lesson with Baekhyun. When Baekhyun couldn't get the feeling from her, he was confused. She sang well, but where was the emotion? Suddenly Baekhyun had an idea, since he didn't really know the lyrics (English) he told her to think of whoever made the lyrics mean something to her, and to sing for him again. When she did, he felt an overwhelming sense of love and longing. Once she was done, he smiled brightly and hugged her. "You're going to be such a great singer one day, Yejin." She blinked, hugging him back. "You think so?" He pulled away only to rest their foreheads together for a few moments. "I know so." 



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